Women want to be treated equally.....

The Best Hourglass Bodies of All Time
The Best Hourglass Bodies of All Time
Liberal feminism was created so the women could level the playing field, because the women that could use their bodies for profit, pissed off those women who couldn't. So the liberals , the chumpions of the downtrodden(yet they make more downtrodden with their policies) decided to make those non profitable women "VICITMS, and started bringing up charges on men, who abused their positions(unless it was Bill Clinton, Jessie Jackson, Jack Kennedy and his brothers, John Edwars, etc etc etc) by bring those men up on sexual discriminations. The Feminazi's have won, up till about 10 years ago, when women started slutting their butss and boobs again, all for profit. So much for respecting women for their minds. Liberals are only for themselves, just look at Bill Clinton who cheated no his wife(who knew he cheated) and still cheats today. And the liberals LOVE Bill.

Nice rant. I get it. You don't like liberals.

But that does not change the fact that people who do the same job should get the same pay.
When a liberal starts losing the argument, they resort to saying a conservative starts "Ranting". Funny how LOGIC, to a liberal is ranting. Now go find a boat sail it into the cat 5 out in the pacific and see if it was caused by global warming. If your boat sinks before you find out, at least you do the world a favor by removing your CO2 footprint from the planet and maybe more liberals will follow suit. I for one wont miss you.
As for your claim that women can't play 5 sets....

"Earlier this week, Stacy Allaster, CEO of the Women's Tennis Association (WTA), said that female players are ready and willing to play 5 set matches in Grand Slams."
Should women play 5 sets in tennis Grand Slams?
Ready to play , is NOT playing 5 sets. Boy you are as dumb as ever. Like they say in Missouri, "SHOW ME", and I will believe.

And you are a nit-picking idiot. How many women do the same work as men and make less. But you want to bring up pro tennis? How many pro tennis players are there who make any money from the events? 500? 1,000? Most of them, if they make any money at all, are making money from sponsors.

And the fact that the WTA is ready to play 5 sets sorts shoots down your whole idea that women CAN'T play 5 sets without cramping and vomiting. Funny that they run marathons and play 90 mins of professional soccer (making less money).
WASHINGTON — President Obama on Tuesday will call attention to what he has said is an “embarrassment” in America: the fact that women make, on average, only 77 cents for every dollar that a man earns.
Whaaaaaaa, conservatives aren't playing fair, because they keep showing FACTS about how HYPOCRITICAL liberals are. "DO AS THEY SAY, NOT AS THEY DO". Double standards, without them, liberals would have no standards at all.
As for your claim that women can't play 5 sets....

"Earlier this week, Stacy Allaster, CEO of the Women's Tennis Association (WTA), said that female players are ready and willing to play 5 set matches in Grand Slams."
Should women play 5 sets in tennis Grand Slams?
Ready to play , is NOT playing 5 sets. Boy you are as dumb as ever. Like they say in Missouri, "SHOW ME", and I will believe.

And you are a nit-picking idiot. How many women do the same work as men and make less. But you want to bring up pro tennis? How many pro tennis players are there who make any money from the events? 500? 1,000? Most of them, if they make any money at all, are making money from sponsors.

And the fact that the WTA is ready to play 5 sets sorts shoots down your whole idea that women CAN'T play 5 sets without cramping and vomiting. Funny that they run marathons and play 90 mins of professional soccer (making less money).
Anyone GOOD enough, to get into professional tennis gets paid at least the minimum , but those that can win get paid even more. Isnt it UNFAIR to others not good enough that they cant be paid the same , for the same work? I mean when a burger flipper who works 40 hours a week, can barely afford to live, yet these guys who might play 20 hours a week, can make millions? Maybe we need to take much of the money a pro makes and give it to the burger flipper to make it equal? Just using your own liberal arguments against you, which you call nitpicking, and you seem to not like your own RULES for RADICALS , used back on you. What is good for the GOOSE, is good for the GANDER. That is equality. Dumbass.

Sorry, but I am not the liberal you think you are attacking.

