World Jewish Population Statistics

I’m on my iPhone so it’s tough to search your well rehearsed, Copy/Paste, Jews for Jesus bullshit, but I’ve heard it all before.
And it doesn’t explain all 613 Commandments.

You've never heard any of what I have said before. No one , even Jews for Jesus, have heard any of it before from anyone else.

Try again.

not true, Hobie----the basic premise that the kosher food
rules are IDIOTIC and the putative Jesus would never have
followed such stupidity is a concept well ingrained in the peasant mind of the entire HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE since

The kosher rules are idiotic without an understanding of the deeper implications only alluded to by the types of creatures listed as either clean or unclean that directly reflect the heights and depths of human potential.
You mean to state that you are unaware of the tomes of literature in the Jewish world that explain the deeper kabalistic meanings of every mitzvah?
I understand you wouldn’t exactly be visiting a Jewish seforim store.
That’s why you know dipsquat.
I’m on my iPhone so it’s tough to search your well rehearsed, Copy/Paste, Jews for Jesus bullshit, but I’ve heard it all before.
And it doesn’t explain all 613 Commandments.

You've never heard any of what I have said before. No one , even Jews for Jesus, have heard any of it before from anyone else.

Try again.

not true, Hobie----the basic premise that the kosher food
rules are IDIOTIC and the putative Jesus would never have
followed such stupidity is a concept well ingrained in the peasant mind of the entire HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE since

The kosher rules are idiotic without an understanding of the deeper implications only alluded to by the types of creatures listed as either clean or unclean that directly reflect the heights and depths of human potential.

the words "clean" and "unclean" are poor translations.
The concept is more like-----"something to be rejected"
you mean because we don't believe in your fake messiah? I'd say that's not your business.

and that's the point.
I couldn't care less what you believe but you most certainly have a preference for what I believe.

It is the reason you criticize a faith not your own.

the "faith" in question SUSTAINS ITSELF by spitting on
MY LITERATURE and maligning an innocent young
Galilean Pharisee
We are a sect of Judaism.

It's our heritage too.

you are not a sect of Judaism. that's absurd and you don't even believe it.

if you did, you wouldn't equate not buying your BS with "atheism".
I’m on my iPhone so it’s tough to search your well rehearsed, Copy/Paste, Jews for Jesus bullshit, but I’ve heard it all before.
And it doesn’t explain all 613 Commandments.

You've never heard any of what I have said before. No one , even Jews for Jesus, have heard any of it before from anyone else.

Try again.

not true, Hobie----the basic premise that the kosher food
rules are IDIOTIC and the putative Jesus would never have
followed such stupidity is a concept well ingrained in the peasant mind of the entire HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE since

The kosher rules are idiotic without an understanding of the deeper implications only alluded to by the types of creatures listed as either clean or unclean that directly reflect the heights and depths of human potential.
Who do you get your strength from?
Keep your own words in mind, hobie >>>
I just can't figure out......
If I had to guess I would guess atheism.

kind of arrogant of you there, boichick.
You misspelled logical.

there is nothing "logical" in your beliefs. and there is nothing logical in your misuse of a book that preceded the one your people made up.
Prove it.

silly response, Hobie
I couldn't care less what you believe but you most certainly have a preference for what I believe.

It is the reason you criticize a faith not your own.

the "faith" in question SUSTAINS ITSELF by spitting on
MY LITERATURE and maligning an innocent young
Galilean Pharisee
We are a sect of Judaism.

It's our heritage too.

you are not a sect of Judaism. that's absurd and you don't even believe it.

if you did, you wouldn't equate not buying your BS with "atheism".
Of course we are. 100%.

It was God's promise to Abraham
I’m on my iPhone so it’s tough to search your well rehearsed, Copy/Paste, Jews for Jesus bullshit, but I’ve heard it all before.
And it doesn’t explain all 613 Commandments.

You've never heard any of what I have said before. No one , even Jews for Jesus, have heard any of it before from anyone else.

Try again.

dude, there were a lot of rules in the OT.... some of them dietary. some of them had to do with fibers/clothing; some had to do with fields and crops. I've always found it amusing that the only ones so-called Christians like are the ones having to do with gay people.... a subject yeshua never said a single word about.

and if you think he ignored the dietary and other rules, you're a dumbass..... he was an observant jew. his objection was to the class distinction between the priests and the people. and his activism was to try to get Rome out of their hair

the relaxation of dietary restrictions came from Rome after the council of nicea because they needed a way to get the pagans and "Christians" into a single group for government purposes.

