Wonderful: Billy Graham Leaves Painful Legacy For LGBTQ People

What does "Q" stand for in LGBTQ?

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There you go ladies & gentlemen! The fragile, drama queen snowflake accusing others of being "obtuse or to dishonest" [sic] is actually the one that is obtuse and too dishonest. Another trait of the left. Accuse those you perceive of being your "enemy" of the crimes you yourself are guilty of.
It's a roughs gallery of bigots, hate mongers and religious zealots

Laura Ingraham
Naw, I understand leftist propaganda terms very well. They mean nothing in reality, only in the leftist textbook. You're either male or female. Period. Anytbhing else is in your head, which means mental illness.
Indeed they have a mental illness, especially homosexuals. For instance, think of how screwed up this is. Transgender people want to be accepted for who they are, yet they weren't able to accept themselves for who they were.

It's time to reopen the mental institutions and round up the homosexuals/pedophiles/transgendered and put them away for the safety of society and namely their sexual prey, children. We would be doing it as a blessing for God.
Oh please! I can't take you people seriously. You all need to be locked up.
What does "Q" stand for in LGBTQ?


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Can't say the word, huh. You homo sapiens are so funny.

I can't say queer?? Where did you get a stupid idea like that? You bat shit crazies are the funny ones when you delude yourselves into thinking that you know who and what I am.
It's a roughs gallery of bigots, hate mongers and religious zealots

Laura Ingraham
Indeed they have a mental illness, especially homosexuals. For instance, think of how screwed up this is. Transgender people want to be accepted for who they are, yet they weren't able to accept themselves for who they were.

It's time to reopen the mental institutions and round up the homosexuals/pedophiles/transgendered and put them away for the safety of society and namely their sexual prey, children. We would be doing it as a blessing for God.
Oh please! I can't take you people seriously. You all need to be locked up.
What does "Q" stand for in LGBTQ?


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Can't say the word, huh. You homo sapiens are so funny.

I can't say queer?? Where did you get a stupid idea like that? You bat shit crazies are the funny ones when you delude yourselves into thinking that you know who and what I am.
Then why didn't you say it? We were scolded for years by the politically correct nabobniks to never say "queer", "fag", etc, and now we're all okay with it? Make up your confused minds.
It's a roughs gallery of bigots, hate mongers and religious zealots

Laura Ingraham
Oh please! I can't take you people seriously. You all need to be locked up.
What does "Q" stand for in LGBTQ?


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Can't say the word, huh. You homo sapiens are so funny.

I can't say queer?? Where did you get a stupid idea like that? You bat shit crazies are the funny ones when you delude yourselves into thinking that you know who and what I am.
Then why didn't you say it? We were scolded for years by the politically correct nabobniks to never say "queer", "fag", etc, and now we're all okay with it? Make up your confused minds.
Now now ya crybaby, I can solve this for you right now:

Nobody gives a shit about your opinion .Think whatever you want. Don't like homosexuality? Dont suck cock, stupid.

There, problem solved.
It's a roughs gallery of bigots, hate mongers and religious zealots

Laura Ingraham
Oh please! I can't take you people seriously. You all need to be locked up.
What does "Q" stand for in LGBTQ?


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Can't say the word, huh. You homo sapiens are so funny.

I can't say queer?? Where did you get a stupid idea like that? You bat shit crazies are the funny ones when you delude yourselves into thinking that you know who and what I am.
Then why didn't you say it? We were scolded for years by the politically correct nabobniks to never say "queer", "fag", etc, and now we're all okay with it? Make up your confused minds.
Give it a fucking rest Dude:1peleas:
FYI: As AZGAL I will always defend the gay, bi and lesbian people and the importance of the decision of Obergefell to give all people access to a union. Likewise I will defend TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE, the RIGHT of a wedding vendor to make specialty items for whom the artist pleases and not spoiled people of any persuasion and politics, and I will NEVER be brainwashed by the Transcrazies into their stupid agenda. Best if LGB lose the other letters.
It's a roughs gallery of bigots, hate mongers and religious zealots

Laura Ingraham
What does "Q" stand for in LGBTQ?


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Can't say the word, huh. You homo sapiens are so funny.

I can't say queer?? Where did you get a stupid idea like that? You bat shit crazies are the funny ones when you delude yourselves into thinking that you know who and what I am.
Then why didn't you say it? We were scolded for years by the politically correct nabobniks to never say "queer", "fag", etc, and now we're all okay with it? Make up your confused minds.
View attachment 178833Give it a fucking rest Dude:1peleas:
LOL. Why don't you shut me up, Dude.....
...and that your "hate the sin, lover the sinner mem is bullshit and that hate is hate
Drama Queen II - Return of the overly dramatic asshat.

