Women Desire Alpha Males

A few decades vs all of human history…..Can’t undo eons of evolution.

Women still want men who look like they can physically protect them and their offspring.
And in fact, males who turn to extreme bodybuilding are generally emotionally flawed, or even physically flawed in a way that drives them to need the physical appearance.
And in fact, males who turn to extreme bodybuilding are generally emotionally flawed, or even physically flawed in a way that drives them to need the physical appearance.
You’re an expert? Know a lot of bodybuilders?
And in fact, males who turn to extreme bodybuilding are generally emotionally flawed, or even physically flawed in a way that drives them to need the physical appearance.
The same can be said for women that turn to extreme bodybuilding.
Plenty....And I've been in presentations/trainings where real women confirm all this to be true.....In fact, I'm doing a presentation at one tomorrow...So stuff that in your pipe and smoke it.

Now go play in traffic.
Of course you are.....I bet the "real women" are good at quietly snickering at you too.

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