Women's March Or Lesbian Cattle-Call?

Frankly, I have things to do this afternoon. I just felt compelled to come on here and say a few words after watching my wife get angry at the march yesterday, because it does not represent her. Further, Chuck Todd ticked her off this morning with his attack on Conway.
No need to call them names. Women need to feel they have been heard. If they don't, they continue to repeat themselves. Calling them names makes it clear you didn't hear them.
Oh, I heard them alright. "blowing up the White House" "fuck this...fuck that" "menstrual blood on bed sheets" "pussy" "vagina drawings on signs they carried"
Where is the U.S. "intelligence community"? Isn't the fact that the phony woman's march event went international (even with relatively small crowd) an indication of foreign meddling in American left wing politics. Is it possible that the alleged "Russian" hacking story was part of an anti-American global conspiracy that failed? Fasten your seat belts lefties. Y'all are in for a bumpy ride.
Where is the U.S. "intelligence community"? Isn't the fact that the phony woman's march event went international (even with relatively small crowd) an indication of foreign meddling in American left wing politics. Is it possible that the alleged "Russian" hacking story was part of an anti-American global conspiracy that failed? Fasten your seat belts lefties. Y'all are in for a bumpy ride.

Good point....a global conspiracy to undermine our new president...I bet Brennan (now unemployed) would have a ball leaking the reactions to the press.

It's not really a women's march since conservative pro-life women weren't invited.

Most of them are probably lesbians who married each other in states that allowed SSM.


most "conservative prolife" women aren't allowed to leave the house

Wow...where do you live? In Saudi Arabia? :cuckoo:

what do you have against saudi arabia? i thought that was a republicans dreamland?.... minus the brown people of course

It's not really a women's march since conservative pro-life women weren't invited.

Most of them are probably lesbians who married each other in states that allowed SSM.


most "conservative prolife" women aren't allowed to leave the house

Wow...where do you live? In Saudi Arabia? :cuckoo:

what do you have against saudi arabia? i thought that was a republicans dreamland?.... minus the brown people of course

Women's rights rings a bell? I just wondered where did you get the stupid idea you posted about conservative women couldn't leave the house. That's pertaining to Saudi Arabia for all women. Try to keep up.

It's not really a women's march since conservative pro-life women weren't invited.

Most of them are probably lesbians who married each other in states that allowed SSM.


most "conservative prolife" women aren't allowed to leave the house

Wow...where do you live? In Saudi Arabia? :cuckoo:

what do you have against saudi arabia? i thought that was a republicans dreamland?.... minus the brown people of course

Women's rights rings a bell? I just wondered where did you get the stupid idea you posted about conservative women couldn't leave the house. That's pertaining to Saudi Arabia for all women. Try to keep up.

saudi arabia... texas.... same thing
If they would have put down the Bon-Bons and got up to Vote for the Beast.......then they could have it all.
MSNBC's bull dyke 'Man-Brow' 100% guarenteed these fundamentally ignorant kunts that Hillary was going to win in "a landslide". These dummies belived the Man-Brow and stayed home to watch Thelma and Louise instead of voting. Now they are 'marching' with their 'kunt hats' on.
It's simply not possible to overstate how fucking stupid these LIB snowflake kunts really are.
BTW. Where the fuck was Hillary on Saturday??????????Hammering back triple Bombay gin shooters for breakfast. That's where.
It would be like Obama losing and tens of thousands of Obama supporters 'marching' in support of his failed Presidential bid while Obama played fucking golf in Hawaii.
Question woman march or lesbian cows. answer Women march for women issues, lots are anti Trump because of his sexual behavior, un Christian & anti women stance.
Question woman march or lesbian cows. answer Women march for women issues, lots are anti Trump because of his sexual behavior, un Christian & anti women stance.

Left out the word "supposed" I see...only fish believe what they hear from the MSM. Trump has dozens of women around him who laugh at your lies.
If you're woman hating gay bashing inbred redneck your welcome to move there... you'll enjoy it

I've already been to Saudi Arabia and have no desire to go back. How about you? <<< I figure the answer to that question is NO since it's unlikely you get out of your parents basement much.

Additionally I loves the women. While you obviously have something against rednecks.


Those two people who posted that they know someone who attended this protest- can you tell us what they were protesting? Please?
I'm not sure what the widespread confusion is about. Since all but one live out of state I have heard they attended but have not discussed it in depth with them. NONE of them like Trump, but most of them are moms, and I think there is probably more to it than that. Trying to build a fairer world for their daughters, I imagine. It is pretty strange to have a huge protest march solely based on being women--perhaps it will be the last great gasp of identity politics--for good or ill.
If you're woman hating gay bashing inbred redneck your welcome to move there... you'll enjoy it

I've already been to Saudi Arabia and have no desire to go back. How about you? <<< I figure the answer to that question is NO since it's unlikely you get out of your parents basement much.

Additionally I loves the women. While you obviously have something against rednecks.



what were you doing there? killing orphans or passing out bibles?
I'm not sure what the widespread confusion is about. Since all but one live out of state I have heard they attended but have not discussed it in depth with them. NONE of them like Trump, but most of them are moms, and I think there is probably more to it than that. Trying to build a fairer world for their daughters, I imagine. It is pretty strange to have a huge protest march solely based on being women--perhaps it will be the last great gasp of identity politics--for good or ill.

And what is more divisive than identity politics? It's a leftist concept to pit us against each other and then sit back and watch the fur fly. We know your side hates Trump. Your problem will be recognizing the things he does to get our country working again and saying so. He spent $66M of his own money doing this yet that's dismissed as nothing...what did Hillary spend....$1.2B of other people's money, not one penny of her own, with nothing to show for it.....same as how the democrats run a government. In the end you will grudgingly admit Trump came along and pulled us back from the edge of anarchy.

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