Women want to be treated equally.....

Point blank, Daniel, why should a man make more if he and a woman are doing the exact same work (all else being equal)?

Answer that simple question.
Why wouldn’t they get the same pay men get, if they were worth it, ceteris paribus?

Dear, not Only mostly nice guys, but even the Marines seem to have difficulty finding, a few Good women.

Why indeed. But is happens far more often than the reverse does.

And as for your qualifier of "if they were worth it", if they are doing the same work then they are worth the same pay.
The bottom line disagrees with you; why are you being so infidel, protestant, and renegade to True Capitalism?

Using only the "bottom line" as your measure, would remove all safety regulations, overtime pay, and age limits for dangerous work. You have but to look at the history of industry to see that the pure capitalism is only good for those at the top. I have no problem with those at the top making good money. I just have a problem with two people being paid a different scale because of gender, when that gender difference has no effect on productivity.
Why is it illegal for McD's to use child labor, and Hollywood can? Come on man, liberals have been ABOVE the law since they started the push for immorality in the 1960's. Child stars have to work almost 14 hour days but as long as they get paid 100,000s of dollars you liberals are okay with it, if a child get paid equally like the rest of the low information voters then the double standards work again.
Informed consent of parents may also be required in the case of minors.
If it is a situation, like tennis, where the women pros do not bring in the same kind of money as the men pros, then I can understand they would make less. However, in an office type of setting, two workers who are doing the same job or a man and a woman in a management position, unless one has a poor record, they should be making the same amount of money. That is what I am talking about when I say "equal" pay.
Point blank, Daniel, why should a man make more if he and a woman are doing the exact same work (all else being equal)?

Answer that simple question.
Why wouldn’t they get the same pay men get, if they were worth it, ceteris paribus?

Dear, not Only mostly nice guys, but even the Marines seem to have difficulty finding, a few Good women.

Why indeed. But is happens far more often than the reverse does.

And as for your qualifier of "if they were worth it", if they are doing the same work then they are worth the same pay.
The bottom line disagrees with you; why are you being so infidel, protestant, and renegade to True Capitalism?

Using only the "bottom line" as your measure, would remove all safety regulations, overtime pay, and age limits for dangerous work. You have but to look at the history of industry to see that the pure capitalism is only good for those at the top. I have no problem with those at the top making good money. I just have a problem with two people being paid a different scale because of gender, when that gender difference has no effect on productivity.
Why is it illegal for McD's to use child labor, and Hollywood can? Come on man, liberals have been ABOVE the law since they started the push for immorality in the 1960's. Child stars have to work almost 14 hour days but as long as they get paid 100,000s of dollars you liberals are okay with it, if a child get paid equally like the rest of the low information voters then the double standards work again.

Please point out where I advocated child stars getting a pass on working hours? This, like your pro tennis example, effects a tiny, minute percentage of the population.

Equal pay for equal work is not socialism. It is not a liberal concept so much as it is an equality concept.
If it is a situation, like tennis, where the women pros do not bring in the same kind of money as the men pros, then I can understand they would make less. However, in an office type of setting, two workers who are doing the same job or a man and a woman in a management position, unless one has a poor record, they should be making the same amount of money. That is what I am talking about when I say "equal" pay.
dear, everyone knows what equal means. However, in our economy, we have metrics from two sectors of our economy; both must be right under our form of capitalism. the non-porn sector and the porn sector.
It helps that you are of the gender that doesn't get told where you have to be. It helps that you are of the gender that is favored for pay.

Excuse me? I get told what's expected of me judt as much of my wife. I'm expected to be the one who warns the living. Who puts food on our plates, clothes on our back and a roof over our head. I'm expected to make the riles and enfirce them. To be the Leader and the obe in charge. Men in a proper relationship have just as many expectations thrust upon then as women

Im gone for 11 hours st a tine, 4 days a week. In thst period of tine I do 10 hours of work and an hour of commuting. In that same period ahe does less than 5 hours of eirk most days.

