Women want to be treated equally.....

That may be okay, but how do you find such women in America?

What? There are plenty of women who are not obese. That you ask that question tells me plenty.
Yes there are plenty, only not in America. Nobody I know travels to America to talk with women, I wouldn't waste my ticket budget on that either. Would you? The problem is that certain powers in America don't want us to have women outside America either. We believe that our women deserve better than Americans. For example, the French national health service includes most if not all female cosmetic surgeries for free, at the widest range of offerings, from as little as fixing the funny after birth giving to waist line and boob shaping, age related face lifting, and so on. Something an American will never comprehend.

There are plenty of women in the US that are neither obese nor overweight.

US and Global Obesity Levels: The Fat Chart - Obesity - ProCon.org
According to this website, 33.9% of the US population is obese. The same website has France's obesity rate at 16.9%.

The population in the US is around 314 million people, with 51% of those being women. Women in the US have a lower obesity rate, but we will ignore that. 51% of 314 million people is just a shade over 160 million women. 33.9% of them being obese is 54,287,460 women. That leaves 105,852,540 women in the US that are not obese.

Almost 106 million women that are not obese. And you say there are no such women in the US?

There are only 32 million women TOTAL in France.

So your claims about women in the US are no more accurate than the jokes about France's military being so quick to surrender.
So women have reached equality to men, they eat like men and get fat. They drink like men, and get fat. They smoke like men and die from cancer like men. They work like men and get overstressed like men and die from heart attacks like men. At one time women outlived men by 5 or more years, but today, men and women are dying around the same age. Social Justice and equal misery for all, that is the liberal way.

I guess you think we never should have given them the vote? lol

If people overeat and get fat, smoke and get cancer, or drink too much and whatever, that is the fault of the individual who did those things. It is not the fault of the people who worked to created equality and a level playing field.
It was the Republicans who brought the bill forward to allow women to vote, it was the RACIST, SEXIST, BIGOTS of Dumbocrats who voted against women voting. When people could have 1 provider and the rest of the family was allowed to nourish and teach, then women, kids and men all were happy. But along came liberals in the 1960's and started the destruction of the nuclear family, and that is why America is in the mess it is. Dumbasses like Winter fell for the LIES and Propaganda of LBJ, and was probably one of those guys who started in the projects. Did you know that LBJ thought it was a GREAT idea to put a million minorities in a 1 square mile area, with just enough sustenance to survive on, and expected the blacks to flourish? Yeah the Southern White Democrats of the south thought the same way of blacks, ENSLAVED. Those that left the plantation like Col Allen West, Susan Rice, and Ben Carson, who are far superior in intelligence, found enlightenment, not liberal KOOLAID.

It is not the fault of the people who worked to created equality and a level playing field.
This quote right here is why Winterborn voted for Obama not once but twice. He keeps denying it, but every once in a while his liberalness always shines through. Too bad he is ashamed to admit it as many liberals are.
What? There are plenty of women who are not obese. That you ask that question tells me plenty.
Yes there are plenty, only not in America. Nobody I know travels to America to talk with women, I wouldn't waste my ticket budget on that either. Would you? The problem is that certain powers in America don't want us to have women outside America either. We believe that our women deserve better than Americans. For example, the French national health service includes most if not all female cosmetic surgeries for free, at the widest range of offerings, from as little as fixing the funny after birth giving to waist line and boob shaping, age related face lifting, and so on. Something an American will never comprehend.

There are plenty of women in the US that are neither obese nor overweight.

US and Global Obesity Levels: The Fat Chart - Obesity - ProCon.org
According to this website, 33.9% of the US population is obese. The same website has France's obesity rate at 16.9%.

The population in the US is around 314 million people, with 51% of those being women. Women in the US have a lower obesity rate, but we will ignore that. 51% of 314 million people is just a shade over 160 million women. 33.9% of them being obese is 54,287,460 women. That leaves 105,852,540 women in the US that are not obese.

Almost 106 million women that are not obese. And you say there are no such women in the US?

There are only 32 million women TOTAL in France.

So your claims about women in the US are no more accurate than the jokes about France's military being so quick to surrender.
So women have reached equality to men, they eat like men and get fat. They drink like men, and get fat. They smoke like men and die from cancer like men. They work like men and get overstressed like men and die from heart attacks like men. At one time women outlived men by 5 or more years, but today, men and women are dying around the same age. Social Justice and equal misery for all, that is the liberal way.

