Women's March Or Lesbian Cattle-Call?

if they were meaningless than why do you care so much? why has there been hundreds of threads started on this site alone about them? seems like they mean alot.... means alot overseas too

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I'm just a dumb redneck remember. If you can't figure it out that is your problem.



but its not important that you just know your dumb you have to know why or else how will you learn?
but its not important that you just know your dumb you have to know why or else how will you learn?


I'm sorry that the underlying sarcasm in my previous response didn't make you anymore aware of the nature of why progressives are losing their voice in the United States.


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I admit I watched about 2 minutes of this event, laughed, and switched channels. ...
You can look at something and filter it with your own biased lense, or try being objective.
If objective, you would see that MANY women, and men with daughters/sisters & living mothers, are CONCERNED about the BIGOTRY that Trump represents.
Of course, you took the biased view and see "lesbians" at a "cattle call".

Do you support the Taliban view that women should stay in the home, be unseen, and stay uneducated/stupid like yourself?
You can look at something and filter it with your own biased lense, or try being objective.
If objective, you would see that MANY women, and men with daughters/sisters & living mothers, are CONCERNED about the BIGOTRY that Trump represents.
Of course, you took the biased view and see "lesbians" at a "cattle call".

Do you support the Taliban view that women should stay in the home, be unseen, and stay uneducated/stupid like yourself?


So the next time there's a women's march they're going to be all inclusive and ensure that all the pro-life women are included and welcomed in their little march?


If objective, you would see that MANY women, and men with daughters/sisters & living mothers, are CONCERNED about the BIGOTRY that Trump represents.
Of course, you took the biased view and see "lesbians" at a "cattle call".

Do you support the Taliban view that women should stay in the home, be unseen, and stay uneducated/stupid like yourself?
Trump represent bigotry? You must be on dope.
^ Why we marched.
You didn't, don't take credit for what you didn't do.
I know you want to believe that.....for some reason, my marching scares you.
:lmao: The furthest you marched was to get another bag of chips... the family size one.
I know it frightens you....that's why you are in denial......perhaps with a bit of projection about your own body thrown in. That's why you go on about it.
:lmao: Sure...sure...it's gonna be OK :itsok:
That is certainly what you should be telling yourself....when women scare you like that.
I admit I watched about 2 minutes of this event, laughed, and switched channels. ...
You can look at something and filter it with your own biased lense, or try being objective.
If objective, you would see that MANY women, and men with daughters/sisters & living mothers, are CONCERNED about the BIGOTRY that Trump represents.
Of course, you took the biased view and see "lesbians" at a "cattle call".

Do you support the Taliban view that women should stay in the home, be unseen, and stay uneducated/stupid like yourself?
LMAO! Trump supports no such thing. That's what the media fed libstains say though.
I admit I watched about 2 minutes of this event, laughed, and switched channels. I did see Madonna, from tiny Bay City, Michigan, claim she was "thinking about blowing up the White House"....terrific role-model that old whore. I heard she f-bombed enough times to be cut off by CNN and MSLSD....now that's doing something, But what these gatherings are really about is recruiting fresh meat for Gloria Steinem and the rest of the organizers. Hard to believe any of them are in danger of getting pregnant....they'd have to have sex with one of us savages for that to happen. Lib "men" are mostly homos and have no interest in them either. So they go there to meet, get phone numbers, maybe get a few quickies (do lesbians do quickies?) and trudge back home to their call-center jobs. :idea:


I hope you're laughing in 2018 and 2020.

Washington D.C.


Denver, Colorado


San Francisco




Las Vegas Nevada


Los Angeles


This is just a smidgen of the women that showed up for this march. I haven't even scratched the surface, because they were all over this country, and they made a noise that was noticed around the world.


Republicans have awoken a sleeping giant
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blatant racist calling black people rapists.... and conservatives genuinely wonder they get called racist, and why there is protests across the whole country against the orange nazi fuhrer.

Let's see if one of these mythical "non racist Republicans" will say anything to this dirtbag asshole... he's giving you a bad name isnt he guys? aren't ya'll upset?


We don't speak PC here, dipshit. Now get your ass up to canada and stay there.
I know it frightens you....that's why you are in denial......perhaps with a bit of projection about your own body thrown in. That's why you go on about it.

