Women: How do you like it?

Women: How do you like it?

  • Dominant

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Aggressive: Initiates & Leads most of the time

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Occasionally aggressive, but mostly an equal give & take

    Votes: 4 66.7%
  • Mostly submissive, but occasionally aggressive to keep it spicy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Submissive

    Votes: 1 16.7%

  • Total voters
dilloduck said:
He still wants you !!
He never wanted the divorce. :dunno: The shrink explained it best, "He's a narcissist and you filled important needs to him..." Try explaining that to kids. :firing:
Kathianne said:
He never wanted the divorce. :dunno: The shrink explained it best, "He's a narcissist and you filled important needs to him..." Try explaining that to kids. :firing:

What did his shrink say?
Kathianne said:
No sheiit! Ran into the ex the other night at daughter's performance. Haven't seen or spoken to him other than to get one of the kids on the phone in the past 2 years, (since the youngest turned 18. ;) ) Lo and behold, a message on the machine last night, "Call me, if you want..." LOL! I. think. NOT. Gee he's married with 2 little kids, I was with my 'friend.' For crying out loud, it's been over 10 year! It has gotten better, he used to call all the time. :rolleyes:

Methinks the leopard hasn't changed his spots!

Your just a hard act to follow;)

Ironically my ex just called my dad's house to wish him a happy birthday while we were there having cake :wtf: :D
dilloduck said:
damn---he got publically shrank ???
Yep, 212 evaluation in Illinois and yeah, there was a court report. So I guess that would be true! Couldn't happen to nicer guy.

"Extreme narcissism with multiple character disorders."

Yeah I know, "What was I thinking for all those years?"
dilloduck said:
I should say so---wanting you doesn't make the guy crazy!!!!
Na, it wasn't me that I know. His whole family was bonkers, well except his dad.
Kathianne said:
Yep, 212 evaluation in Illinois and yeah, there was a court report. So I guess that would be true! Couldn't happen to nicer guy.

"Extreme narcissism with multiple character disorders."

Yeah I know, "What was I thinking for all those years?"

LOL mine had three personality disorders, and I have to think I was insane then, but ultimateley I realize I was only 20 and at 20 most people are lucky if they know their own names much less recognize Borderline psychosis disorder... :confused:
Kathianne said:
Yep, 212 evaluation in Illinois and yeah, there was a court report. So I guess that would be true! Couldn't happen to nicer guy.

"Extreme narcissism with multiple character disorders."

Yeah I know, "What was I thinking for all those years?"

The more the merrier ???
Bonnie said:
LOL mine had three personality disorders, and I have to think I was insane then, but ultimateley I realize I was only 20 and at 20 most people are lucky if they know their own names much less recognize Borderline psychosis disorder... :confused:

MAybe we need shrinks to approve marriages !! :alco:
Do we all have "unwelcome exes" who try to rekindle the flame years after it's over?
Bonnie said:
LOL mine had three personality disorders, and I have to think I was insane then, but ultimateley I realize I was only 20 and at 20 most people are lucky if they know their own names much less recognize Borderline psychosis disorder... :confused:
I was 25 when married, but by the time the problems were gross enough, had 3 kids under 5. Took til the youngest was in 2nd grade to file, then 4+ years to get the divorce. Expensive lesson in life.
Kathianne said:
I was 25 when married, but by the time the problems were gross enough, had 3 kids under 5. Took til the youngest was in 2nd grade to file, then 4+ years to get the divorce. Expensive lesson in life.

You know for me the hardest part was time lost that I could have been going to school etc. Nothing can be done aobut lost time though... But look at it this way, we both got out while we are still young chickies ;)
Bonnie said:
You know for me the hardest part was time lost that I could have been going to school etc. Nothing can be done aobut lost time though... But look at it this way, we both got out while we are still young chickies ;)
Point well taken. Wouldn't trade my kids. I just kept thinking for a few years, "I got accepted to Northwestern law school and got married instead." :cuckoo: Ah well, I did learn to toughen up! :laugh:
dilloduck said:
Just an ex-boyfriend. My husband is the only husband I've ever had. He's a pretty good one. I think I'll keep him.

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