Women 3 gun competitors kick butt against group of reporters....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Daily Caller has been sacrificing their reporting staff to various competitions..... one was an obstacle course challenge against marines...they lost....here it is women, professional 3 gun competitors.

For those not in the know, 3 gun competition is Rifle, Pistol and shotgun...one right after the other with speed and accuracy the goals.....

Reporter Vs. Professional Female Shooters Of The DC Project

“The DCP is 50 women, one from every state, coming to D.C. to meet their legislators as real gun owners and 2nd Amendment supporters,” The DC Project’s Diana Muller told TheDC. “Not only do we want our legislators to be educated about firearms and the firearms community, but also the media so they can be more accurate in their reporting on the topic. That’s why we are happy to have a Range day for media.”

“Reporter Vs.” is a web series in which TheDC puts its reporters in the shoes of professionals who face adversity that is unimaginable to a pencil pushing member of the fourth estate. At most news outlets, reporters might be afraid to try, and fail, at a new task. But not at TheDC. We have no problem filming our reporters’ fails and then broadcasting it to the rest of the world. If there is such a thing as blue collar journalism, it would probably look something like The Daily Caller’s “Reporter Vs.” series.

One of my favorite shooting sports to watch is Cowboy Mounted Shooting.


And the competitors are almost exclusively women.

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