Women want to be treated equally.....

Much of our world could be called an unnatural concept. But "natural" is not a standard I place much value in.

If two people do the same job, they should be paid the same. Why is this a difficult idea?

Ever think maybe that's part of ehy the planet is constantly trying to kill us with more drug resustant viruses and superbugs?

Certain types of people are not supposed to do certain types of work. It's that simple.

So you think drug resistant viruses are due to women wanting equal rights? lol Damn. There is no arguing with that sort of ignorance.

Just as an FYI, the drug resistant viruses and superbugs are caused by the over use of antibiotics and the extreme chemical usage our modern world has fallen into. It has nothing to do with paying workers the same amount for doing the same work.

If you have two assembly line workers doing the same work, why do you think it is good to pay one less than the other?

This is what you get when you argue with crazy. Lol! ;)
Women Cry Foul as Glamour Magazine Names Bruce Jenner ‘Woman of the Year’ - Breitbart
The politically correct Glamour Magazine has reportedly waived the one defining requirement of candidates for its “Woman of the Year” honor—a double X chromosome—in conferring the title for 2015 on crossdresser Bruce Jenner, a move many women are finding insulting.
Serena Williams is a FRAUD and DECEIVER of the Nations (Shocking Video Investigation) | Celebrities
For years, the International Olympic Committee has known that Serena’s male genetic advantage, is no match for female competitors – and yet they gave him the Gold Medal on 4 separate occasions, in a woman’s sporting event!
Russian tennis boss banned for calling Venus and Serena ‘the Williams brothers’
The president of the Russian Tennis Federation has been banned from the women's tour for a year and fined $25,000 for calling Venus and Serena Williams "the Williams brothers."
More and more I see what is going on with liberalism the more I see the liberals have a WAR ON WOMEN because of political correctness. Real women are under assault, not only by liberal sexual predators, but also, by men who want to overpower women with sports or fame. Now accuse me of being a racist, as typical of a liberal, who are the real RACISTS, BIGOTS, and SEXISTS.

I won't accuse you of anything. Nothing in that post relates to the topic.

I believe that the gov't should treat all its citizens equally. And I believe we need regulations requiring equal pay for equal work. I am not advocating any favoritism for any gender or race. Just equality.
Women Have Suffered More Under Obama Policies | RealClearPolitics
Clinton's "gender equity" agenda includes family-leave legislation and a federal mandate requiring that women receive equal pay. This from a senator, from 2002-2008, who paid her female staffers 72 cents for every dollar paid to males, or $15,708 less than the median salary for a man, according to an analysis of data from official Senate expenditure reports.

But it may not work this time around, and here's why. Working women have gotten crushed under the weight of Obama policies. During Barack Obama's six-and-a-half years in office, women have suffered steeper declines in take-home pay than men have. Women have also experienced sharper declines in employment and a faster rise in poverty.
Ah, yes, liberals WAR ON WOMEN, hard at work, and you sir are stupid. Make sure you vote for the vagina, and continue that WAR, you are so in favor for.

Things haven't gotten better for women under Obama? Not a big surprise.

But that still does not explain why you oppose equal pay for equal work.
Calvin Coolidge limited government to the point that the economy of the 1920's was ROARING and everyone prospered. When you start having a government interfere in the lives of people from cradle to grave, then those people will be limited. I am now repeating myself, as liberals are goosestepping, koolaid drinking, low information, mind numbed, useful idiots, and cannot be enlightened.

Women Cry Foul as Glamour Magazine Names Bruce Jenner ‘Woman of the Year’ - Breitbart
The politically correct Glamour Magazine has reportedly waived the one defining requirement of candidates for its “Woman of the Year” honor—a double X chromosome—in conferring the title for 2015 on crossdresser Bruce Jenner, a move many women are finding insulting.
Serena Williams is a FRAUD and DECEIVER of the Nations (Shocking Video Investigation) | Celebrities
For years, the International Olympic Committee has known that Serena’s male genetic advantage, is no match for female competitors – and yet they gave him the Gold Medal on 4 separate occasions, in a woman’s sporting event!
Russian tennis boss banned for calling Venus and Serena ‘the Williams brothers’
The president of the Russian Tennis Federation has been banned from the women's tour for a year and fined $25,000 for calling Venus and Serena Williams "the Williams brothers."
More and more I see what is going on with liberalism the more I see the liberals have a WAR ON WOMEN because of political correctness. Real women are under assault, not only by liberal sexual predators, but also, by men who want to overpower women with sports or fame. Now accuse me of being a racist, as typical of a liberal, who are the real RACISTS, BIGOTS, and SEXISTS.