Snowflake...it is not “hate” to not allow homosexuals to marry no matter how much you curl up in the corner in fetal position and cry as if it was.
Keep telling yourself that Sparky. It is just an appeal to ignorance. It is treating people with contempt and dehumanizing them. You may believe that you do not hate them, but your actions and what you advocate have the same effect and that is what matters.
What is your relationship with God? Have you accepted him and carry him in your heart?
We are all Gods and Goddesses . God is not separate and outside our selves.

Hate to break it to you, but being a mentally ill halfwit with high self-esteem doesn't equate to 'godliness', or much of anything except poor hygiene and pedophilia.
FYI: As AZGAL I will always defend the gay, bi and lesbian people and the importance of the decision of Obergefell to give all people access to a union. Likewise I will defend TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE, the RIGHT of a wedding vendor to make specialty items for whom the artist pleases and not spoiled people of any persuasion and politics, and I will NEVER be brainwashed by the Transcrazies into their stupid agenda. Best if LGB lose the other letters.

Well, it was a phony issue from the start; they aren't in the least interested in genuine 'marriage', it was just a lark to stick their asses in peoples'' faces and attention whoring. All they achieved was allowing pedophiles access to more victims, and more kids they can screw up with their sick rubbish.
I have no problem with what is called " gay marriage" which means a union of two same sex individuals. I have no problem with traditional heterosexual marriage which means one man and one woman. Unfortunately the gay agenda is now the persecute the Christian agenda and the transcrazies agenda.
...and that your "hate the sin, lover the sinner mem is bullshit and that hate is hate
Drama Queen II - Return of the overly dramatic asshat.

Snowflake...it is not “hate” to not allow homosexuals to marry no matter how much you curl up in the corner in fetal position and cry as if it was.
Keep telling yourself that Sparky. It is just an appeal to ignorance. It is treating people with contempt and dehumanizing them. You may believe that you do not hate them, but your actions and what you advocate have the same effect and that is what matters.
What is your relationship with God? Have you accepted him and carry him in your heart?
We are all Gods and Goddesses . God is not separate and outside our selves.

Hate to break it to you, but being a mentally ill halfwit with high self-esteem doesn't equate to 'godliness', or much of anything except poor hygiene and pedophilia.
What the fuck are you talking about? You are a truly bizarre mental case!
Drama Queen II - Return of the overly dramatic asshat.

Snowflake...it is not “hate” to not allow homosexuals to marry no matter how much you curl up in the corner in fetal position and cry as if it was.
Keep telling yourself that Sparky. It is just an appeal to ignorance. It is treating people with contempt and dehumanizing them. You may believe that you do not hate them, but your actions and what you advocate have the same effect and that is what matters.
What is your relationship with God? Have you accepted him and carry him in your heart?
We are all Gods and Goddesses . God is not separate and outside our selves.

Hate to break it to you, but being a mentally ill halfwit with high self-esteem doesn't equate to 'godliness', or much of anything except poor hygiene and pedophilia.
What the fuck are you talking about? You are a truly bizarre mental case!

lol says the pedo-apologist with the jaw lines of a street hooker crack whore. Go back to hanging around whatever public toilet you meet your 'husbands' at; nobody here is the least bit intimidated by your insipid trolling.
Yes, he followed the teachings of the Bible and was teaching it to others. As for these depraved homosexuals, the painful legacy may well come to pass at the extreme vetting at Heaven’s Gates.

Billy Graham leaves painful legacy for LGBTQ people
That is a hell of a thing to say about a recently deceased folk Icon. Queers and the center of the universe, well shall we say, they aren't going to meet? So, how is this a issue worth bothering about..?
Oh please! I can't take you people seriously. You all need to be locked up.
Yep! There is the true fascist mindset of the left on display for all to see. Agree with me or I will advocate for either locking you up or killing you.
I see. I'm a fascist for suggestion that a deranged fanatic who wants to lock up gays should, himself be locked up. And the one who wants to lock up gays is what...exactly? Hitler locked up gays. Hitler killed gays. What was Hitler dumb fuck?!!
Hitler locked up political opposition. Hitlery killed political opposition.
Yes just like Trump would like to do , and would do if we did not still have something resembling a free society based on the rule of law. Foe my part, I do not advocate locking up the opposition. Calling me a Fascist is as stupid as stupid gets. And who the fuck did Secretary Clinton kill?
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