Jesus was openly and unrepentantly sinning according to the literal letter of the law. He was openly criticized for not conforming to the status quo, the obsessive and irrational compulsory application of the law according to the Talmud, what Jesus called the traditions of men, teaching that he openly rejected.

You are just wrong.

Would you like a more rational way to understand and conform to the law that inspired the silly practice of making and wearing tefillin?

What about mutilating the genitals of infants?
Last edited:
I’m on my iPhone so it’s tough to search your well rehearsed, Copy/Paste, Jews for Jesus bullshit, but I’ve heard it all before.
And it doesn’t explain all 613 Commandments.

You've never heard any of what I have said before. No one , even Jews for Jesus, have heard any of it before from anyone else.

Try again.

not true, Hobie----the basic premise that the kosher food
rules are IDIOTIC and the putative Jesus would never have
followed such stupidity is a concept well ingrained in the peasant mind of the entire HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE since

The kosher rules are idiotic without an understanding of the deeper implications only alluded to by the types of creatures listed as either clean or unclean that directly reflect the heights and depths of human potential.
Tahor means “clear”, as in spiritually clear.
Tamai is anything that blocks God’s light.
But I wouldn’t expect you to know that.
It is the reason you criticize a faith not your own.

the "faith" in question SUSTAINS ITSELF by spitting on
MY LITERATURE and maligning an innocent young
Galilean Pharisee
We are a sect of Judaism.

It's our heritage too.

you are not a sect of Judaism. that's absurd and you don't even believe it.

if you did, you wouldn't equate not buying your BS with "atheism".
Of course we are. 100%.

It was God's promise to Abraham

an even sillier answer
I’m on my iPhone so it’s tough to search your well rehearsed, Copy/Paste, Jews for Jesus bullshit, but I’ve heard it all before.
And it doesn’t explain all 613 Commandments.

You've never heard any of what I have said before. No one , even Jews for Jesus, have heard any of it before from anyone else.

Try again.

dude, there were a lot of rules in the OT.... some of them dietary. some of them had to do with fibers/clothing; some had to do with fields and crops. I've always found it amusing that the only ones so-called Christians like are the ones having to do with gay people.... a subject yeshua never said a single word about.

and if you think he ignored the dietary and other rules, you're a dumbass..... he was an observant jew. his objection was to the class distinction between the priests and the people. and his activism was to try to get Rome out of their hair

the relaxation of dietary restrictions came from Rome after the council of nicea because they needed a way to get the pagans and "Christians" into a single group for government purposes.

Jesus was openly and unrepentantly sinning according to the literal letter of the law. He was openly criticized for not conforming to the status quo, the obsessive and irrational application of the law according to the Talmud, what Jesus called the traditions of men, teaching that he openly rejected.

You are just wrong.
Letter of the law?
You couldn’t explain even one of the Commandments without an explanation.
I’m on my iPhone so it’s tough to search your well rehearsed, Copy/Paste, Jews for Jesus bullshit, but I’ve heard it all before.
And it doesn’t explain all 613 Commandments.

You've never heard any of what I have said before. No one , even Jews for Jesus, have heard any of it before from anyone else.

Try again.

dude, there were a lot of rules in the OT.... some of them dietary. some of them had to do with fibers/clothing; some had to do with fields and crops. I've always found it amusing that the only ones so-called Christians like are the ones having to do with gay people.... a subject yeshua never said a single word about.

and if you think he ignored the dietary and other rules, you're a dumbass..... he was an observant jew. his objection was to the class distinction between the priests and the people. and his activism was to try to get Rome out of their hair

the relaxation of dietary restrictions came from Rome after the council of nicea because they needed a way to get the pagans and "Christians" into a single group for government purposes.

Jesus was openly and unrepentantly sinning according to the literal letter of the law. He was openly criticized for not conforming to the status quo, the obsessive and irrational application of the law according to the Talmud, what Jesus called the traditions of men, teaching that he openly rejected.