I have never said everyone should get paid the same. Just that the people doing the same work should.

Those who are flipping burgers have no skills to offer, so they don't make much money. Learn a skill and earn more money. It really is that simple. And that really has been my argument in numerous threads. So take a minute to learn what someone believes BEFORE you attack their beliefs. Otherwise you end up attacking someone for something they never said and is against what they believe. And then you have the audacity to call me a dumbass? lmao Spare me the angry bullshit.
Allowing equality for women only for those women who are sexually active, heterosexual and available??

That is not guile.
dear, they only make more in the porn sector, not the non-porn sector; do you not believe in Capitalism?

Junior, that is changing and soon. Equal pay for equal work.

But you can be sure that if they offer a full body massage with a happy ending, men would accept their offer.
Equal pay for equal work? How about the Tennis Federation , where men MUST play in the majors best 3 out of 5, and women only play best 2 out of 3? Yet both men and women get equal pay? If equality is being pushed then I want to see women(not trangender's) play 3 out of 5 and suck it up like men. Wont happen because when women go past 3 sets they cramp up and start vomiting, because women CANT do what men do, it is in the genetics. Which is why women show off their body parts, to get plenty of money that way.

Women can't go beyond 3 sets? lol Yeah, and they can't run marathons or their uterus will fall out.

Yes, there ARE physiological differences. And in areas where that is an issue, it is not about equality but physical ability.

But those areas are few and far between.
Then why wont women play best 3 out of 5 in major tennis events? Equal pay for equal work? You liberals are such tards, and believe what ever comes out of the liberal talking points. Did you know that Obummer was paying his female workers less than his male workers? Hmmmm? Do as they say not as they do.

The women aren't playing against the men, so how is that unfair? If they played against the men, then you might have a point. :)
The Best Hourglass Bodies of All Time
The Best Hourglass Bodies of All Time
Liberal feminism was created so the women could level the playing field, because the women that could use their bodies for profit, pissed off those women who couldn't. So the liberals , the chumpions of the downtrodden(yet they make more downtrodden with their policies) decided to make those non profitable women "VICITMS, and started bringing up charges on men, who abused their positions(unless it was Bill Clinton, Jessie Jackson, Jack Kennedy and his brothers, John Edwars, etc etc etc) by bring those men up on sexual discriminations. The Feminazi's have won, up till about 10 years ago, when women started slutting their butss and boobs again, all for profit. So much for respecting women for their minds. Liberals are only for themselves, just look at Bill Clinton who cheated no his wife(who knew he cheated) and still cheats today. And the liberals LOVE Bill.

Nice rant. I get it. You don't like liberals.

But that does not change the fact that people who do the same job should get the same pay.
When a liberal starts losing the argument, they resort to saying a conservative starts "Ranting". Funny how LOGIC, to a liberal is ranting. Now go find a boat sail it into the cat 5 out in the pacific and see if it was caused by global warming. If your boat sinks before you find out, at least you do the world a favor by removing your CO2 footprint from the planet and maybe more liberals will follow suit. I for one wont miss you.

I called it a ran because that is what it was. It was not part of the topic. It was not about anything we have discussed. It was just an attack on liberalism.

I am not going anywhere, sparky. And I am more than happy to discuss the issue. But you have no interest in that.

Exactly what was LOGICAL about raving about liberal women being pissed because they couldn't use their body to make money, and that liberal men cheat ect ect ect? What does that have to do with the topic? Answer? Not a damn thing.
As for your claim that women can't play 5 sets....

"Earlier this week, Stacy Allaster, CEO of the Women's Tennis Association (WTA), said that female players are ready and willing to play 5 set matches in Grand Slams."
Should women play 5 sets in tennis Grand Slams?
Ready to play , is NOT playing 5 sets. Boy you are as dumb as ever. Like they say in Missouri, "SHOW ME", and I will believe.

And you are a nit-picking idiot. How many women do the same work as men and make less. But you want to bring up pro tennis? How many pro tennis players are there who make any money from the events? 500? 1,000? Most of them, if they make any money at all, are making money from sponsors.