I guess you think we never should have given them the vote? lol

If people overeat and get fat, smoke and get cancer, or drink too much and whatever, that is the fault of the individual who did those things. It is not the fault of the people who worked to created equality and a level playing field.
It was the Republicans who brought the bill forward to allow women to vote, it was the RACIST, SEXIST, BIGOTS of Dumbocrats who voted against women voting. When people could have 1 provider and the rest of the family was allowed to nourish and teach, then women, kids and men all were happy. But along came liberals in the 1960's and started the destruction of the nuclear family, and that is why America is in the mess it is. Dumbasses like Winter fell for the LIES and Propaganda of LBJ, and was probably one of those guys who started in the projects. Did you know that LBJ thought it was a GREAT idea to put a million minorities in a 1 square mile area, with just enough sustenance to survive on, and expected the blacks to flourish? Yeah the Southern White Democrats of the south thought the same way of blacks, ENSLAVED. Those that left the plantation like Col Allen West, Susan Rice, and Ben Carson, who are far superior in intelligence, found enlightenment, not liberal KOOLAID.

It is not the fault of the people who worked to created equality and a level playing field.
This quote right here is why Winterborn voted for Obama not once but twice. He keeps denying it, but every once in a while his liberalness always shines through. Too bad he is ashamed to admit it as many liberals are.

You claim that single sentence shows that I voted for Obama. And, of course, you despise Obama.

Please tell me why working to create equality and a level playing field is bad?
That's genderist.
Good, at least it is not sexist.

genderist is sexism. Against men.
It is true though that girls' bodies are much more voulnerable to chemical and physical abuse / underuse than men's. So it is logical to spend extra tax money on girls' bodies.

Holy shit, and you have to ask why people think you're crazy? That is . . . . some crazy shit. Lol. There are PLENTY of fat bald and ugly men around, dude. :lol: PLEEENTY!
Isn't this thread about ugly women and not ugly men? For the equality of women: ugly men don't bother women, but ugly women do bother men. Does that answer your question? :)

Ugly men do bother women.
Yes there are plenty, only not in America. Nobody I know travels to America to talk with women, I wouldn't waste my ticket budget on that either. Would you? The problem is that certain powers in America don't want us to have women outside America either. We believe that our women deserve better than Americans. For example, the French national health service includes most if not all female cosmetic surgeries for free, at the widest range of offerings, from as little as fixing the funny after birth giving to waist line and boob shaping, age related face lifting, and so on. Something an American will never comprehend.

There are plenty of women in the US that are neither obese nor overweight.

US and Global Obesity Levels: The Fat Chart - Obesity - ProCon.org
According to this website, 33.9% of the US population is obese. The same website has France's obesity rate at 16.9%.

The population in the US is around 314 million people, with 51% of those being women. Women in the US have a lower obesity rate, but we will ignore that. 51% of 314 million people is just a shade over 160 million women. 33.9% of them being obese is 54,287,460 women. That leaves 105,852,540 women in the US that are not obese.

Almost 106 million women that are not obese. And you say there are no such women in the US?

There are only 32 million women TOTAL in France.

So your claims about women in the US are no more accurate than the jokes about France's military being so quick to surrender.
So women have reached equality to men, they eat like men and get fat. They drink like men, and get fat. They smoke like men and die from cancer like men. They work like men and get overstressed like men and die from heart attacks like men. At one time women outlived men by 5 or more years, but today, men and women are dying around the same age. Social Justice and equal misery for all, that is the liberal way.

I guess you think we never should have given them the vote? lol

If people overeat and get fat, smoke and get cancer, or drink too much and whatever, that is the fault of the individual who did those things. It is not the fault of the people who worked to created equality and a level playing field.
It was the Republicans who brought the bill forward to allow women to vote, it was the RACIST, SEXIST, BIGOTS of Dumbocrats who voted against women voting. When people could have 1 provider and the rest of the family was allowed to nourish and teach, then women, kids and men all were happy. But along came liberals in the 1960's and started the destruction of the nuclear family, and that is why America is in the mess it is. Dumbasses like Winter fell for the LIES and Propaganda of LBJ, and was probably one of those guys who started in the projects. Did you know that LBJ thought it was a GREAT idea to put a million minorities in a 1 square mile area, with just enough sustenance to survive on, and expected the blacks to flourish? Yeah the Southern White Democrats of the south thought the same way of blacks, ENSLAVED. Those that left the plantation like Col Allen West, Susan Rice, and Ben Carson, who are far superior in intelligence, found enlightenment, not liberal KOOLAID.