I'm sorry, but the fact that you think a woman should be paid less because you think she should be home, barefoot and pregnant, is simply a ridiculous notion for our times. And we are not going backwards.

You're right. We're going full speed ahead, right over the cliff with the other lemmings; whether or nit it's the right thing to do.

And viruses evolve based on their environment, not social trends. And no, we do not follow a "survival of the fittest" dogma. If we had, many of our great leaders, inventors, and innovators would not have survived to contribute.

Perhaps you think cholera, polio and other horrific diseases had a positive effect on us. You would be one of the very few to think so.

I thibk they had the necessary effect of purging the weak, the stupid and the unfit from the population.
no clue and no Cause, mr.diversion.

How do we get any metrics, if not from bottom lines?

No actual Faith in Capitalism; i got it.

Faith in unregulated capitalism? Absolutely none. I have seen to many examples in history and in my own personal life, of pure exploitation of workers for an increase in profits.

Yes, there are examples of positives. But there are also many, many more examples of capitalists ignoring safety, environmental issues, and the basic welfare of their workers. I do not advocate gov't takeover of businesses. Nor do I think capitalism itself is evil. But if you are claiming that unregulated capitalism is always best, you are ignoring history.
I am not claiming that; i am claiming that women are being paid what they are worth, both in the porn sector and the non-porn sector, at the same time.

Point blank, Daniel, why should a man make more if he and a woman are doing the exact same work (all else being equal)?

Answer that simple question.
Why wouldn’t they get the same pay men get, if they were worth it, ceteris paribus?

Dear, not Only mostly nice guys, but even the Marines seem to have difficulty finding, a few Good women.

Why indeed. But is happens far more often than the reverse does.

And as for your qualifier of "if they were worth it", if they are doing the same work then they are worth the same pay.
The bottom line disagrees with you; why are you being so infidel, protestant, and renegade to True Capitalism?

Using only the "bottom line" as your measure, would remove all safety regulations, overtime pay, and age limits for dangerous work. You have but to look at the history of industry to see that the pure capitalism is only good for those at the top. I have no problem with those at the top making good money. I just have a problem with two people being paid a different scale because of gender, when that gender difference has no effect on productivity.
Another thing about pure capitalism, those at the top take a chance with THEIR Money and create a service or product that people are willing to buy. When a person with much success, finds that he needs to make his company larger, then he employs other people to come work for him, paid fairly for a fair days work. At one time, people could take home all their wages, then at the end of the year, the TAX man would come and get the governments DUE. So someone who would make $100,000 would keep all of his money till the end of the year then cough up about $7,000. Then those raskly liberals inserted the insidious income tax withheld and when people would be making the same amount, the tax would be increased in the monthly take
If it is a situation, like tennis, where the women pros do not bring in the same kind of money as the men pros, then I can understand they would make less. However, in an office type of setting, two workers who are doing the same job or a man and a woman in a management position, unless one has a poor record, they should be making the same amount of money. That is what I am talking about when I say "equal" pay.
Except for Obama and Bill Clinton's wife were are allowed to under pay women? You vote liberal, you get a WAR ON WOMEN, whether in pay or abuse. That is the liberal way.
If it is a situation, like tennis, where the women pros do not bring in the same kind of money as the men pros, then I can understand they would make less. However, in an office type of setting, two workers who are doing the same job or a man and a woman in a management position, unless one has a poor record, they should be making the same amount of money. That is what I am talking about when I say "equal" pay.
dear, everyone knows what equal means. However, in our economy, we have metrics from two sectors of our economy; both must be right under our form of capitalism. the non-porn sector and the porn sector.

The bottom line only measures the success of the business itself. If a business ignores safety regulations, they can save money. If they do not pay overtime, they can save money. If they pour hazardous chemicals down the toilet instead of properly disposing of them, they can save money. All three of those examples would promote a better bottom line. But is that really a measure we want to use?
Point blank, Daniel, why should a man make more if he and a woman are doing the exact same work (all else being equal)?