I won't accuse you of anything. Nothing in that post relates to the topic.

I believe that the gov't should treat all its citizens equally. And I believe we need regulations requiring equal pay for equal work. I am not advocating any favoritism for any gender or race. Just equality.
Women Have Suffered More Under Obama Policies | RealClearPolitics
Clinton's "gender equity" agenda includes family-leave legislation and a federal mandate requiring that women receive equal pay. This from a senator, from 2002-2008, who paid her female staffers 72 cents for every dollar paid to males, or $15,708 less than the median salary for a man, according to an analysis of data from official Senate expenditure reports.

But it may not work this time around, and here's why. Working women have gotten crushed under the weight of Obama policies. During Barack Obama's six-and-a-half years in office, women have suffered steeper declines in take-home pay than men have. Women have also experienced sharper declines in employment and a faster rise in poverty.
Ah, yes, liberals WAR ON WOMEN, hard at work, and you sir are stupid. Make sure you vote for the vagina, and continue that WAR, you are so in favor for.

Things haven't gotten better for women under Obama? Not a big surprise.

But that still does not explain why you oppose equal pay for equal work.
Calvin Coolidge limited government to the point that the economy of the 1920's was ROARING and everyone prospered. When you start having a government interfere in the lives of people from cradle to grave, then those people will be limited. I am now repeating myself, as liberals are goosestepping, koolaid drinking, low information, mind numbed, useful idiots, and cannot be enlightened.

I am not advocating interference from cradle to grave. I am addressing a simple issue. That of equality.

Now, if you think completely unregulated capitalism is the answer, you have forgotten the horror stories from when that was possible. It is not possible today, so we may as well ignore that whole thing. The unregulated capitalism gave us sweatshops, children working 12 hour days for pennies, and a complete lack of safety regulations in industrial settings.

If you think I am advocating a gov't takeover of businesses, you are inventing what I am saying. That is not it at all.

I am simply saying we need to pay people based on the work, not on gender or other unrelated standards.
Please tell me why working to create equality and a level playing field is bad?

Equality and level playing fields are unnatural concepts. They don't exist in the real world and never have. They create sn artificial environment where, more often thsn not, thise who can do something are precluded from doing so or separate (and unequal), artificial, standards are created to ensure a less capable group succeeds

Much of our world could be called an unnatural concept. But "natural" is not a standard I place much value in.

If two people do the same job, they should be paid the same. Why is this a difficult idea?

Because some men are incredibly insecure and are fearful of strong women who can out work them. :D
And they are liberal. William Jefferson Clinton(I did not have sexual relations with that woman) was married to supposedly the smartest woman in America, yet did Hillary know that Bill was diddling with an intern while president? If not then She wasn't very observant on what was going on around her, and she is not eligible for President. If she did know, then she lied about it, and is not eligible for President. Just because Hillary has a vagina does not make her presidential material. I know other women who are honest, strong, and loyal to this country, and would make a great president, Bill Clinton's wife has none of those traits.
So you think drug resistant viruses are due to women wanting equal rights? lol Damn. There is no arguing with that sort of ignorance.

Just as an FYI, the drug resistant viruses and superbugs are caused by the over use of antibiotics and the extreme chemical usage our modern world has fallen into. It has nothing to do with paying workers the same amount for doing the same work.

If you have two assembly line workers doing the same work, why do you think it is good to pay one less than the other?

No. Drug resistant viruses are due to our unwillingness to adhere to the misr basic of natural laws - Survival of the Fittest, as you noted. However, that unwillingness to adhere to even basic natural laws has led us to the level of Hubris where we ignore others as well.

When one of the two people on that assembly line SHOULD be at home assembling dinner and manufacturing the next generation of the species in her womb, I find no problem in paying them less. They don't belong there in the first place.
Please tell me why working to create equality and a level playing field is bad?

