Woman who survived alleged gang rape in India is attacked with acid for the fifth time

It's so odd at feminists don't seem to care about these attacks.

"Feminists" are not "Feminists" at all. They are simply liberal activists. Nothing else.

So, unless you fight for women in every nation on Earth, you aren't fighting for women at all? Is that what you're saying?

Yes, these are universal human rights and in actuality "feminists," in the US have chosen a pro-Sharia, pro-Saudi Arabia, hijab wearing Islamist whore to lead them.

Who is that?

Linda Sarsour head organizer of the women's and day without women protest marchs.
Clearly, she must have refused to bake Baboosa for a Gay Muslim wedding.
It's so odd at feminists don't seem to care about these attacks.

"Feminists" are not "Feminists" at all. They are simply liberal activists. Nothing else.
We care very much.....fighting against all those patriarchal religions that denigrate women.
Why is the judge granting the attackers bail, over and over?

And I thought India sort of hated the Muslims, no?

You do realize India is Hindu majority, right? Acid attacks occur in India among all religious groups there, its a cultural problem there.

You do realize India has one of the highest Muslim populations of the world right?
Oh really? Have you heard of Indonesia? Hint: not India.

He/She did say "one of." India has the second largest Muslim population in the world according to this site: Countries with Largest Muslim Population - World Top Ten

India has such a large population, the 13-15% of their population that is Muslim makes for a huge number.
Why is the judge granting the attackers bail, over and over?

And I thought India sort of hated the Muslims, no?

I think that was one of the major reasons for the split between India and Pakistan, but still, there are many Muslims living in India. A small minority compared to the Hindu population, but still a large number of people.
It's so odd at feminists don't seem to care about these attacks.

"Feminists" are not "Feminists" at all. They are simply liberal activists. Nothing else.
What makes you think they don't?
A complete and total lack of criticism of rampant Islamic/Indian/middle eastern sexism. They refuse to criticize people unless they have white skin.
Lol, I've started threads on this before, people like you don't give a damn about women if you can't pin it on muslims.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Asra Nomani accuse Dem senators of ignoring them in hearing

Female Democrat Senators didn't ask one question of Muslim women victims of female genital mutilation.

Liberals only care about Misogyny committed by White Christian Males.

Women’s rights activists Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Asra Nomani have accused four female Democratic senators of ignoring them during a committee hearing last week, complaining the lawmakers did not ask them a single question.

“This wasn’t a case of benign neglect,” Ali and Nomani wrote, in a New York Times op-ed published Thursday. “What happened that day was emblematic of a deeply troubling trend among progressives when it comes to confronting the brutal reality of Islamist extremism and what it means for women” in Muslim communities.

The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee hearing was titled, “Understanding the Tools, Tactics, and Techniques of Violent Extremism.”

Chairman Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., and ranking Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., invited Ali, Nomani and two other witnesses to testify. Hirsi Ali and Nomani are outspoken critics of attitudes and policies that marginalize women in Islamic societies.

But the witnesses, in their joint op-ed, accused Sens. McCaskill, Heidi Heitkamp, D-N.D.; Maggie Hassan, D-N.H.; and Kamala Harris, D-Calif., of not asking either of them “a single question.”
Totally ignores the fact that it's Hindus doing this in his op...
Why is the judge granting the attackers bail, over and over?

And I thought India sort of hated the Muslims, no?

I think that was one of the major reasons for the split between India and Pakistan, but still, there are many Muslims living in India. A small minority compared to the Hindu population, but still a large number of people.

Quite small. And this isn't like America where the political elites insist that Muslims aren't a scourge. The average Indian hates Muslims. They see what happens in their neighbors like Indonesia and Pakistan and want nothing to do with that sh**.
Why is the judge granting the attackers bail, over and over?

And I thought India sort of hated the Muslims, no?

I think that was one of the major reasons for the split between India and Pakistan, but still, there are many Muslims living in India. A small minority compared to the Hindu population, but still a large number of people.

Quite small. And this isn't like America where the political elites insist that Muslims aren't a scourge. The average Indian hates Muslims. They see what happens in their neighbors like Indonesia and Pakistan and want nothing to do with that sh**.
Islam has been in India for close to a thousand years...it's as much a part of Indian culture as Hinduism.
They aren't Muslims. Acid attacks are common among Hindus.
Wacky religion is wacky religion regardless of the name.
It's more about culture than religiiion.

Do you think those guys who gang raped the girl and pulled her intestines out and threw them out the window did it for religious reasons? She lived for a few days but without her missing internal organs the rapists threw out the window on the road the surgeons had no chance to save her.
I could be wrong ( I learn from mistakes here) but, I disagree, liberals tend to let their credulity and their rationality disappear when it it comes to Islam. Not Completely, not saying that. I think they used religion as an excuse. And it's hard to tell a good Muslim from a bad one.They want to hide under radar and pretend to fit in under an aura of innocuous immigrants. Fool me ONCE, shame on you. Fool me TWICE, shame on ME.
The woman who survived yet again a horrific acid attack is from the Dalit community, the caste of "untouchables". They suffer from some of the highest incidences of rape as well because they are so low caste men feel they can get away with it and the law will do very little.

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