Wonder WHY We Haven't Gotten the June GW Update???

When does this madness stop when they realize the Earth always will change?

Next Grand Solar minimum. When the LAST of the propaganda lies get's put to rest. You actually have the Church of GW telling people that a Grand Solar Min won't affect the relentless march to hell of "Global Warming". I figure that will be the last nail in the coffin...
Again deniers have been predicting a new ice age since the 1970s. We are supposed to be in the latest new ice age since 2014/2015!


You're WAAAAY behind on this. Solar experts including NASA are now calling the NEXT solar cycle as the start of a Grand Minimum. Last time I checked with about 50% probability. Eat right, get regular exercise and you might live to freeze your buns off.. :dev3:

Surprised you don't know this. Given all the time you spend defending your "beliefs" here. There is a specific PATTERN for the last 3 cycles that matches the Maunder Minimum pretty exactly. We're about a year from calling it -- Yes or No..
Yeah sure, and after cycle 25 the deniers will say the Grand Solar Minimum will begin with cycle 26, and so on.

The east coast already got hit in the 70s it caused a huge black out ..

When the sun is calm we have an increasing risk of a major solar flare. The 1859 Carrington event was massive and destroyed telegraph lines (melting everything metal in the air) causing fires all over the US.

A Perfect Solar Superstorm: The 1859 Carrington Event - History in the Headlines

IF this happened today, it would destroy major portions of the power grids that were facing the sun when it hit. The power surges will destroy sections out side of the strike zone that are connected. Transformers will melt down... It will take years to repair the damage. This is why high altitude detonation, magnetic pulse weapons are such a threat to the US
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Or Don THE Con is blocking it because it is too HOT!
Seven more years of cooling off at NASA/NOAA.. That's my prediction.. :banana:
"More" implies there has already been "cooling." 2014, 2015, and 2016 were record warm years. Even your own chart with Spencer and Christy's cooked numbers have 2016 as the warmest year in the history of direct instrument measurement.

Even NASA'.admits 2014 their data was fudged..

They didn't know.

Nothing False About Temperature Data
By Dave LevitanPosted on February 12, 2015

2014 was the hottest single year since temperature record keeping began. This same conclusion has been reached by NOAA and NASA, the Japan Meteorological Agency, and the World Meteorological Organization. The United Kingdom’s Met Office said that 2014 was among the warmest along with 2010, but it is impossible to say for sure that 2014 was hotter. According to NASA, nine of the 10 warmest years have all occurred since 2000, with 1998 the lone exception.
Your the one that is full of shit..

Tell me how you came to infill all those temperatures you use in your model? How did you verify that the made up crap was valid? When were the physical measurements taken? Who took them? Where is this information? LINK PLEASE.... Or did you just accept the made up shit because it fits your alarmist drivel narrative?
There is no "model." There is only real data for the above claims.
It's nowhere to be found. Likely Trump's fault for Tweeting everything else off the front pages.

UAH Global Temperature Update for June, 2017: +0.21 deg. C
July 3rd, 2017
Lowest global temperature anomaly in last 2 years (since July, 2015)

The Version 6.0 global average lower tropospheric temperature (LT) anomaly for June, 2017 was +0.21 deg. C, down from the May, 2017 value of +0.44 deg. C (click for full size version):


We are now Post El Nino -- and not much has changed..
How's YOUR summer been so far?

We're still skiing!

It's nowhere to be found. Likely Trump's fault for Tweeting everything else off the front pages.

UAH Global Temperature Update for June, 2017: +0.21 deg. C
July 3rd, 2017
Lowest global temperature anomaly in last 2 years (since July, 2015)

The Version 6.0 global average lower tropospheric temperature (LT) anomaly for June, 2017 was +0.21 deg. C, down from the May, 2017 value of +0.44 deg. C (click for full size version):


We are now Post El Nino -- and not much has changed..
How's YOUR summer been so far?

We're still skiing!

Looks so warm they don't even have goosebumps!!!!
I'll admit that the global temperature for June is way the hell down....Weird really as the ENSO isn't the cause.

Maybe the oceans are taking the energy back?

Far more plausible is the energy was never there. Way easier on the math side, the physics actually works and makes sense, and logically that is the most likely due to the age old KISS principle.
Seven more years of cooling off at NASA/NOAA.. That's my prediction.. :banana:
"More" implies there has already been "cooling." 2014, 2015, and 2016 were record warm years. Even your own chart with Spencer and Christy's cooked numbers have 2016 as the warmest year in the history of direct instrument measurement.

Even NASA'.admits 2014 their data was fudged..

They didn't know.

