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Homeless shelters tend to a "one-size-fits-all" model, but there is frequently a separate shelter system for families and for youth. Both "generic" and the specialized shelters typically expect clients to exit in the morning and occupy themselves elsewhere during the day, returning for an evening meal and to sleep. Curfews vary widely but tend to be at an earlier hour than adults typically might return to a home.

We should all take the time to visit one of these homeless shelters. I know I would have great difficulty living in one. No privacy, going to sleep at 9pm, and no freedom of choice. You do what you are told. The homeless are strictly regimented, and treated like children. If it is a religious shelter the homeless are pumped up with religious ideas that would only serve to depress anyone. The food lines are free-for-alls. I could not believe when I saw an illegal animal push an elderly woman out of the food line *********. I reported it, and the illegal homeless was banned from the only shelter in the area. Homeless shelters are not the solution to the homeless problem. However, the people who volunteer at homeless shelters are the real thing. It takes hard work an a commitment of sacrifice. The hours are brutal. I learned more respect for Christians here than at any other place I have been.
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