WOMEN BAILING ON THE GOP-'I hung on until I couldn't'. Kavanaugh put me over the top!

Do you beat your wife if she doesn't behave/act/think exactly like you tell her to? I wouldn't be surprised if you do. Men like you get off on keeping their women in their place, even if it means beating them within an inch of their lives. you know, just to show then who's the boss, and it isn't them.

Corporal punishment IS part of our relationship. She knew it would be from the beginning and it was something she believes is good and necessary for the relationship as much as I do. It’s never the first or even second form of correction but it is in the toolbox. In almost seven years together it’s been used a total of three times.
you hit your wife?.....
Women shouldn’t be voting to begin with. If they are, they should be being directed on how to vote by their father/fiancé/husband, not their own opinions.

This woman owns a big fireworks store that is also a firearm, hunting, fishing and trapping store. I also am an NRA instructor. I'm guessing you're one of those people I would decide to be too unstable and stupid to own a gun.
Do you beat your wife if she doesn't behave/act/think exactly like you tell her to? I wouldn't be surprised if you do. Men like you get off on keeping their women in their place, even if it means beating them within an inch of their lives. you know, just to show then who's the boss, and it isn't them.

Corporal punishment IS part of our relationship. She knew it would be from the beginning and it was something she believes is good and necessary for the relationship as much as I do. It’s never the first or even second form of correction but it is in the toolbox. In almost seven years together it’s been used a total of three times.
Any man who would beat his wife is a monster and your poor wife is so brainwashed and browbeaten to think this is okay. I hope one day she finally realizes that you aren't worth her spit and either takes the frying pan to you, or calls the law and has you locked up where you can't do her anymore harm. A real man who is comfortable with his manhood would never raise a hand to a woman. Only those who feel inferior and have to show her "who's boss" by beating her knows he's nothing but a worthless piece of human filth.
Women shouldn’t be voting to begin with. If they are, they should be being directed on how to vote by their father/fiancé/husband, not their own opinions.

This woman owns a big fireworks store that is also a firearm, hunting, fishing and trapping store. I also am an NRA instructor. I'm guessing you're one of those people I would decide to be too unstable and stupid to own a gun.
He just admitted that he also beats his wife and she knew this would happen before they got married. I could see him trying that with someone like you. Oh Lord! I would pay to see it happen. You'd mop the floor with his sorry ass!

He probably thinks you're in a man's field and are one of those dreaded " feminists" that he hates so.
Any man who would beat his wife is a monster and your poor wife is so brainwashed and browbeaten to think this is okay. I hope one day she finally realizes that you aren't worth her spit and either takes the frying pan to you, or calls the law and has you locked up where you can't do her anymore harm...

I’ve been called far worse than a monster, by people I respect far more than you. I take it as a compliment.

My wife had these beliefs long before she met me. In fact they are part of what drew her to me(she approached me) and makes our relationship work.

Even If she were to decide to do either of those things (which I highly doubt) she ends up out in the street with her parents (no money, no home, etc...) so I have little fear of anything like that.
According to you, we're inferior to men and our "proper place" is wherever a man tells us it should be...

I hope you tell this to the female surgeon who is about to operate on you and possibly save your life... You probably wouldn't allow a female doctor attend to you anyway. .

You are a disgusting. NO man is superior to a woman and I am proud to be a feminist and pity any woman who has the misfortune to be in your life...

1. No, women are different, not inferior. Like the two sides of a coin; Men and women have different places in the world. Men don’t define that - it was determined by the first civilizations, thousands of years ago.

2. I’ve already done that with ENTs and many other “professional” women from bank tellers to business associates.

3. My wife is laughing her ass off after showing her your post. She doesn’t want your pity or any of your emotional trash.

So you got lucky enough to actually find someone stupid enough to marry you.
Any man who would beat his wife is a monster and your poor wife is so brainwashed and browbeaten to think this is okay. I hope one day she finally realizes that you aren't worth her spit and either takes the frying pan to you, or calls the law and has you locked up where you can't do her anymore harm...

