Women's March Or Lesbian Cattle-Call?

It's not really a women's march since conservative pro-life women weren't invited.

Most of them are probably lesbians who married each other in states that allowed SSM.


most "conservative prolife" women aren't allowed to leave the house

Wow...where do you live? In Saudi Arabia? :cuckoo:

what do you have against saudi arabia? i thought that was a republicans dreamland?.... minus the brown people of course

Women's rights rings a bell? I just wondered where did you get the stupid idea you posted about conservative women couldn't leave the house. That's pertaining to Saudi Arabia for all women. Try to keep up.

saudi arabia... texas.... same thing
You're getting dumber every post.
Women's March Or Lesbian Cattle-Call?

I admit I watched about 2 minutes of this event, laughed, and switched channels. I did see Madonna, from tiny Bay City, Michigan, claim she was "thinking about blowing up the White House"....terrific role-model that old whore. I heard she f-bombed enough times to be cut off by CNN and MSLSD....now that's doing something, But what these gatherings are really about is recruiting fresh meat for Gloria Steinem and the rest of the organizers. Hard to believe any of them are in danger of getting pregnant....they'd have to have sex with one of us savages for that to happen. Lib "men" are mostly homos and have no interest in them either. So they go there to meet, get phone numbers, maybe get a few quickies (do lesbians do quickies?) and trudge back home to their call-center jobs. :idea:

Scared? All those women who would consider you redundant?
I admit I watched about 2 minutes of this event, laughed, and switched channels. I did see Madonna, from tiny Bay City, Michigan, claim she was "thinking about blowing up the White House"....terrific role-model that old whore. I heard she f-bombed enough times to be cut off by CNN and MSLSD....now that's doing something, But what these gatherings are really about is recruiting fresh meat for Gloria Steinem and the rest of the organizers. Hard to believe any of them are in danger of getting pregnant....they'd have to have sex with one of us savages for that to happen. Lib "men" are mostly homos and have no interest in them either. So they go there to meet, get phone numbers, maybe get a few quickies (do lesbians do quickies?) and trudge back home to their call-center jobs. :idea:

Scared? All those women who would consider you redundant?
No, I am sure he is not but look at the picture
I admit I watched about 2 minutes of this event, laughed, and switched channels. I did see Madonna, from tiny Bay City, Michigan, claim she was "thinking about blowing up the White House"....terrific role-model that old whore. I heard she f-bombed enough times to be cut off by CNN and MSLSD....now that's doing something, But what these gatherings are really about is recruiting fresh meat for Gloria Steinem and the rest of the organizers. Hard to believe any of them are in danger of getting pregnant....they'd have to have sex with one of us savages for that to happen. Lib "men" are mostly homos and have no interest in them either. So they go there to meet, get phone numbers, maybe get a few quickies (do lesbians do quickies?) and trudge back home to their call-center jobs. :idea:

Yep. LOL I don't know about the lesbian angle but I'm embarrassed for these women. Seriously. What are they protesting, exactly? Clearly, they don't even know. "F you Trump" " I am scared". Yeah? So?

Grow up, girls.
"Girls"? ^ Why we marched.
Question woman march or lesbian cows. answer Women march for women issues, lots are anti Trump because of his sexual behavior, un Christian & anti women stance.
Ask yourself how many of these 'women' have used the word "kunt". How many of them have had their precious 'pussies 'grabbed'?
Fucking LIB kunts!
what were you doing there? killing orphans or passing out bibles?

Does it really matter since your progressive stance would make either answer unacceptable in your delusional mind.

You don't have a clue what you stand for other than an anarchy which would force you into a world that would most likely reject or enslave you.


I admit I watched about 2 minutes of this event, laughed, and switched channels. I did see Madonna, from tiny Bay City, Michigan, claim she was "thinking about blowing up the White House"....terrific role-model that old whore. I heard she f-bombed enough times to be cut off by CNN and MSLSD....now that's doing something, But what these gatherings are really about is recruiting fresh meat for Gloria Steinem and the rest of the organizers. Hard to believe any of them are in danger of getting pregnant....they'd have to have sex with one of us savages for that to happen. Lib "men" are mostly homos and have no interest in them either. So they go there to meet, get phone numbers, maybe get a few quickies (do lesbians do quickies?) and trudge back home to their call-center jobs. :idea:

That one moonbats in the bottom corner is so moved by it all she has resorted to picking her scabs.

so what rights dont women have that they have to throw a bitching fit. They get to Murder babies..what else do they want ?

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