Women want to be treated equally.....

I would still like to hear any rational, logical reason why two people, doing the same job, should not make the same pay (if all other factors are the same).
why do you believe they don't? don't believe in Capitalism?

Still not answering the question, I see.

There have been numerous studies showing that women are often paid less for doing the same work.
How comprehensive have those studies been? Why should the non-porn sector be wrong and the porn sector right, in market based metrics in the private sector?

I am not going to differentiate between "porn and non-porn" in a discussion about equality. Especially not with someone who thinks the desire for equality is a point for him to manipulate for sex.

The studies have been comprehensive enough.
nothing but fallacy? if the porn sector is not wrong, then neither is the non-porn sector.
I would still like to hear any rational, logical reason why two people, doing the same job, should not make the same pay (if all other factors are the same).
why do you believe they don't? don't believe in Capitalism?

Still not answering the question, I see.

There have been numerous studies showing that women are often paid less for doing the same work.
How comprehensive have those studies been? Why should the non-porn sector be wrong and the porn sector right, in market based metrics in the private sector?

I am not going to differentiate between "porn and non-porn" in a discussion about equality. Especially not with someone who thinks the desire for equality is a point for him to manipulate for sex.

The studies have been comprehensive enough.
nothing but fallacy? if the porn sector is not wrong, then neither is the non-porn sector.

What fallacy?

And how is the porn sector not wrong? And how does that carry over to anything?
All the party nonsense aside, what logical reason is there for paying one person less?
Trolling once again. Why don't you ask Obama or Bill Clinton's wife why they paid less?

Why? Will my asking Hillary or Obama change the laws?

I am talking about a policy that should be a law. You are going on and on about party politics. Do all conservatives pay their people the same?

This is why shit never gets done. People like you would rather see shit go wrong as long as you could blame the other party.
When people are HELD responsible for their actions, then those people end up being punished, whether politically, or financially. When you keep voting for the same people(who promise the world) and they KNOW that you will continue to vote for the same people, then they get arrogant, abusive, and totally ignore the wishes of the people. That is why they can say one thing then do something completely opposite of what they say. Go look at Eric Cantor and see what happened to him, when he went against the will of the people. Dumbasses vote dumbocrat.
All the party nonsense aside, what logical reason is there for paying one person less?
Trolling once again. Why don't you ask Obama or Bill Clinton's wife why they paid less?

Why don't you give examples of Repubs paying their female employees equal to what they pay men?
Why don't you give examples of Repubs "NOT" paying their female employees equal pay compared to men? I mean I have showed LIBERALS who say one thing then do exact opposite of what they say.
All the party nonsense aside, what logical reason is there for paying one person less?
Trolling once again. Why don't you ask Obama or Bill Clinton's wife why they paid less?

Why? Will my asking Hillary or Obama change the laws?

I am talking about a policy that should be a law. You are going on and on about party politics. Do all conservatives pay their people the same?

This is why shit never gets done. People like you would rather see shit go wrong as long as you could blame the other party.
When people are HELD responsible for their actions, then those people end up being punished, whether politically, or financially. When you keep voting for the same people(who promise the world) and they KNOW that you will continue to vote for the same people, then they get arrogant, abusive, and totally ignore the wishes of the people. That is why they can say one thing then do something completely opposite of what they say. Go look at Eric Cantor and see what happened to him, when he went against the will of the people. Dumbasses vote dumbocrat.

Is it against the law to pay people different wages? I seem to recall at least one attempt to get a law passed that was blocked.

But the fact remains that ranting about Obama or Hillary is not the point. The point is whether or not we push for equality.
All the party nonsense aside, what logical reason is there for paying one person less?
Trolling once again. Why don't you ask Obama or Bill Clinton's wife why they paid less?

Why? Will my asking Hillary or Obama change the laws?

I am talking about a policy that should be a law. You are going on and on about party politics. Do all conservatives pay their people the same?

