WOMEN BAILING ON THE GOP-'I hung on until I couldn't'. Kavanaugh put me over the top!

I feel sure there are hundreds of thousands. But MOST won't write an editorial and submit it under their name to a MAJOR newspaper. And most won't change their party affiliation but won't vote for REPUBLICANS. (Remember, if these women are from ORANGE COUNTY, it bleeds red).

"The Brett Kavanaugh hearings and the GOP’s support for the now- Supreme Court justice that put her “over the edge.”

Longtime GOP female voters reveal what Trump did to make them finally bail on the party: ‘I hung on until I couldn’t’

20 OCT 2018 AT 15:07 ET

In two letters to the editor of the Los Angeles Times, longtime Republican-voting women explained why Donald Trump has led them to leave the party.

Eileen E. Padberg, a registered Republican of 53 years, wrote that although she considers herself “an active feminist,” she stuck with the GOP because she believed it was “the party of individual rights and liberties, personal responsibility, limited government, free markets, a strong national defense and fiscal responsibility.”

“I hung on to my party registration although I didn’t always vote a straight GOP ticket,” she wrote. “I hung on until I couldn’t.”

Padberg noted that her Republican credentials “would hold up to anyone” — she founders her college’s Young Republicans club, has been a delegate and an attendee at multiple Republican National Conventions and “was the regional political director for George H.W. Bush’s campaign for president.”

The Brett Kavanaugh hearings and the GOP’s support for the now-Supreme Court justice that put her “over the edge.”

“When I heard the words coming from the Republican leadership and the president, that fine thread holding me to the GOP finally broke,” Padberg wrote. “I couldn’t believe the disrespect for women I was hearing.”

Padberg acknowledged that she’s not alone, that “surely there are thousands of women across America who gave up on the Republican Party.”

Longtime GOP female voters reveal what Trump did to make them finally bail on the party: 'I hung on until I couldn't'

Yepper, a 53 year long GOP'R, a Goldwater Girl. LIKE Hillary!

I Was a Teenage Republican
Is this one half baked senior citizen supposed to represent something other than her own opinion?
This constitutes a fail.
what happened?.....did you ask him a question?....

No. I talked back to my mother and used inappropriate language. I turned around and there he was (I didn’t now he was there).

He hit me so hard I was out before I hit the floor. When I came to he looked down at me and asked if he needed to say anything more. I told him that he did not.
what happened?.....did you ask him a question?....

No. I talked back to my mother and used inappropriate language. I turned around and there he was (I didn’t now he was there).

He hit me so hard I was out before I hit the floor. When I came to he looked down at me and asked if he needed to say anything more. I told him that he did not.
so how old were you?...
I feel sure there are hundreds of thousands. But MOST won't write an editorial and submit it under their name to a MAJOR newspaper. And most won't change their party affiliation but won't vote for REPUBLICANS. (Remember, if these women are from ORANGE COUNTY, it bleeds red).

"The Brett Kavanaugh hearings and the GOP’s support for the now- Supreme Court justice that put her “over the edge.”

Longtime GOP female voters reveal what Trump did to make them finally bail on the party: ‘I hung on until I couldn’t’

20 OCT 2018 AT 15:07 ET

In two letters to the editor of the Los Angeles Times, longtime Republican-voting women explained why Donald Trump has led them to leave the party.

Eileen E. Padberg, a registered Republican of 53 years, wrote that although she considers herself “an active feminist,” she stuck with the GOP because she believed it was “the party of individual rights and liberties, personal responsibility, limited government, free markets, a strong national defense and fiscal responsibility.”

“I hung on to my party registration although I didn’t always vote a straight GOP ticket,” she wrote. “I hung on until I couldn’t.”

Padberg noted that her Republican credentials “would hold up to anyone” — she founders her college’s Young Republicans club, has been a delegate and an attendee at multiple Republican National Conventions and “was the regional political director for George H.W. Bush’s campaign for president.”

The Brett Kavanaugh hearings and the GOP’s support for the now-Supreme Court justice that put her “over the edge.”

“When I heard the words coming from the Republican leadership and the president, that fine thread holding me to the GOP finally broke,” Padberg wrote. “I couldn’t believe the disrespect for women I was hearing.”

Padberg acknowledged that she’s not alone, that “surely there are thousands of women across America who gave up on the Republican Party.”

