Women prefer alpha males

It is true. Most women want real men and our country used to be full of them.

Now our country is being over run by "men" like this.

Soft, timid, weak willed pussy ass bitches. Always cowtailing to others and always bending the knee and the only time they try to be tough is when it's in service to some social agenda that they submit themselves to. Most young men today are submissive cowards. Especially young white males.

Real women want real men. That's how species thrive is real tough women are drawn to real and tough men and they produce tough offspring. Real women want a man that is smart, strong, responsible, and isn't weak. They want a man that will get shit done and take care of his family.

Although some women are drawn to sigma males. That's why my life was attracted to me. I am not a big overly dominant man that has to call all of the shots. I am a alpha male, only I lack the desire to present myself as such all the time. I am calm and placid most of the time, but I will not back down, I will easily assume control, and I am not afraid to put myself in most any situation. Guess I watched too many Steve McQueen movies as a kid, but she likes it.

No hairspray and pancake makeup for you.
I check most of the boxes for sigma male and have always attracted women.

That's because sigma males are still alpha males, only without all the chest putting Midwest bravado showmanship.

My wife says in a lot of ways I am tougher than a alpha male because they don't intimidate me and I'll stand eyeball to eyeball with one without a big production.

Alphas need betas because betas will follow along with anything they say and do anything they are told. But more so alphas need sigmas because alphas are usually tough on the outside but weaker on the inside, sigmas have a tough interior and don't feel the need to project outward toughness. In others we get their shit done and have the fortitude to let nothing get in the way, not even ourselves. We also have the ability to walk away from alphas because we're strong enough to function on our own without alphas or betas. But betas are weak inside and out and can't function alone, just like alphas can't function on their own either
It is just a biological fact and not a conservative narrative.

They have to make everything about bashing their perceived enemy. But that's what wussies have to do to feel better about themselves I guess. :dunno:
I don't know if that is really true anymore?
You know, the whole "toxic masculinity" thing...
But yes, the best man a woman can get is a confident man.
Not a lot of those coming out of Gen X.

I'd say confident and capable, capable is a big one for me. I guess it depends on how you define 'alpha', I wouldn't define it as just running roughshod over everyone, but someone who is a natural leader, takes charge, is confident and capable of backing up what he says he can or will do. It's not pushing people around, or disrespect, which is what I think a lot of people define alpha as being.

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