Nothing False About Temperature Data
By Dave LevitanPosted on February 12, 2015

2014 was the hottest single year since temperature record keeping began. This same conclusion has been reached by NOAA and NASA, the Japan Meteorological Agency, and the World Meteorological Organization. The United Kingdom’s Met Office said that 2014 was among the warmest along with 2010, but it is impossible to say for sure that 2014 was hotter. According to NASA, nine of the 10 warmest years have all occurred since 2000, with 1998 the lone exception.
Your the one that is full of shit..

Tell me how you came to infill all those temperatures you use in your model? How did you verify that the made up crap was valid? When were the physical measurements taken? Who took them? Where is this information? LINK PLEASE.... Or did you just accept the made up shit because it fits your alarmist drivel narrative?
There is no "model." There is only real data for the above claims.

Proving you ate the shit you have been feed...

Cowtan and Way (2013) Adjustments Exaggerate Climate Model Failings at the Poles and Do Little to Explain the Hiatus

http://dspace.ucuenca.edu.ec/bitstream/123456789/5586/1/MASKANA 5107.pdf
"More" implies there has already been "cooling." 2014, 2015, and 2016 were record warm years. Even your own chart with Spencer and Christy's cooked numbers have 2016 as the warmest year in the history of direct instrument measurement.

Even NASA'.admits 2014 their data was fudged..

They didn't know.

Nothing False About Temperature Data
By Dave LevitanPosted on February 12, 2015

2014 was the hottest single year since temperature record keeping began. This same conclusion has been reached by NOAA and NASA, the Japan Meteorological Agency, and the World Meteorological Organization. The United Kingdom’s Met Office said that 2014 was among the warmest along with 2010, but it is impossible to say for sure that 2014 was hotter. According to NASA, nine of the 10 warmest years have all occurred since 2000, with 1998 the lone exception.
Your the one that is full of shit..

Tell me how you came to infill all those temperatures you use in your model? How did you verify that the made up crap was valid? When were the physical measurements taken? Who took them? Where is this information? LINK PLEASE.... Or did you just accept the made up shit because it fits your alarmist drivel narrative?
There is no "model." There is only real data for the above claims.

Proving you ate the shit you have been feed...

Cowtan and Way (2013) Adjustments Exaggerate Climate Model Failings at the Poles and Do Little to Explain the Hiatus

http://dspace.ucuenca.edu.ec/bitstream/123456789/5586/1/MASKANA 5107.pdf
Hey dumb ass, the monthly and annual reports are DATA reports, not models!!! Your own link says that HADCRUT4 is DATA that your article compared to a CMIP5 model.
Even NASA'.admits 2014 their data was fudged..

They didn't know.

Nothing False About Temperature Data
By Dave LevitanPosted on February 12, 2015

2014 was the hottest single year since temperature record keeping began. This same conclusion has been reached by NOAA and NASA, the Japan Meteorological Agency, and the World Meteorological Organization. The United Kingdom’s Met Office said that 2014 was among the warmest along with 2010, but it is impossible to say for sure that 2014 was hotter. According to NASA, nine of the 10 warmest years have all occurred since 2000, with 1998 the lone exception.
Your the one that is full of shit..

Tell me how you came to infill all those temperatures you use in your model? How did you verify that the made up crap was valid? When were the physical measurements taken? Who took them? Where is this information? LINK PLEASE.... Or did you just accept the made up shit because it fits your alarmist drivel narrative?
There is no "model." There is only real data for the above claims.

Proving you ate the shit you have been feed...

Cowtan and Way (2013) Adjustments Exaggerate Climate Model Failings at the Poles and Do Little to Explain the Hiatus

http://dspace.ucuenca.edu.ec/bitstream/123456789/5586/1/MASKANA 5107.pdf
Hey dumb ass, the monthly and annual reports are DATA reports, not models!!! Your own link says that HADCRUT4 is DATA that your article compared to a CMIP5 model.

correct sir......but forgot to add that the data is manipulated. That's ghey.

Nothing False About Temperature Data
By Dave LevitanPosted on February 12, 2015

2014 was the hottest single year since temperature record keeping began. This same conclusion has been reached by NOAA and NASA, the Japan Meteorological Agency, and the World Meteorological Organization. The United Kingdom’s Met Office said that 2014 was among the warmest along with 2010, but it is impossible to say for sure that 2014 was hotter. According to NASA, nine of the 10 warmest years have all occurred since 2000, with 1998 the lone exception.
Your the one that is full of shit..

Tell me how you came to infill all those temperatures you use in your model? How did you verify that the made up crap was valid? When were the physical measurements taken? Who took them? Where is this information? LINK PLEASE.... Or did you just accept the made up shit because it fits your alarmist drivel narrative?
There is no "model." There is only real data for the above claims.

Proving you ate the shit you have been feed...