And the fact that the WTA is ready to play 5 sets sorts shoots down your whole idea that women CAN'T play 5 sets without cramping and vomiting. Funny that they run marathons and play 90 mins of professional soccer (making less money).
Anyone GOOD enough, to get into professional tennis gets paid at least the minimum , but those that can win get paid even more. Isnt it UNFAIR to others not good enough that they cant be paid the same , for the same work? I mean when a burger flipper who works 40 hours a week, can barely afford to live, yet these guys who might play 20 hours a week, can make millions? Maybe we need to take much of the money a pro makes and give it to the burger flipper to make it equal? Just using your own liberal arguments against you, which you call nitpicking, and you seem to not like your own RULES for RADICALS , used back on you. What is good for the GOOSE, is good for the GANDER. That is equality. Dumbass.

Sorry, but I am not the liberal you think you are attacking.

I have never said everyone should get paid the same. Just that the people doing the same work should.

Those who are flipping burgers have no skills to offer, so they don't make much money. Learn a skill and earn more money. It really is that simple. And that really has been my argument in numerous threads. So take a minute to learn what someone believes BEFORE you attack their beliefs. Otherwise you end up attacking someone for something they never said and is against what they believe. And then you have the audacity to call me a dumbass? lmao Spare me the angry bullshit.
Have you written your president and asked HIM why he doesn't pay his women the same? Of course not, since he is a 1/2 white president , he can do no wrong. He is for the people, unless they work for him then they need to shut up and not question his authority, or they may end up dead. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/24/upshot/the-pay-gap-is-because-of-gender-not-jobs.html
“There’s a disparity not because female engineers are making less than male engineers at the same company with comparable experience,” the Republican National Committee said this month. “The disparity exists because a female social worker makes less than a male engineer.”
Why don't you hear this part of the argument? Because it doesn't fit your liberal agenda, that is why you are STUPID, and why you voted not once for Obummer but twice.
As for your claim that women can't play 5 sets....

"Earlier this week, Stacy Allaster, CEO of the Women's Tennis Association (WTA), said that female players are ready and willing to play 5 set matches in Grand Slams."
Should women play 5 sets in tennis Grand Slams?
Ready to play , is NOT playing 5 sets. Boy you are as dumb as ever. Like they say in Missouri, "SHOW ME", and I will believe.

And you are a nit-picking idiot. How many women do the same work as men and make less. But you want to bring up pro tennis? How many pro tennis players are there who make any money from the events? 500? 1,000? Most of them, if they make any money at all, are making money from sponsors.

And the fact that the WTA is ready to play 5 sets sorts shoots down your whole idea that women CAN'T play 5 sets without cramping and vomiting. Funny that they run marathons and play 90 mins of professional soccer (making less money).
WASHINGTON — President Obama on Tuesday will call attention to what he has said is an “embarrassment” in America: the fact that women make, on average, only 77 cents for every dollar that a man earns.
Whaaaaaaa, conservatives aren't playing fair, because they keep showing FACTS about how HYPOCRITICAL liberals are. "DO AS THEY SAY, NOT AS THEY DO". Double standards, without them, liberals would have no standards at all.

Simple answer. Same pay for the same work. Regardless of gender.
As for your claim that women can't play 5 sets....

"Earlier this week, Stacy Allaster, CEO of the Women's Tennis Association (WTA), said that female players are ready and willing to play 5 set matches in Grand Slams."
Should women play 5 sets in tennis Grand Slams?
Ready to play , is NOT playing 5 sets. Boy you are as dumb as ever. Like they say in Missouri, "SHOW ME", and I will believe.

And you are a nit-picking idiot. How many women do the same work as men and make less. But you want to bring up pro tennis? How many pro tennis players are there who make any money from the events? 500? 1,000? Most of them, if they make any money at all, are making money from sponsors.