This is why shit never gets done. People like you would rather see shit go wrong as long as you could blame the other party.
When people are HELD responsible for their actions, then those people end up being punished, whether politically, or financially. When you keep voting for the same people(who promise the world) and they KNOW that you will continue to vote for the same people, then they get arrogant, abusive, and totally ignore the wishes of the people. That is why they can say one thing then do something completely opposite of what they say. Go look at Eric Cantor and see what happened to him, when he went against the will of the people. Dumbasses vote dumbocrat.

All the party nonsense aside, what logical reason is there for paying one person less?
All the party nonsense aside, what logical reason is there for paying one person less?
Trolling once again. Why don't you ask Obama or Bill Clinton's wife why they paid less?

Why? Will my asking Hillary or Obama change the laws?

I am talking about a policy that should be a law. You are going on and on about party politics. Do all conservatives pay their people the same?

This is why shit never gets done. People like you would rather see shit go wrong as long as you could blame the other party.
When people are HELD responsible for their actions, then those people end up being punished, whether politically, or financially. When you keep voting for the same people(who promise the world) and they KNOW that you will continue to vote for the same people, then they get arrogant, abusive, and totally ignore the wishes of the people. That is why they can say one thing then do something completely opposite of what they say. Go look at Eric Cantor and see what happened to him, when he went against the will of the people. Dumbasses vote dumbocrat.

Is it against the law to pay people different wages? I seem to recall at least one attempt to get a law passed that was blocked.

But the fact remains that ranting about Obama or Hillary is not the point. The point is whether or not we push for equality.
In business it has always been up to the company to pay people the value that that person brings. Why should a lineman in the NFL get paid $300,000 while the QB the linemen is protecting get paid $6,000,000? Once again, people are paid what they agree too, if they aren't, then they should leave and find another JOB(in Obama's roaring economic recovery) where they get paid for their skills. I had to spend 5 1/2 years in Saudi Arabia(contractor) where I used my skills learned from the military, and made $100 of thousands of dollars, TAX FREE. You on the other hand, must be a victim, so must punish those who took the chance and created something people want to buy, but also a chance on hiring you, where you could walk away without any repercussion, and the owner must take the responsibility of the actions left by you.
All the party nonsense aside, what logical reason is there for paying one person less?
Trolling once again. Why don't you ask Obama or Bill Clinton's wife why they paid less?

Why? Will my asking Hillary or Obama change the laws?

I am talking about a policy that should be a law. You are going on and on about party politics. Do all conservatives pay their people the same?

This is why shit never gets done. People like you would rather see shit go wrong as long as you could blame the other party.
When people are HELD responsible for their actions, then those people end up being punished, whether politically, or financially. When you keep voting for the same people(who promise the world) and they KNOW that you will continue to vote for the same people, then they get arrogant, abusive, and totally ignore the wishes of the people. That is why they can say one thing then do something completely opposite of what they say. Go look at Eric Cantor and see what happened to him, when he went against the will of the people. Dumbasses vote dumbocrat.

Is it against the law to pay people different wages? I seem to recall at least one attempt to get a law passed that was blocked.

But the fact remains that ranting about Obama or Hillary is not the point. The point is whether or not we push for equality.
In business it has always been up to the company to pay people the value that that person brings. Why should a lineman in the NFL get paid $300,000 while the QB the linemen is protecting get paid $6,000,000? Once again, people are paid what they agree too, if they aren't, then they should leave and find another JOB(in Obama's roaring economic recovery) where they get paid for their skills. I had to spend 5 1/2 years in Saudi Arabia(contractor) where I used my skills learned from the military, and made $100 of thousands of dollars, TAX FREE. You on the other hand, must be a victim, so must punish those who took the chance and created something people want to buy, but also a chance on hiring you, where you could walk away without any repercussion, and the owner must take the responsibility of the actions left by you.

If two people are working on the same assembly line, why would they be paid different wages? Businesses have also used lower wages as a control mechanism. Should a business be able to hire only men? Only one race? Pay different genders or races different wages for the same work?

As for your supposition that I am a victim, you are no more accurate there than with your other claims. I have made a comfortable living for years in the utility construction industry. Not only am I not a victim, I am retiring early.
Trolling once again. Why don't you ask Obama or Bill Clinton's wife why they paid less?

Why? Will my asking Hillary or Obama change the laws?

