Women want to be treated equally.....

no clue and no Cause, mr.diversion.

How do we get any metrics, if not from bottom lines?

No actual Faith in Capitalism; i got it.

Faith in unregulated capitalism? Absolutely none. I have seen to many examples in history and in my own personal life, of pure exploitation of workers for an increase in profits.

Yes, there are examples of positives. But there are also many, many more examples of capitalists ignoring safety, environmental issues, and the basic welfare of their workers. I do not advocate gov't takeover of businesses. Nor do I think capitalism itself is evil. But if you are claiming that unregulated capitalism is always best, you are ignoring history.
about capital metrics dear, not your projections and straw man fallacies.

The capital metrics showed a great profit during the days when children were working in sweatshops and there was no attention paid to safety. Those were expenses that could be avoided. There was always another worker.
those are social issues, not capital issues.

Then equal pay for equal work is a social issue as well.
no clue and no Cause, mr.diversion.

How do we get any metrics, if not from bottom lines?

No actual Faith in Capitalism; i got it.

Faith in unregulated capitalism? Absolutely none. I have seen to many examples in history and in my own personal life, of pure exploitation of workers for an increase in profits.

Yes, there are examples of positives. But there are also many, many more examples of capitalists ignoring safety, environmental issues, and the basic welfare of their workers. I do not advocate gov't takeover of businesses. Nor do I think capitalism itself is evil. But if you are claiming that unregulated capitalism is always best, you are ignoring history.
about capital metrics dear, not your projections and straw man fallacies.

The capital metrics showed a great profit during the days when children were working in sweatshops and there was no attention paid to safety. Those were expenses that could be avoided. There was always another worker.
those are social issues, not capital issues.

Then equal pay for equal work is a social issue as well.
yes, it is a social issue to the extent socialism and not capitalism is used.
Faith in unregulated capitalism? Absolutely none. I have seen to many examples in history and in my own personal life, of pure exploitation of workers for an increase in profits.

Yes, there are examples of positives. But there are also many, many more examples of capitalists ignoring safety, environmental issues, and the basic welfare of their workers. I do not advocate gov't takeover of businesses. Nor do I think capitalism itself is evil. But if you are claiming that unregulated capitalism is always best, you are ignoring history.
about capital metrics dear, not your projections and straw man fallacies.

The capital metrics showed a great profit during the days when children were working in sweatshops and there was no attention paid to safety. Those were expenses that could be avoided. There was always another worker.
those are social issues, not capital issues.

Then equal pay for equal work is a social issue as well.
yes, it is a social issue to the extent socialism and not capitalism is used.

And therefore, it applies to the discussion at hand, whereas your claims that the bottom line is the measure to be used, does not.
OTOH, I would think that in order to be a police officer or a firefighter, that a person should have to pass some regular physical fitness tests. There are way too many fat cops and firefighters. Some of these guys are just out of shape and slow. They have a pretty important job to do and, instead of having to rely on their guns so often, if they were in better shape and knew how to fight, perhaps they would not rely on such "deadly" measures as often. If women could not pass these tests, then they have no business doing that for a living, IMO. There is a situation where, for me, inequality is NOT such a terrible thing. If I was in a fire, I would want to be rescued by a big strong man, not some little girl. :D JMHO.
I would still like to hear any rational, logical reason why two people, doing the same job, should not make the same pay (if all other factors are the same).
OTOH, I would think that in order to be a police officer or a firefighter, that a person should have to pass some regular physical fitness tests. There are way too many fat cops and firefighters. Some of these guys are just out of shape and slow. They have a pretty important job to do and, instead of having to rely on their guns so often, if they were in better shape and knew how to fight, perhaps they would not rely on such "deadly" measures as often. If women could not pass these tests, then they have no business doing that for a living, IMO. There is a situation where, for me, inequality is NOT such a terrible thing. If I was in a fire, I would want to be rescued by a big strong man, not some little girl. :D JMHO.

I have no problem with there being justified standards for any job.
I would still like to hear any rational, logical reason why two people, doing the same job, should not make the same pay (if all other factors are the same).
why do you believe they don't? don't believe in Capitalism?

Still not answering the question, I see.

