Woman who miscarried charged with a crime.

I did. her case is horrible, for her.

Now answer the question. What are we socially trying to stop here?
Pettyfogging Petitio Principii

Those Diploma Dumbos are committing the logical fallacy of Begging the Question by assuming that the fetus is a "baby."

Most college graduates don't even know what Begging the Question actually means. "Begging" in this context means asking for something that is not yours. And "question" means the conclusion the illogician is after, as in "quest."

The worst case, which you'll never hear about in the ruling class's classrooms, was Marbury v. Madison. In that tyrannical decision, the Star Chamber interpreted the Constitution as giving it the right to interpret the Constitution.
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Are we in the UK? None of this is applicable.

Have a nice day!
Show me something from the US.

what about th babies body?? why dont you care about it??
Why should I? Its just a shell. Why do you care?

she just had a miscarriage and needed help with the body of her dead child and her bleeding,,,
You don't care about her health.
Paupers are thrown into cardboard boxes.
Show me something from the US.

Why should I? Its just a shell. Why do you care?

You don't care about her health.
Paupers are thrown into cardboard boxes.
how do you know what I care about??

if your aging father died in his sleep from natural causes would you

A call 911??
or B dump him in a bucket n the back yard??
Anti choice extremists aim to control every aspect of pregnancy and that uppity bitch needs to get that through her little head. She made ONE decision on her own and we just can't have that. Charge her with something. That'll teach her.
As Rome Went, So Went St. Petersburg

Christofascists act just like Communists. Historically, they are the same type of movement appearing as a destructive and self-serving replacement for a decadent civilization.
both are human beings,,
No. IN your example, one was an adult, the other was a miscarriage. If you think thats a child, great for you. But thats YOU.

Again menfolk trying to tell women what to think and do. Jeez, just leave the woman alone. Are you going to pay for a funeral?
No. IN your example, one was an adult, the other was a miscarriage. If you think thats a child, great for you. But thats YOU.

Again menfolk trying to tell women what to think and do. Jeez, just leave the woman alone. Are you going to pay for a funeral?
a miscarriage is an event,,,

now if this isnt a human child then what is it??

You don't do to a pregnant women what was done to this women. Again, you concern for pregnant women is posted here plainly for all to see.

You are not pro-life.
Pro-Death Christofascists

If the fetus-lovers dared to carry their pushy doctrine to its logical conclusion, abortion even to save the life of the pregnant woman would have to be considered first-degree murder. Pregnancy from rape or incest, of course, would not be allowed to be terminated, either.
Its rotting meat now. When you have a miscarriage you can have a funeral, ceremony, throw a party, whatever. Quit trying to control women.
whos trying to control women??

this is about her throwing her dead baby in a bucket and dumping it into the back yard,,

just like if you put your dead father in a bucket and left him out back you would get in trouble for abuse of a corpse,,
whos trying to control women??

this is about her throwing her dead baby in a bucket and dumping it into the back yard,,
What if she buried it, or burned it up? What if she put the bones on a tiny rack like the Sioux Indians did?
What if she took it to a nearby field and sang I want to Rock and Roll All Night? I mean you're into telling people what to do.
just like if you put your dead father in a bucket and left him out back you would get in trouble for abuse of a corpse,,
What if I burned him, molded his ashes into bullets, and shot him at people he didn't like?*

*I already gave the wife a list. Alternatively, launch me from a catapult at Interstate 10.
What if she buried it, or burned it up? What if she put the bones on a tiny rack like the Sioux Indians did?
What if she took it to a nearby field and sang I want to Rock and Roll All Night? I mean you're into telling people what to do.

What if I burned him, molded his ashes into bullets, and shot him at people he didn't like?*

*I already gave the wife a list. Alternatively, launch me from a catapult at Interstate 10.
that you will have to take up with the state you intend on doing this in,,

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