You are just wrong.

entirely incorrect. In fact----there is no point at which
Jesus OPENLY repudiates the letter of the law as interpreted
by the SCHOOL OF HILLEL---which is consistent with his being a PHARISEE.
I’m on my iPhone so it’s tough to search your well rehearsed, Copy/Paste, Jews for Jesus bullshit, but I’ve heard it all before.
And it doesn’t explain all 613 Commandments.

You've never heard any of what I have said before. No one , even Jews for Jesus, have heard any of it before from anyone else.

Try again.

dude, there were a lot of rules in the OT.... some of them dietary. some of them had to do with fibers/clothing; some had to do with fields and crops. I've always found it amusing that the only ones so-called Christians like are the ones having to do with gay people.... a subject yeshua never said a single word about.

and if you think he ignored the dietary and other rules, you're a dumbass..... he was an observant jew. his objection was to the class distinction between the priests and the people. and his activism was to try to get Rome out of their hair

the relaxation of dietary restrictions came from Rome after the council of nicea because they needed a way to get the pagans and "Christians" into a single group for government purposes.

Jesus was openly and unrepentantly sinning according to the literal letter of the law. He was openly criticized for not conforming to the status quo, the obsessive and irrational compulsory application of the law according to the Talmud, what Jesus called the traditions of men, teaching that he openly rejected.

You are just wrong.

Would you like a more rational way to understand and conform to the law that inspired the silly practice of making and wearing tefillin?
Explain “Be fruitful and multiply”.
Explain, “Keep the Sabbath”.
Does the Torah actually contain the the word “Holy”?
I’m on my iPhone so it’s tough to search your well rehearsed, Copy/Paste, Jews for Jesus bullshit, but I’ve heard it all before.
And it doesn’t explain all 613 Commandments.

You've never heard any of what I have said before. No one , even Jews for Jesus, have heard any of it before from anyone else.

Try again.

not true, Hobie----the basic premise that the kosher food
rules are IDIOTIC and the putative Jesus would never have
followed such stupidity is a concept well ingrained in the peasant mind of the entire HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE since

The kosher rules are idiotic without an understanding of the deeper implications only alluded to by the types of creatures listed as either clean or unclean that directly reflect the heights and depths of human potential.
You mean to state that you are unaware of the tomes of literature in the Jewish world that explain the deeper kabalistic meanings of every mitzvah?
I understand you wouldn’t exactly be visiting a Jewish seforim store.
That’s why you know dipsquat.

If you or any dedicated Jew understood the deeper implications of the law that prohibits eating the flesh of swine, because they do not ruminate, you would not be teaching that the subject of this law is about food because the teaching that a person can be defiled or become holy as God is Holy by eating or abstaining from certain food is the flesh of swine, the teaching of unclean creatures who do not think very deeply.
I’m on my iPhone so it’s tough to search your well rehearsed, Copy/Paste, Jews for Jesus bullshit, but I’ve heard it all before.
And it doesn’t explain all 613 Commandments.

You've never heard any of what I have said before. No one , even Jews for Jesus, have heard any of it before from anyone else.

Try again.

not true, Hobie----the basic premise that the kosher food
rules are IDIOTIC and the putative Jesus would never have
followed such stupidity is a concept well ingrained in the peasant mind of the entire HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE since

The kosher rules are idiotic without an understanding of the deeper implications only alluded to by the types of creatures listed as either clean or unclean that directly reflect the heights and depths of human potential.
You mean to state that you are unaware of the tomes of literature in the Jewish world that explain the deeper kabalistic meanings of every mitzvah?
I understand you wouldn’t exactly be visiting a Jewish seforim store.
That’s why you know dipsquat.

If you or any dedicated Jew understood the deeper implications of the law that prohibits eating the flesh of swine you would not be teaching that the subject of this law is about food because the teaching that a person can be defiled or become holy as God is Holy by eating or refraining from certain food is the flesh of swine.
Excellent fail on your part.
The fact is that every mitzvah has esoteric explanations going back to post Mishnaic times.
You lose out of ignorance, but it’s not too late.
The problem is your ego, based upon lots of stuff you have zero knowledge of.
Try Rambam and Ramban for starters.
You've never heard any of what I have said before. No one , even Jews for Jesus, have heard any of it before from anyone else.

