Women's March Or Lesbian Cattle-Call?

Question woman march or lesbian cows. answer Women march for women issues, lots are anti Trump because of his sexual behavior, un Christian & anti women stance.
Ask yourself how many of these 'women' have used the word "kunt". How many of them have had their precious 'pussies 'grabbed'?
Fucking LIB kunts!
^ Why we marched.

Gotta laugh at how the "Fuck you Trump" and the "Love trumps Hate" signs are no more than a few feet apart!
500,000 nasty skanks. Thats what invaded dc.
^ Why we marched.

No, it was a liberal hack march about people who are still crying that trump won. Has not a damn thing to with so called womens rights. What a complete joke.
500,000 nasty skanks. Thats what invaded dc.
^ Why we marched.

No, it was a liberal hack march about people who are still crying that trump won. Has not a damn thing to with so called womens rights. What a complete joke.
no... theyre protesting assholes like you.... not just Trump

no... theyre protesting assholes like you.... not just Trump

The electoral college gave you, and all the protestors in Washington DC, the answer to your current whining and agres... tantrums last November. That's alright though you can keep on doing what you're doing for next few decades and see how that works out for you.


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I admit I watched about 2 minutes of this event, laughed, and switched channels. I did see Madonna, from tiny Bay City, Michigan, claim she was "thinking about blowing up the White House"....terrific role-model that old whore. I heard she f-bombed enough times to be cut off by CNN and MSLSD....now that's doing something, But what these gatherings are really about is recruiting fresh meat for Gloria Steinem and the rest of the organizers. Hard to believe any of them are in danger of getting pregnant....they'd have to have sex with one of us savages for that to happen. Lib "men" are mostly homos and have no interest in them either. So they go there to meet, get phone numbers, maybe get a few quickies (do lesbians do quickies?) and trudge back home to their call-center jobs. :idea:


I bet you consider yourself important, intelligent and inspirational. You're not, misogyny isn't a virtue, and calling women cows suggests you're an abuser - in my experience abusers are insecure cowards and at least a bubble off plume.

Who or what made you into the person you are today ought to be ashamed.
This is definitely spot on.

It's not really a women's march since conservative pro-life women weren't invited.

Most of them are probably lesbians who married each other in states that allowed SSM.


most "conservative prolife" women aren't allowed to leave the house

Wow...where do you live? In Saudi Arabia? :cuckoo:

what do you have against saudi arabia? i thought that was a republicans dreamland?.... minus the brown people of course

Women's rights rings a bell? I just wondered where did you get the stupid idea you posted about conservative women couldn't leave the house. That's pertaining to Saudi Arabia for all women. Try to keep up.

saudi arabia... texas.... same thing

Pretty damn close.

getting towed like a bloated fat whale is not marching bull dyke

The bull dyke is doing the towing. The lipstick one attracted to all things strong, horsey and mannish is sitting in the cart. Hey, if she's attracted to masculine qualities why is she attracted to...wait..are heteros the only ones that can be called "closeted"?... :eusa_think: Is that why so many lipstick dykes defect to the real thing? What exactly is "lesbian" anyway if that's the case?...
If they would have put down the Bon-Bons and got up to Vote for the Beast.......then they could have it all.
MSNBC's bull dyke 'Man-Brow' 100% guarenteed these fundamentally ignorant kunts that Hillary was going to win in "a landslide". These dummies belived the Man-Brow and stayed home to watch Thelma and Louise instead of voting. Now they are 'marching' with their 'kunt hats' on.
It's simply not possible to overstate how fucking stupid these LIB snowflake kunts really are.
BTW. Where the fuck was Hillary on Saturday??????????Hammering back triple Bombay gin shooters for breakfast. That's where.
It would be like Obama losing and tens of thousands of Obama supporters 'marching' in support of his failed Presidential bid while Obama played fucking golf in Hawaii.
^ Why we marched.
Wild bill groped, raped, molested women while his wife covered up his lewd, salacious, acts. Amazingly, not a peep about that.
Rape? Where are the charges/convictions for rape?

This is why we marched...because people on the Right throw accusations around willy nilly as if they have no idea what rape and sexual assault really are.

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