I am talking about a policy that should be a law. You are going on and on about party politics. Do all conservatives pay their people the same?

This is why shit never gets done. People like you would rather see shit go wrong as long as you could blame the other party.
When people are HELD responsible for their actions, then those people end up being punished, whether politically, or financially. When you keep voting for the same people(who promise the world) and they KNOW that you will continue to vote for the same people, then they get arrogant, abusive, and totally ignore the wishes of the people. That is why they can say one thing then do something completely opposite of what they say. Go look at Eric Cantor and see what happened to him, when he went against the will of the people. Dumbasses vote dumbocrat.

Is it against the law to pay people different wages? I seem to recall at least one attempt to get a law passed that was blocked.

But the fact remains that ranting about Obama or Hillary is not the point. The point is whether or not we push for equality.
In business it has always been up to the company to pay people the value that that person brings. Why should a lineman in the NFL get paid $300,000 while the QB the linemen is protecting get paid $6,000,000? Once again, people are paid what they agree too, if they aren't, then they should leave and find another JOB(in Obama's roaring economic recovery) where they get paid for their skills. I had to spend 5 1/2 years in Saudi Arabia(contractor) where I used my skills learned from the military, and made $100 of thousands of dollars, TAX FREE. You on the other hand, must be a victim, so must punish those who took the chance and created something people want to buy, but also a chance on hiring you, where you could walk away without any repercussion, and the owner must take the responsibility of the actions left by you.

If two people are working on the same assembly line, why would they be paid different wages? Businesses have also used lower wages as a control mechanism. Should a business be able to hire only men? Only one race? Pay different genders or races different wages for the same work?

As for your supposition that I am a victim, you are no more accurate there than with your other claims. I have made a comfortable living for years in the utility construction industry. Not only am I not a victim, I am retiring early.
Maybe on the assembly line, 1 person has been there for 20 years and can do the job much better because of what he knows, compared to the new guy of 1 year, who still has much to learn. If a business like the NFL is only hiring MEN to do the job of MEN, then women should either get bigger and tougher, or sit it out, as what is happening now. You are not learning anything, because you continue to drink the liberal koolaid. Maybe have a beer or shot of rum, it could open your eyes.
no clue and no Cause, mr.diversion.

How do we get any metrics, if not from bottom lines?

No actual Faith in Capitalism; i got it.

Faith in unregulated capitalism? Absolutely none. I have seen to many examples in history and in my own personal life, of pure exploitation of workers for an increase in profits.

Yes, there are examples of positives. But there are also many, many more examples of capitalists ignoring safety, environmental issues, and the basic welfare of their workers. I do not advocate gov't takeover of businesses. Nor do I think capitalism itself is evil. But if you are claiming that unregulated capitalism is always best, you are ignoring history.
about capital metrics dear, not your projections and straw man fallacies.

The capital metrics showed a great profit during the days when children were working in sweatshops and there was no attention paid to safety. Those were expenses that could be avoided. There was always another worker.
those are social issues, not capital issues.

Then equal pay for equal work is a social issue as well.
I worked at McDonalds as a kid.
What pissed me off was that girls, getting paid the same as me, got to be cashiers while I was stuck with the Lye tanks cleaning cooking gear or emptying grease filled honey buckets.

Make me cashier and make them do the dirty work if we are going to get equal pay!
Why? Will my asking Hillary or Obama change the laws?

I am talking about a policy that should be a law. You are going on and on about party politics. Do all conservatives pay their people the same?

This is why shit never gets done. People like you would rather see shit go wrong as long as you could blame the other party.
When people are HELD responsible for their actions, then those people end up being punished, whether politically, or financially. When you keep voting for the same people(who promise the world) and they KNOW that you will continue to vote for the same people, then they get arrogant, abusive, and totally ignore the wishes of the people. That is why they can say one thing then do something completely opposite of what they say. Go look at Eric Cantor and see what happened to him, when he went against the will of the people. Dumbasses vote dumbocrat.

Is it against the law to pay people different wages? I seem to recall at least one attempt to get a law passed that was blocked.

