Women...how's feminism working out for you? Man crowned Miss Nevada......LOL.....

Why are you implying that black women are too dumb to make their own decisions? That's pretty insulting.

I'm not, I'm condemning your fellow DemoKKKrats (and you for supporting them) for specifically targeting black children for abortions by disparately putting abortion mills in black neighborhoods, and spending millions of dollars to normalize killing children in black and brown communities.

Your comment is absurd.

The republican policies affecting women, as well as policies on other issues, make supporting the Democratic Party imperative at this time. The republicans did this to themselves.

I don't know what an "abortion mill" actually is as opposed to a clinic that offers a full range of services and operates according to the standards required of medical facilities.

That said, all women need convenient access to all services. When I was in school many years ago, Planned Parenthood was located in an area that was easily accessible by city bus from all neighborhoods. Its personnel were of all races and patients were not turned away based on race or income. They asked you what you were there for. Most of us from my college went for contraception. Guess what? It worked! Advance planning! No abortion necessary!

As you probably know I enthusiastically support prevention, knowing that women prefer to avoid experiencing a problem pregnancy in the first place way over having a surgical

Again, why do you insist on insulting black women?
I just filled out a form that asked my gender. There were 10+ options. The next question asked me my "assigned gender at birth". There were only two options. I guess the second question is the one they really pay attention to. The first question is to placate the nutcases.
Or it’s just to be inclusive. Don’t see why you gotta get all dramatic about it

The practice of normalizing contrary & irrational thought and intense bureaucracy has no consequences? Fuck I don't know Slade, look at leftists like yourself.

I mean doesn't it have an unnatural irrational flow to begin with? If some places sport two gender options (correct), but this PROG place has 10 options and another PROG place 50, how do you know when to stop?

I used to tell my liberal comrades the same about process, they always grew crickets. In their liberal wisdom they'd constantly have a desire to document what a computer is not supposed to do as opposed to what it is supposed to do. So I'd ask, how do you know when to stop? Rhetorical.

I had a liberal loving programmer who once documented system requirements, it wasn't her job, but she was working with another liberal who's job it was; it happens all the time, leftists are dependent etc. I rewrote it with correct information because theirs was a travesty and missed badly (common), and rewrote it on what the system was SUPPOSED to do in short order. Her panties got in a bunch for sure, but like my bosses she had to STFU already, you can't logically pan out wrong, never works

Love liberal settings. I had another comrade who was a liberal fag. I can call him a faggot because he was a creep, the only fag I've ever met, others are usually cool. That MFer was paid 80K a year to MFing write, supposedly well seasoned, wholly shit, should have seen his work like a 5th grade faggot will lots & lots of "S's". Fucker can say in 50 words what would take five. He was serviced to a program run by a personal friend. She ended up writing it all for him beginning to end from her experience with my work & because she's normal & competent too. Boss saw that and know what they did? Gave him a raise.
Last edited:
For all the pro choicer's . You have been pushing contraception on children for decades. Make your "choice" before you have unprotected sex. Being ignorant doesn't give anyone the right to kill the unborn. remember lefties you're killing transgender fetus' also. Choose wisely!
I just filled out a form that asked my gender. There were 10+ options. The next question asked me my "assigned gender at birth". There were only two options. I guess the second question is the one they really pay attention to. The first question is to placate the nutcases.
Or it’s just to be inclusive. Don’t see why you gotta get all dramatic about it

Only a sicko would think that "inclusiveness" of a goddamn mentally retarded transsexual should be a criteria.
I guess I’m a sicko then… whatever you want to call me I find it much better than being a close minded drama Queen like you
You have to pretty damn sick in the mind to accept something as digusting as a transsexual. Glad that you admit it.

Of course you being a card carrying Libtard buffoon you are pretty sick in the mind when it it comes to most things.
Yeah I just don’t pretend to know what life is like through other peoples eyes and as long as they are not threatening others then I don’t feel the need to try and control, label or belittle them. I think the way you go about this is hateful, small minded and sick in its own right

See, you don't have a clue, do you? Like I said you Libtards are mentally disturbed.
Looks to me like I got the clue and you’re stuck in an old fashioned cloud of ignorance. Why do you feel the need to tell other people how they need to look and act? What gives you that right and entitlement?