Equality and level playing fields are unnatural concepts. They don't exist in the real world and never have. They create sn artificial environment where, more often thsn not, thise who can do something are precluded from doing so or separate (and unequal), artificial, standards are created to ensure a less capable group succeeds

Much of our world could be called an unnatural concept. But "natural" is not a standard I place much value in.

If two people do the same job, they should be paid the same. Why is this a difficult idea?

Because some men are incredibly insecure and are fearful of strong women who can out work them. :D
And they are liberal. William Jefferson Clinton(I did not have sexual relations with that woman) was married to supposedly the smartest woman in America, yet did Hillary know that Bill was diddling with an intern while president? If not then She wasn't very observant on what was going on around her, and she is not eligible for President. If she did know, then she lied about it, and is not eligible for President. Just because Hillary has a vagina does not make her presidential material. I know other women who are honest, strong, and loyal to this country, and would make a great president, Bill Clinton's wife has none of those traits.

Well first of all, I certainly do not believe Hillary is the "smartest woman in America" Excuse me for a minute . . . . :lmao:

Okay, better now. :D

Hillary is a terrible example. IF Hillary was someone I considered presidential material though and if she was "all that," then she would be worth the same money as her . . . . husband.
Women Cry Foul as Glamour Magazine Names Bruce Jenner ‘Woman of the Year’ - Breitbart
The politically correct Glamour Magazine has reportedly waived the one defining requirement of candidates for its “Woman of the Year” honor—a double X chromosome—in conferring the title for 2015 on crossdresser Bruce Jenner, a move many women are finding insulting.
Serena Williams is a FRAUD and DECEIVER of the Nations (Shocking Video Investigation) | Celebrities
For years, the International Olympic Committee has known that Serena’s male genetic advantage, is no match for female competitors – and yet they gave him the Gold Medal on 4 separate occasions, in a woman’s sporting event!
Russian tennis boss banned for calling Venus and Serena ‘the Williams brothers’
The president of the Russian Tennis Federation has been banned from the women's tour for a year and fined $25,000 for calling Venus and Serena Williams "the Williams brothers."
More and more I see what is going on with liberalism the more I see the liberals have a WAR ON WOMEN because of political correctness. Real women are under assault, not only by liberal sexual predators, but also, by men who want to overpower women with sports or fame. Now accuse me of being a racist, as typical of a liberal, who are the real RACISTS, BIGOTS, and SEXISTS.

I won't accuse you of anything. Nothing in that post relates to the topic.

I believe that the gov't should treat all its citizens equally. And I believe we need regulations requiring equal pay for equal work. I am not advocating any favoritism for any gender or race. Just equality.
Women Have Suffered More Under Obama Policies | RealClearPolitics
Clinton's "gender equity" agenda includes family-leave legislation and a federal mandate requiring that women receive equal pay. This from a senator, from 2002-2008, who paid her female staffers 72 cents for every dollar paid to males, or $15,708 less than the median salary for a man, according to an analysis of data from official Senate expenditure reports.

But it may not work this time around, and here's why. Working women have gotten crushed under the weight of Obama policies. During Barack Obama's six-and-a-half years in office, women have suffered steeper declines in take-home pay than men have. Women have also experienced sharper declines in employment and a faster rise in poverty.
Ah, yes, liberals WAR ON WOMEN, hard at work, and you sir are stupid. Make sure you vote for the vagina, and continue that WAR, you are so in favor for.

Things haven't gotten better for women under Obama? Not a big surprise.

But that still does not explain why you oppose equal pay for equal work.
I am not claiming that; i am claiming that women are being paid what they are worth, both in the porn sector and the non-porn sector, at the same time.
So you think drug resistant viruses are due to women wanting equal rights? lol Damn. There is no arguing with that sort of ignorance.

Just as an FYI, the drug resistant viruses and superbugs are caused by the over use of antibiotics and the extreme chemical usage our modern world has fallen into. It has nothing to do with paying workers the same amount for doing the same work.

If you have two assembly line workers doing the same work, why do you think it is good to pay one less than the other?

No. Drug resistant viruses are due to our unwillingness to adhere to the misr basic of natural laws - Survival of the Fittest, as you noted. However, that unwillingness to adhere to even basic natural laws has led us to the level of Hubris where we ignore others as well.

