Women want to be treated equally.....

If two people are working on the same assembly line, why would they be paid different wages? Businesses have also used lower wages as a control mechanism. Should a business be able to hire only men? Only one race? Pay different genders or races different wages for the same work?

As for your supposition that I am a victim, you are no more accurate there than with your other claims. I have made a comfortable living for years in the utility construction industry. Not only am I not a victim, I am retiring early.
Maybe on the assembly line, 1 person has been there for 20 years and can do the job much better because of what he knows, compared to the new guy of 1 year, who still has much to learn. If a business like the NFL is only hiring MEN to do the job of MEN, then women should either get bigger and tougher, or sit it out, as what is happening now. You are not learning anything, because you continue to drink the liberal koolaid. Maybe have a beer or shot of rum, it could open your eyes.

I can see why you didn't answer my question sooner. The other times I asked it I specified "all things being equal". My mistake. I thought that you, having read that numerous times, would understand the intent of the question.

Ok, if I need to be so specific.....

If two people are working on the same assembly line, doing the same work, with roughly the same time with the company, with roughly the same experience & qualifications, and no other duties for which they receive pay, why would they be paid different wages?

The point is, there are numerous examples of women being paid less than men when they are doing the same work. But, more importantly, an "Equal pay for equal work" law would protect everyone from such biased actions.
I can state many reasons why women aren't doing equal work. Like in a lawyers office where men work over 100 hours a week but women don't. Or in that McDonalds example where men get the heavy/crap work, while women get the office jobs. Where women take more time off from work than men and therefore are less dependable.

Describing jobs where they have different duties is not the point.
The point is I got stuck doing the dirty work because I was a guy. That's discrimination.

Ok. It is discrimination.
How comprehensive have those studies been? Why should the non-porn sector be wrong and the porn sector right, in market based metrics in the private sector?

I am not going to differentiate between "porn and non-porn" in a discussion about equality. Especially not with someone who thinks the desire for equality is a point for him to manipulate for sex.

The studies have been comprehensive enough.
nothing but fallacy? if the porn sector is not wrong, then neither is the non-porn sector.

What fallacy?

And how is the porn sector not wrong? And how does that carry over to anything?
dear, if one subsector of the private sector is not wrong, why should the other one be wrong under our same form of Capitalism?

Junior, there is a reason women are paid more for porn. The reason is quite simple. Men are the overwhelming majority of porn viewers. That is an entertainment factor.
Double standards once again, it is okay for women to get paid more than men, but not men get paid more than women. If it wasn't for double standards, liberals would have no standards at all.
I am not going to differentiate between "porn and non-porn" in a discussion about equality. Especially not with someone who thinks the desire for equality is a point for him to manipulate for sex.

The studies have been comprehensive enough.
nothing but fallacy? if the porn sector is not wrong, then neither is the non-porn sector.

What fallacy?

And how is the porn sector not wrong? And how does that carry over to anything?
dear, if one subsector of the private sector is not wrong, why should the other one be wrong under our same form of Capitalism?

Junior, there is a reason women are paid more for porn. The reason is quite simple. Men are the overwhelming majority of porn viewers. That is an entertainment factor.
Double standards once again, it is okay for women to get paid more than men, but not men get paid more than women. If it wasn't for double standards, liberals would have no standards at all.

Not at all. It is the same reason there is a different pay scale for NFL linemen than for NFL QBs. There are far more good linemen than there are good QBs. It is a different job.
How comprehensive have those studies been? Why should the non-porn sector be wrong and the porn sector right, in market based metrics in the private sector?

I am not going to differentiate between "porn and non-porn" in a discussion about equality. Especially not with someone who thinks the desire for equality is a point for him to manipulate for sex.

The studies have been comprehensive enough.
nothing but fallacy? if the porn sector is not wrong, then neither is the non-porn sector.

What fallacy?

And how is the porn sector not wrong? And how does that carry over to anything?
dear, if one subsector of the private sector is not wrong, why should the other one be wrong under our same form of Capitalism?

Junior, there is a reason women are paid more for porn. The reason is quite simple. Men are the overwhelming majority of porn viewers. That is an entertainment factor.
just capitalism at work, dear. why not have some Faith in it.
I am not going to differentiate between "porn and non-porn" in a discussion about equality. Especially not with someone who thinks the desire for equality is a point for him to manipulate for sex.

The studies have been comprehensive enough.
nothing but fallacy? if the porn sector is not wrong, then neither is the non-porn sector.

What fallacy?

And how is the porn sector not wrong? And how does that carry over to anything?
dear, if one subsector of the private sector is not wrong, why should the other one be wrong under our same form of Capitalism?