But the fact remains that ranting about Obama or Hillary is not the point. The point is whether or not we push for equality.
In business it has always been up to the company to pay people the value that that person brings. Why should a lineman in the NFL get paid $300,000 while the QB the linemen is protecting get paid $6,000,000? Once again, people are paid what they agree too, if they aren't, then they should leave and find another JOB(in Obama's roaring economic recovery) where they get paid for their skills. I had to spend 5 1/2 years in Saudi Arabia(contractor) where I used my skills learned from the military, and made $100 of thousands of dollars, TAX FREE. You on the other hand, must be a victim, so must punish those who took the chance and created something people want to buy, but also a chance on hiring you, where you could walk away without any repercussion, and the owner must take the responsibility of the actions left by you.

If two people are working on the same assembly line, why would they be paid different wages? Businesses have also used lower wages as a control mechanism. Should a business be able to hire only men? Only one race? Pay different genders or races different wages for the same work?

As for your supposition that I am a victim, you are no more accurate there than with your other claims. I have made a comfortable living for years in the utility construction industry. Not only am I not a victim, I am retiring early.
Maybe on the assembly line, 1 person has been there for 20 years and can do the job much better because of what he knows, compared to the new guy of 1 year, who still has much to learn. If a business like the NFL is only hiring MEN to do the job of MEN, then women should either get bigger and tougher, or sit it out, as what is happening now. You are not learning anything, because you continue to drink the liberal koolaid. Maybe have a beer or shot of rum, it could open your eyes.

I can see why you didn't answer my question sooner. The other times I asked it I specified "all things being equal". My mistake. I thought that you, having read that numerous times, would understand the intent of the question.

Ok, if I need to be so specific.....

If two people are working on the same assembly line, doing the same work, with roughly the same time with the company, with roughly the same experience & qualifications, and no other duties for which they receive pay, why would they be paid different wages?

The point is, there are numerous examples of women being paid less than men when they are doing the same work. But, more importantly, an "Equal pay for equal work" law would protect everyone from such biased actions.
When people are HELD responsible for their actions, then those people end up being punished, whether politically, or financially. When you keep voting for the same people(who promise the world) and they KNOW that you will continue to vote for the same people, then they get arrogant, abusive, and totally ignore the wishes of the people. That is why they can say one thing then do something completely opposite of what they say. Go look at Eric Cantor and see what happened to him, when he went against the will of the people. Dumbasses vote dumbocrat.

Is it against the law to pay people different wages? I seem to recall at least one attempt to get a law passed that was blocked.

But the fact remains that ranting about Obama or Hillary is not the point. The point is whether or not we push for equality.
In business it has always been up to the company to pay people the value that that person brings. Why should a lineman in the NFL get paid $300,000 while the QB the linemen is protecting get paid $6,000,000? Once again, people are paid what they agree too, if they aren't, then they should leave and find another JOB(in Obama's roaring economic recovery) where they get paid for their skills. I had to spend 5 1/2 years in Saudi Arabia(contractor) where I used my skills learned from the military, and made $100 of thousands of dollars, TAX FREE. You on the other hand, must be a victim, so must punish those who took the chance and created something people want to buy, but also a chance on hiring you, where you could walk away without any repercussion, and the owner must take the responsibility of the actions left by you.

If two people are working on the same assembly line, why would they be paid different wages? Businesses have also used lower wages as a control mechanism. Should a business be able to hire only men? Only one race? Pay different genders or races different wages for the same work?

As for your supposition that I am a victim, you are no more accurate there than with your other claims. I have made a comfortable living for years in the utility construction industry. Not only am I not a victim, I am retiring early.
Maybe on the assembly line, 1 person has been there for 20 years and can do the job much better because of what he knows, compared to the new guy of 1 year, who still has much to learn. If a business like the NFL is only hiring MEN to do the job of MEN, then women should either get bigger and tougher, or sit it out, as what is happening now. You are not learning anything, because you continue to drink the liberal koolaid. Maybe have a beer or shot of rum, it could open your eyes.

I can see why you didn't answer my question sooner. The other times I asked it I specified "all things being equal". My mistake. I thought that you, having read that numerous times, would understand the intent of the question.

Ok, if I need to be so specific.....