Cowtan and Way (2013) Adjustments Exaggerate Climate Model Failings at the Poles and Do Little to Explain the Hiatus

http://dspace.ucuenca.edu.ec/bitstream/123456789/5586/1/MASKANA 5107.pdf
Hey dumb ass, the monthly and annual reports are DATA reports, not models!!! Your own link says that HADCRUT4 is DATA that your article compared to a CMIP5 model.

correct sir......but forgot to add that the data is manipulated. That's ghey.
The only manipulated data comes from Spencer & Christy at UAH, and even that manipulated data shows warming!!!
more proof of the rigging.........if it doesn't fit the construct of the agenda, keep it hidden from the public. Whats amazing is.......how many people are duped by this fakery. But.....as we've established well in this forum........the AGW k00ks do know there are lots and lots of suckers out there......the bozo's who buy the fakery hook, line and stinker.

Fortunate for the skeptics, there are greater amounts of folks who understand the fakery, to the point that climate change is not on their radar at all........which every poll taken in the last 7 years shows clearly on "voter concerns". Whats on the bottom of the list of about 20 concerns? Gun control and climate change...........:oops-28:. Check Pew, Gallup, Rasmussen..........take your pick. All in the low to mid-30's!!:spinner:
Q. How much must we lower CO2 in order to stop the effect of Global Warming?

A. $15 Trillion
It's nowhere to be found. Likely Trump's fault for Tweeting everything else off the front pages.

UAH Global Temperature Update for June, 2017: +0.21 deg. C
July 3rd, 2017
Lowest global temperature anomaly in last 2 years (since July, 2015)

The Version 6.0 global average lower tropospheric temperature (LT) anomaly for June, 2017 was +0.21 deg. C, down from the May, 2017 value of +0.44 deg. C (click for full size version):


We are now Post El Nino -- and not much has changed..

I thought we were entering another El Nino?

I read earlier this year La Nina said to hell with it and allowed her brother back in by September?

( what I read la nina lasted four months )

Would be a bit strange. But it's also a matter of degree. Since any type of warm or cool pool can actually be CALLED a "Nino". It was 18 years from last MAJOR one.

I doubt it will be strong but I am looking it up and they are predicting another El Nino later this year.

I am still waiting for the Global Cooling predicted in the 1970's...

See you're just not up to date on your climate terminology, that's why we call it climate change, not GW anymore. So when it does cool, its climate weirdening, because one thing we know for certain is that no one in human history, until now, ever said "man this weather is bitch ain't it." See before the industrial revolution im pretty sure weather everywhere was So Cal weather. And California has been so green, now they're the only ones with regular weather...and that's why everyone moved there when the industrialization thing really took off. This, of course, was before we had McDonald's, now we have all these cows being the leading cause of climate change.
I am still waiting for the Global Cooling predicted in the 1970's...
None of the global coolings predicted by deniers have ever happened.

Actually it wasn't deniers at all who were predicting the big freeze in the 70s; it was the same clowns who twenty years later said the end was nigh. Both were from the same pond; ALARMISTS who blamed America. I've considered all this climate guff nonsense ever since the 70s.


  • What were climate scientists predicting in the 1970s?
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    What the science says...
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    The vast majority of climate papers in the 1970s predicted warming.

    Climate Myth...
    Ice age predicted in the 70s
    "[M]any publications now claiming the world is on the brink of a global warming disaster said the same about an impending ice age – just 30 years ago. Several major ones, including The New York Times, Time magazine and Newsweek, have reported on three or even four different climate shifts since 1895." (Fire and Ice)

    In the thirty years leading up to the 1970s, available temperature recordings suggested that there was a cooling trend. As a result some scientists suggested that the current inter-glacial period could rapidly draw to a close, which might result in the Earth plunging into a new ice age over the next few centuries. This idea could have been reinforced by the knowledge that the smog that climatologists call ‘aerosols’ – emitted by human activities into the atmosphere – also caused cooling. In fact, as temperature recording has improved in coverage, it’s become apparent that the cooling trend was most pronounced in northern land areas and that global temperature trends were in fact relatively steady during the period prior to 1970.

    At the same time as some scientists were suggesting we might be facing another ice age, a greater number published contradicting studies. Their papers showed that the growing amount of greenhouse gasses that humans were putting into the atmosphere would cause much greater warming – warming that would exert a much greater influence on global temperature than any possible natural or human-caused cooling effects.

    By 1980 the predictions about ice ages had ceased, due to the overwhelming evidence contained in an increasing number of reports that warned of global warming. Unfortunately, the small number of predictions of an ice age appeared to be much more interesting than those of global warming, so it was those sensational 'Ice Age' stories in the press that so many people tend to remember.

What were climate scientists predicting in the 1970s?

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