World Economists Confirm America's Decline Under Obama


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
World Economists Confirm America's Decline Under Obama
Forbes ^ | 9/04/21012 | Paul R. Gregory

U.S. voters are being barraged by claims and counter claims of how many jobs were lost or created under the Obama administration... This partisan din kicks up a huge cloud of dust as self-appointed “independent fact checkers” and “nonpartisan” think tanks contradict each other. Large numbers of economists, some prominent and others less so, line up on both sides. Pity the harried undecided voters in search of non-partisan information.

American voters could well look above our political fray to the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Index (GCI). Every year starting in 2004, the GCI ranks the world economies by their “competitiveness,” defined as “the set of institutions, policies, and factors that determine the level of productivity of a country,” which, in turn, determines “the level of prosperity that can be earned by an economy.”

Throughout most of its short history, the GCI ranked the United States first or second. At times, Switzerland, Finland, Singapore, Denmark, and Finland have given the U.S. a run for its money...

When George Bush passed the baton to Barrack Obama in January of 2009, the 2008-2009 edition of the GCI ranked the U.S. number one as it had since 2006-2007.

The 2008-2009 report gave the U.S. top ranking despite its ongoing financial crisis and shaky banking system because “the country is endowed with many structural features that make its economy extremely productive and that place it on a footing to ride out the business cycle and economic shocks.” ...

Contrary to this upbeat assessment, America experienced the worst economic recovery of postwar history under the Obama administration.

Fast forward now to the 2011-2012 GCI report’s explanation of why the mighty U.S. fell from first to fifth place during the three years of Obama:

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Welcome to Forbes
Earth shattering news, dead people already know this, it's only the zombies that doubt it.
“While many structural features continue to make its economy extremely productive, a number of escalating weaknesses have lowered the US ranking in recent years. US companies are highly sophisticated and innovative, supported by an excellent university system…… On the other hand, there are some weaknesses …..that have deepened since past assessments. The business community continues to be critical toward public and private institutions (39th)…. it remains concerned about the government’s ability to maintain arms-length relationships with the private sector (50th), and it considers that the government spends its resources relatively wastefully (66th)…. and regulation more burdensome (58th). A lack of macroeconomic stability continues to be the United States’ greatest area of weakness (90th).”

While the efficiency and innovation of American business remain highly ranked, at third and fifth respectively, our public and private institutions’ score (36) ranks us with Ireland, Spain, and Israel; our arms-length ranking (50) is matched by Ethiopia, Poland, and Jordan; our government-waste (66) equals Azerbaijan, Iran, and South Africa; and our regulatory-burden (39) ties with eight countries that include Panama, Trinidad, Mali, Ireland, and El Salvador.

The 2010-2011 GCI report warns that our lack of macroeconomic stability will “likely weigh heavily on the country’s future growth.” The U.S.’s government-deficit ranking (139) is matched by Greece, Botswana and Swaziland. (No surprise that the Europeans did not want to be lectured by Timothy Geithner).
first of forbes is NOT and i repeat NOT repsentitive of the world when it comes to economics. furthurmore places like the oxford research group(england) would not agree with that article. also MANY groups that study economics groups in; Brazil, Japan, Sudan, Germany, Sweeden ALL have picked apart both Obama and Romney policy, guess who they side with, Obama........
first of forbes is NOT and i repeat NOT repsentitive of the world when it comes to economics. furthurmore places like the oxford research group(england) would not agree with that article. also MANY groups that study economics groups in; Brazil, Japan, Sudan, Germany, Sweeden ALL have picked apart both Obama and Romney policy, guess who they side with, Obama........

wow. you didn't bother to read the article at all, did you? just a kneejerk rejection of the source because it's saying something you don't like. how about you give us an argument against the GCI, which is what the article and the thread are actually about?

Wouldn't surprise me if we're not even in the top 10 if Obama is reelected.
World Economists Confirm America's Decline Under Obama
Forbes ^ | 9/04/21012 | Paul R. Gregory

U.S. voters are being barraged by claims and counter claims of how many jobs were lost or created under the Obama administration... This partisan din kicks up a huge cloud of dust as self-appointed “independent fact checkers” and “nonpartisan” think tanks contradict each other. Large numbers of economists, some prominent and others less so, line up on both sides. Pity the harried undecided voters in search of non-partisan information.