Longtime GOP female voters reveal what Trump did to make them finally bail on the party: 'I hung on until I couldn't'

“surely there are thousands of women across America who gave up on the Republican Party.”

According to your article link....it's actually ONE woman that swears she can't be the only one. Too bad the editor or reporter on this story couldn't have gotten more supporters for the story...…

And the addition of 'the letter writer' Judy Cabrera doesn't count......cause it wasn't Kavanaugh that changed her mind.

Yeah that wave from red to blue is happening......only in your dreams bub, only in your wildest dreams
I feel sure there are hundreds of thousands. But MOST won't write an editorial and submit it under their name to a MAJOR newspaper. And most won't change their party affiliation but won't vote for REPUBLICANS. (Remember, if these women are from ORANGE COUNTY, it bleeds red).

"The Brett Kavanaugh hearings and the GOP’s support for the now- Supreme Court justice that put her “over the edge.”

Longtime GOP female voters reveal what Trump did to make them finally bail on the party: ‘I hung on until I couldn’t’

20 OCT 2018 AT 15:07 ET

In two letters to the editor of the Los Angeles Times, longtime Republican-voting women explained why Donald Trump has led them to leave the party.

Eileen E. Padberg, a registered Republican of 53 years, wrote that although she considers herself “an active feminist,” she stuck with the GOP because she believed it was “the party of individual rights and liberties, personal responsibility, limited government, free markets, a strong national defense and fiscal responsibility.”

“I hung on to my party registration although I didn’t always vote a straight GOP ticket,” she wrote. “I hung on until I couldn’t.”

Padberg noted that her Republican credentials “would hold up to anyone” — she founders her college’s Young Republicans club, has been a delegate and an attendee at multiple Republican National Conventions and “was the regional political director for George H.W. Bush’s campaign for president.”

The Brett Kavanaugh hearings and the GOP’s support for the now-Supreme Court justice that put her “over the edge.”

“When I heard the words coming from the Republican leadership and the president, that fine thread holding me to the GOP finally broke,” Padberg wrote. “I couldn’t believe the disrespect for women I was hearing.”

Padberg acknowledged that she’s not alone, that “surely there are thousands of women across America who gave up on the Republican Party.”

Longtime GOP female voters reveal what Trump did to make them finally bail on the party: 'I hung on until I couldn't'

“surely there are thousands of women across America who gave up on the Republican Party.”

According to your article link....it's actually ONE woman that swears she can't be the only one. Too bad the editor or reporter on this story couldn't have gotten more supporters for the story...…

And the addition of 'the letter writer' Judy Cabrera doesn't count......cause it wasn't Kavanaugh that changed her mind.

Yeah that wave from red to blue is happening......only in your dreams bub, only in your wildest dreams
and he thinks OC is die hard red.....used to be many years ago.....

On women abandoning the GOP, I guess my wife, mother, and aunt didn't get the memo. I wonder how much of this bs people actually believed before the media came out as wacko.
My mother, a life long straight D voter, said fuck that at Hillary. The resulting temper tantrum from the left and complete abandonment of common sense and dignity made her a straight R voter.

I've always tended to vote R nationally, D locally, now... hell no, I'm voting straight R until the Ds get the fuck off this crazy train they're on... Those fucking lunatics cannot be in control of this nation, ever. Literally the entire world is relying on us 'women' to do the right fucking thing right now and oust these control freak pieces of shit D's from power...
My mother, a life long straight D voter, said fuck that at Hillary. The resulting temper tantrum from the left and complete abandonment of common sense and dignity made her a straight R voter.

I've always tended to vote R nationally, D locally, now... hell no, I'm voting straight R until the Ds get the fuck off this crazy train they're on... Those fucking lunatics cannot be in control of this nation, ever. Literally the entire world is relying on us 'women' to do the right fucking thing right now and oust these control freak pieces of shit D's from power...

Your are out of touch with reality, it's a disease spread by Trump's tweets. Trumpitis impacts the white matter of the brain, and causes confusion, irrational hate and the inability to think logically.
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My mother, a life long straight D voter, said fuck that at Hillary. The resulting temper tantrum from the left and complete abandonment of common sense and dignity made her a straight R voter.

I've always tended to vote R nationally, D locally, now... hell no, I'm voting straight R until the Ds get the fuck off this crazy train they're on... Those fucking lunatics cannot be in control of this nation, ever. Literally the entire world is relying on us 'women' to do the right fucking thing right now and oust these control freak pieces of shit D's from power...