Answer that simple question.
Why wouldn’t they get the same pay men get, if they were worth it, ceteris paribus?

Dear, not Only mostly nice guys, but even the Marines seem to have difficulty finding, a few Good women.

Why indeed. But is happens far more often than the reverse does.

And as for your qualifier of "if they were worth it", if they are doing the same work then they are worth the same pay.
The bottom line disagrees with you; why are you being so infidel, protestant, and renegade to True Capitalism?

Using only the "bottom line" as your measure, would remove all safety regulations, overtime pay, and age limits for dangerous work. You have but to look at the history of industry to see that the pure capitalism is only good for those at the top. I have no problem with those at the top making good money. I just have a problem with two people being paid a different scale because of gender, when that gender difference has no effect on productivity.
Another thing about pure capitalism, those at the top take a chance with THEIR Money and create a service or product that people are willing to buy. When a person with much success, finds that he needs to make his company larger, then he employs other people to come work for him, paid fairly for a fair days work. At one time, people could take home all their wages, then at the end of the year, the TAX man would come and get the governments DUE. So someone who would make $100,000 would keep all of his money till the end of the year then cough up about $7,000. Then those raskly liberals inserted the insidious income tax withheld and when people would be making the same amount, the tax would be increased in the monthly take
If it is a situation, like tennis, where the women pros do not bring in the same kind of money as the men pros, then I can understand they would make less. However, in an office type of setting, two workers who are doing the same job or a man and a woman in a management position, unless one has a poor record, they should be making the same amount of money. That is what I am talking about when I say "equal" pay.
Except for Obama and Bill Clinton's wife were are allowed to under pay women? You vote liberal, you get a WAR ON WOMEN, whether in pay or abuse. That is the liberal way.

Will you quit with trying to label people please? You are just wrong, and this gets so fucking tiresome.

Anyways, your silly rant aside, I don't control what Hillary does! That doesn't mean I approve. This is not a liberal/conservative thing. It is a business thing, just another way for a business owner to save a buck.
no clue and no Cause, mr.diversion.

How do we get any metrics, if not from bottom lines?

No actual Faith in Capitalism; i got it.

Faith in unregulated capitalism? Absolutely none. I have seen to many examples in history and in my own personal life, of pure exploitation of workers for an increase in profits.

Yes, there are examples of positives. But there are also many, many more examples of capitalists ignoring safety, environmental issues, and the basic welfare of their workers. I do not advocate gov't takeover of businesses. Nor do I think capitalism itself is evil. But if you are claiming that unregulated capitalism is always best, you are ignoring history.
about capital metrics dear, not your projections and straw man fallacies.
Point blank, Daniel, why should a man make more if he and a woman are doing the exact same work (all else being equal)?

Answer that simple question.
Why wouldn’t they get the same pay men get, if they were worth it, ceteris paribus?

Dear, not Only mostly nice guys, but even the Marines seem to have difficulty finding, a few Good women.

Why indeed. But is happens far more often than the reverse does.

And as for your qualifier of "if they were worth it", if they are doing the same work then they are worth the same pay.
The bottom line disagrees with you; why are you being so infidel, protestant, and renegade to True Capitalism?

Using only the "bottom line" as your measure, would remove all safety regulations, overtime pay, and age limits for dangerous work. You have but to look at the history of industry to see that the pure capitalism is only good for those at the top. I have no problem with those at the top making good money. I just have a problem with two people being paid a different scale because of gender, when that gender difference has no effect on productivity.
Another thing about pure capitalism, those at the top take a chance with THEIR Money and create a service or product that people are willing to buy. When a person with much success, finds that he needs to make his company larger, then he employs other people to come work for him, paid fairly for a fair days work. At one time, people could take home all their wages, then at the end of the year, the TAX man would come and get the governments DUE. So someone who would make $100,000 would keep all of his money till the end of the year then cough up about $7,000. Then those raskly liberals inserted the insidious income tax withheld and when people would be making the same amount, the tax would be increased in the monthly take
If it is a situation, like tennis, where the women pros do not bring in the same kind of money as the men pros, then I can understand they would make less. However, in an office type of setting, two workers who are doing the same job or a man and a woman in a management position, unless one has a poor record, they should be making the same amount of money. That is what I am talking about when I say "equal" pay.
Except for Obama and Bill Clinton's wife were are allowed to under pay women? You vote liberal, you get a WAR ON WOMEN, whether in pay or abuse. That is the liberal way.