It is not the fault of the people who worked to created equality and a level playing field.
This quote right here is why Winterborn voted for Obama not once but twice. He keeps denying it, but every once in a while his liberalness always shines through. Too bad he is ashamed to admit it as many liberals are.

You claim that single sentence shows that I voted for Obama. And, of course, you despise Obama.

Please tell me why working to create equality and a level playing field is bad?
Because in the Constitution, which was created to allow people to have Life, Liberty and Pursuit of happiness, there was nothing in it about equality of income. Those who wrote it knew that not everyone WOULD be equal, that with this new idea, anyone would be able to achieve their OWN goals, as long as there wasn't a tyrannical government hovering over them, keeping them in CHAINS, with HIGH taxes and regulations(all for the vote) by using their God given abilities and intelligence. But along came Uncle Sugar, started destroying those not deemed worthy of life(unplanned parenthood), enslaving blacks(Southern White Democrats) to the point that life outside the womb as provided for with FREE stuff, as long as the blacks stayed on the plantation. Why is it that a black professional athlete makes millions of dollars? Why do black movie stars make millions of dollars? They have used their God given talent to the best of their abilities. I despise Obama, not for the color of his skin, but for his policies of TAKING from the middleclass, and enriching his liberal elite buddies in his quest for Hope and Change, the redistribution of wealth. The fundamental transformation of America from a once Great Country, now to a 3rd world nation, because of his illegal immigrations allowing HORDES of diseased people to cross our border and infect our children with diseases that were eradicated from the U.S. of A. Now claim I am ranting again, because I have shown the TRUTH again, as you always say TRUTH is nothing more than rants.
I have not advocated for "equality of income", as you so quaintly put it. At least not as you were expressing it.

Several times you have gone on about how I want everyone to be equally poor. This is pure nonsense. The equality I want is for every citizen in this country to have the same rights and be treated the same. If a man and a woman do the same job, they should receive the same pay. You want to go on and on about how liberals want to destroy the family, that republicans pushed for women's voting rights, how I voted for Obama twice, and more. But none of that even begins to address the inequality in this nation.

If you do want to talk about opportunity and wealth, ect, we can discuss the disappearance of the American middle class.
Women Cry Foul as Glamour Magazine Names Bruce Jenner ‘Woman of the Year’ - Breitbart
The politically correct Glamour Magazine has reportedly waived the one defining requirement of candidates for its “Woman of the Year” honor—a double X chromosome—in conferring the title for 2015 on crossdresser Bruce Jenner, a move many women are finding insulting.
Serena Williams is a FRAUD and DECEIVER of the Nations (Shocking Video Investigation) | Celebrities
For years, the International Olympic Committee has known that Serena’s male genetic advantage, is no match for female competitors – and yet they gave him the Gold Medal on 4 separate occasions, in a woman’s sporting event!
Russian tennis boss banned for calling Venus and Serena ‘the Williams brothers’
The president of the Russian Tennis Federation has been banned from the women's tour for a year and fined $25,000 for calling Venus and Serena Williams "the Williams brothers."
More and more I see what is going on with liberalism the more I see the liberals have a WAR ON WOMEN because of political correctness. Real women are under assault, not only by liberal sexual predators, but also, by men who want to overpower women with sports or fame. Now accuse me of being a racist, as typical of a liberal, who are the real RACISTS, BIGOTS, and SEXISTS.
I have not advocated for "equality of income", as you so quaintly put it. At least not as you were expressing it.

Several times you have gone on about how I want everyone to be equally poor. This is pure nonsense. The equality I want is for every citizen in this country to have the same rights and be treated the same. If a man and a woman do the same job, they should receive the same pay. You want to go on and on about how liberals want to destroy the family, that republicans pushed for women's voting rights, how I voted for Obama twice, and more. But none of that even begins to address the inequality in this nation.

If you do want to talk about opportunity and wealth, ect, we can discuss the disappearance of the American middle class.
Please tell me why working to create equality and a level playing field is bad?
I have not advocated for "equality of income", as you so quaintly put it.
Yeah sure.
There are plenty of women in the US that are neither obese nor overweight.