If two people are working on the same assembly line, doing the same work, with roughly the same time with the company, with roughly the same experience & qualifications, and no other duties for which they receive pay, why would they be paid different wages?

The point is, there are numerous examples of women being paid less than men when they are doing the same work. But, more importantly, an "Equal pay for equal work" law would protect everyone from such biased actions.
I can state many reasons why women aren't doing equal work. Like in a lawyers office where men work over 100 hours a week but women don't. Or in that McDonalds example where men get the heavy/crap work, while women get the office jobs. Where women take more time off from work than men and therefore are less dependable.
Is it against the law to pay people different wages? I seem to recall at least one attempt to get a law passed that was blocked.

But the fact remains that ranting about Obama or Hillary is not the point. The point is whether or not we push for equality.
In business it has always been up to the company to pay people the value that that person brings. Why should a lineman in the NFL get paid $300,000 while the QB the linemen is protecting get paid $6,000,000? Once again, people are paid what they agree too, if they aren't, then they should leave and find another JOB(in Obama's roaring economic recovery) where they get paid for their skills. I had to spend 5 1/2 years in Saudi Arabia(contractor) where I used my skills learned from the military, and made $100 of thousands of dollars, TAX FREE. You on the other hand, must be a victim, so must punish those who took the chance and created something people want to buy, but also a chance on hiring you, where you could walk away without any repercussion, and the owner must take the responsibility of the actions left by you.

If two people are working on the same assembly line, why would they be paid different wages? Businesses have also used lower wages as a control mechanism. Should a business be able to hire only men? Only one race? Pay different genders or races different wages for the same work?

As for your supposition that I am a victim, you are no more accurate there than with your other claims. I have made a comfortable living for years in the utility construction industry. Not only am I not a victim, I am retiring early.
Maybe on the assembly line, 1 person has been there for 20 years and can do the job much better because of what he knows, compared to the new guy of 1 year, who still has much to learn. If a business like the NFL is only hiring MEN to do the job of MEN, then women should either get bigger and tougher, or sit it out, as what is happening now. You are not learning anything, because you continue to drink the liberal koolaid. Maybe have a beer or shot of rum, it could open your eyes.

I can see why you didn't answer my question sooner. The other times I asked it I specified "all things being equal". My mistake. I thought that you, having read that numerous times, would understand the intent of the question.

Ok, if I need to be so specific.....

If two people are working on the same assembly line, doing the same work, with roughly the same time with the company, with roughly the same experience & qualifications, and no other duties for which they receive pay, why would they be paid different wages?

The point is, there are numerous examples of women being paid less than men when they are doing the same work. But, more importantly, an "Equal pay for equal work" law would protect everyone from such biased actions.
I can state many reasons why women aren't doing equal work. Like in a lawyers office where men work over 100 hours a week but women don't. Or in that McDonalds example where men get the heavy/crap work, while women get the office jobs. Where women take more time off from work than men and therefore are less dependable.

Describing jobs where they have different duties is not the point.
When people are HELD responsible for their actions, then those people end up being punished, whether politically, or financially. When you keep voting for the same people(who promise the world) and they KNOW that you will continue to vote for the same people, then they get arrogant, abusive, and totally ignore the wishes of the people. That is why they can say one thing then do something completely opposite of what they say. Go look at Eric Cantor and see what happened to him, when he went against the will of the people. Dumbasses vote dumbocrat.

Is it against the law to pay people different wages? I seem to recall at least one attempt to get a law passed that was blocked.

But the fact remains that ranting about Obama or Hillary is not the point. The point is whether or not we push for equality.
In business it has always been up to the company to pay people the value that that person brings. Why should a lineman in the NFL get paid $300,000 while the QB the linemen is protecting get paid $6,000,000? Once again, people are paid what they agree too, if they aren't, then they should leave and find another JOB(in Obama's roaring economic recovery) where they get paid for their skills. I had to spend 5 1/2 years in Saudi Arabia(contractor) where I used my skills learned from the military, and made $100 of thousands of dollars, TAX FREE. You on the other hand, must be a victim, so must punish those who took the chance and created something people want to buy, but also a chance on hiring you, where you could walk away without any repercussion, and the owner must take the responsibility of the actions left by you.