If some deranged shithead wants to pretend he is a girl then fine. However, when asshole judges pick the sonofabitch to win a beatuty contest over real women to show how fucking "inclusive" they are then they deserve tremendous ridicule and scorn. Just like dumbass mentally disturbed shitheads like you who see nothing wrong with it.
Why would I care about how somebody runs a beauty pageant?! Haha and why do you care so much?!

you say it’s fine if somebody wants to pretend to be a girl yet you call them a shithead and a sonofabitch… so no, you obviously don’t think it is fine and you’re being a little dramatic bitch about about. Get a life and mind your own business
I just filled out a form that asked my gender. There were 10+ options. The next question asked me my "assigned gender at birth". There were only two options. I guess the second question is the one they really pay attention to. The first question is to placate the nutcases.
Or it’s just to be inclusive. Don’t see why you gotta get all dramatic about it

Only a sicko would think that "inclusiveness" of a goddamn mentally retarded transsexual should be a criteria.
This really gets to you on a deeply personal level, doesn't it?

Just another stupid Libtard to ridicule.

This forum is a target rich environment to ridicule sicko Moon Bats.
I can tell that this really really does get to you on a deeply personal level.
It is amazing that women can't see the scam the democrat party has been running on them for decades....

Democrat men......women, you need sexual freedom so kill the babies so we don't have to pay for support.

Democrat men.....women, men who say they are women get to compete against you in women's sports, taking your awards and scholarships....

Democrat men......women, men can now not only compete, but win beauty contests that used to be just for women....

You have been played for fools....but keep playing, the democrat men appreciate your participation in your humiliation...

Is this the guy you’re talking about?

View attachment 507170
View attachment 507171

Wouldn't call it a guy, more like a fraud or freak.

Wonderful. You feel good about yourself?

Tell me what I got wrong.

Hey we all have our own sense of right and wrong. I was just asking if you feel good about yourself calling somebody you don’t know a fraud and a freak? Is that how you’d teach children to think and talk about others?

The guy is no and can never be a Miss anything, that is a fraud.

miss 2​

1. Miss Used as a courtesy title before the surname or full name of a girl or single woman.
2. Used as a form of polite address for a girl or young woman: I beg your pardon, miss.
3. A young unmarried woman.
4. Miss
Used in informal titles for a young woman to indicate the epitomizing of an attribute or activity: Miss Organization; Miss Opera.
5. mis·ses A series of clothing sizes for women and girls of average height and proportions.

No matter how much surgery or drugs the dude will never be a woman or a girl. He's a fraud and claiming otherwise is a LIE. If I had children I would teach them to tell the truth, no matter how unpopular it might be. Obviously you were never taught that.

The dude is a trans woman. Ever heard of that before or do I need to post a definition?

I've seen Volkswagen bugs with a continental kit, that doesn't make them a continental. At least the VW with the continental kit doesn't rob real continentals of their value or prestige, like this guy did from real women. That's truth, deal with it commie.
There’s no robbing going on. The beautify page t had their rules and criteria and ran it the way they wanted to. Why do you care?

Looks like Kataluna Enriquez is going to be stuck with the prize of Miss Silver State (Nevada).
He isn't eligible for either Miss United States of America, or Miss Universe.

Both require eligible contestants to be born genetically female.
The Miss United States of America Pageant even recently won a court case maintaining their eligibility requirement.

What Happens In Las Vegas, Stays In Las Vegas.
Nothing New About That.

Last edited:
I just filled out a form that asked my gender. There were 10+ options. The next question asked me my "assigned gender at birth". There were only two options. I guess the second question is the one they really pay attention to. The first question is to placate the nutcases.
Or it’s just to be inclusive. Don’t see why you gotta get all dramatic about it

Only a sicko would think that "inclusiveness" of a goddamn mentally retarded transsexual should be a criteria.
I guess I’m a sicko then… whatever you want to call me I find it much better than being a close minded drama Queen like you
You have to pretty damn sick in the mind to accept something as digusting as a transsexual. Glad that you admit it.