When ine if the two people on thst assembly line SHOULD be at home assembling dinner and manufacturing the next generation of the species in her womb, I find no problem in paying them less. They don't belong there in the first place.

It helps that you are of the gender that doesn't get told where you have to be. It helps that you are of the gender that is favored for pay.

I'm sorry, but the fact that you think a woman should be paid less because you think she should be home, barefoot and pregnant, is simply a ridiculous notion for our times. And we are not going backwards.

And viruses evolve based on their environment, not social trends. And no, we do not follow a "survival of the fittest" dogma. If we had, many of our great leaders, inventors, and innovators would not have survived to contribute.

Perhaps you think cholera, polio and other horrific diseases had a positive effect on us. You would be one of the very few to think so.
Women Cry Foul as Glamour Magazine Names Bruce Jenner ‘Woman of the Year’ - Breitbart
The politically correct Glamour Magazine has reportedly waived the one defining requirement of candidates for its “Woman of the Year” honor—a double X chromosome—in conferring the title for 2015 on crossdresser Bruce Jenner, a move many women are finding insulting.
Serena Williams is a FRAUD and DECEIVER of the Nations (Shocking Video Investigation) | Celebrities
For years, the International Olympic Committee has known that Serena’s male genetic advantage, is no match for female competitors – and yet they gave him the Gold Medal on 4 separate occasions, in a woman’s sporting event!
Russian tennis boss banned for calling Venus and Serena ‘the Williams brothers’
The president of the Russian Tennis Federation has been banned from the women's tour for a year and fined $25,000 for calling Venus and Serena Williams "the Williams brothers."
More and more I see what is going on with liberalism the more I see the liberals have a WAR ON WOMEN because of political correctness. Real women are under assault, not only by liberal sexual predators, but also, by men who want to overpower women with sports or fame. Now accuse me of being a racist, as typical of a liberal, who are the real RACISTS, BIGOTS, and SEXISTS.

I won't accuse you of anything. Nothing in that post relates to the topic.

I believe that the gov't should treat all its citizens equally. And I believe we need regulations requiring equal pay for equal work. I am not advocating any favoritism for any gender or race. Just equality.
Women Have Suffered More Under Obama Policies | RealClearPolitics
Clinton's "gender equity" agenda includes family-leave legislation and a federal mandate requiring that women receive equal pay. This from a senator, from 2002-2008, who paid her female staffers 72 cents for every dollar paid to males, or $15,708 less than the median salary for a man, according to an analysis of data from official Senate expenditure reports.

But it may not work this time around, and here's why. Working women have gotten crushed under the weight of Obama policies. During Barack Obama's six-and-a-half years in office, women have suffered steeper declines in take-home pay than men have. Women have also experienced sharper declines in employment and a faster rise in poverty.
Ah, yes, liberals WAR ON WOMEN, hard at work, and you sir are stupid. Make sure you vote for the vagina, and continue that WAR, you are so in favor for.

Things haven't gotten better for women under Obama? Not a big surprise.

But that still does not explain why you oppose equal pay for equal work.
I am not claiming that; i am claiming that women are being paid what they are worth, both in the porn sector and the non-porn sector, at the same time.

Point blank, Daniel, why should a man make more if he and a woman are doing the exact same work (all else being equal)?

Answer that simple question.
Women Cry Foul as Glamour Magazine Names Bruce Jenner ‘Woman of the Year’ - Breitbart Serena Williams is a FRAUD and DECEIVER of the Nations (Shocking Video Investigation) | Celebrities Russian tennis boss banned for calling Venus and Serena ‘the Williams brothers’ More and more I see what is going on with liberalism the more I see the liberals have a WAR ON WOMEN because of political correctness. Real women are under assault, not only by liberal sexual predators, but also, by men who want to overpower women with sports or fame. Now accuse me of being a racist, as typical of a liberal, who are the real RACISTS, BIGOTS, and SEXISTS.

I won't accuse you of anything. Nothing in that post relates to the topic.

I believe that the gov't should treat all its citizens equally. And I believe we need regulations requiring equal pay for equal work. I am not advocating any favoritism for any gender or race. Just equality.
Women Have Suffered More Under Obama Policies | RealClearPolitics
Clinton's "gender equity" agenda includes family-leave legislation and a federal mandate requiring that women receive equal pay. This from a senator, from 2002-2008, who paid her female staffers 72 cents for every dollar paid to males, or $15,708 less than the median salary for a man, according to an analysis of data from official Senate expenditure reports.

