WOMEN BAILING ON THE GOP-'I hung on until I couldn't'. Kavanaugh put me over the top!

did you make that poor woman laugh her ass off?....

No. She came over t bring me another Vitaminwater and a snack and read Kitty’s post over my shoulder. That’s when she started laughing.
So she waits on you? Did you want a wife or a servant? Or, more accurately, a slave?
Maybe he's a muslim and beats her for correction and instruction.
I think he hates Muslims, so I don't think he's one. He probably belongs to one of those cults where women are nothing more than breeders and possessions.
That's islam.
Who in their right mind could ever love you? What do you think about Carpy's business? She's a successful woman with a thriving business.

Oh, and hopefully one day, your wife will actually find someone who she does love and loves her and leaves your sorry ass high and dry. And, as far as the money goes, depending on how long you've been married and where you live, there's such a thing as alimony and everything being split down the middle, so don't get too cocky about her not getting any money.

Love doesn’t exist, so that’s a moot point.

Carly ended up on my Ignore list after her first post in this thread, so I haven’t seen her posts. I have no use for businesswomen, successful or not.

My wife is rarely out in public so I’m pretty doubtful she’d find anyone. You csnt get alimony from someone without a jdecentvjob. Even if she did get it despite our prenup, I’d quit my $80K job and go to work at McDonalds.
I feel sure there are hundreds of thousands. But MOST won't write an editorial and submit it under their name to a MAJOR newspaper. And most won't change their party affiliation but won't vote for REPUBLICANS. (Remember, if these women are from ORANGE COUNTY, it bleeds red).

"The Brett Kavanaugh hearings and the GOP’s support for the now- Supreme Court justice that put her “over the edge.”

Longtime GOP female voters reveal what Trump did to make them finally bail on the party: ‘I hung on until I couldn’t’

20 OCT 2018 AT 15:07 ET

In two letters to the editor of the Los Angeles Times, longtime Republican-voting women explained why Donald Trump has led them to leave the party.

Eileen E. Padberg, a registered Republican of 53 years, wrote that although she considers herself “an active feminist,” she stuck with the GOP because she believed it was “the party of individual rights and liberties, personal responsibility, limited government, free markets, a strong national defense and fiscal responsibility.”

“I hung on to my party registration although I didn’t always vote a straight GOP ticket,” she wrote. “I hung on until I couldn’t.”

Padberg noted that her Republican credentials “would hold up to anyone” — she founders her college’s Young Republicans club, has been a delegate and an attendee at multiple Republican National Conventions and “was the regional political director for George H.W. Bush’s campaign for president.”

The Brett Kavanaugh hearings and the GOP’s support for the now-Supreme Court justice that put her “over the edge.”

“When I heard the words coming from the Republican leadership and the president, that fine thread holding me to the GOP finally broke,” Padberg wrote. “I couldn’t believe the disrespect for women I was hearing.”

Padberg acknowledged that she’s not alone, that “surely there are thousands of women across America who gave up on the Republican Party.”

Longtime GOP female voters reveal what Trump did to make them finally bail on the party: 'I hung on until I couldn't'
I knew when I saw the title it would be a link to a Leftard moonbat website as your source.
Oh, and what do you consider improper behavior? And what are the other forms of punishment you meter out to that poor woman?

Talking back. Failing to complete chores or other tasks. Speaking or acting outside of established limits. Things of that nature.

Punishments include time outs, loss of privileges, verbal correction, etc...
Who in their right mind could ever love you? What do you think about Carpy's business? She's a successful woman with a thriving business.

Oh, and hopefully one day, your wife will actually find someone who she does love and loves her and leaves your sorry ass high and dry. And, as far as the money goes, depending on how long you've been married and where you live, there's such a thing as alimony and everything being split down the middle, so don't get too cocky about her not getting any money.

Love doesn’t exist, so that’s a moot point.

Carly ended up on my Ignore list after her first post in this thread, so I haven’t seen her posts. I have no use for businesswomen, successful or not.

My wife is rarely out in public so I’m pretty doubtful she’d find anyone. You csnt get alimony from someone without a jdecentvjob. Even if she did get it despite our prenup, I’d quit my $80K job and go to work at McDonalds.
You suggested she is from PR. I know some women from there and none of them are like your wife. In fact, if you treated any of them like that, they would have you wishing for a quick death. None of them would allow any man to treat her like that. I know some men who are married to women from there too, and they rule the house, no the other way around, so I'm thinking you're lying about where she is from. Oh, and anyone can brag on the internet about the money they make, but that doesn't make it so.

And, you're a coward to have blocked Carpy because she's a successful business woman. Cowards do that sort of thing. I think you've shown this whole board what kind of person you are. I can't even use the word man, because you;re no man, you're a sadistic bully and I hope karma comes to bite you in your sorry ass soon.
You suggested she is from PR. I know some women from there and none of them are like your wife...