One key point in your statement. "...paid fairly for a fair days work". That is exactly what I am advocating. If a woman can do the same work, pay her the same. Nothing more and nothing less.

Yes, those at the top do risk their own capital. I have no problem with them making good profits from such a risk. In many places on this forum I have defended it. That is not what I am arguing about here.

As for the tax man, we should pass the Fair Tax Act. Everyone would pay the same amount in a consumption tax. No one would pay taxes on what it takes to survive, since everyone would get a rebate of the 23% tax on whatever is determined to be the poverty line. Make $10 an hour and work 40 hours? You take home $400. Make $200k? Take home $200k. And you pay a 23% federal tax on all new goods and services. No income tax. No corporate or business taxes.

And the reason Clinton, Obama, and others got away with pay women less is that there has been no law passed requiring equal pay for equal work. When you fight against a law, don't whine that others do what would be illegal if the law had passed.
If it is a situation, like tennis, where the women pros do not bring in the same kind of money as the men pros, then I can understand they would make less. However, in an office type of setting, two workers who are doing the same job or a man and a woman in a management position, unless one has a poor record, they should be making the same amount of money. That is what I am talking about when I say "equal" pay.
dear, everyone knows what equal means. However, in our economy, we have metrics from two sectors of our economy; both must be right under our form of capitalism. the non-porn sector and the porn sector.

The bottom line only measures the success of the business itself. If a business ignores safety regulations, they can save money. If they do not pay overtime, they can save money. If they pour hazardous chemicals down the toilet instead of properly disposing of them, they can save money. All three of those examples would promote a better bottom line. But is that really a measure we want to use?
dear, that really is clueless and Causeless. are you sure you believe in Capitalism.

Perfection in Capital Management requires factoring costs for each phase of widget development and reporting those bottom lines, to management for Goodness and not Badness.
It helps that you are of the gender that doesn't get told where you have to be. It helps that you are of the gender that is favored for pay.

Excuse me? I get told what's expected of me judt as much of my wife. I'm expected to be the one who warns the living. Who puts food on our plates, clothes on our back and a roof over our head. I'm expected to make the riles and enfirce them. To be the Leader and the obe in charge. Men in a proper relationship have just as many expectations thrust upon then as women

Im gone for 11 hours st a tine, 4 days a week. In thst period of tine I do 10 hours of work and an hour of commuting. In that same period ahe does less than 5 hours of eirk most days.

I'm sorry, but the fact that you think a woman should be paid less because you think she should be home, barefoot and pregnant, is simply a ridiculous notion for our times. And we are not going backwards.

You're right. We're going full speed ahead, right over the cliff with the other lemmings; whether or nit it's the right thing to do.

And viruses evolve based on their environment, not social trends. And no, we do not follow a "survival of the fittest" dogma. If we had, many of our great leaders, inventors, and innovators would not have survived to contribute.

Perhaps you think cholera, polio and other horrific diseases had a positive effect on us. You would be one of the very few to think so.

I thibk they had the necessary effect of purging the weak, the stupid and the unfit from the population.

Your knowledge of viruses and superbugs is laughable. The main cause of the superbugs is not the weak staying in the population. It is the ignorant who did not take their medications as instructed. They stopped taking antibiotics before the bug was completely gone. So the bug developed an immunity to that antibiotic. It is also because we no longer do any preventive medicine. We treat symptoms. Big Pharm makes a bigger profit if they treat symptoms than if they cure anything.
no clue and no Cause, mr.diversion.