Try again.

not true, Hobie----the basic premise that the kosher food
rules are IDIOTIC and the putative Jesus would never have
followed such stupidity is a concept well ingrained in the peasant mind of the entire HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE since

The kosher rules are idiotic without an understanding of the deeper implications only alluded to by the types of creatures listed as either clean or unclean that directly reflect the heights and depths of human potential.
You mean to state that you are unaware of the tomes of literature in the Jewish world that explain the deeper kabalistic meanings of every mitzvah?
I understand you wouldn’t exactly be visiting a Jewish seforim store.
That’s why you know dipsquat.

If you or any dedicated Jew understood the deeper implications of the law that prohibits eating the flesh of swine you would not be teaching that the subject of this law is about food because the teaching that a person can be defiled or become holy as God is Holy by eating or refraining from certain food is the flesh of swine.
Excellent fail on your part.
The fact is that every mitzvah has esoteric explanations going back to post Mishnaic times.
You lose out of ignorance, but it’s not too late.
The problem is your ego, based upon lots of stuff you have zero knowledge of.
Try Rambam and Ramban for starters.
A person cannot conform to the literal letter of the law that prohibits eating the flesh of swine without violating the deeper implications of this same exact law..

You can't have it both ways.

Chew on that..

You can do it!
I’m on my iPhone so it’s tough to search your well rehearsed, Copy/Paste, Jews for Jesus bullshit, but I’ve heard it all before.
And it doesn’t explain all 613 Commandments.

You've never heard any of what I have said before. No one , even Jews for Jesus, have heard any of it before from anyone else.

Try again.

dude, there were a lot of rules in the OT.... some of them dietary. some of them had to do with fibers/clothing; some had to do with fields and crops. I've always found it amusing that the only ones so-called Christians like are the ones having to do with gay people.... a subject yeshua never said a single word about.

and if you think he ignored the dietary and other rules, you're a dumbass..... he was an observant jew. his objection was to the class distinction between the priests and the people. and his activism was to try to get Rome out of their hair

the relaxation of dietary restrictions came from Rome after the council of nicea because they needed a way to get the pagans and "Christians" into a single group for government purposes.

Jesus was openly and unrepentantly sinning according to the literal letter of the law. He was openly criticized for not conforming to the status quo, the obsessive and irrational compulsory application of the law according to the Talmud, what Jesus called the traditions of men, teaching that he openly rejected.

You are just wrong.

Would you like a more rational way to understand and conform to the law that inspired the silly practice of making and wearing tefillin?

What about mutilating the genitals of infants?
In Egypt, many of the slaves, including Jews, wore chains on their neck and arms so they couldn’t escape.
What does God ask in return?
Wear Tefilling once a day for 30 minutes to remember what I freed you from.
not true, Hobie----the basic premise that the kosher food
rules are IDIOTIC and the putative Jesus would never have
followed such stupidity is a concept well ingrained in the peasant mind of the entire HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE since

The kosher rules are idiotic without an understanding of the deeper implications only alluded to by the types of creatures listed as either clean or unclean that directly reflect the heights and depths of human potential.
You mean to state that you are unaware of the tomes of literature in the Jewish world that explain the deeper kabalistic meanings of every mitzvah?
I understand you wouldn’t exactly be visiting a Jewish seforim store.
That’s why you know dipsquat.

If you or any dedicated Jew understood the deeper implications of the law that prohibits eating the flesh of swine you would not be teaching that the subject of this law is about food because the teaching that a person can be defiled or become holy as God is Holy by eating or refraining from certain food is the flesh of swine.
Excellent fail on your part.
The fact is that every mitzvah has esoteric explanations going back to post Mishnaic times.
You lose out of ignorance, but it’s not too late.
The problem is your ego, based upon lots of stuff you have zero knowledge of.
Try Rambam and Ramban for starters.
A person cannot conform to the literal letter of the law that prohibits eating the flesh of swine without violating the deeper implications of this same exact law..

You can't have it both ways.

Chew on that..

You can do it!
Ans you still haven’t defined, “The LETTER OF THE LAW”!
I’m not a Cohen or a Levi and there’s no Temple.
How many Commandments do I gave to adhere to?
I bet you have zero idea what I’m talking about.
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The kosher rules are idiotic without an understanding of the deeper implications only alluded to by the types of creatures listed as either clean or unclean that directly reflect the heights and depths of human potential.
You mean to state that you are unaware of the tomes of literature in the Jewish world that explain the deeper kabalistic meanings of every mitzvah?
I understand you wouldn’t exactly be visiting a Jewish seforim store.
That’s why you know dipsquat.