And the fact that the WTA is ready to play 5 sets sorts shoots down your whole idea that women CAN'T play 5 sets without cramping and vomiting. Funny that they run marathons and play 90 mins of professional soccer (making less money).
Anyone GOOD enough, to get into professional tennis gets paid at least the minimum , but those that can win get paid even more. Isnt it UNFAIR to others not good enough that they cant be paid the same , for the same work? I mean when a burger flipper who works 40 hours a week, can barely afford to live, yet these guys who might play 20 hours a week, can make millions? Maybe we need to take much of the money a pro makes and give it to the burger flipper to make it equal? Just using your own liberal arguments against you, which you call nitpicking, and you seem to not like your own RULES for RADICALS , used back on you. What is good for the GOOSE, is good for the GANDER. That is equality. Dumbass.

Sorry, but I am not the liberal you think you are attacking.

I have never said everyone should get paid the same. Just that the people doing the same work should.

Those who are flipping burgers have no skills to offer, so they don't make much money. Learn a skill and earn more money. It really is that simple. And that really has been my argument in numerous threads. So take a minute to learn what someone believes BEFORE you attack their beliefs. Otherwise you end up attacking someone for something they never said and is against what they believe. And then you have the audacity to call me a dumbass? lmao Spare me the angry bullshit.
Spare me the angry bullshit
Once again, a liberal calls TRUTH, anger. Yet when you see liberals talking they are ranting and raving , calling everyone names, and are just INSANE. I know this because I have been studying mentally deficient people for a while. Liberals have a mental disorder, says doctor
A veteran psychiatrist now claims that liberalism is a mental disorder, not purely a political choice.

"Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded," said Dr. Lyle Rossiter, author of the new book, The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness.

"Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave."
When you understand their thought process, it makes it easier to know why they act the way they do.
As for your claim that women can't play 5 sets....

"Earlier this week, Stacy Allaster, CEO of the Women's Tennis Association (WTA), said that female players are ready and willing to play 5 set matches in Grand Slams."
Should women play 5 sets in tennis Grand Slams?
Ready to play , is NOT playing 5 sets. Boy you are as dumb as ever. Like they say in Missouri, "SHOW ME", and I will believe.

And you are a nit-picking idiot. How many women do the same work as men and make less. But you want to bring up pro tennis? How many pro tennis players are there who make any money from the events? 500? 1,000? Most of them, if they make any money at all, are making money from sponsors.

And the fact that the WTA is ready to play 5 sets sorts shoots down your whole idea that women CAN'T play 5 sets without cramping and vomiting. Funny that they run marathons and play 90 mins of professional soccer (making less money).
Anyone GOOD enough, to get into professional tennis gets paid at least the minimum , but those that can win get paid even more. Isnt it UNFAIR to others not good enough that they cant be paid the same , for the same work? I mean when a burger flipper who works 40 hours a week, can barely afford to live, yet these guys who might play 20 hours a week, can make millions? Maybe we need to take much of the money a pro makes and give it to the burger flipper to make it equal? Just using your own liberal arguments against you, which you call nitpicking, and you seem to not like your own RULES for RADICALS , used back on you. What is good for the GOOSE, is good for the GANDER. That is equality. Dumbass.

Sorry, but I am not the liberal you think you are attacking.

I have never said everyone should get paid the same. Just that the people doing the same work should.

Those who are flipping burgers have no skills to offer, so they don't make much money. Learn a skill and earn more money. It really is that simple. And that really has been my argument in numerous threads. So take a minute to learn what someone believes BEFORE you attack their beliefs. Otherwise you end up attacking someone for something they never said and is against what they believe. And then you have the audacity to call me a dumbass? lmao Spare me the angry bullshit.
Have you written your president and asked HIM why he doesn't pay his women the same? Of course not, since he is a 1/2 white president , he can do no wrong. He is for the people, unless they work for him then they need to shut up and not question his authority, or they may end up dead. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/24/upshot/the-pay-gap-is-because-of-gender-not-jobs.html
“There’s a disparity not because female engineers are making less than male engineers at the same company with comparable experience,” the Republican National Committee said this month. “The disparity exists because a female social worker makes less than a male engineer.”
Why don't you hear this part of the argument? Because it doesn't fit your liberal agenda, that is why you are STUPID, and why you voted not once for Obummer but twice.