Of course you being a card carrying Libtard buffoon you are pretty sick in the mind when it it comes to most things.
Yeah I just don’t pretend to know what life is like through other peoples eyes and as long as they are not threatening others then I don’t feel the need to try and control, label or belittle them. I think the way you go about this is hateful, small minded and sick in its own right

See, you don't have a clue, do you? Like I said you Libtards are mentally disturbed.
Looks to me like I got the clue and you’re stuck in an old fashioned cloud of ignorance. Why do you feel the need to tell other people how they need to look and act? What gives you that right and entitlement?

If some deranged shithead wants to pretend he is a girl then fine. However, when asshole judges pick the sonofabitch to win a beatuty contest over real women to show how fucking "inclusive" they are then they deserve tremendous ridicule and scorn. Just like dumbass mentally disturbed shitheads like you who see nothing wrong with it.
Why would I care about how somebody runs a beauty pageant?! Haha and why do you care so much?!

you say it’s fine if somebody wants to pretend to be a girl yet you call them a shithead and a sonofabitch… so no, you obviously don’t think it is fine and you’re being a little dramatic bitch about about. Get a life and mind your own business

You are sure defending it to claim you don't care, aren't you?

All I am doing is ridiculing the dumbass sicko judges for picking a man to win a Woman's beauty contest.

You would think that the basic requirement to participate in a woman's beauty contest is to actually be a woman, wouldn't you?

How fucking stupid is that? Do you know anything about Biology? Apparently not.

You can take your silly ass "inclusiveness" bullshit and cram it up your Moon Bat ass.
I just filled out a form that asked my gender. There were 10+ options. The next question asked me my "assigned gender at birth". There were only two options. I guess the second question is the one they really pay attention to. The first question is to placate the nutcases.
Or it’s just to be inclusive. Don’t see why you gotta get all dramatic about it

The practice of normalizing contrary & irrational thought and intense bureaucracy has no consequences? Fuck I don't know Slade, look at leftists like yourself.

I mean doesn't it have an unnatural irrational flow to begin with? If some places sport two gender options (correct), but this PROG place has 10 options and another PROG place 50, how do you know when to stop?

I used to tell my liberal comrades the same about process, they always grew crickets. In their liberal wisdom they'd desire to document what a computer is not supposed to do as opposed to what it is supposed to do, so I'd ask, how do you know when to stop? Rhetorical. Even liberal programmers would often do that shit constantly, WTF?
I think your perception of natural flow may be quite different than somebody else’s. I try and not and judge that for other people. If the way I feel about myself as a man is the same way another guy thinks about themself as a woman the that’s their nature. Just as my attraction for women as a straight male isn’t shared by homosexuals. Point is I’m not here to judge. I’m fine advancing our society in a more inclusive way. I do have lines where I think efforts are extraneous but I try and stay open minded
Why are you implying that black women are too dumb to make their own decisions? That's pretty insulting.

I'm not, I'm condemning your fellow DemoKKKrats (and you for supporting them) for specifically targeting black children for abortions by disparately putting abortion mills in black neighborhoods, and spending millions of dollars to normalize killing children in black and brown communities.

Your comment is absurd.

The republican policies affecting women, as well as policies on other issues, make supporting the Democratic Party imperative at this time. The republicans did this to themselves.

I don't know what an "abortion mill" actually is as opposed to a clinic that offers a full range of services and operates according to the standards required of medical facilities.

That said, all women need convenient access to all services. When I was in school many years ago, Planned Parenthood was located in an area that was easily accessible by city bus from all neighborhoods. Its personnel were of all races and patients were not turned away based on race or income. They asked you what you were there for. Most of us from my college went for contraception. Guess what? It worked! Advance planning! No abortion necessary!

As you probably know I enthusiastically support prevention, knowing that women prefer to avoid experiencing a problem pregnancy in the first place way over having a surgical

Again, why do you insist on insulting black women?

None of your lies debunk the fact that you people target black and brown communities for abortions. Margaret Sanger explained why, and nothing has changed since then.
I just filled out a form that asked my gender. There were 10+ options. The next question asked me my "assigned gender at birth". There were only two options. I guess the second question is the one they really pay attention to. The first question is to placate the nutcases.
Or it’s just to be inclusive. Don’t see why you gotta get all dramatic about it

Only a sicko would think that "inclusiveness" of a goddamn mentally retarded transsexual should be a criteria.
This really gets to you on a deeply personal level, doesn't it?