US and Global Obesity Levels: The Fat Chart - Obesity - ProCon.org
According to this website, 33.9% of the US population is obese. The same website has France's obesity rate at 16.9%.

The population in the US is around 314 million people, with 51% of those being women. Women in the US have a lower obesity rate, but we will ignore that. 51% of 314 million people is just a shade over 160 million women. 33.9% of them being obese is 54,287,460 women. That leaves 105,852,540 women in the US that are not obese.

Almost 106 million women that are not obese. And you say there are no such women in the US?

There are only 32 million women TOTAL in France.

So your claims about women in the US are no more accurate than the jokes about France's military being so quick to surrender.
So women have reached equality to men, they eat like men and get fat. They drink like men, and get fat. They smoke like men and die from cancer like men. They work like men and get overstressed like men and die from heart attacks like men. At one time women outlived men by 5 or more years, but today, men and women are dying around the same age. Social Justice and equal misery for all, that is the liberal way.

I guess you think we never should have given them the vote? lol

If people overeat and get fat, smoke and get cancer, or drink too much and whatever, that is the fault of the individual who did those things. It is not the fault of the people who worked to created equality and a level playing field.
It was the Republicans who brought the bill forward to allow women to vote, it was the RACIST, SEXIST, BIGOTS of Dumbocrats who voted against women voting. When people could have 1 provider and the rest of the family was allowed to nourish and teach, then women, kids and men all were happy. But along came liberals in the 1960's and started the destruction of the nuclear family, and that is why America is in the mess it is. Dumbasses like Winter fell for the LIES and Propaganda of LBJ, and was probably one of those guys who started in the projects. Did you know that LBJ thought it was a GREAT idea to put a million minorities in a 1 square mile area, with just enough sustenance to survive on, and expected the blacks to flourish? Yeah the Southern White Democrats of the south thought the same way of blacks, ENSLAVED. Those that left the plantation like Col Allen West, Susan Rice, and Ben Carson, who are far superior in intelligence, found enlightenment, not liberal KOOLAID.

It is not the fault of the people who worked to created equality and a level playing field.
This quote right here is why Winterborn voted for Obama not once but twice. He keeps denying it, but every once in a while his liberalness always shines through. Too bad he is ashamed to admit it as many liberals are.

You claim that single sentence shows that I voted for Obama. And, of course, you despise Obama.

Please tell me why working to create equality and a level playing field is bad?
Because in the Constitution, which was created to allow people to have Life, Liberty and Pursuit of happiness, there was nothing in it about equality of income. Those who wrote it knew that not everyone WOULD be equal, that with this new idea, anyone would be able to achieve their OWN goals, as long as there wasn't a tyrannical government hovering over them, keeping them in CHAINS, with HIGH taxes and regulations(all for the vote) by using their God given abilities and intelligence. But along came Uncle Sugar, started destroying those not deemed worthy of life(unplanned parenthood), enslaving blacks(Southern White Democrats) to the point that life outside the womb as provided for with FREE stuff, as long as the blacks stayed on the plantation. Why is it that a black professional athlete makes millions of dollars? Why do black movie stars make millions of dollars? They have used their God given talent to the best of their abilities. I despise Obama, not for the color of his skin, but for his policies of TAKING from the middleclass, and enriching his liberal elite buddies in his quest for Hope and Change, the redistribution of wealth. The fundamental transformation of America from a once Great Country, now to a 3rd world nation, because of his illegal immigrations allowing HORDES of diseased people to cross our border and infect our children with diseases that were eradicated from the U.S. of A. Now claim I am ranting again, because I have shown the TRUTH again, as you always say TRUTH is nothing more than rants.

I asked a simple question. "Please tell me why working to create equality and a level playing field is bad?"