You continue to rave in ignorance. I did not vote for Obama either time. And while I have not written the president about equal pay for equal work, I have written my legislators. You know, the guys who actually make the laws?

Keep ranting about Obama, liberals, and whatever. There is no reason why women should be paid less for the same work. Spouting about Obama, or pointing out inequality in pro tennis dooes not change that.

Nor does it effect my argument. Equal pay for equal work. Simple.
As for your claim that women can't play 5 sets....

"Earlier this week, Stacy Allaster, CEO of the Women's Tennis Association (WTA), said that female players are ready and willing to play 5 set matches in Grand Slams."
Should women play 5 sets in tennis Grand Slams?
Ready to play , is NOT playing 5 sets. Boy you are as dumb as ever. Like they say in Missouri, "SHOW ME", and I will believe.

And you are a nit-picking idiot. How many women do the same work as men and make less. But you want to bring up pro tennis? How many pro tennis players are there who make any money from the events? 500? 1,000? Most of them, if they make any money at all, are making money from sponsors.

And the fact that the WTA is ready to play 5 sets sorts shoots down your whole idea that women CAN'T play 5 sets without cramping and vomiting. Funny that they run marathons and play 90 mins of professional soccer (making less money).
Anyone GOOD enough, to get into professional tennis gets paid at least the minimum , but those that can win get paid even more. Isnt it UNFAIR to others not good enough that they cant be paid the same , for the same work? I mean when a burger flipper who works 40 hours a week, can barely afford to live, yet these guys who might play 20 hours a week, can make millions? Maybe we need to take much of the money a pro makes and give it to the burger flipper to make it equal? Just using your own liberal arguments against you, which you call nitpicking, and you seem to not like your own RULES for RADICALS , used back on you. What is good for the GOOSE, is good for the GANDER. That is equality. Dumbass.

Sorry, but I am not the liberal you think you are attacking.

I have never said everyone should get paid the same. Just that the people doing the same work should.

Those who are flipping burgers have no skills to offer, so they don't make much money. Learn a skill and earn more money. It really is that simple. And that really has been my argument in numerous threads. So take a minute to learn what someone believes BEFORE you attack their beliefs. Otherwise you end up attacking someone for something they never said and is against what they believe. And then you have the audacity to call me a dumbass? lmao Spare me the angry bullshit.
Spare me the angry bullshit
Once again, a liberal calls TRUTH, anger. Yet when you see liberals talking they are ranting and raving , calling everyone names, and are just INSANE. I know this because I have been studying mentally deficient people for a while. Liberals have a mental disorder, says doctor
A veteran psychiatrist now claims that liberalism is a mental disorder, not purely a political choice.

"Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded," said Dr. Lyle Rossiter, author of the new book, The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness.

"Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave."
When you understand their thought process, it makes it easier to know why they act the way they do.

Have you seen me ranting & raving and calling people names? No? How bout that. Find me an example of me calling people names first. Then we'll talk.
Blonde Bombshell: Candice Swanepoel's Sexiest Looks
Blonde Bombshell: Candice Swanepoel's Sexiest Looks
'He Is Fed Up With The Constant Invasion Of His Privacy!' Shocking Bruce Jenner Dress Shots Expected To Lead To Lawsuit, Insider Says
Bruce Jenner will be taking legal action against the photographers who snapped him wearing a dress at his Malibu home Tuesday.
His dysfunctional rich family which flaunts their female body parts for profits, now BRUCE, wants to get the same, so while keeping his bits and tackle, has an upper portion medically altered so he can get some profits also. Back in the 1970's BRUCE would of been put in a rubber room with padded walls, today he is being honored for HIS courage.
Blonde Bombshell: Candice Swanepoel's Sexiest Looks
Blonde Bombshell: Candice Swanepoel's Sexiest Looks
'He Is Fed Up With The Constant Invasion Of His Privacy!' Shocking Bruce Jenner Dress Shots Expected To Lead To Lawsuit, Insider Says
Bruce Jenner will be taking legal action against the photographers who snapped him wearing a dress at his Malibu home Tuesday.
His dysfunctional rich family which flaunts their female body parts for profits, now BRUCE, wants to get the same, so while keeping his bits and tackle, has an upper portion medically altered so he can get some profits also. Back in the 1970's BRUCE would of been put in a rubber room with padded walls, today he is being honored for HIS courage.