There have been numerous studies showing that women are often paid less for doing the same work.
OTOH, I would think that in order to be a police officer or a firefighter, that a person should have to pass some regular physical fitness tests. There are way too many fat cops and firefighters. Some of these guys are just out of shape and slow. They have a pretty important job to do and, instead of having to rely on their guns so often, if they were in better shape and knew how to fight, perhaps they would not rely on such "deadly" measures as often. If women could not pass these tests, then they have no business doing that for a living, IMO. There is a situation where, for me, inequality is NOT such a terrible thing. If I was in a fire, I would want to be rescued by a big strong man, not some little girl. :D JMHO.
At one time police and firefighters were only for the fittest. But since this didn't allow females to join, they changed the standards that kept women out and unfit men, now we have both. Dayton police lower standards: ‘F’ now a passing score for recruits
The D.O.J. approved new scoring policy only requires potential police officers to get a 58% and a 63%. That’s the equivalent of an ‘F’ and a ‘D’.
Therefore, Marines chose to delay the deadline and allow women to pass without meeting the equal standard. With the military so willing to ignore these equal standards, one must wonder, does the military have a double standard when it comes to gender equality?
When you lower the bar for women, you lower the bar for men who SHOULDNT be allowed to participate. Why don't you see women and scrawny men in the NFL? Where is the equality?
I would still like to hear any rational, logical reason why two people, doing the same job, should not make the same pay (if all other factors are the same).
why do you believe they don't? don't believe in Capitalism?

Still not answering the question, I see.

There have been numerous studies showing that women are often paid less for doing the same work.
Yes Obama and Bill Clinton's wife have paid women less(23% less) than men. Winter can you change the record now, this is getting monotonous.
I would still like to hear any rational, logical reason why two people, doing the same job, should not make the same pay (if all other factors are the same).
why do you believe they don't? don't believe in Capitalism?

Still not answering the question, I see.

There have been numerous studies showing that women are often paid less for doing the same work.
Yes Obama and Bill Clinton's wife have paid women less(23% less) than men. Winter can you change the record now, this is getting monotonous.

Yes, it is getting monotonous. I have not said anything about exceptions for anyone. I simply stopped responding to your insistence that I voted for them.
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OTOH, I would think that in order to be a police officer or a firefighter, that a person should have to pass some regular physical fitness tests. There are way too many fat cops and firefighters. Some of these guys are just out of shape and slow. They have a pretty important job to do and, instead of having to rely on their guns so often, if they were in better shape and knew how to fight, perhaps they would not rely on such "deadly" measures as often. If women could not pass these tests, then they have no business doing that for a living, IMO. There is a situation where, for me, inequality is NOT such a terrible thing. If I was in a fire, I would want to be rescued by a big strong man, not some little girl. :D JMHO.
At one time police and firefighters were only for the fittest. But since this didn't allow females to join, they changed the standards that kept women out and unfit men, now we have both. Dayton police lower standards: ‘F’ now a passing score for recruits
The D.O.J. approved new scoring policy only requires potential police officers to get a 58% and a 63%. That’s the equivalent of an ‘F’ and a ‘D’.
Gender equality? A double standard for women in the military
Therefore, Marines chose to delay the deadline and allow women to pass without meeting the equal standard. With the military so willing to ignore these equal standards, one must wonder, does the military have a double standard when it comes to gender equality?
When you lower the bar for women, you lower the bar for men who SHOULDNT be allowed to participate. Why don't you see women and scrawny men in the NFL? Where is the equality?

If there is a justifiable reason for the standards they should apply across the board. Can't pass the physical? You don't get the job.
All the party nonsense aside, what logical reason is there for paying one person less?
Trolling once again. Why don't you ask Obama or Bill Clinton's wife why they paid less?

Why? Will my asking Hillary or Obama change the laws?

I am talking about a policy that should be a law. You are going on and on about party politics. Do all conservatives pay their people the same?

This is why shit never gets done. People like you would rather see shit go wrong as long as you could blame the other party.
Good, at least it is not sexist.

genderist is sexism. Against men.
It is true though that girls' bodies are much more voulnerable to chemical and physical abuse / underuse than men's. So it is logical to spend extra tax money on girls' bodies.

Holy shit, and you have to ask why people think you're crazy? That is . . . . some crazy shit. Lol. There are PLENTY of fat bald and ugly men around, dude. :lol: PLEEENTY!
Isn't this thread about ugly women and not ugly men? For the equality of women: ugly men don't bother women, but ugly women do bother men. Does that answer your question? :)

Ugly men do bother women.
How is this? It appears that women want winners in men, and usually winners even pride themselves in being ugly men. Good return though! :)
I would still like to hear any rational, logical reason why two people, doing the same job, should not make the same pay (if all other factors are the same).
why do you believe they don't? don't believe in Capitalism?

Still not answering the question, I see.

There have been numerous studies showing that women are often paid less for doing the same work.
How comprehensive have those studies been? Why should the non-porn sector be wrong and the porn sector right, in market based metrics in the private sector?
I would still like to hear any rational, logical reason why two people, doing the same job, should not make the same pay (if all other factors are the same).
why do you believe they don't? don't believe in Capitalism?

Still not answering the question, I see.

There have been numerous studies showing that women are often paid less for doing the same work.
How comprehensive have those studies been? Why should the non-porn sector be wrong and the porn sector right, in market based metrics in the private sector?

I am not going to differentiate between "porn and non-porn" in a discussion about equality. Especially not with someone who thinks the desire for equality is a point for him to manipulate for sex.

The studies have been comprehensive enough.

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