Women chasing politician, actors and athletes. Does it happen?



Bill Cosby wasn't chased. He cornered. That's a different thing entirely.

Chasing is what Zimmerman did to Travon Martin. When two people are running in the same direction and one is in front of the other, the one in the back is usually chasing. And if the one in front turns around and fights back, that is called "stand your ground". Clearly it doesn't always work. Women are fighting back against Bill Cosby.

But what about Jennifer Flowers who said she had a "long affair" with Bill Clinton. What was she after? Many are saying that Mrs. Clinton hasn't been treating Jennifer Flowers right. I'm wondering how they think a wife should treat a mistress. Anyone?

How do you tell the difference? Anyone? Are there things to look for? Not every woman who has sex is raped and not every man is a rapist. How do you tell who is lying? Are there certain things to look for?

I believe no is no. Can a woman initiate contact? Can a man say he was raped?

We all know it happens to politicians, look at the general, to actors and to athletes. Is there a way to know for sure if there is retribution after a failed relationship?

And where do snap judgements fit in?
Oh so Bill Clinton was an innocent bystander and your Hag was a victim. Good Luck with that one.
Wasn't it the Hag that said regardless of the facts or circumstances the women should be treated as being truthful?
Bill Cosby wasn't chased. He cornered. That's a different thing entirely.

Chasing is what Zimmerman did to Travon Martin. When two people are running in the same direction and one is in front of the other, the one in the back is usually chasing. And if the one in front turns around and fights back, that is called "stand your ground". Clearly it doesn't always work. Women are fighting back against Bill Cosby.

But what about Jennifer Flowers who said she had a "long affair" with Bill Clinton. What was she after? Many are saying that Mrs. Clinton hasn't been treating Jennifer Flowers right. I'm wondering how they think a wife should treat a mistress. Anyone?

How do you tell the difference? Anyone? Are there things to look for? Not every woman who has sex is raped and not every man is a rapist. How do you tell who is lying? Are there certain things to look for?

I believe no is no. Can a woman initiate contact? Can a man say he was raped?

We all know it happens to politicians, look at the general, to actors and to athletes. Is there a way to know for sure if there is retribution after a failed relationship?

And where do snap judgements fit in?

Three sentences in you and go to a lie. So sad.
Bill Cosby wasn't chased. He cornered. That's a different thing entirely.

Chasing is what Zimmerman did to Travon Martin. When two people are running in the same direction and one is in front of the other, the one in the back is usually chasing. And if the one in front turns around and fights back, that is called "stand your ground". Clearly it doesn't always work. Women are fighting back against Bill Cosby.

But what about Jennifer Flowers who said she had a "long affair" with Bill Clinton. What was she after? Many are saying that Mrs. Clinton hasn't been treating Jennifer Flowers right. I'm wondering how they think a wife should treat a mistress. Anyone?

How do you tell the difference? Anyone? Are there things to look for? Not every woman who has sex is raped and not every man is a rapist. How do you tell who is lying? Are there certain things to look for?

I believe no is no. Can a woman initiate contact? Can a man say he was raped?

We all know it happens to politicians, look at the general, to actors and to athletes. Is there a way to know for sure if there is retribution after a failed relationship?

And where do snap judgements fit in?

Three sentences in you and go to a lie. So sad.
Zimmerman got out of his truck and chased Trayvon Martin. It was recorded on Zimmerman's phone. Seriously, you didn't know that?
I'm wondering how they think a wife should treat a mistress. Anyone?

Likely the wife doesn't 'treat' the mistress in any way.

What she does when her husband is a serial cheater is kick his ass to the curb.

she had plenty of money to do it, she had a career. she wasn't trapped like a lot of women may have been. she kept Bill around because he served her own pursuit of power. Likewise, the only reason she shits on these women is that they get in the way of that.
I'm wondering how they think a wife should treat a mistress. Anyone?

Likely the wife doesn't 'treat' the mistress in any way.

What she does when her husband is a serial cheater is kick his ass to the curb.

she had plenty of money to do it, she had a career. she wasn't trapped like a lot of women may have been. she kept Bill around because he served her own pursuit of power. Likewise, the only reason she shits on these women is that they get in the way of that.
Sometimes the woman loves her husband so much she hopes he grows out of it. And since there hasn't seem to have been any new girls since Monica, he may have grown out of it.

Republicans forgive everyone except Democrats. Would Jesus approve?
I'm wondering how they think a wife should treat a mistress. Anyone?

Likely the wife doesn't 'treat' the mistress in any way.

What she does when her husband is a serial cheater is kick his ass to the curb.

she had plenty of money to do it, she had a career. she wasn't trapped like a lot of women may have been. she kept Bill around because he served her own pursuit of power. Likewise, the only reason she shits on these women is that they get in the way of that.
Sometimes the woman loves her husband so much she hopes he grows out of it. And since there hasn't seem to have been any new girls since Monica, he may have grown out of it.

Republicans forgive everyone except Democrats. Would Jesus approve?

Oh, come on.

she's just a lovestruck wife, pining for the love of her man.

....who just happened to leave the wh, head to the Senate then to the first election she could get into.

She is a calculating person, and knew exactly what she was doing, not some cheerleader hoping the captain of the football team would ask her to prom....
Bill Cosby wasn't chased. He cornered. That's a different thing entirely.

Chasing is what Zimmerman did to Travon Martin. When two people are running in the same direction and one is in front of the other, the one in the back is usually chasing. And if the one in front turns around and fights back, that is called "stand your ground". Clearly it doesn't always work. Women are fighting back against Bill Cosby.

But what about Jennifer Flowers who said she had a "long affair" with Bill Clinton. What was she after? Many are saying that Mrs. Clinton hasn't been treating Jennifer Flowers right. I'm wondering how they think a wife should treat a mistress. Anyone?

How do you tell the difference? Anyone? Are there things to look for? Not every woman who has sex is raped and not every man is a rapist. How do you tell who is lying? Are there certain things to look for?

I believe no is no. Can a woman initiate contact? Can a man say he was raped?

We all know it happens to politicians, look at the general, to actors and to athletes. Is there a way to know for sure if there is retribution after a failed relationship?

And where do snap judgements fit in?

Three sentences in you and go to a lie. So sad.
Zimmerman got out of his truck and chased Trayvon Martin. It was recorded on Zimmerman's phone. Seriously, you didn't know that?

Except he was walking, not running, just trying to keep the thug in sight, not chasing. He lost sight of the thug and then got ambushed by him. That's how a jury saw it, I think they had a better understanding of that facts than you.

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