If you or any dedicated Jew understood the deeper implications of the law that prohibits eating the flesh of swine you would not be teaching that the subject of this law is about food because the teaching that a person can be defiled or become holy as God is Holy by eating or refraining from certain food is the flesh of swine.
Excellent fail on your part.
The fact is that every mitzvah has esoteric explanations going back to post Mishnaic times.
You lose out of ignorance, but it’s not too late.
The problem is your ego, based upon lots of stuff you have zero knowledge of.
Try Rambam and Ramban for starters.
A person cannot conform to the literal letter of the law that prohibits eating the flesh of swine without violating the deeper implications of this same exact law..

You can't have it both ways.

Chew on that..

You can do it!
Ans you still haven’t defines, “The LETTER OF THE LAW”!
I’m not a Cohen or a Levi and there’s no Temple.
How many Commandments do I gave to adhere to?
I bet you have zero idea what I’m talking about.

The sanctuary of God has always been in existence and accessible to anyone who conforms to the will of God.

Your belief in a temple, the work of human hands, is what defiles you, even if you never tasted bacon in your entire life.

You believe that the Romans came along and made God homeless? They ate pig meat man... Don't be silly.

I'll explain to you the only right way to understand and conform to the law that inspired the bizarre practice of wearing a box on your head.

Last edited:
You mean to state that you are unaware of the tomes of literature in the Jewish world that explain the deeper kabalistic meanings of every mitzvah?
I understand you wouldn’t exactly be visiting a Jewish seforim store.
That’s why you know dipsquat.

If you or any dedicated Jew understood the deeper implications of the law that prohibits eating the flesh of swine you would not be teaching that the subject of this law is about food because the teaching that a person can be defiled or become holy as God is Holy by eating or refraining from certain food is the flesh of swine.
Excellent fail on your part.
The fact is that every mitzvah has esoteric explanations going back to post Mishnaic times.
You lose out of ignorance, but it’s not too late.
The problem is your ego, based upon lots of stuff you have zero knowledge of.
Try Rambam and Ramban for starters.
A person cannot conform to the literal letter of the law that prohibits eating the flesh of swine without violating the deeper implications of this same exact law..

You can't have it both ways.

Chew on that..

You can do it!
Ans you still haven’t defines, “The LETTER OF THE LAW”!
I’m not a Cohen or a Levi and there’s no Temple.
How many Commandments do I gave to adhere to?
I bet you have zero idea what I’m talking about.

The sanctuary of God has always been in existence and accessible to anyone who conform to the will of God.

Your belief in a temple, the work of human hands, is what defiles you, even if you never tasted bacon in your entire life.

I'll explain to you the only right way to understand and conform to the law that inspired the bizarre practice of wearing a box on your head.

Silly Hobo never expected an Observant, learned Jew to be on these forums.
Silly Hobo knows squat.
I’m waiting for those 611 Commandments to be explained away.
I hope you’re as good as all of those sages who are being published right now.
I’m on my iPhone so it’s tough to search your well rehearsed, Copy/Paste, Jews for Jesus bullshit, but I’ve heard it all before.
And it doesn’t explain all 613 Commandments.

You've never heard any of what I have said before. No one , even Jews for Jesus, have heard any of it before from anyone else.

Try again.

not true, Hobie----the basic premise that the kosher food
rules are IDIOTIC and the putative Jesus would never have
followed such stupidity is a concept well ingrained in the peasant mind of the entire HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE since

The kosher rules are idiotic without an understanding of the deeper implications only alluded to by the types of creatures listed as either clean or unclean that directly reflect the heights and depths of human potential.

one could say "idiotic" is thinking the messiah has already come but nothing changed.

just saying.

Doesn't it say in your own scriptures that when those who sleep in the dust of the earth awaken, many will be purified and refined, but the wicked will continue in wickedness and none of them will understand?

The only ones who thought that nothing changed were the ones who rejected a revelation from God and confused faith in tradition with obstinate stupidity, according to the story that is...

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