If two people are working on the same assembly line, why would they be paid different wages? Businesses have also used lower wages as a control mechanism. Should a business be able to hire only men? Only one race? Pay different genders or races different wages for the same work?

As for your supposition that I am a victim, you are no more accurate there than with your other claims. I have made a comfortable living for years in the utility construction industry. Not only am I not a victim, I am retiring early.
Maybe on the assembly line, 1 person has been there for 20 years and can do the job much better because of what he knows, compared to the new guy of 1 year, who still has much to learn. If a business like the NFL is only hiring MEN to do the job of MEN, then women should either get bigger and tougher, or sit it out, as what is happening now. You are not learning anything, because you continue to drink the liberal koolaid. Maybe have a beer or shot of rum, it could open your eyes.

I can see why you didn't answer my question sooner. The other times I asked it I specified "all things being equal". My mistake. I thought that you, having read that numerous times, would understand the intent of the question.

Ok, if I need to be so specific.....

If two people are working on the same assembly line, doing the same work, with roughly the same time with the company, with roughly the same experience & qualifications, and no other duties for which they receive pay, why would they be paid different wages?

The point is, there are numerous examples of women being paid less than men when they are doing the same work. But, more importantly, an "Equal pay for equal work" law would protect everyone from such biased actions.
The point is, there are numerous examples of women being paid less than men when they are doing the same work.
AND here are two examples that you seem to be ignoring. It all starts at the top. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/08/u...ages-his-own-payroll-draws-scrutiny.html?_r=0
WASHINGTON — President Obama on Tuesday will call attention to what he has said is an “embarrassment” in America: the fact that women make, on average, only 77 cents for every dollar that a man earns.
Report: Hillary Paid Women on Her Senate Staff Less Than Men
Report: Hillary Paid Women on Her Senate Staff Less Than Men

Last edited:
Is it against the law to pay people different wages? I seem to recall at least one attempt to get a law passed that was blocked.

But the fact remains that ranting about Obama or Hillary is not the point. The point is whether or not we push for equality.
In business it has always been up to the company to pay people the value that that person brings. Why should a lineman in the NFL get paid $300,000 while the QB the linemen is protecting get paid $6,000,000? Once again, people are paid what they agree too, if they aren't, then they should leave and find another JOB(in Obama's roaring economic recovery) where they get paid for their skills. I had to spend 5 1/2 years in Saudi Arabia(contractor) where I used my skills learned from the military, and made $100 of thousands of dollars, TAX FREE. You on the other hand, must be a victim, so must punish those who took the chance and created something people want to buy, but also a chance on hiring you, where you could walk away without any repercussion, and the owner must take the responsibility of the actions left by you.

If two people are working on the same assembly line, why would they be paid different wages? Businesses have also used lower wages as a control mechanism. Should a business be able to hire only men? Only one race? Pay different genders or races different wages for the same work?

As for your supposition that I am a victim, you are no more accurate there than with your other claims. I have made a comfortable living for years in the utility construction industry. Not only am I not a victim, I am retiring early.
Maybe on the assembly line, 1 person has been there for 20 years and can do the job much better because of what he knows, compared to the new guy of 1 year, who still has much to learn. If a business like the NFL is only hiring MEN to do the job of MEN, then women should either get bigger and tougher, or sit it out, as what is happening now. You are not learning anything, because you continue to drink the liberal koolaid. Maybe have a beer or shot of rum, it could open your eyes.

I can see why you didn't answer my question sooner. The other times I asked it I specified "all things being equal". My mistake. I thought that you, having read that numerous times, would understand the intent of the question.

Ok, if I need to be so specific.....

If two people are working on the same assembly line, doing the same work, with roughly the same time with the company, with roughly the same experience & qualifications, and no other duties for which they receive pay, why would they be paid different wages?

