Women Fainting Last Night When Trump Was Speaking

What a sight to behold. Like the Messiah himself was in the room.

Meanwhile, Liberals sit at home and masterbate. Wondering where did they fuck up.

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Women react that way around me too. The brazen hussies.
yea but the admiral says he gets a boner when trump is speaking.....he will no doubt volunteer to be trumps jizz bag....
What a sight to behold. Like the Messiah himself was in the room.

Meanwhile, Liberals sit at home and masterbate. Wondering where did they fuck up.

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maybe she saw the boner you said you get when trump speaks.....just sayin...

You're about to get boned by trump
You and the rest of the tards are gunna get rumped day after inauguration
Lube up asshole

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will you be disappointed when your hero doesnt do what he is promising all you dumbasses?....more importantly will you be here so we can rag on you for being so stupid to actually buy his shit?...

No idea
You're the one with experience
Your idiot Obama lied through his teeth and did nothing
Promised you utopia
Didn't deliver shit.
You bent over for his assfucking at the polls - twice
You tell me.

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What a sight to behold. Like the Messiah himself was in the room.

Meanwhile, Liberals sit at home and masterbate. Wondering where did they fuck up.

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Women react that way around me too. The brazen hussies.
yea but the admiral says he gets a boner when trump is speaking.....he will no doubt volunteer to be trumps jizz bag....

Well, you need a break after munching on obamas balls and ass for the last decade
Go gargle

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What a sight to behold. Like the Messiah himself was in the room.

Meanwhile, Liberals sit at home and masterbate. Wondering where did they fuck up.

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maybe she saw the boner you said you get when trump speaks.....just sayin...

You're about to get boned by trump
You and the rest of the tards are gunna get rumped day after inauguration
Lube up asshole

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
will you be disappointed when your hero doesnt do what he is promising all you dumbasses?....more importantly will you be here so we can rag on you for being so stupid to actually buy his shit?...

No idea
You're the one with experience
Your idiot Obama lied through his teeth and did nothing
Promised you utopia
Didn't deliver shit.
You bent over for his assfucking at the polls - twice
You tell me.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
hey admiral why dont you show me a post of mine where i even say obamas a good guy let alone supported the guy.....or is this just more pollock talk?...
What a sight to behold. Like the Messiah himself was in the room.

Meanwhile, Liberals sit at home and masterbate. Wondering where did they fuck up.

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Women react that way around me too. The brazen hussies.
yea but the admiral says he gets a boner when trump is speaking.....he will no doubt volunteer to be trumps jizz bag....

Well, you need a break after munching on obamas balls and ass for the last decade
Go gargle

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read post 25 dipshit....come up with an answer or you will prove to me you are just another guy sucking trumps balls...which by the way i can prove with you....your turn...
just as i thought....pollock talk....i bet you would suck trump off if he asked you too....am i right?....

You think it would taste like Obama's dick?
your better qualified to say than me,because unlike you i dont get a boner when some guy starts talking about how tough he is....maybe donny can get barack to let you have a suck on his way out....ill get some betting going on which one you like better....im willing to bet it will be obamas.....because remember...."once you try black,you never go back"....keep us posted.....
I wonder how them ladies are going to feel if he gets elected and then doesn't bother to keep his word on anything that he is promising the U.S. now.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. That right there is the reason why you would never see me faint at such a sight...no matter who it is that is running for president. I wouldn't trust anyone enough.
There is a possibility that he might turn out to be a really great President. One never really knows.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

What a sight to behold. Like the Messiah himself was in the room.

Meanwhile, Liberals sit at home and masterbate. Wondering where did they fuck up.

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maybe she saw the boner you said you get when trump speaks.....just sayin...

You're about to get boned by trump
You and the rest of the tards are gunna get rumped day after inauguration
Lube up asshole

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What a sight to behold. Like the Messiah himself was in the room.

Meanwhile, Liberals sit at home and masterbate. Wondering where did they fuck up.

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Trump has money

People worship money

Therefore; Trump is the messiah

Makes sense to me.....

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