I’ve been called far worse than a monster, by people I respect far more than you. I take it as a compliment.

My wife had these beliefs long before she met me. In fact they are part of what drew her to me(she approached me) and makes our relationship work.

Even If she were to decide to do either of those things (which I highly doubt) she ends up out in the street with her parents (no money, no home, etc...) so I have little fear of anything like that.
You're not a man and I'm thinking her father isn't either. Any man who would treat a woman like a slave isn't a real man. I feel sorry for her if that's all she's known in her life, and for her to know you'd throw her out in the street for not pleasing you must secretly weigh on her, even if she doens't show it.
Do you beat your wife if she doesn't behave/act/think exactly like you tell her to? I wouldn't be surprised if you do. Men like you get off on keeping their women in their place, even if it means beating them within an inch of their lives. you know, just to show then who's the boss, and it isn't them.

Corporal punishment IS part of our relationship. She knew it would be from the beginning and it was something she believes is good and necessary for the relationship as much as I do. It’s never the first or even second form of correction but it is in the toolbox. In almost seven years together it’s been used a total of three times.
you hit your wife?.....
He just admitted that he did. A real man wouldn't ever do that.
Women shouldn’t be voting to begin with. If they are, they should be being directed on how to vote by their father/fiancé/husband, not their own opinions.

This woman owns a big fireworks store that is also a firearm, hunting, fishing and trapping store. I also am an NRA instructor. I'm guessing you're one of those people I would decide to be too unstable and stupid to own a gun.
He just admitted that he also beats his wife and she knew this would happen before they got married. I could see him trying that with someone like you. Oh Lord! I would pay to see it happen. You'd mop the floor with his sorry ass!

He probably thinks you're in a man's field and are one of those dreaded " feminists" that he hates so.

He likely would meet his maker.
did you make that poor woman laugh her ass off?....

No. She came over t bring me another Vitaminwater and a snack and read Kitty’s post over my shoulder. That’s when she started laughing.
So she waits on you? Did you want a wife or a servant? Or, more accurately, a slave?
Maybe he's a muslim and beats her for correction and instruction.
I think he hates Muslims, so I don't think he's one. He probably belongs to one of those cults where women are nothing more than breeders and possessions.
So she waits on you? Did you want a wife or a servant? Or, more accurately, a slave?

Yes she does. That’s a major part of being a housewife. Especially a Hispanic (Puerto Rican) one. She’s. It a slave. She’s welcome to leave any time she wants. She can talk the $283 she had in the bank when we met and her clothes.

Before we continue realize that she and I both see our relationship as more of a business partnership and neither of us believe in Love.
I feel sure there are hundreds of thousands. But MOST won't write an editorial and submit it under their name to a MAJOR newspaper. And most won't change their party affiliation but won't vote for REPUBLICANS. (Remember, if these women are from ORANGE COUNTY, it bleeds red).

"The Brett Kavanaugh hearings and the GOP’s support for the now- Supreme Court justice that put her “over the edge.”

Longtime GOP female voters reveal what Trump did to make them finally bail on the party: ‘I hung on until I couldn’t’

20 OCT 2018 AT 15:07 ET

In two letters to the editor of the Los Angeles Times, longtime Republican-voting women explained why Donald Trump has led them to leave the party.

Eileen E. Padberg, a registered Republican of 53 years, wrote that although she considers herself “an active feminist,” she stuck with the GOP because she believed it was “the party of individual rights and liberties, personal responsibility, limited government, free markets, a strong national defense and fiscal responsibility.”

“I hung on to my party registration although I didn’t always vote a straight GOP ticket,” she wrote. “I hung on until I couldn’t.”

Padberg noted that her Republican credentials “would hold up to anyone” — she founders her college’s Young Republicans club, has been a delegate and an attendee at multiple Republican National Conventions and “was the regional political director for George H.W. Bush’s campaign for president.”