The point is, there are numerous examples of women being paid less than men when they are doing the same work. But, more importantly, an "Equal pay for equal work" law would protect everyone from such biased actions.
The point is, there are numerous examples of women being paid less than men when they are doing the same work.
AND here are two examples that you seem to be ignoring. It all starts at the top. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/08/u...ages-his-own-payroll-draws-scrutiny.html?_r=0
WASHINGTON — President Obama on Tuesday will call attention to what he has said is an “embarrassment” in America: the fact that women make, on average, only 77 cents for every dollar that a man earns.
Report: Hillary Paid Women on Her Senate Staff Less Than Men
Report: Hillary Paid Women on Her Senate Staff Less Than Men /quote]

View attachment 53478

Have I disagreed that Obama and Hillary are guilty of this? Has anything I have posted here made you think I do not believe that they are guilty?

All other factors being the same, do YOU think such bias or discrimination should be illegal?
In business it has always been up to the company to pay people the value that that person brings. Why should a lineman in the NFL get paid $300,000 while the QB the linemen is protecting get paid $6,000,000? Once again, people are paid what they agree too, if they aren't, then they should leave and find another JOB(in Obama's roaring economic recovery) where they get paid for their skills. I had to spend 5 1/2 years in Saudi Arabia(contractor) where I used my skills learned from the military, and made $100 of thousands of dollars, TAX FREE. You on the other hand, must be a victim, so must punish those who took the chance and created something people want to buy, but also a chance on hiring you, where you could walk away without any repercussion, and the owner must take the responsibility of the actions left by you.

If two people are working on the same assembly line, why would they be paid different wages? Businesses have also used lower wages as a control mechanism. Should a business be able to hire only men? Only one race? Pay different genders or races different wages for the same work?

As for your supposition that I am a victim, you are no more accurate there than with your other claims. I have made a comfortable living for years in the utility construction industry. Not only am I not a victim, I am retiring early.
Maybe on the assembly line, 1 person has been there for 20 years and can do the job much better because of what he knows, compared to the new guy of 1 year, who still has much to learn. If a business like the NFL is only hiring MEN to do the job of MEN, then women should either get bigger and tougher, or sit it out, as what is happening now. You are not learning anything, because you continue to drink the liberal koolaid. Maybe have a beer or shot of rum, it could open your eyes.

I can see why you didn't answer my question sooner. The other times I asked it I specified "all things being equal". My mistake. I thought that you, having read that numerous times, would understand the intent of the question.

Ok, if I need to be so specific.....

If two people are working on the same assembly line, doing the same work, with roughly the same time with the company, with roughly the same experience & qualifications, and no other duties for which they receive pay, why would they be paid different wages?

The point is, there are numerous examples of women being paid less than men when they are doing the same work. But, more importantly, an "Equal pay for equal work" law would protect everyone from such biased actions.
I can state many reasons why women aren't doing equal work. Like in a lawyers office where men work over 100 hours a week but women don't. Or in that McDonalds example where men get the heavy/crap work, while women get the office jobs. Where women take more time off from work than men and therefore are less dependable.

Describing jobs where they have different duties is not the point.
The point is I got stuck doing the dirty work because I was a guy. That's discrimination.
If two people are working on the same assembly line, why would they be paid different wages? Businesses have also used lower wages as a control mechanism. Should a business be able to hire only men? Only one race? Pay different genders or races different wages for the same work?

As for your supposition that I am a victim, you are no more accurate there than with your other claims. I have made a comfortable living for years in the utility construction industry. Not only am I not a victim, I am retiring early.
Maybe on the assembly line, 1 person has been there for 20 years and can do the job much better because of what he knows, compared to the new guy of 1 year, who still has much to learn. If a business like the NFL is only hiring MEN to do the job of MEN, then women should either get bigger and tougher, or sit it out, as what is happening now. You are not learning anything, because you continue to drink the liberal koolaid. Maybe have a beer or shot of rum, it could open your eyes.

I can see why you didn't answer my question sooner. The other times I asked it I specified "all things being equal". My mistake. I thought that you, having read that numerous times, would understand the intent of the question.

Ok, if I need to be so specific.....

If two people are working on the same assembly line, doing the same work, with roughly the same time with the company, with roughly the same experience & qualifications, and no other duties for which they receive pay, why would they be paid different wages?