Just another stupid Libtard to ridicule.

This forum is a target rich environment to ridicule sicko Moon Bats.
I can tell that this really really does get to you on a deeply personal level.

Ridiculing silly ass Libtrads is an entertaining way to spend a rainy Florida afternoon. Quit your bitching. You stupid Moon Bata deserve the ridicule. You are fucking idiots.
I just filled out a form that asked my gender. There were 10+ options. The next question asked me my "assigned gender at birth". There were only two options. I guess the second question is the one they really pay attention to. The first question is to placate the nutcases.
Or it’s just to be inclusive. Don’t see why you gotta get all dramatic about it

Only a sicko would think that "inclusiveness" of a goddamn mentally retarded transsexual should be a criteria.
This really gets to you on a deeply personal level, doesn't it?

Just another stupid Libtard to ridicule.

This forum is a target rich environment to ridicule sicko Moon Bats.
I can tell that this really really does get to you on a deeply personal level.

Ridiculing silly ass Libtrads is an entertaining way to spend a rainy Florida afternoon. Quit your bitching. You stupid Moon Bata deserve the ridicule. You are fucking idiots.
You’re sure showing us who’s boss! Doing a fine job of making yourself look like an ignorant asshole. Way to go!!!
It is amazing that women can't see the scam the democrat party has been running on them for decades....

Democrat men......women, you need sexual freedom so kill the babies so we don't have to pay for support.

Democrat men.....women, men who say they are women get to compete against you in women's sports, taking your awards and scholarships....

Democrat men......women, men can now not only compete, but win beauty contests that used to be just for women....

You have been played for fools....but keep playing, the democrat men appreciate your participation in your humiliation...

Is this the guy you’re talking about?

View attachment 507170
View attachment 507171

Wouldn't call it a guy, more like a fraud or freak.

Wonderful. You feel good about yourself?

Tell me what I got wrong.

Hey we all have our own sense of right and wrong. I was just asking if you feel good about yourself calling somebody you don’t know a fraud and a freak? Is that how you’d teach children to think and talk about others?

The guy is no and can never be a Miss anything, that is a fraud.

miss 2​

1. Miss Used as a courtesy title before the surname or full name of a girl or single woman.
2. Used as a form of polite address for a girl or young woman: I beg your pardon, miss.
3. A young unmarried woman.
4. Miss
Used in informal titles for a young woman to indicate the epitomizing of an attribute or activity: Miss Organization; Miss Opera.
5. mis·ses A series of clothing sizes for women and girls of average height and proportions.

No matter how much surgery or drugs the dude will never be a woman or a girl. He's a fraud and claiming otherwise is a LIE. If I had children I would teach them to tell the truth, no matter how unpopular it might be. Obviously you were never taught that.

The dude is a trans woman. Ever heard of that before or do I need to post a definition?

I've seen Volkswagen bugs with a continental kit, that doesn't make them a continental. At least the VW with the continental kit doesn't rob real continentals of their value or prestige, like this guy did from real women. That's truth, deal with it commie.
There’s no robbing going on. The beautify page t had their rules and criteria and ran it the way they wanted to. Why do you care?

I don't know, I guess I just don't like the degradation of society. It's obvious that is exactly the intent of you commies. Does that make you proud?

marvin martian
I'm not a guy. And I never said that I support the building of women's clinics specifically in black neighborhoods, so do not put words in my mouth. I DO support access to the full range of medical services needed by women of all colors, including abortion.

Why are you implying that black women are too dumb to make their own decisions? That's pretty insulting.

Yet you commies pretend blacks are too dumb to get an ID to vote, is that not insulting?


Are you so mentally unstable that you think that everyone who disagrees with you supports a given economic system?

No one is pretending that African-Americans are too dumb to get an ID. These voting laws are being passed, for no reason, by white-trash politicians specifically to prevent people, especially people of color, from voting. Nobody is going to kiss the asses of these scumbag politicians.
It is amazing that women can't see the scam the democrat party has been running on them for decades....

Democrat men......women, you need sexual freedom so kill the babies so we don't have to pay for support.

Democrat men.....women, men who say they are women get to compete against you in women's sports, taking your awards and scholarships....