Your first post today was on the topic. It was nitpicking, but on topic. Since then, not much.

Here's an idea, rather than trying to tell me what I believe, how about posting on topic?
Blonde Bombshell: Candice Swanepoel's Sexiest Looks
Blonde Bombshell: Candice Swanepoel's Sexiest Looks
'He Is Fed Up With The Constant Invasion Of His Privacy!' Shocking Bruce Jenner Dress Shots Expected To Lead To Lawsuit, Insider Says
Bruce Jenner will be taking legal action against the photographers who snapped him wearing a dress at his Malibu home Tuesday.
His dysfunctional rich family which flaunts their female body parts for profits, now BRUCE, wants to get the same, so while keeping his bits and tackle, has an upper portion medically altered so he can get some profits also. Back in the 1970's BRUCE would of been put in a rubber room with padded walls, today he is being honored for HIS courage.

Your first post today was on the topic. It was nitpicking, but on topic. Since then, not much.

Here's an idea, rather than trying to tell me what I believe, how about posting on topic?
I don't know, when you say I am ranting, that doesn't seem to be on topic, and when I point out about your belief, you tell me I need to be on topic? Double standards, without them liberals would have no standards at all. And yes, all my posts have been about equality, which to you , means everyone must be equally poor and equally miserable. Unless you are a liberal elite who eats caviar and steak, rides on private jets and limo's, and lives in mansion that burn $33,000 of energy a month. Do as they say, not as they do, just like Obama.
Blonde Bombshell: Candice Swanepoel's Sexiest Looks
Blonde Bombshell: Candice Swanepoel's Sexiest Looks
'He Is Fed Up With The Constant Invasion Of His Privacy!' Shocking Bruce Jenner Dress Shots Expected To Lead To Lawsuit, Insider Says
Bruce Jenner will be taking legal action against the photographers who snapped him wearing a dress at his Malibu home Tuesday.
His dysfunctional rich family which flaunts their female body parts for profits, now BRUCE, wants to get the same, so while keeping his bits and tackle, has an upper portion medically altered so he can get some profits also. Back in the 1970's BRUCE would of been put in a rubber room with padded walls, today he is being honored for HIS courage.

Your first post today was on the topic. It was nitpicking, but on topic. Since then, not much.

Here's an idea, rather than trying to tell me what I believe, how about posting on topic?
I don't know, when you say I am ranting, that doesn't seem to be on topic, and when I point out about your belief, you tell me I need to be on topic? Double standards, without them liberals would have no standards at all. And yes, all my posts have been about equality, which to you , means everyone must be equally poor and equally miserable. Unless you are a liberal elite who eats caviar and steak, rides on private jets and limo's, and lives in mansion that burn $33,000 of energy a month. Do as they say, not as they do, just like Obama.

Pure bullshit. I have never said everyone should be poor or miserable. I never voted for Obama. And I don't give a rats ass about Bill Clinton's affairs or Bruce Jenner's sex change.

So spare me more bullshit about what you THINK I believe and stay with the equal pay for equal work. You can't selectively edit what I say just to push your own agenda. Equal pay for equal work. Not the same pay no matter what. Not any of the other bullshit you're spouting. If two people do the same job they should make the same money.
Blonde Bombshell: Candice Swanepoel's Sexiest Looks
Blonde Bombshell: Candice Swanepoel's Sexiest Looks
'He Is Fed Up With The Constant Invasion Of His Privacy!' Shocking Bruce Jenner Dress Shots Expected To Lead To Lawsuit, Insider Says
Bruce Jenner will be taking legal action against the photographers who snapped him wearing a dress at his Malibu home Tuesday.
His dysfunctional rich family which flaunts their female body parts for profits, now BRUCE, wants to get the same, so while keeping his bits and tackle, has an upper portion medically altered so he can get some profits also. Back in the 1970's BRUCE would of been put in a rubber room with padded walls, today he is being honored for HIS courage.