You started your answer with "Because..." but never answered the question. Nothing in your post answered why creating equality and a level playing field is bad.
Women Cry Foul as Glamour Magazine Names Bruce Jenner ‘Woman of the Year’ - Breitbart
The politically correct Glamour Magazine has reportedly waived the one defining requirement of candidates for its “Woman of the Year” honor—a double X chromosome—in conferring the title for 2015 on crossdresser Bruce Jenner, a move many women are finding insulting.
Serena Williams is a FRAUD and DECEIVER of the Nations (Shocking Video Investigation) | Celebrities
For years, the International Olympic Committee has known that Serena’s male genetic advantage, is no match for female competitors – and yet they gave him the Gold Medal on 4 separate occasions, in a woman’s sporting event!
Russian tennis boss banned for calling Venus and Serena ‘the Williams brothers’
The president of the Russian Tennis Federation has been banned from the women's tour for a year and fined $25,000 for calling Venus and Serena Williams "the Williams brothers."
More and more I see what is going on with liberalism the more I see the liberals have a WAR ON WOMEN because of political correctness. Real women are under assault, not only by liberal sexual predators, but also, by men who want to overpower women with sports or fame. Now accuse me of being a racist, as typical of a liberal, who are the real RACISTS, BIGOTS, and SEXISTS.

I won't accuse you of anything. Nothing in that post relates to the topic.

I believe that the gov't should treat all its citizens equally. And I believe we need regulations requiring equal pay for equal work. I am not advocating any favoritism for any gender or race. Just equality.
I have not advocated for "equality of income", as you so quaintly put it. At least not as you were expressing it.

Several times you have gone on about how I want everyone to be equally poor. This is pure nonsense. The equality I want is for every citizen in this country to have the same rights and be treated the same. If a man and a woman do the same job, they should receive the same pay. You want to go on and on about how liberals want to destroy the family, that republicans pushed for women's voting rights, how I voted for Obama twice, and more. But none of that even begins to address the inequality in this nation.

If you do want to talk about opportunity and wealth, ect, we can discuss the disappearance of the American middle class.
Please tell me why working to create equality and a level playing field is bad?
I have not advocated for "equality of income", as you so quaintly put it.
Yeah sure.

The only "equality of income" I have advocated is that two people who do the same job should be paid the same. That is a far cry from your strawman nonsense that I want everyone to be equally poor.
So women have reached equality to men, they eat like men and get fat. They drink like men, and get fat. They smoke like men and die from cancer like men. They work like men and get overstressed like men and die from heart attacks like men. At one time women outlived men by 5 or more years, but today, men and women are dying around the same age. Social Justice and equal misery for all, that is the liberal way.

I guess you think we never should have given them the vote? lol

If people overeat and get fat, smoke and get cancer, or drink too much and whatever, that is the fault of the individual who did those things. It is not the fault of the people who worked to created equality and a level playing field.
It was the Republicans who brought the bill forward to allow women to vote, it was the RACIST, SEXIST, BIGOTS of Dumbocrats who voted against women voting. When people could have 1 provider and the rest of the family was allowed to nourish and teach, then women, kids and men all were happy. But along came liberals in the 1960's and started the destruction of the nuclear family, and that is why America is in the mess it is. Dumbasses like Winter fell for the LIES and Propaganda of LBJ, and was probably one of those guys who started in the projects. Did you know that LBJ thought it was a GREAT idea to put a million minorities in a 1 square mile area, with just enough sustenance to survive on, and expected the blacks to flourish? Yeah the Southern White Democrats of the south thought the same way of blacks, ENSLAVED. Those that left the plantation like Col Allen West, Susan Rice, and Ben Carson, who are far superior in intelligence, found enlightenment, not liberal KOOLAID.

It is not the fault of the people who worked to created equality and a level playing field.
This quote right here is why Winterborn voted for Obama not once but twice. He keeps denying it, but every once in a while his liberalness always shines through. Too bad he is ashamed to admit it as many liberals are.

You claim that single sentence shows that I voted for Obama. And, of course, you despise Obama.

Please tell me why working to create equality and a level playing field is bad?
Because in the Constitution, which was created to allow people to have Life, Liberty and Pursuit of happiness, there was nothing in it about equality of income. Those who wrote it knew that not everyone WOULD be equal, that with this new idea, anyone would be able to achieve their OWN goals, as long as there wasn't a tyrannical government hovering over them, keeping them in CHAINS, with HIGH taxes and regulations(all for the vote) by using their God given abilities and intelligence. But along came Uncle Sugar, started destroying those not deemed worthy of life(unplanned parenthood), enslaving blacks(Southern White Democrats) to the point that life outside the womb as provided for with FREE stuff, as long as the blacks stayed on the plantation. Why is it that a black professional athlete makes millions of dollars? Why do black movie stars make millions of dollars? They have used their God given talent to the best of their abilities. I despise Obama, not for the color of his skin, but for his policies of TAKING from the middleclass, and enriching his liberal elite buddies in his quest for Hope and Change, the redistribution of wealth. The fundamental transformation of America from a once Great Country, now to a 3rd world nation, because of his illegal immigrations allowing HORDES of diseased people to cross our border and infect our children with diseases that were eradicated from the U.S. of A. Now claim I am ranting again, because I have shown the TRUTH again, as you always say TRUTH is nothing more than rants.