Democrat men......women, men can now not only compete, but win beauty contests that used to be just for women....

You have been played for fools....but keep playing, the democrat men appreciate your participation in your humiliation...

Is this the guy you’re talking about?

View attachment 507170
View attachment 507171

Wouldn't call it a guy, more like a fraud or freak.

Wonderful. You feel good about yourself?

Tell me what I got wrong.

Hey we all have our own sense of right and wrong. I was just asking if you feel good about yourself calling somebody you don’t know a fraud and a freak? Is that how you’d teach children to think and talk about others?

The guy is no and can never be a Miss anything, that is a fraud.

miss 2​

1. Miss Used as a courtesy title before the surname or full name of a girl or single woman.
2. Used as a form of polite address for a girl or young woman: I beg your pardon, miss.
3. A young unmarried woman.
4. Miss
Used in informal titles for a young woman to indicate the epitomizing of an attribute or activity: Miss Organization; Miss Opera.
5. mis·ses A series of clothing sizes for women and girls of average height and proportions.

No matter how much surgery or drugs the dude will never be a woman or a girl. He's a fraud and claiming otherwise is a LIE. If I had children I would teach them to tell the truth, no matter how unpopular it might be. Obviously you were never taught that.

The dude is a trans woman. Ever heard of that before or do I need to post a definition?

I've seen Volkswagen bugs with a continental kit, that doesn't make them a continental. At least the VW with the continental kit doesn't rob real continentals of their value or prestige, like this guy did from real women. That's truth, deal with it commie.
There’s no robbing going on. The beautify page t had their rules and criteria and ran it the way they wanted to. Why do you care?

I don't know, I guess I just don't like the degradation of society. It's obvious that is exactly the intent of you commies. Does that make you proud?

What do you mean by degradation of society?

cause exclusion and discrimination and hateful control over how others express themselves and decide who they love is degrading to me… ridding society of those elements is better in my opinion
marvin martian
I'm not a guy. And I never said that I support the building of women's clinics specifically in black neighborhoods, so do not put words in my mouth. I DO support access to the full range of medical services needed by women of all colors, including abortion.

Why are you implying that black women are too dumb to make their own decisions? That's pretty insulting.

Yet you commies pretend blacks are too dumb to get an ID to vote, is that not insulting?


Are you so mentally unstable that you think that everyone who disagrees with you supports a given economic system?

No one is pretending that African-Americans are too dumb to get an ID. These voting laws are being passed, for no reason, by white-trash politicians specifically to prevent people, especially people of color, from voting. Nobody is going to kiss the asses of these scumbag politicians.

So you're saying "people of color" are incapable of following the laws and rules to vote? Once again, isn't that insulting? Also if the laws and rules apply to everyone equally regardless of race, how is anyone being disadvantaged? You seem to have all the commie talking points down, but you obviously haven't thought this through.

It is amazing that women can't see the scam the democrat party has been running on them for decades....

Democrat men......women, you need sexual freedom so kill the babies so we don't have to pay for support.

Democrat men.....women, men who say they are women get to compete against you in women's sports, taking your awards and scholarships....

Democrat men......women, men can now not only compete, but win beauty contests that used to be just for women....

You have been played for fools....but keep playing, the democrat men appreciate your participation in your humiliation...

Why don’t you get back to us when you find out how feminists feel about beauty pageants to begin with.
It is amazing that women can't see the scam the democrat party has been running on them for decades....

Democrat men......women, you need sexual freedom so kill the babies so we don't have to pay for support.

Democrat men.....women, men who say they are women get to compete against you in women's sports, taking your awards and scholarships....

Democrat men......women, men can now not only compete, but win beauty contests that used to be just for women....

You have been played for fools....but keep playing, the democrat men appreciate your participation in your humiliation...

Is this the guy you’re talking about?

View attachment 507170
View attachment 507171

Wouldn't call it a guy, more like a fraud or freak.

Wonderful. You feel good about yourself?

Tell me what I got wrong.

Hey we all have our own sense of right and wrong. I was just asking if you feel good about yourself calling somebody you don’t know a fraud and a freak? Is that how you’d teach children to think and talk about others?