Your first post today was on the topic. It was nitpicking, but on topic. Since then, not much.

Here's an idea, rather than trying to tell me what I believe, how about posting on topic?
I don't know, when you say I am ranting, that doesn't seem to be on topic, and when I point out about your belief, you tell me I need to be on topic? Double standards, without them liberals would have no standards at all. And yes, all my posts have been about equality, which to you , means everyone must be equally poor and equally miserable. Unless you are a liberal elite who eats caviar and steak, rides on private jets and limo's, and lives in mansion that burn $33,000 of energy a month. Do as they say, not as they do, just like Obama.

Pure bullshit. I have never said everyone should be poor or miserable. I never voted for Obama. And I don't give a rats ass about Bill Clinton's affairs or Bruce Jenner's sex change.

So spare me more bullshit about what you THINK I believe and stay with the equal pay for equal work. You can't selectively edit what I say just to push your own agenda. Equal pay for equal work. Not the same pay no matter what. Not any of the other bullshit you're spouting. If two people do the same job they should make the same money.
Just they way your are showing your liberalism makes it sure you voted for your homey not once but twice. Oh come on Winter, Man up, be proud of your position in life and be liberal. I mean, I am a conservative, and proud of it, live it, love it, and cherish it. Why do you deny your ideologue, are you ashamed that your whole live has been one big lie? As I have asked before I don't see you bashing your president for is unequal pay towards his own women? Why is that Winter? Liberals will suck each others dicks, as long as it profits those liberals.
Chris Matthews' thrill up leg
61 Times Kim Kardashian's Outfit Wasn't Kanye Approved
61 Times Kim Kardashian's Outfit Wasn't Kanye Approved
Seems to me that Kim who is an adult and knows what to wear, is being bashed by the liberal media because she is supposed to ask her husband Kanye what to wear. Does Kanye have to tell her what to eat, what she can watch on TV, or what she does in the bedroom? Doesn't Kim have any opinion, or is this what liberalism is all about? Now shut up woman and find me a cigar(what Bill Clinton said to Monika in the White House).
Blonde Bombshell: Candice Swanepoel's Sexiest Looks
Blonde Bombshell: Candice Swanepoel's Sexiest Looks
'He Is Fed Up With The Constant Invasion Of His Privacy!' Shocking Bruce Jenner Dress Shots Expected To Lead To Lawsuit, Insider Says
Bruce Jenner will be taking legal action against the photographers who snapped him wearing a dress at his Malibu home Tuesday.
His dysfunctional rich family which flaunts their female body parts for profits, now BRUCE, wants to get the same, so while keeping his bits and tackle, has an upper portion medically altered so he can get some profits also. Back in the 1970's BRUCE would of been put in a rubber room with padded walls, today he is being honored for HIS courage.

Your first post today was on the topic. It was nitpicking, but on topic. Since then, not much.

Here's an idea, rather than trying to tell me what I believe, how about posting on topic?
I don't know, when you say I am ranting, that doesn't seem to be on topic, and when I point out about your belief, you tell me I need to be on topic? Double standards, without them liberals would have no standards at all. And yes, all my posts have been about equality, which to you , means everyone must be equally poor and equally miserable. Unless you are a liberal elite who eats caviar and steak, rides on private jets and limo's, and lives in mansion that burn $33,000 of energy a month. Do as they say, not as they do, just like Obama.

Pure bullshit. I have never said everyone should be poor or miserable. I never voted for Obama. And I don't give a rats ass about Bill Clinton's affairs or Bruce Jenner's sex change.