How do we get any metrics, if not from bottom lines?

No actual Faith in Capitalism; i got it.

Faith in unregulated capitalism? Absolutely none. I have seen to many examples in history and in my own personal life, of pure exploitation of workers for an increase in profits.

Yes, there are examples of positives. But there are also many, many more examples of capitalists ignoring safety, environmental issues, and the basic welfare of their workers. I do not advocate gov't takeover of businesses. Nor do I think capitalism itself is evil. But if you are claiming that unregulated capitalism is always best, you are ignoring history.
about capital metrics dear, not your projections and straw man fallacies.

The capital metrics showed a great profit during the days when children were working in sweatshops and there was no attention paid to safety. Those were expenses that could be avoided. There was always another worker.
If it is a situation, like tennis, where the women pros do not bring in the same kind of money as the men pros, then I can understand they would make less. However, in an office type of setting, two workers who are doing the same job or a man and a woman in a management position, unless one has a poor record, they should be making the same amount of money. That is what I am talking about when I say "equal" pay.
dear, everyone knows what equal means. However, in our economy, we have metrics from two sectors of our economy; both must be right under our form of capitalism. the non-porn sector and the porn sector.

The bottom line only measures the success of the business itself. If a business ignores safety regulations, they can save money. If they do not pay overtime, they can save money. If they pour hazardous chemicals down the toilet instead of properly disposing of them, they can save money. All three of those examples would promote a better bottom line. But is that really a measure we want to use?
dear, that really is clueless and Causeless. are you sure you believe in Capitalism.

Perfection in Capital Management requires factoring costs for each phase of widget development and reporting those bottom lines, to management for Goodness and not Badness.

Management for goodness? Is that why the Love canal existed? Is that why coal miners were seen as disposable?

History has shown over and over that capitalism works best when there is some regulation. The key is finding a balance. And paying people the same for doing the same work is part of that. If two people do the same work, they should be paid the same, all things being equal.
Why wouldn’t they get the same pay men get, if they were worth it, ceteris paribus?

Dear, not Only mostly nice guys, but even the Marines seem to have difficulty finding, a few Good women.

Why indeed. But is happens far more often than the reverse does.

And as for your qualifier of "if they were worth it", if they are doing the same work then they are worth the same pay.
The bottom line disagrees with you; why are you being so infidel, protestant, and renegade to True Capitalism?

Using only the "bottom line" as your measure, would remove all safety regulations, overtime pay, and age limits for dangerous work. You have but to look at the history of industry to see that the pure capitalism is only good for those at the top. I have no problem with those at the top making good money. I just have a problem with two people being paid a different scale because of gender, when that gender difference has no effect on productivity.
Another thing about pure capitalism, those at the top take a chance with THEIR Money and create a service or product that people are willing to buy. When a person with much success, finds that he needs to make his company larger, then he employs other people to come work for him, paid fairly for a fair days work. At one time, people could take home all their wages, then at the end of the year, the TAX man would come and get the governments DUE. So someone who would make $100,000 would keep all of his money till the end of the year then cough up about $7,000. Then those raskly liberals inserted the insidious income tax withheld and when people would be making the same amount, the tax would be increased in the monthly take
If it is a situation, like tennis, where the women pros do not bring in the same kind of money as the men pros, then I can understand they would make less. However, in an office type of setting, two workers who are doing the same job or a man and a woman in a management position, unless one has a poor record, they should be making the same amount of money. That is what I am talking about when I say "equal" pay.
Except for Obama and Bill Clinton's wife were are allowed to under pay women? You vote liberal, you get a WAR ON WOMEN, whether in pay or abuse. That is the liberal way.

Will you quit with trying to label people please? You are just wrong, and this gets so fucking tiresome.