I asked a simple question. "Please tell me why working to create equality and a level playing field is bad?"

You started your answer with "Because..." but never answered the question. Nothing in your post answered why creating equality and a level playing field is bad.
Socialism has been tried over and over and all it produced was disaster for the countries that tried it. Why was this? Because when you take from those who worked hard, studied hard, and produced products and services that people are willing to purchase, pretty soon those hard working individuals stopped working hard and then there is nothing left to take from(i.e. Detroit). In a race, you don't hold back the leader, because he may outrun his opponents by 10's of seconds, but you allow him to do his best, and then those behind him, must try to get better, so they can eventually get better than the leader. Tiger Woods(before he turned away from God) couldn't be beat, because Tiger with his God given talents was unbeatable. But when he turned to "Lucifer", God took Tigers talent away and now Tiger is no longer unbeatable. Was this leveling the playing field? No, it was self inflicted, and now those who couldn't beat Tiger, got much better, while Tiger has slipped away. Shame you cant see this way, but then it is hard for a liberal to see through the liberal koolaid.
Women Cry Foul as Glamour Magazine Names Bruce Jenner ‘Woman of the Year’ - Breitbart
The politically correct Glamour Magazine has reportedly waived the one defining requirement of candidates for its “Woman of the Year” honor—a double X chromosome—in conferring the title for 2015 on crossdresser Bruce Jenner, a move many women are finding insulting.
Serena Williams is a FRAUD and DECEIVER of the Nations (Shocking Video Investigation) | Celebrities
For years, the International Olympic Committee has known that Serena’s male genetic advantage, is no match for female competitors – and yet they gave him the Gold Medal on 4 separate occasions, in a woman’s sporting event!
Russian tennis boss banned for calling Venus and Serena ‘the Williams brothers’
The president of the Russian Tennis Federation has been banned from the women's tour for a year and fined $25,000 for calling Venus and Serena Williams "the Williams brothers."
More and more I see what is going on with liberalism the more I see the liberals have a WAR ON WOMEN because of political correctness. Real women are under assault, not only by liberal sexual predators, but also, by men who want to overpower women with sports or fame. Now accuse me of being a racist, as typical of a liberal, who are the real RACISTS, BIGOTS, and SEXISTS.

I won't accuse you of anything. Nothing in that post relates to the topic.

I believe that the gov't should treat all its citizens equally. And I believe we need regulations requiring equal pay for equal work. I am not advocating any favoritism for any gender or race. Just equality.
Women Have Suffered More Under Obama Policies | RealClearPolitics
Clinton's "gender equity" agenda includes family-leave legislation and a federal mandate requiring that women receive equal pay. This from a senator, from 2002-2008, who paid her female staffers 72 cents for every dollar paid to males, or $15,708 less than the median salary for a man, according to an analysis of data from official Senate expenditure reports.

But it may not work this time around, and here's why. Working women have gotten crushed under the weight of Obama policies. During Barack Obama's six-and-a-half years in office, women have suffered steeper declines in take-home pay than men have. Women have also experienced sharper declines in employment and a faster rise in poverty.
Ah, yes, liberals WAR ON WOMEN, hard at work, and you sir are stupid. Make sure you vote for the vagina, and continue that WAR, you are so in favor for.
I guess you think we never should have given them the vote? lol

If people overeat and get fat, smoke and get cancer, or drink too much and whatever, that is the fault of the individual who did those things. It is not the fault of the people who worked to created equality and a level playing field.
It was the Republicans who brought the bill forward to allow women to vote, it was the RACIST, SEXIST, BIGOTS of Dumbocrats who voted against women voting. When people could have 1 provider and the rest of the family was allowed to nourish and teach, then women, kids and men all were happy. But along came liberals in the 1960's and started the destruction of the nuclear family, and that is why America is in the mess it is. Dumbasses like Winter fell for the LIES and Propaganda of LBJ, and was probably one of those guys who started in the projects. Did you know that LBJ thought it was a GREAT idea to put a million minorities in a 1 square mile area, with just enough sustenance to survive on, and expected the blacks to flourish? Yeah the Southern White Democrats of the south thought the same way of blacks, ENSLAVED. Those that left the plantation like Col Allen West, Susan Rice, and Ben Carson, who are far superior in intelligence, found enlightenment, not liberal KOOLAID.