The guy is no and can never be a Miss anything, that is a fraud.

miss 2​

1. Miss Used as a courtesy title before the surname or full name of a girl or single woman.
2. Used as a form of polite address for a girl or young woman: I beg your pardon, miss.
3. A young unmarried woman.
4. Miss
Used in informal titles for a young woman to indicate the epitomizing of an attribute or activity: Miss Organization; Miss Opera.
5. mis·ses A series of clothing sizes for women and girls of average height and proportions.

No matter how much surgery or drugs the dude will never be a woman or a girl. He's a fraud and claiming otherwise is a LIE. If I had children I would teach them to tell the truth, no matter how unpopular it might be. Obviously you were never taught that.

The dude is a trans woman. Ever heard of that before or do I need to post a definition?

I've seen Volkswagen bugs with a continental kit, that doesn't make them a continental. At least the VW with the continental kit doesn't rob real continentals of their value or prestige, like this guy did from real women. That's truth, deal with it commie.
There’s no robbing going on. The beautify page t had their rules and criteria and ran it the way they wanted to. Why do you care?

I don't know, I guess I just don't like the degradation of society. It's obvious that is exactly the intent of you commies. Does that make you proud?

What do you mean by degradation of society?

cause exclusion and discrimination and hateful control over how others express themselves and decide who they love is degrading to me… ridding society of those elements is better in my opinion


  • n.
    The act or process of degrading.
  • n.
    The state of being degraded; degeneration.
  • n.
    A decline to a lower condition, quality, or level.

You're just not too bright, are ya.

It is amazing that women can't see the scam the democrat party has been running on them for decades....

Democrat men......women, you need sexual freedom so kill the babies so we don't have to pay for support.

Democrat men.....women, men who say they are women get to compete against you in women's sports, taking your awards and scholarships....

Democrat men......women, men can now not only compete, but win beauty contests that used to be just for women....

You have been played for fools....but keep playing, the democrat men appreciate your participation in your humiliation...

Is this the guy you’re talking about?

View attachment 507170
View attachment 507171

Wouldn't call it a guy, more like a fraud or freak.

Wonderful. You feel good about yourself?

Tell me what I got wrong.

Hey we all have our own sense of right and wrong. I was just asking if you feel good about yourself calling somebody you don’t know a fraud and a freak? Is that how you’d teach children to think and talk about others?

The guy is no and can never be a Miss anything, that is a fraud.

miss 2​

1. Miss Used as a courtesy title before the surname or full name of a girl or single woman.
2. Used as a form of polite address for a girl or young woman: I beg your pardon, miss.
3. A young unmarried woman.
4. Miss
Used in informal titles for a young woman to indicate the epitomizing of an attribute or activity: Miss Organization; Miss Opera.
5. mis·ses A series of clothing sizes for women and girls of average height and proportions.

No matter how much surgery or drugs the dude will never be a woman or a girl. He's a fraud and claiming otherwise is a LIE. If I had children I would teach them to tell the truth, no matter how unpopular it might be. Obviously you were never taught that.

The dude is a trans woman. Ever heard of that before or do I need to post a definition?

I've seen Volkswagen bugs with a continental kit, that doesn't make them a continental. At least the VW with the continental kit doesn't rob real continentals of their value or prestige, like this guy did from real women. That's truth, deal with it commie.
There’s no robbing going on. The beautify page t had their rules and criteria and ran it the way they wanted to. Why do you care?

I don't know, I guess I just don't like the degradation of society. It's obvious that is exactly the intent of you commies. Does that make you proud?

What do you mean by degradation of society?

cause exclusion and discrimination and hateful control over how others express themselves and decide who they love is degrading to me… ridding society of those elements is better in my opinion


  • n.
    The act or process of degrading.
  • n.
    The state of being degraded; degeneration.
  • n.
    A decline to a lower condition, quality, or level.

You're just not too bright, are ya.

That’s exactly what I was talking about. What was confusing you?
Are you so mentally unstable that you think that everyone who disagrees with you supports a given economic system?

No one is pretending that African-Americans are too dumb to get an ID. These voting laws are being passed, for no reason, by white-trash politicians specifically to prevent people, especially people of color, from voting. Nobody is going to kiss the asses of these scumbag politicians.

And that's fine if just one of you on the left can explain how a law that applies to all equally is a disadvantage to one particular group of people.

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