Your are out of touch with reality, it's a disease spread by Trump, Trumpitis it impacts the white matter of the brain, and causes confusion, irrational hate and the inability to think logically.

HAHAHAHA Sure thing cupcake.

Ya'll are so cute with the way you try to paint everyone in your image. Like a bunch of egotistical nitwits with god complexes...
Who in their right mind could ever love you? What do you think about Carpy's business? She's a successful woman with a thriving business.

Oh, and hopefully one day, your wife will actually find someone who she does love and loves her and leaves your sorry ass high and dry. And, as far as the money goes, depending on how long you've been married and where you live, there's such a thing as alimony and everything being split down the middle, so don't get too cocky about her not getting any money.

Love doesn’t exist, so that’s a moot point.

Carly ended up on my Ignore list after her first post in this thread, so I haven’t seen her posts. I have no use for businesswomen, successful or not.

My wife is rarely out in public so I’m pretty doubtful she’d find anyone. You csnt get alimony from someone without a jdecentvjob. Even if she did get it despite our prenup, I’d quit my $80K job and go to work at McDonalds.

If you voluntarily take a lesser paying job, you may still be charged with alimony and child support based upon the income you received from the job you left. Courts have the power to impute income when voluntary unemployment or underemployment is done in bad faith for the purpose of limiting alimony or child support.

The following describes how things are done in Florida, but I believe the laws are essentially the same in every jurisdiction:

“Two types of behavior – voluntary unemployment and voluntary underemployment – are most likely to lead a court to impute income.

“Voluntary unemployment occurs when a person deliberately terminates his or her employment without a good cause. It can also occur when a person acts in such a way that he or she is terminated from his or her job. An ex-spouse that simply turns in his or her resignation and chooses not to pursue other employment is considered to be unemployed voluntarily and is at a greater risk of having income imputed to him or her. Likewise, an ex-spouse who simply refuses to show up to work and ends up being fired for absenteeism is also considered voluntarily unemployed and is more likely to have income imputed to him or her.

“Voluntary underemployment occurs when a party is capable of earning more income but voluntarily chooses to forego such an opportunity without a good reason for doing so. For instance, an ex-spouse who is offered a promotion or raise but chooses not to accept it may have additional income imputed to him or her. In a similar fashion, a party that voluntarily reduces his or her work hours without a good reason for doing so may also have additional income imputed to him or her.”

Imputed Income for Child Support & Alimony - Florida

CONCLUSION: I strongly suggest you consult with a family law attorney before quitting your higher paying job.
CONCLUSION: I strongly suggest you consult with a family law attorney before quitting your higher paying job.

That’s nice. The courts still can’t get water from a stone. You can’t cash a $1000 check if there’s only $10 in the account.

Apparently you've never heard of something called contempt of court (yes, you can be put in jail for non-compliance with court-ordered payments).

Further, court's have the power to garnish your wages so your ex will receive the money before you have the chance to spend it.

Look, I'm just a USMB poster who happens to have a doctorate in law and I'm trying to keep you from making a huge mistake. Here is one last link for you and then you're on your own.

Ways to Collect When Your Ex Won't Pay Alimony

CONCLUSION: Get some legal advice and do the right thing. You will be a hell of a lot happier than you will be if you try the shenanigans you are contemplating. You have the last word. I have nothing more to say and I'm outta here.
CONCLUSION: I strongly suggest you consult with a family law attorney before quitting your higher paying job.

That’s nice. The courts still can’t get water from a stone. You can’t cash a $1000 check if there’s only $10 in the account.
The ridiculous amount of power women have given the State in exchange for their loyalty to said State is truly diabolical. Any wife can exchange her marriage to her husband, for marriage to the state on a whim. (Women initiate 80% of all divorces). And this exchange comes at a dangerously withering cost to the “former” husband.
Extortion, abduction, imprisonment, enslavement, and even death; are all on the table for the former husband. While all the woman has to do is sign a piece of paper...
The ridiculous amount of power women have given the State in exchange for their loyalty to said State is truly diabolical. Any wife can exchange her marriage to her husband, for marriage to the state on a whim. (Women initiate 80% of all divorces). And this exchange comes at a dangerously withering cost to the “former” husband.
Extortion, abduction, imprisonment, enslavement, and even death; are all on the table for the former husband. While all the woman has to do is sign a piece of paper...

Wow, dude, you have issues.

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