Womens sports in ten years

It is for high school.

No it is not.

Please describe this process you think will stop males who fail at men's sports from moving to women's?

For participation in 2022 winter and spring championships, transgender student-athletes must provide documentation to the CSMAS within four weeks before the selections date for their championship.

The documentation must demonstrate compliance with the 2010 NCAA policy (PDF), which calls for one year of testosterone suppression treatment.

A full year of testosterone suppression treatment before you can even compete and your testosterone levels have to be checked prior to competing and they must be below a certain level.

How many men will do that just to do a sport for a couple of years?

Why did it not stop Will Thomas from switching to Lia?

There are always outliers that are willing to do things most are not. Also, they did not do it to compete, they would have done it anyhow.
What a dumbass. There is no reason to bar women from any number of male team sports. But to hack it, they'd have to be extraordinarily good, wouldn't they?
Just better than the other athletes, just like in women's sports, plus, there is no sexual discrimination allowed..
There are people deranged enough to go through the process as to have a belief in improving their lives and making a good buck.

There is no good buck to be made by doing it
Love that the right wing suddenly is concerned about women's sports.
No we really don't care to watch but it is not "fair" to them. You know what "fair" is right? I always hear "fair share" from you tards why not here?
Please describe this process you think will stop males who fail at men's sports from moving to women's?

USAA swimming just made it even harder...and the NCAA after this year will go by their rulings for swimers.

Under the new policy, athletes will be tested to make sure testosterone is below a certain level – 5 nanomoles per litre continuously for at least 36 months – in transgender athletes who wish to compete against cisgender female swimmers.

Tested 36 months straight before you can even compete the first time. How many men will do that just to eventually be able to do a sport for a couple of years?

Keep in mind that Thomas is not even that good, and only good in one event which is rare in swimming
No it is not.

For participation in 2022 winter and spring championships, transgender student-athletes must provide documentation to the CSMAS within four weeks before the selections date for their championship.

The documentation must demonstrate compliance with the 2010 NCAA policy (PDF), which calls for one year of testosterone suppression treatment.

A full year of testosterone suppression treatment before you can even compete and your testosterone levels have to be checked prior to competing and they must be below a certain level.

How many men will do that just to do a sport for a couple of years?
More than are willing to take steroids to compete in mens which is already too many.
There are always outliers that are willing to do things most are not. Also, they did not do it to compete, they would have done it anyhow.
You seriously believe Thomas would be trans if not for the chance to swim as a woman?
More than are willing to take steroids to compete in mens which is already too many.

For Track and field the rule is testosterone continuously below five nanomoles per litre for at least 12 months. Just for comparison the average male is around 670 nanomoles per litre.
USAA swimming just made it even harder...and the NCAA after this year will go by their rulings for swimers.

Under the new policy, athletes will be tested to make sure testosterone is below a certain level – 5 nanomoles per litre continuously for at least 36 months – in transgender athletes who wish to compete against cisgender female swimmers.

Tested 36 months straight before you can even compete the first time. How many men will do that just to eventually be able to do a sport for a couple of years?

Keep in mind that Thomas is not even that good, and only good in one event which is rare in swimming
You must be unaware of how hard people work and sacrifice to make it in sports at the Olympic and pro levels.

Or more likely you're pulling my leg, so GJ. Had me going. . . .
There will be plenty of men wanting easy money and trophies.

There is pretty much no money to be had and it is not that easy.

From now on for swimmers they have to wait 3 years from the start of treatments. That is not easy
You must be unaware of how hard people work and sacrifice to make it in sports at the Olympic and pro levels.

Nope, I am very familiar with it. I had aspersions of such going into college.

Most men will not give up their manhood for such a thing. Which is why you do not see them flocking to do it.

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