So spare me more bullshit about what you THINK I believe and stay with the equal pay for equal work. You can't selectively edit what I say just to push your own agenda. Equal pay for equal work. Not the same pay no matter what. Not any of the other bullshit you're spouting. If two people do the same job they should make the same money.
Just they way your are showing your liberalism makes it sure you voted for your homey not once but twice. Oh come on Winter, Man up, be proud of your position in life and be liberal. I mean, I am a conservative, and proud of it, live it, love it, and cherish it. Why do you deny your ideologue, are you ashamed that your whole live has been one big lie? As I have asked before I don't see you bashing your president for is unequal pay towards his own women? Why is that Winter? Liberals will suck each others dicks, as long as it profits those liberals.
Chris Matthews' thrill up leg

So, you think women should make LESS money for performing the same job? Say, an office manager? Is that what you are arguing for?
Actually, if your violent outbursts cause fear in others, especially your spouse, it is called domestic abuse.

You may value it at $100 an hour, but unless someone is willing to pay you $100 an hour to watch a football game, it is your own personal time and merely entertainment.

My wife knew about them long befire we were married.

Yeah, her being brainwashed isn't news.

Sports are never about entertainment. They are about Winning and doing so in the proper manner. If a team wants or expects,me to invest my time, interest and emotion they better return on that investment.

Who are the Redskins going to lose to this week?
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Blonde Bombshell: Candice Swanepoel's Sexiest Looks
'He Is Fed Up With The Constant Invasion Of His Privacy!' Shocking Bruce Jenner Dress Shots Expected To Lead To Lawsuit, Insider Says
Bruce Jenner will be taking legal action against the photographers who snapped him wearing a dress at his Malibu home Tuesday.
His dysfunctional rich family which flaunts their female body parts for profits, now BRUCE, wants to get the same, so while keeping his bits and tackle, has an upper portion medically altered so he can get some profits also. Back in the 1970's BRUCE would of been put in a rubber room with padded walls, today he is being honored for HIS courage.

Your first post today was on the topic. It was nitpicking, but on topic. Since then, not much.

Here's an idea, rather than trying to tell me what I believe, how about posting on topic?
I don't know, when you say I am ranting, that doesn't seem to be on topic, and when I point out about your belief, you tell me I need to be on topic? Double standards, without them liberals would have no standards at all. And yes, all my posts have been about equality, which to you , means everyone must be equally poor and equally miserable. Unless you are a liberal elite who eats caviar and steak, rides on private jets and limo's, and lives in mansion that burn $33,000 of energy a month. Do as they say, not as they do, just like Obama.

Pure bullshit. I have never said everyone should be poor or miserable. I never voted for Obama. And I don't give a rats ass about Bill Clinton's affairs or Bruce Jenner's sex change.

So spare me more bullshit about what you THINK I believe and stay with the equal pay for equal work. You can't selectively edit what I say just to push your own agenda. Equal pay for equal work. Not the same pay no matter what. Not any of the other bullshit you're spouting. If two people do the same job they should make the same money.
Just they way your are showing your liberalism makes it sure you voted for your homey not once but twice. Oh come on Winter, Man up, be proud of your position in life and be liberal. I mean, I am a conservative, and proud of it, live it, love it, and cherish it. Why do you deny your ideologue, are you ashamed that your whole live has been one big lie? As I have asked before I don't see you bashing your president for is unequal pay towards his own women? Why is that Winter? Liberals will suck each others dicks, as long as it profits those liberals.
Chris Matthews' thrill up leg

Do you see me bashing anyone?

And no, I didn't vote for Obama. I am pro-gun and pro-Fair Tax Act. Neither of those fit his agenda.
The other option is to control your violent outbursts. If you cannot do that you should be locked up.

Not a good idea. All it does is stew until the pressure lets out in a massive rage. Not oretty at all.

They can try to lock me up but I will not go easily or quietly; if I go at all.

You need serious therapy.

You claim it cannot be controlled. That puts you on a level with animals.

No, he needs a prefrontal.

Actually, he needs a retroactive abortion, and any relatives of his (no matter how distant) should probably be irreversibly sterilized to cleanse the gene pool.

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