World asks 'where's Joe?' As 'Shameful' American Retreat Leaves Chaos (And Americans) Behind In Afghanistan

This is so surprising. Who could've known that the Afghan government and the Taliban wouldn't just get along after we left?
It helped. Trump May the backroom deal with the Taliban. Trump abandon the Afghan people the moment he made a peace treaty with the Taliban knowing full well that they would just break it and invade more Lambs the moment is back was turned. it was very clear the Taliban would not settle for the lands I had already occupied that they would go after taking over all of afguanistan but Trump was more concerned about getting political points for signing a treaty with them.
It helped. Trump May the backroom deal with the Taliban. Trump abandon the Afghan people the moment he made a peace treaty with the Taliban knowing full well that they would just break it and invade more Lambs the moment is back was turned. it was very clear the Taliban would not settle for the lands I had already occupied that they would go after taking over all of afguanistan but Trump was more concerned about getting political points for signing a treaty with them.

I'm not concerned with Trump.

The Taliban has consistently fought the warlords and Afghan mafia that are responsible for the rapes, kidnappings, carjackings, smuggling and opium production.
The Taliban also fights these guys. The Haqqanis are a vicious Afghan mafia and war profiteers.

National Counterterrorism Center | Groups
The group is primarily composed of members of the Zadran tribe. The Haqqanis are considered the most lethal and sophisticated insurgent group targeting US, Coalition, and Afghan forces in Afghanistan; they typically conduct coordinated small-arms assaults coupled with rocket attacks, IEDs, suicide attacks, and attacks using bomb-laden vehicles.
It helped. Trump May the backroom deal with the Taliban. Trump abandon the Afghan people the moment he made a peace treaty with the Taliban knowing full well that they would just break it and invade more Lambs the moment is back was turned. it was very clear the Taliban would not settle for the lands I had already occupied that they would go after taking over all of afguanistan but Trump was more concerned about getting political points for signing a treaty with them.
Get a clue you moron.
Hey shithead - show us your posts of concern with world leaders opinions when Trump was exiting the Paris Accords or the Iran Nuclear Deal.

Otherwise go fuck yourself.
Fuck you. World leaders didn't necessarily like Trump (USA first and all that) - but they respected him.
Leaders are laughing at this weak-ass incompetent administration. Next, China will take Taiwan and Hong Kong. They know we are too inept to do a thing about it.
The world is calling out for help.
Trump Bat signal.jpg
Fuck you. World leaders didn't necessarily like Trump (USA first and all that) - but they respected him.
Leaders are laughing at this weak-ass incompetent administration. Next, China will take Taiwan and Hong Kong. They know we are too inept to do a thing about it.

No they didn't. They think Trump is a grandiose, ill-mannered moron.
Whenever you find yourself asking the question "where's Joe?" just assume he's in a basement somewhere.
No they didn't. They think Trump is a grandiose, ill-mannered moron.
yet it was Joey Xiden that has been held in contempt by our oldest and closest ally for his incompentent and reckless behavior.
Hey shithead - show us your posts of concern with world leaders opinions when Trump was exiting the Paris Accords or the Iran Nuclear Deal.

Otherwise go fuck yourself.
I was for both of them, saved us billions of dollars.
Hey shithead - show us your posts of concern with world leaders opinions when Trump was exiting the Paris Accords or the Iran Nuclear Deal.

Otherwise go fuck yourself.
How many Americans did Trump leave behind in Iran or Paris?
How many millions of weapons did Trump give Iran or Paris?

Go fuck yourself indeed

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