But it may not work this time around, and here's why. Working women have gotten crushed under the weight of Obama policies. During Barack Obama's six-and-a-half years in office, women have suffered steeper declines in take-home pay than men have. Women have also experienced sharper declines in employment and a faster rise in poverty.
Ah, yes, liberals WAR ON WOMEN, hard at work, and you sir are stupid. Make sure you vote for the vagina, and continue that WAR, you are so in favor for.

Things haven't gotten better for women under Obama? Not a big surprise.

But that still does not explain why you oppose equal pay for equal work.
I am not claiming that; i am claiming that women are being paid what they are worth, both in the porn sector and the non-porn sector, at the same time.

Point blank, Daniel, why should a man make more if he and a woman are doing the exact same work (all else being equal)?

Answer that simple question.

... no chance that will happen ...
Women Cry Foul as Glamour Magazine Names Bruce Jenner ‘Woman of the Year’ - Breitbart Serena Williams is a FRAUD and DECEIVER of the Nations (Shocking Video Investigation) | Celebrities Russian tennis boss banned for calling Venus and Serena ‘the Williams brothers’ More and more I see what is going on with liberalism the more I see the liberals have a WAR ON WOMEN because of political correctness. Real women are under assault, not only by liberal sexual predators, but also, by men who want to overpower women with sports or fame. Now accuse me of being a racist, as typical of a liberal, who are the real RACISTS, BIGOTS, and SEXISTS.

I won't accuse you of anything. Nothing in that post relates to the topic.

I believe that the gov't should treat all its citizens equally. And I believe we need regulations requiring equal pay for equal work. I am not advocating any favoritism for any gender or race. Just equality.
Women Have Suffered More Under Obama Policies | RealClearPolitics
Clinton's "gender equity" agenda includes family-leave legislation and a federal mandate requiring that women receive equal pay. This from a senator, from 2002-2008, who paid her female staffers 72 cents for every dollar paid to males, or $15,708 less than the median salary for a man, according to an analysis of data from official Senate expenditure reports.

But it may not work this time around, and here's why. Working women have gotten crushed under the weight of Obama policies. During Barack Obama's six-and-a-half years in office, women have suffered steeper declines in take-home pay than men have. Women have also experienced sharper declines in employment and a faster rise in poverty.
Ah, yes, liberals WAR ON WOMEN, hard at work, and you sir are stupid. Make sure you vote for the vagina, and continue that WAR, you are so in favor for.

Things haven't gotten better for women under Obama? Not a big surprise.

But that still does not explain why you oppose equal pay for equal work.
I am not claiming that; i am claiming that women are being paid what they are worth, both in the porn sector and the non-porn sector, at the same time.

Point blank, Daniel, why should a man make more if he and a woman are doing the exact same work (all else being equal)?

Answer that simple question.
Why wouldn’t they get the same pay men get, if they were worth it, ceteris paribus?

Dear, not Only mostly nice guys, but even the Marines seem to have difficulty finding, a few Good women.
Women Cry Foul as Glamour Magazine Names Bruce Jenner ‘Woman of the Year’ - Breitbart Serena Williams is a FRAUD and DECEIVER of the Nations (Shocking Video Investigation) | Celebrities Russian tennis boss banned for calling Venus and Serena ‘the Williams brothers’ More and more I see what is going on with liberalism the more I see the liberals have a WAR ON WOMEN because of political correctness. Real women are under assault, not only by liberal sexual predators, but also, by men who want to overpower women with sports or fame. Now accuse me of being a racist, as typical of a liberal, who are the real RACISTS, BIGOTS, and SEXISTS.

I won't accuse you of anything. Nothing in that post relates to the topic.

I believe that the gov't should treat all its citizens equally. And I believe we need regulations requiring equal pay for equal work. I am not advocating any favoritism for any gender or race. Just equality.
Women Have Suffered More Under Obama Policies | RealClearPolitics
Clinton's "gender equity" agenda includes family-leave legislation and a federal mandate requiring that women receive equal pay. This from a senator, from 2002-2008, who paid her female staffers 72 cents for every dollar paid to males, or $15,708 less than the median salary for a man, according to an analysis of data from official Senate expenditure reports.