It is not the fault of the people who worked to created equality and a level playing field.
This quote right here is why Winterborn voted for Obama not once but twice. He keeps denying it, but every once in a while his liberalness always shines through. Too bad he is ashamed to admit it as many liberals are.

You claim that single sentence shows that I voted for Obama. And, of course, you despise Obama.

Please tell me why working to create equality and a level playing field is bad?
Because in the Constitution, which was created to allow people to have Life, Liberty and Pursuit of happiness, there was nothing in it about equality of income. Those who wrote it knew that not everyone WOULD be equal, that with this new idea, anyone would be able to achieve their OWN goals, as long as there wasn't a tyrannical government hovering over them, keeping them in CHAINS, with HIGH taxes and regulations(all for the vote) by using their God given abilities and intelligence. But along came Uncle Sugar, started destroying those not deemed worthy of life(unplanned parenthood), enslaving blacks(Southern White Democrats) to the point that life outside the womb as provided for with FREE stuff, as long as the blacks stayed on the plantation. Why is it that a black professional athlete makes millions of dollars? Why do black movie stars make millions of dollars? They have used their God given talent to the best of their abilities. I despise Obama, not for the color of his skin, but for his policies of TAKING from the middleclass, and enriching his liberal elite buddies in his quest for Hope and Change, the redistribution of wealth. The fundamental transformation of America from a once Great Country, now to a 3rd world nation, because of his illegal immigrations allowing HORDES of diseased people to cross our border and infect our children with diseases that were eradicated from the U.S. of A. Now claim I am ranting again, because I have shown the TRUTH again, as you always say TRUTH is nothing more than rants.

I asked a simple question. "Please tell me why working to create equality and a level playing field is bad?"

You started your answer with "Because..." but never answered the question. Nothing in your post answered why creating equality and a level playing field is bad.
Socialism has been tried over and over and all it produced was disaster for the countries that tried it. Why was this? Because when you take from those who worked hard, studied hard, and produced products and services that people are willing to purchase, pretty soon those hard working individuals stopped working hard and then there is nothing left to take from(i.e. Detroit). In a race, you don't hold back the leader, because he may outrun his opponents by 10's of seconds, but you allow him to do his best, and then those behind him, must try to get better, so they can eventually get better than the leader. Tiger Woods(before he turned away from God) couldn't be beat, because Tiger with his God given talents was unbeatable. But when he turned to "Lucifer", God took Tigers talent away and now Tiger is no longer unbeatable. Was this leveling the playing field? No, it was self inflicted, and now those who couldn't beat Tiger, got much better, while Tiger has slipped away. Shame you cant see this way, but then it is hard for a liberal to see through the liberal koolaid.

It must make things much easier when you get to makeup my side of the argument.

I have not talked about handicapping any leaders. Or anyone else, for that matter.

But if you want to use a race analogy, how is it a good race when you make some run farther or carry weights, while others run shorter distances and downhill?

I see you still have not answered my question. "Please tell me why working to create equality and a level playing field is bad?"
Please tell me why working to create equality and a level playing field is bad?

Equality and level playing fields are unnatural concepts. They don't exist in the real world and never have. They create sn artificial environment where, more often thsn not, thise who can do something are precluded from doing so or separate (and unequal), artificial, standards are created to ensure a less capable group succeeds
Women Cry Foul as Glamour Magazine Names Bruce Jenner ‘Woman of the Year’ - Breitbart
The politically correct Glamour Magazine has reportedly waived the one defining requirement of candidates for its “Woman of the Year” honor—a double X chromosome—in conferring the title for 2015 on crossdresser Bruce Jenner, a move many women are finding insulting.
Serena Williams is a FRAUD and DECEIVER of the Nations (Shocking Video Investigation) | Celebrities
For years, the International Olympic Committee has known that Serena’s male genetic advantage, is no match for female competitors – and yet they gave him the Gold Medal on 4 separate occasions, in a woman’s sporting event!
Russian tennis boss banned for calling Venus and Serena ‘the Williams brothers’
The president of the Russian Tennis Federation has been banned from the women's tour for a year and fined $25,000 for calling Venus and Serena Williams "the Williams brothers."
More and more I see what is going on with liberalism the more I see the liberals have a WAR ON WOMEN because of political correctness. Real women are under assault, not only by liberal sexual predators, but also, by men who want to overpower women with sports or fame. Now accuse me of being a racist, as typical of a liberal, who are the real RACISTS, BIGOTS, and SEXISTS.