And, you're a coward to have blocked Carpy because she's a successful business woman. Cowards do that sort of thing.

I think you've shown this whole board what kind of person you are. I can't even use the word man, because you;re no man, you're a sadistic bully and I hope karma comes to bite you in your sorry ass soon.

No, I said she’s Hispanic and of Puerto Rican heritage. Her parents were from PR. She has lived in NYC, PR and most of her life here in New England.

I choose whose crap I read and whose I don’t. You might be better off putting me on ignore.

I’m well known here st USMB and several other places online. Karma is far more on my side. I was born with a major, obvious and unconcealable birth defect. I learned about the darkness of the human heart from as far back as I can remember. I never let it stop me from doing what I wanted to do and becoming who I wanted to be.

I am who and what I am. My wife likes who I am. So you can go to Hell with all the other Feminists.
Who in their right mind could ever love you? What do you think about Carpy's business? She's a successful woman with a thriving business.

Oh, and hopefully one day, your wife will actually find someone who she does love and loves her and leaves your sorry ass high and dry. And, as far as the money goes, depending on how long you've been married and where you live, there's such a thing as alimony and everything being split down the middle, so don't get too cocky about her not getting any money.

Love doesn’t exist, so that’s a moot point.

Carly ended up on my Ignore list after her first post in this thread, so I haven’t seen her posts. I have no use for businesswomen, successful or not.

My wife is rarely out in public so I’m pretty doubtful she’d find anyone. You csnt get alimony from someone without a jdecentvjob. Even if she did get it despite our prenup, I’d quit my $80K job and go to work at McDonalds.
You suggested she is from PR. I know some women from there and none of them are like your wife. In fact, if you treated any of them like that, they would have you wishing for a quick death. None of them would allow any man to treat her like that. I know some men who are married to women from there too, and they rule the house, no the other way around, so I'm thinking you're lying about where she is from. Oh, and anyone can brag on the internet about the money they make, but that doesn't make it so.

And, you're a coward to have blocked Carpy because she's a successful business woman. Cowards do that sort of thing. I think you've shown this whole board what kind of person you are. I can't even use the word man, because you;re no man, you're a sadistic bully and I hope karma comes to bite you in your sorry ass soon.

Coward is correct. If a man confronted him he would cry like a baby.
You suggested she is from PR. I know some women from there and none of them are like your wife...

And, you're a coward to have blocked Carpy because she's a successful business woman. Cowards do that sort of thing.

I think you've shown this whole board what kind of person you are. I can't even use the word man, because you;re no man, you're a sadistic bully and I hope karma comes to bite you in your sorry ass soon.

No, I said she’s Hispanic and of Puerto Rican heritage. Her parents were from PR. She has lived in NYC, PR and most of her life here in New England.

I choose whose crap I read and whose I don’t. You might be better off putting me on ignore.

I’m well known here st USMB and several other places online. Karma is far more on my side. I was born with a major, obvious and unconcealable birth defect. I learned about the darkness of the human heart from as far back as I can remember. I never let it stop me from doing what I wanted to do and becoming who I wanted to be.

I am who and what I am. My wife likes who I am. So you can go to Hell with all the other Feminists.

You're dark on the inside as well as on the outside. A real man wouldn't feel the need to beat and punish a woman to make himself feel better. You had to buy a wife, that says a lot about you. Most people will ignore a physical defect if the person is good and kind on the inside. I've seen it happen many times, but there's nothing good or kind about you. And the fact you would side with the slave owners who treated those poor people worse than animals reveals you have a black heart.

Sooner or later I hope you're wife will get tired of being treated like she's nothing more than a bag of trash.

Oh, and in this day and age, 80K ain't shit.
Who in their right mind could ever love you? What do you think about Carpy's business? She's a successful woman with a thriving business.

Oh, and hopefully one day, your wife will actually find someone who she does love and loves her and leaves your sorry ass high and dry. And, as far as the money goes, depending on how long you've been married and where you live, there's such a thing as alimony and everything being split down the middle, so don't get too cocky about her not getting any money.

Love doesn’t exist, so that’s a moot point.

Carly ended up on my Ignore list after her first post in this thread, so I haven’t seen her posts. I have no use for businesswomen, successful or not.

My wife is rarely out in public so I’m pretty doubtful she’d find anyone. You csnt get alimony from someone without a jdecentvjob. Even if she did get it despite our prenup, I’d quit my $80K job and go to work at McDonalds.
You suggested she is from PR. I know some women from there and none of them are like your wife. In fact, if you treated any of them like that, they would have you wishing for a quick death. None of them would allow any man to treat her like that. I know some men who are married to women from there too, and they rule the house, no the other way around, so I'm thinking you're lying about where she is from. Oh, and anyone can brag on the internet about the money they make, but that doesn't make it so.