The point is, there are numerous examples of women being paid less than men when they are doing the same work. But, more importantly, an "Equal pay for equal work" law would protect everyone from such biased actions.
I can state many reasons why women aren't doing equal work. Like in a lawyers office where men work over 100 hours a week but women don't. Or in that McDonalds example where men get the heavy/crap work, while women get the office jobs. Where women take more time off from work than men and therefore are less dependable.

Describing jobs where they have different duties is not the point.
The point is I got stuck doing the dirty work because I was a guy. That's discrimination.
The person who is being discriminated the most in todays world is the young white male. He goes off the college and MUST have a higher GPA than minorities. If he enters the work force, the business must pick a minority over him or legal actions will be taken by the EEO. Shame you don't see this Winter, but I personally was discriminated against because of racial quotas. They call it affirmative action.

Affirmative action - If a business hires a black man over a white man, did they hire him because he was talented enough to perform that job, or only because of the color of his skin?
why do you believe they don't? don't believe in Capitalism?

Still not answering the question, I see.

There have been numerous studies showing that women are often paid less for doing the same work.
How comprehensive have those studies been? Why should the non-porn sector be wrong and the porn sector right, in market based metrics in the private sector?

I am not going to differentiate between "porn and non-porn" in a discussion about equality. Especially not with someone who thinks the desire for equality is a point for him to manipulate for sex.

The studies have been comprehensive enough.
nothing but fallacy? if the porn sector is not wrong, then neither is the non-porn sector.

What fallacy?

And how is the porn sector not wrong? And how does that carry over to anything?
dear, if one subsector of the private sector is not wrong, why should the other one be wrong under our same form of Capitalism?
Still not answering the question, I see.

There have been numerous studies showing that women are often paid less for doing the same work.
How comprehensive have those studies been? Why should the non-porn sector be wrong and the porn sector right, in market based metrics in the private sector?

I am not going to differentiate between "porn and non-porn" in a discussion about equality. Especially not with someone who thinks the desire for equality is a point for him to manipulate for sex.

The studies have been comprehensive enough.
nothing but fallacy? if the porn sector is not wrong, then neither is the non-porn sector.

What fallacy?

And how is the porn sector not wrong? And how does that carry over to anything?
dear, if one subsector of the private sector is not wrong, why should the other one be wrong under our same form of Capitalism?

Junior, there is a reason women are paid more for porn. The reason is quite simple. Men are the overwhelming majority of porn viewers. That is an entertainment factor.
Maybe on the assembly line, 1 person has been there for 20 years and can do the job much better because of what he knows, compared to the new guy of 1 year, who still has much to learn. If a business like the NFL is only hiring MEN to do the job of MEN, then women should either get bigger and tougher, or sit it out, as what is happening now. You are not learning anything, because you continue to drink the liberal koolaid. Maybe have a beer or shot of rum, it could open your eyes.

I can see why you didn't answer my question sooner. The other times I asked it I specified "all things being equal". My mistake. I thought that you, having read that numerous times, would understand the intent of the question.

Ok, if I need to be so specific.....

If two people are working on the same assembly line, doing the same work, with roughly the same time with the company, with roughly the same experience & qualifications, and no other duties for which they receive pay, why would they be paid different wages?

The point is, there are numerous examples of women being paid less than men when they are doing the same work. But, more importantly, an "Equal pay for equal work" law would protect everyone from such biased actions.
I can state many reasons why women aren't doing equal work. Like in a lawyers office where men work over 100 hours a week but women don't. Or in that McDonalds example where men get the heavy/crap work, while women get the office jobs. Where women take more time off from work than men and therefore are less dependable.

Describing jobs where they have different duties is not the point.
The point is I got stuck doing the dirty work because I was a guy. That's discrimination.
The person who is being discriminated the most in todays world is the young white male. He goes off the college and MUST have a higher GPA than minorities. If he enters the work force, the business must pick a minority over him or legal actions will be taken by the EEO. Shame you don't see this Winter, but I personally was discriminated against because of racial quotas. They call it affirmative action.

Affirmative action - If a business hires a black man over a white man, did they hire him because he was talented enough to perform that job, or only because of the color of his skin?

And affirmative action is simply discrimination. It should be outlawed.

But that is still not an answer to the question I asked.

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