Junior, there is a reason women are paid more for porn. The reason is quite simple. Men are the overwhelming majority of porn viewers. That is an entertainment factor.
Double standards once again, it is okay for women to get paid more than men, but not men get paid more than women. If it wasn't for double standards, liberals would have no standards at all.
Only the right is that cognitively dissonant regarding Capitalism.
nothing but fallacy? if the porn sector is not wrong, then neither is the non-porn sector.

What fallacy?

And how is the porn sector not wrong? And how does that carry over to anything?
dear, if one subsector of the private sector is not wrong, why should the other one be wrong under our same form of Capitalism?

Junior, there is a reason women are paid more for porn. The reason is quite simple. Men are the overwhelming majority of porn viewers. That is an entertainment factor.
Double standards once again, it is okay for women to get paid more than men, but not men get paid more than women. If it wasn't for double standards, liberals would have no standards at all.
Only the right is that cognitively dissonant regarding Capitalism.

What has been inconsistent in my discussion on this topic?
Shoulda just made the point women wanna be treated equally to men up until a draft yanks them in to fight a war, or a man hits them. Then they're women and a protected sex. :)

It is also illegal for a man to hit another man.
What fallacy?

And how is the porn sector not wrong? And how does that carry over to anything?
dear, if one subsector of the private sector is not wrong, why should the other one be wrong under our same form of Capitalism?

Junior, there is a reason women are paid more for porn. The reason is quite simple. Men are the overwhelming majority of porn viewers. That is an entertainment factor.
Double standards once again, it is okay for women to get paid more than men, but not men get paid more than women. If it wasn't for double standards, liberals would have no standards at all.
Only the right is that cognitively dissonant regarding Capitalism.

What has been inconsistent in my discussion on this topic?
your non sequiturs.
dear, if one subsector of the private sector is not wrong, why should the other one be wrong under our same form of Capitalism?

Junior, there is a reason women are paid more for porn. The reason is quite simple. Men are the overwhelming majority of porn viewers. That is an entertainment factor.
Double standards once again, it is okay for women to get paid more than men, but not men get paid more than women. If it wasn't for double standards, liberals would have no standards at all.
Only the right is that cognitively dissonant regarding Capitalism.

What has been inconsistent in my discussion on this topic?
your non sequiturs.

You really are clueless, aren't you? Go try and give away a full body massage with a happy ending.
Junior, there is a reason women are paid more for porn. The reason is quite simple. Men are the overwhelming majority of porn viewers. That is an entertainment factor.
Double standards once again, it is okay for women to get paid more than men, but not men get paid more than women. If it wasn't for double standards, liberals would have no standards at all.
Only the right is that cognitively dissonant regarding Capitalism.

What has been inconsistent in my discussion on this topic?
your non sequiturs.

You really are clueless, aren't you? Go try and give away a full body massage with a happy ending.
dear; the private sector cannot be wrong about private sector metrics, that includes both the porn and non-porn sectors.
Double standards once again, it is okay for women to get paid more than men, but not men get paid more than women. If it wasn't for double standards, liberals would have no standards at all.
Only the right is that cognitively dissonant regarding Capitalism.

What has been inconsistent in my discussion on this topic?
your non sequiturs.

You really are clueless, aren't you? Go try and give away a full body massage with a happy ending.
dear; the private sector cannot be wrong about private sector metrics, that includes both the porn and non-porn sectors.

Talk about a non sequitur.
GM to pay $420 million in signing bonuses
GM told UAW officials on Wednesday that the offer includes an $8,000 signing bonus for 52,000 members, or double the maximum incentive offered to Fiat Chrysler’s 40,000 workers. The bigger payout reflects a practice by GM and Ford Motor Co. to pay larger bonuses than its smaller Italian-American rival.
Union workers get paid for crap products (bad ignition switches and other recalls) and those working at fast food make only minimum wage. Just got to love it when GM whichpays no taxes and can have its billions of dollars of debt forgiven by the government, and those working outside of GM must foot the bill. All for the vote, typical of liberalism.
GM to pay $420 million in signing bonuses
GM told UAW officials on Wednesday that the offer includes an $8,000 signing bonus for 52,000 members, or double the maximum incentive offered to Fiat Chrysler’s 40,000 workers. The bigger payout reflects a practice by GM and Ford Motor Co. to pay larger bonuses than its smaller Italian-American rival.
Union workers get paid for crap products (bad ignition switches and other recalls) and those working at fast food make only minimum wage. Just got to love it when GM whichpays no taxes and can have its billions of dollars of debt forgiven by the government, and those working outside of GM must foot the bill. All for the vote, typical of liberalism.

Still not answering my question and still not addressing the topic.
Only the right is that cognitively dissonant regarding Capitalism.

What has been inconsistent in my discussion on this topic?
your non sequiturs.