But it may not work this time around, and here's why. Working women have gotten crushed under the weight of Obama policies. During Barack Obama's six-and-a-half years in office, women have suffered steeper declines in take-home pay than men have. Women have also experienced sharper declines in employment and a faster rise in poverty.
Ah, yes, liberals WAR ON WOMEN, hard at work, and you sir are stupid. Make sure you vote for the vagina, and continue that WAR, you are so in favor for.

Things haven't gotten better for women under Obama? Not a big surprise.

But that still does not explain why you oppose equal pay for equal work.
I am not claiming that; i am claiming that women are being paid what they are worth, both in the porn sector and the non-porn sector, at the same time.

Point blank, Daniel, why should a man make more if he and a woman are doing the exact same work (all else being equal)?

Answer that simple question.
WASHINGTON — President Obama on Tuesday will call attention to what he has said is an “embarrassment” in America: the fact that women make, on average, only 77 cents for every dollar that a man earns.
Maybe it all starts at the TOP, when "your" president says that women should be paid the same as men, then does exactly opposite of what he said, then others will follow Der Fuhrer. Liberals are all for "DO AS I SAY, NOT AS I DO", mentality, what is good for them, isn't good enough for US. They are above the LAW, and the liberals will use the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT to punish US if we don't do as they say. Otherwise, outside of liberal organizations, conservatives follow the LAW and pay women the same wages that they pay men. Now make sure you ignore what is said, and continue to drink that liberal koolaid and spout the rainbow house talking points.
I won't accuse you of anything. Nothing in that post relates to the topic.

I believe that the gov't should treat all its citizens equally. And I believe we need regulations requiring equal pay for equal work. I am not advocating any favoritism for any gender or race. Just equality.
Women Have Suffered More Under Obama Policies | RealClearPolitics
Clinton's "gender equity" agenda includes family-leave legislation and a federal mandate requiring that women receive equal pay. This from a senator, from 2002-2008, who paid her female staffers 72 cents for every dollar paid to males, or $15,708 less than the median salary for a man, according to an analysis of data from official Senate expenditure reports.

But it may not work this time around, and here's why. Working women have gotten crushed under the weight of Obama policies. During Barack Obama's six-and-a-half years in office, women have suffered steeper declines in take-home pay than men have. Women have also experienced sharper declines in employment and a faster rise in poverty.
Ah, yes, liberals WAR ON WOMEN, hard at work, and you sir are stupid. Make sure you vote for the vagina, and continue that WAR, you are so in favor for.

Things haven't gotten better for women under Obama? Not a big surprise.

But that still does not explain why you oppose equal pay for equal work.
I am not claiming that; i am claiming that women are being paid what they are worth, both in the porn sector and the non-porn sector, at the same time.

Point blank, Daniel, why should a man make more if he and a woman are doing the exact same work (all else being equal)?

Answer that simple question.
WASHINGTON — President Obama on Tuesday will call attention to what he has said is an “embarrassment” in America: the fact that women make, on average, only 77 cents for every dollar that a man earns.
Maybe it all starts at the TOP, when "your" president says that women should be paid the same as men, then does exactly opposite of what he said, then others will follow Der Fuhrer. Liberals are all for "DO AS I SAY, NOT AS I DO", mentality, what is good for them, isn't good enough for US. They are above the LAW, and the liberals will use the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT to punish US if we don't do as they say. Otherwise, outside of liberal organizations, conservatives follow the LAW and pay women the same wages that they pay men. Now make sure you ignore what is said, and continue to drink that liberal koolaid and spout the rainbow house talking points.

If THE president pushed for it, and THE congress passed laws in response to a population demanding equality for all of its citizens, it would accomplish this very basic thing.

Oh, and since I am an American citizen, yes, Obama is my president. But then, if you are an American citizen, he is your president too. Despite the fact that neither of us voted for him.
I won't accuse you of anything. Nothing in that post relates to the topic.

I believe that the gov't should treat all its citizens equally. And I believe we need regulations requiring equal pay for equal work. I am not advocating any favoritism for any gender or race. Just equality.
Women Have Suffered More Under Obama Policies | RealClearPolitics
Clinton's "gender equity" agenda includes family-leave legislation and a federal mandate requiring that women receive equal pay. This from a senator, from 2002-2008, who paid her female staffers 72 cents for every dollar paid to males, or $15,708 less than the median salary for a man, according to an analysis of data from official Senate expenditure reports.

