World Economic Forum Says It Is 'Time to Look Beyond' Private Vehicle Ownership

You do realize you're demonstrating the exact same trait you claim the conservatives have right?
How so?
It's nothing but "conservatives are wrong for reasons 1, 2, 3" repeating the same thing over and over again
Not at all, but not the topic either.
never demonstrating an original or alternative thought,
False; read my replies above.
it's always beating the same drum in the same cadence.
False; see above.
You always display the same unwavering rhetoric,

Your contributing to the topic would be a potential positive.
never conceding someone else has a valid point and using run around wording.
Ongoing derailing; see above.
I'll admit I am a conservative because that's the kind of blue collar area I grew up in.
But I can also admit my side isn't always right, no one is because there are very few absolutes in the world.

I'd love to discuss the topic now. :)
So does swimming, but we don't outlaw people going into the lake, ocean or swimming pool.

Why are you bringing this up & what is its relevance to the topic?
It's not the job of society or government to make safety decisions on your behalf.
Highly debatable, but not the topic.
It's global warming up north, we have motorcycle accidents and deaths every week. We don't outlaw them.
Relevance to the topic?
Nobody is going to the grocery store at 10:30 pm to get a loaf of bread,
Depends on the grocery store and the person.
and you can't substitute lettuce for bread or buns.
You've never heard of lettuce wraps?
No, my 87 year old mother can't ride a bike.
She never learned, or are there other issues?
She lives in an area with streets and sidewalks that are hills.
That can be an issue.
She's fortunate enough to still be able to do some yard work with a lot of breaks.
That's great. :)
Even then I still fear for her safety.
I'm sorry to hear that. :(
Global warming doesn't last long up north.
I'm not sure what you're talking about.
It will be 92 degrees today with high humidity, and it could be snowing in two months from today.
Okay...??? (Relevance to topic...?)
Your mother's only option in shopping is your driving her?

Forgive me, but I find this hard to believe.
How is she going to car pool when she doesn't drive to take her turn?
A good question which flexible thinking can help you answer.

How else could she contribute to the group? :)
Why would my mother on social security pay hundreds of dollars a month for taxis or Uber when she has a son that can take here anywhere for free?
We were discussing grocery shopping options; if it costs her hundreds of dollars for this via Lyft or Uber, she's being scammed.
That would be completely stupid.
It's an option; options are good, right? Consumer choice, Yankee ingenuity and so forth.
Nobody conspired to do anything.
It's considered the corporate crime of the century, and is extensively documented.

That you're denying this happened is quite incredible.
People abandoned street cars and buses for the convenience and safety of personal transportation.
Care are MUCH more dangerous, and people were, in many cases, forced into this more dangerous and destructive mode of transport.
I don't have to make plans, look up bus routes, stand in freezing cold weather to get to my doctors appointment.
You have many options, yes.
I remote start my car about ten minutes before I leave, and at the hospital in 15 minutes.
One of many options, yes, but note the safety risk to yourself and others of driving when ill.
Given I don't know how long my appointment is going to take, it doesn't matter when you drive there.
I'm not sure what this means or what its relevance is.
Whenever they let you out, you just hop back into your car and drive home yourself.
One of many options, unsafe if you're still ill.
You see most people don't believe in this climate change bullshit.
Okay, but that doesn't make cars any more safe or less wildly destructive in numerous ways.
Life is too short.
Too short to enjoy a great walk or bike ride?

Too short to think flexibly and be open to new ideas?
You only have so many days, months and years.
See above.
Why waste that time waiting for buses or street cars?
Why not consider your many options, and try thinking and acting in new ways?
Maybe you don't have anything important to do with your time,
Oopsie - fallacious and irrelevant personal attack.
but many of us do.
What is important to one is not to another, and vice versa.

To presume otherwise is unwise.
If I or my mother have a series of things to get done, neither of us wants to spend the entire day trying to do them, looking up bus routes, changing buses, standing at a bus stop for an hour, paying ridiculous prices for rides like Uber.
Flexibility and change, new ways of thinking & acting - how liberating that might be! :)
I can take my mother grocery shopping, to the bank, to the drug store, and back home in less than three or four hours.

And there are other options now, and we could all work to create more and better ones.

Flexible thinking and a mind and heart which are rational and open can be a huge positive for us as individuals and as a society. :)
Alternate ideas about transit, including forms of mass transit, can work anywhere.

Flexibility is the key; being open to new ideas & considering them rationally is a good thing.

Life is risky, and it's nice to have choices. :)
Mass transit become economically nonviable in sparely populated areas
Every 6 years, as many people die in cars as Hitler murdered in the Holocaust.
And that's direct deaths, and doesn't take the collateral damage caused by the automobile into account.
Cars = A tragic calamity
"We don't care."
- Americans
Mass transit become economically nonviable in sparely populated areas
Flexible thinking is the key to making & remaking systems which best serve the needs of their unique communities. :)
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"We don't care."
- Americans
I note that this very current events forum is full of just a a day's worth of spectacular automotive mayhem - really just the tip of the daily auto death iceberg here in the United States.

A nurse who killed 6; an actress who rammed her car into 2 separate structures, setting 1 - and herself - on fire; an SUV which plowed into a parade.

Cars are deadly weapons, and it doesn't take much to bring about death, injury and tragedy.

Why not explore systems known for well more than a century to be safer, smarter, cheaper and capable of providing transportation to more people?

I note that this very current events forum is full of just a a day's worth of spectacular automotive mayhem - really just the tip of the daily auto death iceberg here in the United States.