And, you're a coward to have blocked Carpy because she's a successful business woman. Cowards do that sort of thing. I think you've shown this whole board what kind of person you are. I can't even use the word man, because you;re no man, you're a sadistic bully and I hope karma comes to bite you in your sorry ass soon.

Coward is correct. If a man confronted him he would cry like a baby.
Oh, and he blocked you because he hates women who have the audacity to own a business. He's a pathetic little empty husk and has to feel better about himself by attacking women.
Sorry, but the darkness is inside you in addition to being on your outside. And the fact that you feel the need for total control indicates that you're an insecure person and this makes you feel superior to a lowly woman. Plus, you had to buy a woman. If you had been a pleasant man, there would have been someone who would have loved you despite your birth defect. I've seen it happen before. People will see what's inside if you're a kind and good person. but, from all that you've said, there's nothing good or kind about you.

Oh, and in this day and age, 80K ain't shit, so you can stop bragging about that too.

There is more darkness in me than you could ever imagine. I don’t deny that in the least. It was put there largely by the Society I was forced to grow up in.

It’s not insecurity as much as being an ideologue. I was taught that the workd should work a certain way; and that way is very contrary to today’s society.

I didn’t buy a wife. We met online, and she approached me first.

$80K is enough to live on. That’s all I need. Enough to support me and my family. It’s also far more than I would be making after she left; since I would do everything possible to minimize my liability for support.
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He's a pathetic little empty husk and has to feel better about himself by attacking women.

My hatred extends far beyond just Feminists... gays, other sexual deviants, Liberals, foreigners, anyone on social services, anyone not born in the USA, anyone who cannot support themselves, etc...
He's a pathetic little empty husk and has to feel better about himself by attacking women.

My hatred extends far beyond just Feminists... gays, other sexual deviants, Liberals, foreigners, anyone on social services, anyone not born in the USA, anyone who cannot support themselves, etc...
You're a pathetic empty shell. All of that hatred will hopefully be an early end for you. I would feel sorry for you but I really can't muster that feeling because I find you to be such a vile person, If you work around other people, they probably despise you and rightly so. You're probably going to end up dying a lonely old man all alone. And you're family will probably throw a party. I know I would.
Perhaps Halloween has brought out the reprobates from the shadows & they're just slow in retreating. Perhaps we should get the 'Halloween Whisperer' up from the basement to coax these 'anathemas' of societal norms & edicate back from whence they came, lol.
You're a pathetic empty shell. All of that hatred will hopefully be an early end for you. I would feel sorry for you but I really can't muster that feeling because I find you to be such a vile person, If you work around other people, they probably despise you and rightly so. You're probably going to end up dying a lonely old man all alone. And you're family will probably throw a party. I know I would.

I’m already 44. I have about 25 years left, at most. I wouldn’t want your emotional expulsions even if you were to offer them.

I work around others but do my best to minimize our interactions.

Better to live properly and die alone than improperly with others.
You're a pathetic empty shell. All of that hatred will hopefully be an early end for you. I would feel sorry for you but I really can't muster that feeling because I find you to be such a vile person, If you work around other people, they probably despise you and rightly so. You're probably going to end up dying a lonely old man all alone. And you're family will probably throw a party. I know I would.

I’m already 44. I have about 25 years left, at most. I wouldn’t want your emotional expulsions even if you were to offer them.

I work around others but do my best to minimize our interactions.

Better to live properly and die alone than improperly with others.
You don't live properly at all. You seem to have not an ounce of joy in you and age is no indication of how long you'll live. I think your only joy is being in control and the only one you can control is your poor wife. Do you have any kids? I feel sorry for them if you do. They must live a miserable existence if you treat them the same way as you treat your wife. You said love didn't enter into your relationship, but it seems that hate did.

What happens if your wife becomes disabled and can't be your slave anymore? Does she get tossed out in the street like yesterdays garbage? What if she gets a serious illness? It seems that the only reason you have her around is to wait on you and do your bidding.

And I'm sure your coworkers are aware of what a miserable person you are and are glad you don't interact with them.
Maybe he's a muslim and beats her for correction and instruction.

Not Nuslim. I abhor all organized religion. Corporal punishment is used only as a last resort to correct improper behaviors that haven’t changed with other forms of discipline.
What's good for the goose... I am surprised that God fearing, American loving, decent citizens haven't taken U 'out back to the proverbial woodshed' (for starters). Americans have a proud history in meeting out and discerning "the innate comprehension of justice" that exists within our souls, despite the loopholes of the flawed justice system. I suspect that if you continue on your current trajectory, justice will find you... (not a threat, just an observation from a fellow New Englander)

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