But it may not work this time around, and here's why. Working women have gotten crushed under the weight of Obama policies. During Barack Obama's six-and-a-half years in office, women have suffered steeper declines in take-home pay than men have. Women have also experienced sharper declines in employment and a faster rise in poverty.
Ah, yes, liberals WAR ON WOMEN, hard at work, and you sir are stupid. Make sure you vote for the vagina, and continue that WAR, you are so in favor for.

Things haven't gotten better for women under Obama? Not a big surprise.

But that still does not explain why you oppose equal pay for equal work.
I am not claiming that; i am claiming that women are being paid what they are worth, both in the porn sector and the non-porn sector, at the same time.

Point blank, Daniel, why should a man make more if he and a woman are doing the exact same work (all else being equal)?

Answer that simple question.
Why wouldn’t they get the same pay men get, if they were worth it, ceteris paribus?

Dear, not Only mostly nice guys, but even the Marines seem to have difficulty finding, a few Good women.

Why indeed. But is happens far more often than the reverse does.

And as for your qualifier of "if they were worth it", if they are doing the same work then they are worth the same pay.
I won't accuse you of anything. Nothing in that post relates to the topic.

I believe that the gov't should treat all its citizens equally. And I believe we need regulations requiring equal pay for equal work. I am not advocating any favoritism for any gender or race. Just equality.
Women Have Suffered More Under Obama Policies | RealClearPolitics
Clinton's "gender equity" agenda includes family-leave legislation and a federal mandate requiring that women receive equal pay. This from a senator, from 2002-2008, who paid her female staffers 72 cents for every dollar paid to males, or $15,708 less than the median salary for a man, according to an analysis of data from official Senate expenditure reports.

But it may not work this time around, and here's why. Working women have gotten crushed under the weight of Obama policies. During Barack Obama's six-and-a-half years in office, women have suffered steeper declines in take-home pay than men have. Women have also experienced sharper declines in employment and a faster rise in poverty.
Ah, yes, liberals WAR ON WOMEN, hard at work, and you sir are stupid. Make sure you vote for the vagina, and continue that WAR, you are so in favor for.

Things haven't gotten better for women under Obama? Not a big surprise.

But that still does not explain why you oppose equal pay for equal work.
I am not claiming that; i am claiming that women are being paid what they are worth, both in the porn sector and the non-porn sector, at the same time.

Point blank, Daniel, why should a man make more if he and a woman are doing the exact same work (all else being equal)?

Answer that simple question.
WASHINGTON — President Obama on Tuesday will call attention to what he has said is an “embarrassment” in America: the fact that women make, on average, only 77 cents for every dollar that a man earns.
Maybe it all starts at the TOP, when "your" president says that women should be paid the same as men, then does exactly opposite of what he said, then others will follow Der Fuhrer. Liberals are all for "DO AS I SAY, NOT AS I DO", mentality, what is good for them, isn't good enough for US. They are above the LAW, and the liberals will use the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT to punish US if we don't do as they say. Otherwise, outside of liberal organizations, conservatives follow the LAW and pay women the same wages that they pay men. Now make sure you ignore what is said, and continue to drink that liberal koolaid and spout the rainbow house talking points.
Bad management is so, last millennium in our modern Information Age. If the Porn sector is not wrong about pay scales, then neither is the non-porn sector.
Women Have Suffered More Under Obama Policies | RealClearPolitics Ah, yes, liberals WAR ON WOMEN, hard at work, and you sir are stupid. Make sure you vote for the vagina, and continue that WAR, you are so in favor for.

Things haven't gotten better for women under Obama? Not a big surprise.

But that still does not explain why you oppose equal pay for equal work.
I am not claiming that; i am claiming that women are being paid what they are worth, both in the porn sector and the non-porn sector, at the same time.

Point blank, Daniel, why should a man make more if he and a woman are doing the exact same work (all else being equal)?

