World Jewish Population Statistics

It is the reason you criticize a faith not your own.

the "faith" in question SUSTAINS ITSELF by spitting on
MY LITERATURE and maligning an innocent young
Galilean Pharisee
We are a sect of Judaism.

It's our heritage too.

you are not a sect of Judaism. that's absurd and you don't even believe it.

if you did, you wouldn't equate not buying your BS with "atheism".
I am equating what you do to atheism.

and that's what makes you a sad little moron.

was Jesus an atheist? cause he believed what I do.

we'll wait, nutbar.
It is the reason you criticize a faith not your own.

the "faith" in question SUSTAINS ITSELF by spitting on
MY LITERATURE and maligning an innocent young
Galilean Pharisee
We are a sect of Judaism.

It's our heritage too.

you are not a sect of Judaism. that's absurd and you don't even believe it.

if you did, you wouldn't equate not buying your BS with "atheism".
I am equating what you do to atheism.

and that's what makes you a sad little moron.

was Jesus an atheist? cause he believed what I do.

we'll wait, nutbar.
They turned Yoshka into a pork loving idol
It is the reason you criticize a faith not your own.

the "faith" in question SUSTAINS ITSELF by spitting on
MY LITERATURE and maligning an innocent young
Galilean Pharisee
We are a sect of Judaism.

It's our heritage too.

you are not a sect of Judaism. that's absurd and you don't even believe it.

if you did, you wouldn't equate not buying your BS with "atheism".
I am equating what you do to atheism.

and that's what makes you a sad little moron.

was Jesus an atheist? cause he believed what I do.

we'll wait, nutbar.
I didn't say what you believed equates you to an atheist. I said what you do equates you to an atheist.
The same thing can be said for Catholic haters.
I don't hate Catholics.
I hate how they mangle the Jewish Scripture.

my husband was brought up in a very orthodox jewish household-----periodically I EXPLAIN to him what "catholic"
means. Usually when I remind him what "easter" is all about.
Christians are OBSESSED with jews--------which is why they believe that jews are obsessed with them
You've never heard any of what I have said before. No one , even Jews for Jesus, have heard any of it before from anyone else.

Try again.

not true, Hobie----the basic premise that the kosher food
rules are IDIOTIC and the putative Jesus would never have
followed such stupidity is a concept well ingrained in the peasant mind of the entire HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE since

The kosher rules are idiotic without an understanding of the deeper implications only alluded to by the types of creatures listed as either clean or unclean that directly reflect the heights and depths of human potential.

one could say "idiotic" is thinking the messiah has already come but nothing changed.

just saying.

Doesn't it say in your own scriptures that when those who sleep in the dust of the earth awaken, many will be purified and refined, but the wicked will continue in wickedness and none of them will understand?

The only ones who thought that nothing changed were the ones who rejected a revelation from God and confused faith in tradition with obstinate stupidity, according to the story that is...

no ----it doesn't

"And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt." Daniel 12:2

"Many will be purged, purified and refined, but the wicked will act wickedly; and none of the wicked will understand, only those who have insight will understand." Daniel 12:10

Life has been like a game of musical chairs. Everyone is happily going around in circles dancing to the beat and sticking their tongues out at each other without a care. But when the music is over, many will have to face the fact that they don't have any place to sit.

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not true, Hobie----the basic premise that the kosher food
rules are IDIOTIC and the putative Jesus would never have
followed such stupidity is a concept well ingrained in the peasant mind of the entire HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE since

The kosher rules are idiotic without an understanding of the deeper implications only alluded to by the types of creatures listed as either clean or unclean that directly reflect the heights and depths of human potential.

one could say "idiotic" is thinking the messiah has already come but nothing changed.

just saying.

Doesn't it say in your own scriptures that when those who sleep in the dust of the earth awaken, many will be purified and refined, but the wicked will continue in wickedness and none of them will understand?

The only ones who thought that nothing changed were the ones who rejected a revelation from God and confused faith in tradition with obstinate stupidity, according to the story that is...

no ----it doesn't

"And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt." Daniel 12:2

"Many will be purged, purified and refined, but the wicked will act wickedly; and none of the wicked will understand, only those who have insight will understand." Daniel 12:10

Life has been like a game of musical chairs. Everyone is happily going around in circles dancing to the beat and sticking their tongues out at each other without a care. But when the music is over, many will have to face the fact that they don't have any place to sit.

OY a Wesleyan----like Trump (and hellcat)

What a sick loon

All the typical anti-Semitic canards are irresistible to paranoid schizophrenics. Here, we have a fantasy of a shadowy world where people are working behind the scenes, pulling strings in secret, always scheming and plotting and wielding undue influence. It plays right in to the mental illness.

The themes are also an attractant to those with low self efficacy, as Jews are portrayed as rich and powerful -- "the man" -- always keeping a poor prole down. That is why there is such a large number of left wing anti-Semites as well as Muslim. The dysfunction of backwards facing Islamic societies unwilling to let go of the past prevents them from being successful, and that lack of success breeds scapegoats. Voila' A ready-made scapegoat is right there for them, and the success of Israel reminds them of their lack thereof on a daily basis.

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