You really are clueless, aren't you? Go try and give away a full body massage with a happy ending.
dear; the private sector cannot be wrong about private sector metrics, that includes both the porn and non-porn sectors.

Talk about a non sequitur.
nope; you don't know what it means. The private sector cannot be wrong about that which it generates; Only the public sector can be wrong about private sector metrics.
What has been inconsistent in my discussion on this topic?
your non sequiturs.

You really are clueless, aren't you? Go try and give away a full body massage with a happy ending.
dear; the private sector cannot be wrong about private sector metrics, that includes both the porn and non-porn sectors.

Talk about a non sequitur.
nope; you don't know what it means. The private sector cannot be wrong about that which it generates; Only the public sector can be wrong about private sector metrics.

Of course I know what it means. And using a very specialized, customer specific segment to make generalized assumptions about an entire economic system is laughable.
your non sequiturs.

You really are clueless, aren't you? Go try and give away a full body massage with a happy ending.
dear; the private sector cannot be wrong about private sector metrics, that includes both the porn and non-porn sectors.

Talk about a non sequitur.
nope; you don't know what it means. The private sector cannot be wrong about that which it generates; Only the public sector can be wrong about private sector metrics.

Of course I know what it means. And using a very specialized, customer specific segment to make generalized assumptions about an entire economic system is laughable.
nope; that is a fallacy of composition.

The private sector cannot be wrong about that which it generates; Only the public sector can be wrong about private sector metrics.
You really are clueless, aren't you? Go try and give away a full body massage with a happy ending.
dear; the private sector cannot be wrong about private sector metrics, that includes both the porn and non-porn sectors.

Talk about a non sequitur.
nope; you don't know what it means. The private sector cannot be wrong about that which it generates; Only the public sector can be wrong about private sector metrics.

Of course I know what it means. And using a very specialized, customer specific segment to make generalized assumptions about an entire economic system is laughable.
nope; that is a fallacy of composition.

The private sector cannot be wrong about that which it generates; Only the public sector can be wrong about private sector metrics.

The private sector can certainly be wrong. If the company knowingly puts out a dangerous product, if it puts its employees in danger, if it practices discriminatory hiring, or if it violates labor laws it is wrong. And the bottom line does not justify any of that.
dear; the private sector cannot be wrong about private sector metrics, that includes both the porn and non-porn sectors.

Talk about a non sequitur.
nope; you don't know what it means. The private sector cannot be wrong about that which it generates; Only the public sector can be wrong about private sector metrics.

Of course I know what it means. And using a very specialized, customer specific segment to make generalized assumptions about an entire economic system is laughable.
nope; that is a fallacy of composition.

The private sector cannot be wrong about that which it generates; Only the public sector can be wrong about private sector metrics.

The private sector can certainly be wrong. If the company knowingly puts out a dangerous product, if it puts its employees in danger, if it practices discriminatory hiring, or if it violates labor laws it is wrong. And the bottom line does not justify any of that.
Why do you believe the socialism of equality is to be preferred to the discrimination of capitalism? Don't you believe in Capitalism?
Talk about a non sequitur.
nope; you don't know what it means. The private sector cannot be wrong about that which it generates; Only the public sector can be wrong about private sector metrics.

Of course I know what it means. And using a very specialized, customer specific segment to make generalized assumptions about an entire economic system is laughable.
nope; that is a fallacy of composition.

The private sector cannot be wrong about that which it generates; Only the public sector can be wrong about private sector metrics.

The private sector can certainly be wrong. If the company knowingly puts out a dangerous product, if it puts its employees in danger, if it practices discriminatory hiring, or if it violates labor laws it is wrong. And the bottom line does not justify any of that.
Why do you believe the socialism of equality is to be preferred to the discrimination of capitalism? Don't you believe in Capitalism?

I don't believe either one, on its own, is best.

Why don't you believe that two people, doing the exact same work (all things being equal) should be paid the same?
nope; you don't know what it means. The private sector cannot be wrong about that which it generates; Only the public sector can be wrong about private sector metrics.

Of course I know what it means. And using a very specialized, customer specific segment to make generalized assumptions about an entire economic system is laughable.
nope; that is a fallacy of composition.

The private sector cannot be wrong about that which it generates; Only the public sector can be wrong about private sector metrics.

The private sector can certainly be wrong. If the company knowingly puts out a dangerous product, if it puts its employees in danger, if it practices discriminatory hiring, or if it violates labor laws it is wrong. And the bottom line does not justify any of that.
Why do you believe the socialism of equality is to be preferred to the discrimination of capitalism? Don't you believe in Capitalism?

I don't believe either one, on its own, is best.

Why don't you believe that two people, doing the exact same work (all things being equal) should be paid the same?
that is the whole point; they are being paid a market based wage.

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