Anyways, your silly rant aside, I don't control what Hillary does! That doesn't mean I approve. This is not a liberal/conservative thing. It is a business thing, just another way for a business owner to save a buck.
Once again a liberal saying TRUTH is ranting. Rules for Radicals once again. I have proved your own liberal elites under pay women, and you libs still vote for them anyway. Maybe if you stopped voting for them, they would get the message. ESPN’s Stephen A. Smith: All Black Americans Should Vote Republican One Year [AUDIO]
ESPN’s Stephen A. Smith: All Black Americans Should Vote Republican One Year

Do you know that since 1964, black America hasn’t given the Republican Party more than 15% of the vote? Here’s what that means. What that means is that one party, black folks in America are telling one party, ‘We don’t give a damn about you.’ They’re telling the other party ‘You’ve got our vote.’ Therefore, you have labeled yourself disenfranchised because one party knows they’ve got you under their thumb. The other party knows they’ll never get you and nobody comes to address your interest.
Some blacks are waking up, maybe some of you women might want to follow also. Now go back to ranting about TRUTH again.
no clue and no Cause, mr.diversion.

How do we get any metrics, if not from bottom lines?

No actual Faith in Capitalism; i got it.

Faith in unregulated capitalism? Absolutely none. I have seen to many examples in history and in my own personal life, of pure exploitation of workers for an increase in profits.

Yes, there are examples of positives. But there are also many, many more examples of capitalists ignoring safety, environmental issues, and the basic welfare of their workers. I do not advocate gov't takeover of businesses. Nor do I think capitalism itself is evil. But if you are claiming that unregulated capitalism is always best, you are ignoring history.
about capital metrics dear, not your projections and straw man fallacies.

The capital metrics showed a great profit during the days when children were working in sweatshops and there was no attention paid to safety. Those were expenses that could be avoided. There was always another worker.
That still doesn't avoid the question about double standards of liberals. Why is it illegal for McD's to hire children for 8 hours of work, and Hollywood can make children work 14 hour days? Because liberal are above the law.
no clue and no Cause, mr.diversion.

How do we get any metrics, if not from bottom lines?

No actual Faith in Capitalism; i got it.

Faith in unregulated capitalism? Absolutely none. I have seen to many examples in history and in my own personal life, of pure exploitation of workers for an increase in profits.

Yes, there are examples of positives. But there are also many, many more examples of capitalists ignoring safety, environmental issues, and the basic welfare of their workers. I do not advocate gov't takeover of businesses. Nor do I think capitalism itself is evil. But if you are claiming that unregulated capitalism is always best, you are ignoring history.
about capital metrics dear, not your projections and straw man fallacies.

The capital metrics showed a great profit during the days when children were working in sweatshops and there was no attention paid to safety. Those were expenses that could be avoided. There was always another worker.
those are social issues, not capital issues.
no clue and no Cause, mr.diversion.

How do we get any metrics, if not from bottom lines?

No actual Faith in Capitalism; i got it.

Faith in unregulated capitalism? Absolutely none. I have seen to many examples in history and in my own personal life, of pure exploitation of workers for an increase in profits.

Yes, there are examples of positives. But there are also many, many more examples of capitalists ignoring safety, environmental issues, and the basic welfare of their workers. I do not advocate gov't takeover of businesses. Nor do I think capitalism itself is evil. But if you are claiming that unregulated capitalism is always best, you are ignoring history.
about capital metrics dear, not your projections and straw man fallacies.

The capital metrics showed a great profit during the days when children were working in sweatshops and there was no attention paid to safety. Those were expenses that could be avoided. There was always another worker.
That still doesn't avoid the question about double standards of liberals. Why is it illegal for McD's to hire children for 8 hours of work, and Hollywood can make children work 14 hour days? Because liberal are above the law.

Both oarties have people who think they are above the law and neither party is working as hard for the people as they are against the other party.

I have not voted for the politicians you named. I will not ever vote for the dishonest.

Pass the laws requiring equal pay for equal work, and we can punish those who disobey the law.

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