Answer that simple question.
WASHINGTON — President Obama on Tuesday will call attention to what he has said is an “embarrassment” in America: the fact that women make, on average, only 77 cents for every dollar that a man earns.
Maybe it all starts at the TOP, when "your" president says that women should be paid the same as men, then does exactly opposite of what he said, then others will follow Der Fuhrer. Liberals are all for "DO AS I SAY, NOT AS I DO", mentality, what is good for them, isn't good enough for US. They are above the LAW, and the liberals will use the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT to punish US if we don't do as they say. Otherwise, outside of liberal organizations, conservatives follow the LAW and pay women the same wages that they pay men. Now make sure you ignore what is said, and continue to drink that liberal koolaid and spout the rainbow house talking points.

If THE president pushed for it, and THE congress passed laws in response to a population demanding equality for all of its citizens, it would accomplish this very basic thing.

Oh, and since I am an American citizen, yes, Obama is my president. But then, if you are an American citizen, he is your president too. Despite the fact that neither of us voted for him.
Why more "lousy" socialism from Bad Capitalists?
Women Have Suffered More Under Obama Policies | RealClearPolitics Ah, yes, liberals WAR ON WOMEN, hard at work, and you sir are stupid. Make sure you vote for the vagina, and continue that WAR, you are so in favor for.

Things haven't gotten better for women under Obama? Not a big surprise.

But that still does not explain why you oppose equal pay for equal work.
I am not claiming that; i am claiming that women are being paid what they are worth, both in the porn sector and the non-porn sector, at the same time.

Point blank, Daniel, why should a man make more if he and a woman are doing the exact same work (all else being equal)?

Answer that simple question.
Why wouldn’t they get the same pay men get, if they were worth it, ceteris paribus?

Dear, not Only mostly nice guys, but even the Marines seem to have difficulty finding, a few Good women.

Why indeed. But is happens far more often than the reverse does.

And as for your qualifier of "if they were worth it", if they are doing the same work then they are worth the same pay.
The bottom line disagrees with you; why are you being so infidel, protestant, and renegade to True Capitalism?
Things haven't gotten better for women under Obama? Not a big surprise.

But that still does not explain why you oppose equal pay for equal work.
I am not claiming that; i am claiming that women are being paid what they are worth, both in the porn sector and the non-porn sector, at the same time.

Point blank, Daniel, why should a man make more if he and a woman are doing the exact same work (all else being equal)?

Answer that simple question.
Why wouldn’t they get the same pay men get, if they were worth it, ceteris paribus?

Dear, not Only mostly nice guys, but even the Marines seem to have difficulty finding, a few Good women.

Why indeed. But is happens far more often than the reverse does.

And as for your qualifier of "if they were worth it", if they are doing the same work then they are worth the same pay.
The bottom line disagrees with you; why are you being so infidel, protestant, and renegade to True Capitalism?

Using only the "bottom line" as your measure, would remove all safety regulations, overtime pay, and age limits for dangerous work. You have but to look at the history of industry to see that the pure capitalism is only good for those at the top. I have no problem with those at the top making good money. I just have a problem with two people being paid a different scale because of gender, when that gender difference has no effect on productivity.
I am not claiming that; i am claiming that women are being paid what they are worth, both in the porn sector and the non-porn sector, at the same time.

Point blank, Daniel, why should a man make more if he and a woman are doing the exact same work (all else being equal)?

Answer that simple question.
Why wouldn’t they get the same pay men get, if they were worth it, ceteris paribus?

Dear, not Only mostly nice guys, but even the Marines seem to have difficulty finding, a few Good women.

Why indeed. But is happens far more often than the reverse does.

And as for your qualifier of "if they were worth it", if they are doing the same work then they are worth the same pay.
The bottom line disagrees with you; why are you being so infidel, protestant, and renegade to True Capitalism?

Using only the "bottom line" as your measure, would remove all safety regulations, overtime pay, and age limits for dangerous work. You have but to look at the history of industry to see that the pure capitalism is only good for those at the top. I have no problem with those at the top making good money. I just have a problem with two people being paid a different scale because of gender, when that gender difference has no effect on productivity.
Why is it illegal for McD's to use child labor, and Hollywood can? Come on man, liberals have been ABOVE the law since they started the push for immorality in the 1960's. Child stars have to work almost 14 hour days but as long as they get paid 100,000s of dollars you liberals are okay with it, if a child get paid equally like the rest of the low information voters then the double standards work again.

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