The Brett Kavanaugh hearings and the GOP’s support for the now-Supreme Court justice that put her “over the edge.”

“When I heard the words coming from the Republican leadership and the president, that fine thread holding me to the GOP finally broke,” Padberg wrote. “I couldn’t believe the disrespect for women I was hearing.”

Padberg acknowledged that she’s not alone, that “surely there are thousands of women across America who gave up on the Republican Party.”

Longtime GOP female voters reveal what Trump did to make them finally bail on the party: 'I hung on until I couldn't'

Christina Blasey Ford is a drug addled whack job who's testimony was a joke! If THAT was the straw that broke the camel's back for some supposed Republican women...then they need to fess up that they were never voting for Republican's anyways!

As for Padberg's claim? I would wager that there are surely thousands of women across America that also gave up on the Democratic Party because of the way they conducted themselves during the Kavanaugh hearings!
Since Al Gore attempted to overturn the will of the people by taking to court and wasting millions of dollars on hanging chad, 2 women in my life went from staunch Democrats to establishment Republicans, and now Nationalist Freedom Loving Dolls. They have seen how Nancy "Blinkie" Pelosi bowed down to wash the feet of illegals who wanted to break out laws. They watched Di Freakenstein, try to destroy our Constitution by doing away with "Innocent until PROVEN guilty". They watch the supposedly "SMARTEST" women in the world, who couldn't even know her Rapist husband(I did not have sexual relations with that woman) was cheating on her, allowing 4 US citizens to be butchered by Al Qaeda in Benghazi and lied about distributing classified information to people without the need to know, and selling Uranium to the Russian. Yep you twits can continue to think women are stupid( I correct that, Conservative women) but the rest of the US "KNOWS" that liberal women are the second dumbest humans in the universe, as the liberal man is the dumbest..

Oh yeah, I forgot, Liberals are allowing MEN with BOOBS into little girl's room. Talk about idiocy of the Nth Degree..
Maybe he's a muslim and beats her for correction and instruction.

Not Nuslim. I abhor all organized religion. Corporal punishment is used only as a last resort to correct improper behaviors that haven’t changed with other forms of discipline.
Do you beat your wife if she doesn't behave/act/think exactly like you tell her to? I wouldn't be surprised if you do. Men like you get off on keeping their women in their place, even if it means beating them within an inch of their lives. you know, just to show then who's the boss, and it isn't them.

Corporal punishment IS part of our relationship. She knew it would be from the beginning and it was something she believes is good and necessary for the relationship as much as I do. It’s never the first or even second form of correction but it is in the toolbox. In almost seven years together it’s been used a total of three times.
you hit your wife?.....
He just admitted that he did. A real man wouldn't ever do that.

He isn't a real man. He's a cowardly ****.
So she waits on you? Did you want a wife or a servant? Or, more accurately, a slave?

Yes she does. That’s a major part of being a housewife. Especially a Hispanic (Puerto Rican) one. She’s. It a slave. She’s welcome to leave any time she wants. She can talk the $283 she had in the bank when we met and her clothes.

Before we continue realize that she and I both see our relationship as more of a business partnership and neither of us believe in Love.
Who in their right mind could ever love you? What do you think about Carpy's business? She's a successful woman with a thriving business.

Oh, and hopefully one day, your wife will actually find someone who she does love and loves her and leaves your sorry ass high and dry. And, as far as the money goes, depending on how long you've been married and where you live, there's such a thing as alimony and everything being split down the middle, so don't get too cocky about her not getting any money.
Maybe he's a muslim and beats her for correction and instruction.

Not Nuslim. I abhor all organized religion. Corporal punishment is used only as a last resort to correct improper behaviors that haven’t changed with other forms of discipline.
Oh, and what do you consider improper behavior? And what are the other forms of punishment you meter out to that poor woman?

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