A nurse who killed 6; an actress who rammed her car into 2 separate structures, setting 1 - and herself - on fire; an SUV which plowed into a parade.

Cars are deadly weapons, and it doesn't take much to bring about death, injury and tragedy.

Why not explore systems known for well more than a century to be safer, smarter, cheaper and capable of providing transportation to more people?


Public transportation was here long before family cars. Why didn't it stay? Because most everybody thought public transportation sucked, that's why.

When people had the opportunity, they ditched public transportation for their own personal vehicle and it's still that way today. Trying to bring back public transportation would be like trying to get people to give up their cell phones for landlines. It's never going to happen unless by force.
I note that this very current events forum is full of just a a day's worth of spectacular automotive mayhem - really just the tip of the daily auto death iceberg here in the United States.
Feel free to not enjoy it.
Don't presume to force your choice on others.
While there's no cringing desire to force it on others, there's something groovy about owning the solar panels on your vehicle, a la Aptera, that also serve as the structure of the body of the vehicle. No one promised that your ego would emerge unscathed in this debate.
Public transportation was here long before family cars. Why didn't it stay? Because most everybody thought public transportation sucked, that's why.

When people had the opportunity, they ditched public transportation for their own personal vehicle and it's still that way today. Trying to bring back public transportation would be like trying to get people to give up their cell phones for landlines. It's never going to happen unless by force.
But the Prisoners' love for cell phones was enhanced and accelerated by the American capitalist gestapo's theft of phone booths, which not only (a la catholicism) got them to genuflect into the screen in the palm of their hand, phone booths were also the symbol of democracy, the very tool of a vibrant democracy.
But the Prisoners' love for cell phones was enhanced and accelerated by the American capitalist gestapo's theft of phone booths, which not only (a la catholicism) got them to genuflect into the screen in the palm of their hand, phone booths were also the symbol of democracy, the very tool of a vibrant democracy.

Like public transportation, people found a better and more convenient way in life. It's all consumer demand. You didn't need government subsidies for personal vehicles just like you didn't need subsidies for cell phones or big screens because these are things the public wanted. Subsidies are used for things people don't want like windmills, solar panels (made in China) and electric cars.
Like public transportation, people found a better and more convenient way in life. It's all consumer demand. You didn't need government subsidies for personal vehicles just like you didn't need subsidies for cell phones or big screens because these are things the public wanted. Subsidies are used for things people don't want like windmills, solar panels (made in China) and electric cars.
But there you go, the diversity of particularizations, the fact that one may not care what the masses want or what the government tries to decipher they want, the latter much of the time ending up with public spending projects no one cares about.
But there you go, the diversity of particularizations, the fact that one may not care what the masses want or what the government tries to decipher they want, the latter much of the time ending up with public spending projects no one cares about.

And nobody cares about green cars which is why they need to be subsidized. You have a small group of people that think they're saving the planet that buy them in favorable weather areas, but outside of that, nobody wants them. They are too expensive, have no resale value because the batteries are so expensive to replace, and from what I read, you have to get your electrical service retrofitted to charge them. Who wants all that? Get a real car and save yourself a lot of money.
Remember the photo of Patton Oswalt and Sarah Silverman with snarl smiles on their faces after the 2020 elections saying..."Thank You Stacy"? We are all living better now. Do not forget them when the time comes. Do not forget all of them.
The globalists will have what is left of the peasants eating plant-based foods if lucky, seaweed and insects. And bottom feeders who are uplifted like Stacy Abrams will be at the table with fresh meats and seafood and the best desserts and expensive liquors and champagnes. And the suckers who vote for this never change.
The globalists will have what is left of the peasants eating plant-based foods if lucky, seaweed and insects. And bottom feeders who are uplifted like Stacy Abrams will be at the table with fresh meats and seafood and the best desserts and expensive liquors and champagnes. And the suckers who vote for this never change.

Don't look now but China and Bill Gates are working on buying as much farmland as they can afford. China wants land near military installations and Gates is a believer that animals farting cause global warming. China is using their farmland to grow pot and Gates isn't going to allow his farms to be used for livestock. Then you have Dementia increasing the use of ethanol which requires corn to produce.

Food shortage? You bet, maybe not at the immediate but if we allow this to continue, it will be a reality for people down the road.
Public transportation was here long before family cars.
Why didn't it stay?
Great question, and the answer is mainly threefold:

1) Criminal corporate conspiracies by the automotive industry to destroy mass transit, copiously documented where uncovered.

2) Mass propaganda which encouraged people to falsely believe that cars were a superior method of transport.

3) Population expansion into the suburbs after World War II, concurrent with the above.

Just when flexible planning was most needed to expand optimal transit into growing population areas less densely occupied, the first two factors quashed this.
Because most everybody thought public transportation sucked, that's why.
See above.

Cars are an incredibly bad way for people to get around, and in every way.

They're unsafe, much too expensive, and have squandered in one century non-renewable resources which it took the planet tens of millions of years to create.

Cars are synonymous with the apex of human greed, gullibility, shortsightedness and insanity.
When people had the opportunity, they ditched public transportation
See above.
for their own personal vehicle and it's still that way today.
See above,
Trying to bring back public transportation would be


In the service of the highest good.

A sign that there's real hope for humanity.
like trying to get people to give up their cell phones for landlines.
Mass propaganda is incredibly powerful, yes.

Look at how it worked for the Nazis.

And the automotive industry, which has killed far more people than even the Nazis could dream of.
It's never going to happen unless by force.
Or wisdom and courage. :)

People freeing their minds from the shackles of gullibility, conformity and inflexibility.

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