Women cannot be trusted with their own bodies


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
Once again women are complaining about laws (proposed or enacted) which make us a moral country. Saying you want control of your own body is a great slogan, but are you going to live your life in a good moral fashion if you get the control you want? Obviously more laws are needed.

---Allow women to have control over their own bodies---

---Liberal Sexual Morality: Where Promiscuity and Abortion Are Promoted---

More laws aren't needed.

What's needed is a America with morals, standards and standards. We could get rid of a lot of laws if our country had that. Not saying it was perfect but in the 50s we didn't have issues we do now or so many laws because we had a general sense of morals, values and standards in our society.

Abortion wasn't such an issue either because of that because women were raised to be responsible in what they did and weren't all hedonistic rutting pigs jumping on every dick they can and shaking their ass in tv commercials. And that was partly due to having a father figure and a mother.
Once again women are complaining about laws (proposed or enacted) which make us a moral country. Saying you want control of your own body is a great slogan, but are you going to live your life in a good moral fashion if you get the control you want? Obviously more laws are needed.

---Allow women to have control over their own bodies---

---Liberal Sexual Morality: Where Promiscuity and Abortion Are Promoted---

I don't buy it for a second.

When EVERYONE was getting coerced into taking vaccinations the hypocrisy was off the charts.

So when there are competent answers for this removal of human rights violations I'll pay attention....until then bugger off.

BTW I'm not an antivaxxer by any stretch of the imagination....I think people should get them as they are beneficial. But the forced vaccine was completely off the charts wrong.
More laws aren't needed.

What's needed is a America with morals, standards and standards. We could get rid of a lot of laws if our country had that. Not saying it was perfect but in the 50s we didn't have issues we do now or so many laws because we had a general sense of morals, values and standards in our society.

Abortion wasn't such an issue either because of that because women were raised to be responsible in what they did and weren't all hedonistic rutting pigs jumping on every dick they can and shaking their ass in tv commercials. And that was partly due to having a father figure and a mother.
Modern feminism’s sexual revolution has gutted modern women.. convincing them to act against their biological psychological nature and act like men. It doesn’t work. It makes women more depressed, stressed, and misled.

It also makes them less desirable to men as far as marriage.. men mostly want a woman who isn’t promiscuous to be their wife. They’ll screw/date sex-crazed women but then toss em aside.

Thus, the rush of late 30’s/early 40’s sex revolution modern women. They are unhappy because they wasted the years in their early/mid 20’s when they could have tied down a man they want in marriage.. all to live like a man in their prime and have fun (being promised they can get what they want later when they want to settle down)… and now at these later ages can’t find the men they want and falsely think they deserve because these very men are looking for younger options because of wanting children and less baggage. These women in their 30’s/40’s are way less in value now in the dating marketplace, but their egos can’t accept it.

They’re told “don’t settle girl!”.. so they don’t, and stay single, bitter, and looking for something to blame.. THE PATRIARCHY! MEN! THEYRE ALL SO BAD!

No, that’s not it. There’s great, honourable, attractive, successful men out there, they just don’t want you. They want what you were 10-20 years ago when you were in your prime. You should have cashed out then and found the guy. You didn’t because feminism said you shouldn’t, your stock plummeted, and now your mad about it. Blame feminism.

Either lower your standards drastically or buy some cats.. those are the only options now for what you wanted all along.. companionship and a family
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More laws aren't needed.

What's needed is a America with morals, standards and standards. We could get rid of a lot of laws if our country had that. Not saying it was perfect but in the 50s we didn't have issues we do now or so many laws because we had a general sense of morals, values and standards in our society.

Abortion wasn't such an issue either because of that because women were raised to be responsible in what they did and weren't all hedonistic rutting pigs jumping on every dick they can and shaking their ass in tv commercials. And that was partly due to having a father figure and a mother.
This title speaks loudly for American attitudes. No less than half the population will be expected to fall into line with the dogma of extremist politics and beliefs.

I woman dying for lack of a lifesaving abortion will be held up as making the sacrifice for the god!
It’s been over a year, where’s that pile of dead women I was promised?
More laws aren't needed.

What's needed is a America with morals, standards and standards. We could get rid of a lot of laws if our country had that. Not saying it was perfect but in the 50s we didn't have issues we do now or so many laws because we had a general sense of morals, values and standards in our society.

Abortion wasn't such an issue either because of that because women were raised to be responsible in what they did and weren't all hedonistic rutting pigs jumping on every dick they can and shaking their ass in tv commercials. And that was partly due to having a father figure and a mother.

Very well said!

Why are the leftists here so curiously silent when the subject comes up of females taking personal responsibility for their own sexual behavior?

Abortion is taking responsibility

Abortion is the easy choice, Abortion is abdicating responsibility.

Shedding your leftist indoctrination is taking responsibility.

Supporting women who have made the right choice is taking responsibility, which I do every month with a donation to this organization:

I feed and house those women and their babies.

How do you support women who make the hard choice?

Adopting is taking responsibility which, by the way, white Christians do quite often, statistically:

"Christians. According to EthicsDaily.com, 5 percent of practicing Christians in the United States have adopted, which is more than twice the number of all adults who have adopted. In addition, a survey showed that 38 percent of practicing Christians had seriously considered adoption, while only 26 percent of all adults had.

Caucasians. Most adoptive parents (73 percent) are non-Hispanic white adults, according to a study by the Barna Group. However, they are less likely to adopt a Caucasian child. Only 37 percent of children adopted are Caucasian."

I could give two shits what controls women want, hell they should not even be allowed to vote.

That said I do see the UTILITY of abortion.....The womenz can call it what they want.

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