woman will be outed in church for her sins

Is it part of the vegan creed to rat people out?

By using the term "rat people out," you are begging the question. Revealing hypocrisy would be a better phrase.

If the individual did not think she was doing something wrong, she would have no objection to the congregation being aware of her behavior. Not true?
If a church elder knew what she was doing, then I think that the church elder should have simply brought this supposed sin to her attention. “Maam. I know what you are doing. Please repent. If you see nothing wrong in what you are doing or plan to continue doing it, then please leave. This church does not approve of what you are doing.”

That is all that, at most, needed to have been said.
If it's true, then it isn't gossip.

A Minister's job is to guide and protect his flock.

This woman's behavior was a threat to the Church's moral's and values.
Sure it is gossip, Sunni. If I go around telling the world you hate Jews and gays I'm gossiping about you. Gossip can be either true or false.
First of all gossip is "groundless rumor."

The point here that she is belonging to an organization and is flagrantly breaking the rules.

For example, if she was a vegan and was surreptitiously eating ham sandwiches, would it be wrong to inform the other members?
Yes. As far as I know though, vegans don't have "members" in the same manner as churches do.
Again, a minister's job isn't spreading gossip. Can you seriously see Jesus doing something so vindictive?

YOu're making a lot of suppositions here, surprise, surprise. YOu're making a lot of assumptions with very, very little information. Per usual.

A minister's job isn't spreading gossip. A minister's job IS to protect, educate and lead his flock.

Do we have a tape of what's been said? Do we have an interview?

Nope. We have a bunch of people who love to jump on every stupid bandwagon that comes along and bash Christians for nothing but a hint of a rumor.

You did the same thing with the FDLS group, and you were wrong then, too.
YOu're making a lot of suppositions here, surprise, surprise. YOu're making a lot of assumptions with very, very little information. Per usual.

A minister's job isn't spreading gossip. A minister's job IS to protect, educate and lead his flock.

Do we have a tape of what's been said? Do we have an interview?

Nope. We have a bunch of people who love to jump on every stupid bandwagon that comes along and bash Christians for nothing but a hint of a rumor.

You did the same thing with the FDLS group, and you were wrong then, too.
I wasn't wrong morally, dear.
If it's true, then it isn't gossip.

A Minister's job is to guide and protect his flock.

This woman's behavior was a threat to the Church's moral's and values.

No. This threat was not about guiding and protecting a flock. It was a self-righteous ego trip for them. If the church leaders were so concerned, they could have handled it differently. Reminds be of “Church Lady” from Saturday Night Live”. By the way, have you ever heard the song “Harper Valley PTA”?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ivUOnnstpg]YouTube - Harper Valley P.T.A. movie clip / singer Jeannie C. Riley[/ame]
I wasn't wrong morally, dear.

Of course you were. It's morally wrong to wrench children from their parents because you don't like their religion. It's morally wrong to separate them for weeks, make them undergo gynocological exams, and interrogate them because you don't like their religion.

It's about as morally wrong as you can get.

And in the end all those kids went right back to their families and the story went away, didn't it? YOu know why? BECAUSE THEY WERE IN THE WRONG.

But idiots like you don't get it.
We have something called due process in this country, and it's morally wrong to single out certain religions and deny them theirs. It's called a violation of their civil rights, and the case of the FDLS, a violation of human rights as well.

But heck, if you were "morally" right I guess that makes it okay. That's exactly what the jihadists say, twit.
You know, this church sounds almost as bad as Fred Phelps and his ilk.

Yeah......go ahead Always Babbling, call this as another false persecution of Christians, but, the reality is that the Christians persecuted a member of their own, and now, they in turn are being persecuted by the country.

Those who live by exclusion principles, generally are generally excluded by those around them when they do it. Kind of a twist on "live by the sword, die by the sword".

Throughout the history of religion, people have had a certain expectation of privacy when they talked to their spiritual advisor.

Personally? I think they ought to bulldoze the church down, tell the people in it to find another place and put up a mini mall.
You know, this church sounds almost as bad as Fred Phelps and his ilk.

Yeah......go ahead Always Babbling, call this as another false persecution of Christians, but, the reality is that the Christians persecuted a member of their own, and now, they in turn are being persecuted by the country.

Those who live by exclusion principles, generally are generally excluded by those around them when they do it. Kind of a twist on "live by the sword, die by the sword".

Throughout the history of religion, people have had a certain expectation of privacy when they talked to their spiritual advisor.

Personally? I think they ought to bulldoze the church down, tell the people in it to find another place and put up a mini mall.
I'm glad to see a Church stick up for it's values and the Bible.

Hopefully, many other Churchs will follow the example of this one.
I'm glad to see a Church stick up for it's values and the Bible.

Hopefully, many other Churchs will follow the example of this one.

Yeah....we already know how you think Sunnidiot, you think Fred Phelps was a great guy, idolize Hitler, deny the Holocaust and are a failed Christian who converted to Islam.

In other words, your judgement and values are for shit.

You DO realize that if you tried to go to that church with your bi-racial couple self, you'd probably get kicked outta there, right?

But.......like you said.......a church has to stick up for its values and the Bible.

Tell me again where a cracker ass white boy and a black nubian woman are going to be accepted by most "christians".
You DO realize that if you tried to go to that church with your bi-racial couple self, you'd probably get kicked outta there, right?

But.......like you said.......a church has to stick up for its values and the Bible.

Tell me again where a cracker ass white boy and a black nubian woman are going to be accepted by most "christians".

Most non-denominational chruches like the one this woman attended are not racist.
Wanna bet Sunnidiot?

I've traveled over 26 different countries, and 49 different states, and one thing I've noticed about people.......

First, if you want to get a feel of what the community is like, go and check out the local churches. From the design, and way the people are dressed, as well as how the church is built, will tell you a great deal about the community.

Yep......go ahead Sucking Moron, I dare you to try going to their church. Chances are, you wouldn't even last for 1 service, because a church like that generally (in my experience) doesn't approve of bi-racial couples.

See.....that's the trouble with you living blind like you do, you miss out on a lot of stuff, which makes you unprepared for anything other than your own little piece of the world.
Wanna bet Sunnidiot?

I've traveled over 26 different countries, and 49 different states, and one thing I've noticed about people.......

First, if you want to get a feel of what the community is like, go and check out the local churches. From the design, and way the people are dressed, as well as how the church is built, will tell you a great deal about the community.

Yep......go ahead Sucking Moron, I dare you to try going to their church. Chances are, you wouldn't even last for 1 service, because a church like that generally (in my experience) doesn't approve of bi-racial couples.

See.....that's the trouble with you living blind like you do, you miss out on a lot of stuff, which makes you unprepared for anything other than your own little piece of the world.

Isn't it a little tiresome to say the same thing over and over again? If I have to hear one more time about how well-traveled you are... It can broaden some people's horizons, but doesn't stop them from being annoying.
Isn't it a little tiresome to say the same thing over and over again? If I have to hear one more time about how well-traveled you are... It can broaden some people's horizons, but doesn't stop them from being annoying.

And yet you wonder why I think you're such a tight assed, up tight bitch.

And.....it's true......if you want to know something about the area you are in, check the churches and see which one is the most prevalent. and then you'll know how to act in the area.

I'm telling Sunnidiot that if he took his bi-racial family over there to that church, they'd kick him out before the service was over.

By the way Sucking Moron, you think Charles Bass is so cool? Try going down around his area on vacation. The only thing that whites down there are more racist against than blacks, is mixed couples.

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