Women's March Or Lesbian Cattle-Call?

Wild bill groped, raped, molested women while his wife covered up his lewd, salacious, acts. Amazingly, not a peep about that.
Rape? Where are the charges/convictions for rape?

This is why we marched...because people on the Right throw accusations around willy nilly as if they have no idea what rape and sexual assault really are.

He settled a case out of court to cover it up. No, you marched because you are still pissed that trump won.
This is why we marched...because people on the Right throw accusations around willy nilly as if they have no idea what rape and sexual assault really are.

Thanks to your pet porch apes, our women know exactly what rape and sexual assault are.
I admit I watched about 2 minutes of this event, laughed, and switched channels. I did see Madonna, from tiny Bay City, Michigan, claim she was "thinking about blowing up the White House"....terrific role-model that old whore. I heard she f-bombed enough times to be cut off by CNN and MSLSD....now that's doing something, But what these gatherings are really about is recruiting fresh meat for Gloria Steinem and the rest of the organizers. Hard to believe any of them are in danger of getting pregnant....they'd have to have sex with one of us savages for that to happen. Lib "men" are mostly homos and have no interest in them either. So they go there to meet, get phone numbers, maybe get a few quickies (do lesbians do quickies?) and trudge back home to their call-center jobs. :idea:

Yep. LOL I don't know about the lesbian angle but I'm embarrassed for these women. Seriously. What are they protesting, exactly? Clearly, they don't even know. "F you Trump" " I am scared". Yeah? So?

Grow up, girls.
"Girls"? ^ Why we marched.
You didn't, don't take credit for what you didn't do.
no... theyre protesting assholes like you.... not just Trump

The electoral college gave you, and all the protestors in Washington DC, the answer to your current whining and agres... tantrums last November. That's alright though you can keep on doing what you're doing for next few decades and see how that works out for you.



How nice...but people vote, not counties.
Six women I know went. Every one of them is married.
Feminist does not equal lesbian. Just so ya know.

Does too.....being married means nothing to these hags.....their husbands are cover for their real desires.
^ Why we marched.
You didn't, don't take credit for what you didn't do.
I know you want to believe that.....for some reason, my marching scares you.
:lmao: The furthest you marched was to get another bag of chips... the family size one.
Wild bill groped, raped, molested women while his wife covered up his lewd, salacious, acts. Amazingly, not a peep about that.
Rape? Where are the charges/convictions for rape?

This is why we marched...because people on the Right throw accusations around willy nilly as if they have no idea what rape and sexual assault really are.

He settled a case out of court to cover it up. No, you marched because you are still pissed that trump won.
Settle a rape case? Really? You really are a sucker to RW lies, aren't you?
Six women I know went. Every one of them is married.
Feminist does not equal lesbian. Just so ya know.

Does too.....being married means nothing to these hags.....their husbands are cover for their real desires.
^ Why we marched.
You didn't, don't take credit for what you didn't do.
I know you want to believe that.....for some reason, my marching scares you.
:lmao: The furthest you marched was to get another bag of chips... the family size one.
I know it frightens you....that's why you are in denial......perhaps with a bit of projection about your own body thrown in. That's why you go on about it.
I admit I watched about 2 minutes of this event, laughed, and switched channels. I did see Madonna, from tiny Bay City, Michigan, claim she was "thinking about blowing up the White House"....terrific role-model that old whore. I heard she f-bombed enough times to be cut off by CNN and MSLSD....now that's doing something, But what these gatherings are really about is recruiting fresh meat for Gloria Steinem and the rest of the organizers. Hard to believe any of them are in danger of getting pregnant....they'd have to have sex with one of us savages for that to happen. Lib "men" are mostly homos and have no interest in them either. So they go there to meet, get phone numbers, maybe get a few quickies (do lesbians do quickies?) and trudge back home to their call-center jobs. :idea:


You trying to outdo SFC??? strollingbones Ravi
Does too.....being married means nothing to these hags.....their husbands are cover for their real desires.
^ Why we marched.
You didn't, don't take credit for what you didn't do.
I know you want to believe that.....for some reason, my marching scares you.
:lmao: The furthest you marched was to get another bag of chips... the family size one.
I know it frightens you....that's why you are in denial......perhaps with a bit of projection about your own body thrown in. That's why you go on about it.
:lmao: Sure...sure...it's gonna be OK :itsok:
This is why we marched...because people on the Right throw accusations around willy nilly as if they have no idea what rape and sexual assault really are.

Thanks to your pet porch apes, our women know exactly what rape and sexual assault are.
blatant racist calling black people rapists.... and conservatives genuinely wonder they get called racist, and why there is protests across the whole country against the orange nazi fuhrer.

Let's see if one of these mythical "non racist Republicans" will say anything to this dirtbag asshole... he's giving you a bad name isnt he guys? aren't ya'll upset?

no... theyre protesting assholes like you.... not just Trump
The electoral college gave you, and all the protestors in Washington DC, the answer to your current whining and agres... tantrums last November. That's alright though you can keep on doing what you're doing for next few decades and see how that works out for you.
How nice...but people vote, not counties.


Trump still won. So your protests against him are meaningless. However you're free to continue protesting like many of the other progressives on this forum and in the streets have been doing. Along with pushing for your toilet room equality bills.

Shall we see how red that map can become?


no... theyre protesting assholes like you.... not just Trump
The electoral college gave you, and all the protestors in Washington DC, the answer to your current whining and agres... tantrums last November. That's alright though you can keep on doing what you're doing for next few decades and see how that works out for you.
How nice...but people vote, not counties.

View attachment 108015

Trump still won. So your protests against him are meaningless. However you're free to continue protesting like many of the other progressives on this forum and in the streets have been doing. Along with pushing for your toilet room equality bills.

Shall we see how red that map can become?



if they were meaningless than why do you care so much? why has there been hundreds of threads started on this site alone about them? seems like they mean alot.... means alot overseas too
Wild bill groped, raped, molested women while his wife covered up his lewd, salacious, acts. Amazingly, not a peep about that.
Rape? Where are the charges/convictions for rape?

This is why we marched...because people on the Right throw accusations around willy nilly as if they have no idea what rape and sexual assault really are.

He settled a case out of court to cover it up. No, you marched because you are still pissed that trump won.
Settle a rape case? Really? You really are a sucker to RW lies, aren't you?

Im not but your deflection is noted.

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