I won't accuse you of anything. Nothing in that post relates to the topic.

I believe that the gov't should treat all its citizens equally. And I believe we need regulations requiring equal pay for equal work. I am not advocating any favoritism for any gender or race. Just equality.
Women Have Suffered More Under Obama Policies | RealClearPolitics
Clinton's "gender equity" agenda includes family-leave legislation and a federal mandate requiring that women receive equal pay. This from a senator, from 2002-2008, who paid her female staffers 72 cents for every dollar paid to males, or $15,708 less than the median salary for a man, according to an analysis of data from official Senate expenditure reports.

But it may not work this time around, and here's why. Working women have gotten crushed under the weight of Obama policies. During Barack Obama's six-and-a-half years in office, women have suffered steeper declines in take-home pay than men have. Women have also experienced sharper declines in employment and a faster rise in poverty.
Ah, yes, liberals WAR ON WOMEN, hard at work, and you sir are stupid. Make sure you vote for the vagina, and continue that WAR, you are so in favor for.

Things haven't gotten better for women under Obama? Not a big surprise.

But that still does not explain why you oppose equal pay for equal work.
Please tell me why working to create equality and a level playing field is bad?

Equality and level playing fields are unnatural concepts. They don't exist in the real world and never have. They create sn artificial environment where, more often thsn not, thise who can do something are precluded from doing so or separate (and unequal), artificial, standards are created to ensure a less capable group succeeds

Much of our world could be called an unnatural concept. But "natural" is not a standard I place much value in.

If two people do the same job, they should be paid the same. Why is this a difficult idea?
Much of our world could be called an unnatural concept. But "natural" is not a standard I place much value in.

If two people do the same job, they should be paid the same. Why is this a difficult idea?

Ever think maybe that's part of ehy the planet is constantly trying to kill us with more drug resustant viruses and superbugs?

Certain types of people are not supposed to do certain types of work. It's that simple.
Much of our world could be called an unnatural concept. But "natural" is not a standard I place much value in.

If two people do the same job, they should be paid the same. Why is this a difficult idea?

Ever think maybe that's part of ehy the planet is constantly trying to kill us with more drug resustant viruses and superbugs?

Certain types of people are not supposed to do certain types of work. It's that simple.

Different people have different strengths, but, the pay scale should not be based on gender.
I don't do my "homework" on this, but, work with a company where it is a level playing field.
I'm sure there are industries where it is not. If it's a job where men are proven to be more proficient, perhaps, but ultimately, people should get paid for results.

I have more of an issue with people not being paid for what they contribute and their value to the company and bottom line than I do male vs. female...... too many morons who contribute next to nothing get paid big bucks.....
Much of our world could be called an unnatural concept. But "natural" is not a standard I place much value in.

If two people do the same job, they should be paid the same. Why is this a difficult idea?

Ever think maybe that's part of ehy the planet is constantly trying to kill us with more drug resustant viruses and superbugs?

Certain types of people are not supposed to do certain types of work. It's that simple.

So you think drug resistant viruses are due to women wanting equal rights? lol Damn. There is no arguing with that sort of ignorance.

Just as an FYI, the drug resistant viruses and superbugs are caused by the over use of antibiotics and the extreme chemical usage our modern world has fallen into. It has nothing to do with paying workers the same amount for doing the same work.

If you have two assembly line workers doing the same work, why do you think it is good to pay one less than the other?
Please tell me why working to create equality and a level playing field is bad?

Equality and level playing fields are unnatural concepts. They don't exist in the real world and never have. They create sn artificial environment where, more often thsn not, thise who can do something are precluded from doing so or separate (and unequal), artificial, standards are created to ensure a less capable group succeeds

Much of our world could be called an unnatural concept. But "natural" is not a standard I place much value in.

If two people do the same job, they should be paid the same. Why is this a difficult idea?

Because some men are incredibly insecure and are fearful of strong women who can out work them. :D

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