American voters could well look above our political fray to the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Index (GCI). Every year starting in 2004, the GCI ranks the world economies by their “competitiveness,” defined as “the set of institutions, policies, and factors that determine the level of productivity of a country,” which, in turn, determines “the level of prosperity that can be earned by an economy.”

Throughout most of its short history, the GCI ranked the United States first or second. At times, Switzerland, Finland, Singapore, Denmark, and Finland have given the U.S. a run for its money...

When George Bush passed the baton to Barrack Obama in January of 2009, the 2008-2009 edition of the GCI ranked the U.S. number one as it had since 2006-2007.

The 2008-2009 report gave the U.S. top ranking despite its ongoing financial crisis and shaky banking system because “the country is endowed with many structural features that make its economy extremely productive and that place it on a footing to ride out the business cycle and economic shocks.” ...

Contrary to this upbeat assessment, America experienced the worst economic recovery of postwar history under the Obama administration.

Fast forward now to the 2011-2012 GCI report’s explanation of why the mighty U.S. fell from first to fifth place during the three years of Obama:

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Welcome to Forbes

The link doesn't got to the story.
Liberals, it's either us or China. Do you really think China will be as nice as we have been towards the world?

Someones going to be the super power one way or another. Since Mesotopia and Eygpt there's been a super power.
first of forbes is NOT and i repeat NOT repsentitive of the world when it comes to economics. furthurmore places like the oxford research group(england) would not agree with that article. also MANY groups that study economics groups in; Brazil, Japan, Sudan, Germany, Sweeden ALL have picked apart both Obama and Romney policy, guess who they side with, Obama........

Forbes is good enough...until you can prove otherwise.

We are supposed to take your word on anything related to studies ?

If they side with Obama, they are not worth bat dung. Some of them have sided with him for four years and we have an economy in the crapper. But they know better.. :lol: :lol:
A good reason not to elect Obama is right here. Who the fuck knows how far he wants to bring us down.

The snake.
World Economists Confirm America's Decline Under Obama
Forbes ^ | 9/04/21012 | Paul R. Gregory
Paul Gregory is leaving out an important part of this story.

The award-winning documentary, Inside Job, argues convincingly that the global recession was primarily the result of government deregulation of banking combined with the resulting policies and actions taken by financial institutions around the world.

Inside Job is a 2010 documentary film about the late-2000s financial crisis directed by Charles H. Ferguson. The film is described by Ferguson as being about "the systemic corruption of the United States by the financial services industry and the consequences of that systemic corruption."[3] In five parts, the film explores how changes in the policy environment and banking practices helped create the financial crisis.
Inside Job was well received by film critics who praised its pacing, research, and exposition of complex material. The film was screened at the 2010 Cannes Film Festival in May and won the 2010 Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature.
The documentary is split into five parts. It begins by examining how Iceland was highly deregulated in 2000 and the privatization of its banks. When Lehman Brothers went bankrupt and AIG collapsed, Iceland and the rest of the world went into a global recession.
The declining competitiveness of the USA is a direct result of this global crisis. One could fault Clinton as much as Bush for banking deregulation, but not Obama.

Partisans on high horses always have their feet far from the ground.
One could fault Clinton as much as Bush for banking deregulation, but not Obama.

Partisans on high horses always have their feet far from the ground.

If this movie is your proof Obama is to blame.

"Part V: Where We Are Now

Tens of thousands of U.S. factory workers were laid off. The new Obama administration’s financial reforms have been weak, and there was no significant proposed regulation of the practices of ratings agencies, lobbyists, and executive compensation. Geithner became Treasury Secretary. Feldstein, Tyson and Summers were all top economic advisors to Obama. Bernanke was reappointed Fed Chair. European nations have imposed strict regulations on bank compensation, but the U.S. has resisted them."

Inside Job (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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