Ugly sweathogs don't "frighten" us.....sure, they disgust us but we see the entertainment value in these cattle calls. We look at our women and think, but for the grace of God and 9,000 gallons of ice cream, she could be one of them. :uhh:
You can look at something and filter it with your own biased lense, or try being objective.
If objective, you would see that MANY women, and men with daughters/sisters & living mothers, are CONCERNED about the BIGOTRY that Trump represents.
Of course, you took the biased view and see "lesbians" at a "cattle call".

Do you support the Taliban view that women should stay in the home, be unseen, and stay uneducated/stupid like yourself?
So the next time there's a women's march they're going to be all inclusive and ensure that all the pro-life women are included and welcomed in their little march?
Yes, ALL participants who are pro-women (equal rights/respect) were welcome.
The anti-abortion folks had a different agenda; they could organize their own demonstration. If they intrude on other events, then naturally conflict could occur.
If objective, you would see that MANY women, and men with daughters/sisters & living mothers, are CONCERNED about the BIGOTRY that Trump represents.
Of course, you took the biased view and see "lesbians" at a "cattle call".

Do you support the Taliban view that women should stay in the home, be unseen, and stay uneducated/stupid like yourself?
Trump represent bigotry? You must be on dope.
Are you dense? Giving negative comments toward groups of people (Mexicans, people from Muslim nations) and viewing women more as sex objects than peers ... is BIGOTRY.
Question woman march or lesbian cows. answer Women march for women issues, lots are anti Trump because of his sexual behavior, un Christian & anti women stance.

While the country sinks deeper into unsupportable debt and ISIS continues beheading people all over the world. Your priorities could use an overhaul and it's obvious you know nothing about Jean Paul Sartre.
Yes, ALL participants who are pro-women (equal rights/respect) were welcome.
The anti-abortion folks had a different agenda; they could organize their own demonstration. If they intrude on other events, then naturally conflict could occur.


I very much doubt that since most of those pro-life females voted for Trump because they don't believe or trust the progressives and their agenda either.

The hypocrisy of the progressives is becoming their undoing.



Slug lesbian Hillary lovers.....Here's some crowds that counted, bubble-boy:


p.s. reduce the size of your sleazy pics next time or go on report.

Small minded men's testicles usually shrink back up into their pelvis at the sight of overwhelming odds--LOL

I imagine a lot of former Comrade Trump supporters are wearing bags over their heads about right now, especially with that fantastic 32% approval rating of his.
Trump's Approval Rating Plummets to 32% | Democracy Now!

New York City


Republicans have awoken a sleeping Giant. You have officially declared war on every single woman in this country. And it's a war you're going to lose.

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Those two people who posted that they know someone who attended this protest- can you tell us what they were protesting? Please?
I'm not sure what the widespread confusion is about. Since all but one live out of state I have heard they attended but have not discussed it in depth with them. NONE of them like Trump, but most of them are moms, and I think there is probably more to it than that. Trying to build a fairer world for their daughters, I imagine. It is pretty strange to have a huge protest march solely based on being women--perhaps it will be the last great gasp of identity politics--for good or ill.
hmm. A fairer world for their daughters might be better accomplished by teaching them to do something other than whine over the disappointment of disliking a president.
500,000 nasty skanks. Thats what invaded dc.
^ Why we marched.

No, it was a liberal hack march about people who are still crying that trump won. Has not a damn thing to with so called womens rights. What a complete joke.
no... theyre protesting assholes like you.... not just Trump

No, theyre still crying that trump won and they turned the other way when hillary was covering up her husbands lewd salacious behavior.
I admit I watched about 2 minutes of this event, laughed, and switched channels. I did see Madonna, from tiny Bay City, Michigan, claim she was "thinking about blowing up the White House"....terrific role-model that old whore. I heard she f-bombed enough times to be cut off by CNN and MSLSD....now that's doing something, But what these gatherings are really about is recruiting fresh meat for Gloria Steinem and the rest of the organizers. Hard to believe any of them are in danger of getting pregnant....they'd have to have sex with one of us savages for that to happen. Lib "men" are mostly homos and have no interest in them either. So they go there to meet, get phone numbers, maybe get a few quickies (do lesbians do quickies?) and trudge back home to their call-center jobs. :idea:

So 3.2 million women nationwide all gathered for an orgy?

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