World Jewish Population Statistics

no ----it doesn't

"And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt." Daniel 12:2

"Many will be purged, purified and refined, but the wicked will act wickedly; and none of the wicked will understand, only those who have insight will understand." Daniel 12:10

Life has been like a game of musical chairs. Everyone is happily going around in circles dancing to the beat and sticking their tongues out at each other without a care. But when the music is over, many will have to face the fact that they don't have any place to sit.

611 Commandments...I’m waiting.

I'm still waiting for you to acknowledge the deeper implications in the command to refrain from the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate.

Until then you're on your own..

Ad hominem.
You made a claim.

Ad hominem? lol.

How could you possibly have taken what I said as a personal attack unless you already perceive the deeper implications and perceive yourself and your teaching as the subject of condemnation?

Careful there, you're coming undone. Someone might notice that you are being less than honest....

Probably because you intended it to be a personal attack.
Gold is purified in a crucible of fire much like the soul is purified in the crucible of life.

Or don't you believe you have a soul?
So Hitler had his soul purified by his life?
You would have to ask God that.
Where can I find him to ask him?
You have to look for yourself. He's not hard to find.
Gold is purified in a crucible of fire much like the soul is purified in the crucible of life.

Or don't you believe you have a soul?
So Hitler had his soul purified by his life?
You would have to ask God that.
Where can I find him to ask him?
You have to look for yourself. He's not hard to find.
Is it like hide-and-seek?

And if you know where god is, can you ask it about Hitler?
Gold is purified in a crucible of fire much like the soul is purified in the crucible of life.

Or don't you believe you have a soul?
So Hitler had his soul purified by his life?
You would have to ask God that.
Where can I find him to ask him?
You have to look for yourself. He's not hard to find.
Is it like hide-and-seek?

And if you know where god is, can you ask it about Hitler?
No. It's not like hide and seek for you. You would have to actually seek him for it to be like that.
no ----it doesn't

"And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt." Daniel 12:2

"Many will be purged, purified and refined, but the wicked will act wickedly; and none of the wicked will understand, only those who have insight will understand." Daniel 12:10

Life has been like a game of musical chairs. Everyone is happily going around in circles dancing to the beat and sticking their tongues out at each other without a care. But when the music is over, many will have to face the fact that they don't have any place to sit.

You do know Daniel was an Observant Jew.

Christians love Daniel's mystical and BLURRY writings so much-----that they claim what he REALLY was----as a pre-Jesus Christian. Dante even puts him in paradise. ---
even Ezra does not get into paradise. The arcane verses of
Daniel can be interpreted ANY WAY THE CHURCH LIKES

The last chapter of Daniel is like reading in a fog while wearing Stevie Wonder sunglasses.

lol. You say you read the NT and it is incomprehensible nonsense.

Then you say "The last chapter of Daniel is like reading in a fog while wearing Stevie Wonder sunglasses."

It is truly inspiring to see the many wonderful things avoiding bacon and strapping a box on your head (every now and then) has done for you. :laughing0301:

Jews are willing to admit that Daniel’s prophesies will only be understood at the end of days.
The NT is pure gibberish.
no ----it doesn't

"And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt." Daniel 12:2

"Many will be purged, purified and refined, but the wicked will act wickedly; and none of the wicked will understand, only those who have insight will understand." Daniel 12:10

Life has been like a game of musical chairs. Everyone is happily going around in circles dancing to the beat and sticking their tongues out at each other without a care. But when the music is over, many will have to face the fact that they don't have any place to sit.

You do know Daniel was an Observant Jew.

Christians love Daniel's mystical and BLURRY writings so much-----that they claim what he REALLY was----as a pre-Jesus Christian. Dante even puts him in paradise. ---
even Ezra does not get into paradise. The arcane verses of
Daniel can be interpreted ANY WAY THE CHURCH LIKES

The last chapter of Daniel is like reading in a fog while wearing Stevie Wonder sunglasses.

lol. You say you read the NT and it is incomprehensible nonsense.

Then you say "The last chapter of Daniel is like reading in a fog while wearing Stevie Wonder sunglasses."

It is truly inspiring to see the many wonderful things avoiding bacon and strapping a box on your head (every now and then) has done for you. :laughing0301:

I see how well it’s worked out for mankind in general having no Godly rules.
no ----it doesn't

"And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt." Daniel 12:2

"Many will be purged, purified and refined, but the wicked will act wickedly; and none of the wicked will understand, only those who have insight will understand." Daniel 12:10

Life has been like a game of musical chairs. Everyone is happily going around in circles dancing to the beat and sticking their tongues out at each other without a care. But when the music is over, many will have to face the fact that they don't have any place to sit.

You do know Daniel was an Observant Jew.

Christians love Daniel's mystical and BLURRY writings so much-----that they claim what he REALLY was----as a pre-Jesus Christian. Dante even puts him in paradise. ---
even Ezra does not get into paradise. The arcane verses of
Daniel can be interpreted ANY WAY THE CHURCH LIKES

The last chapter of Daniel is like reading in a fog while wearing Stevie Wonder sunglasses.

lol. You say you read the NT and it is incomprehensible nonsense.

Then you say "The last chapter of Daniel is like reading in a fog while wearing Stevie Wonder sunglasses."

It is truly inspiring to see the many wonderful things avoiding bacon and strapping a box on your head (every now and then) has done for you. :laughing0301:

I didn’t say the NT was not understandable, I said it was complete bullshit.
So Hitler had his soul purified by his life?
You would have to ask God that.
Where can I find him to ask him?
You have to look for yourself. He's not hard to find.
Is it like hide-and-seek?

And if you know where god is, can you ask it about Hitler?
No. It's not like hide and seek for you. You would have to actually seek him for it to be like that.
I seek yet I do not find. Why is that?
You would have to ask God that.
Where can I find him to ask him?
You have to look for yourself. He's not hard to find.
Is it like hide-and-seek?

And if you know where god is, can you ask it about Hitler?
No. It's not like hide and seek for you. You would have to actually seek him for it to be like that.
I seek yet I do not find. Why is that?
Because your mind is already made up. He's not hard to find.
You would have to ask God that.
Where can I find him to ask him?
You have to look for yourself. He's not hard to find.
Is it like hide-and-seek?

And if you know where god is, can you ask it about Hitler?
No. It's not like hide and seek for you. You would have to actually seek him for it to be like that.
I seek yet I do not find. Why is that?

try cleaning under the sink
Where can I find him to ask him?
You have to look for yourself. He's not hard to find.
Is it like hide-and-seek?

And if you know where god is, can you ask it about Hitler?
No. It's not like hide and seek for you. You would have to actually seek him for it to be like that.
I seek yet I do not find. Why is that?

try cleaning under the sink
I looked and all I found were “withered hands”.
Yes, Jews are still a tiny little minority, and their voices are drowned out by hate-filled antisemitic Muslims, their leftist allies and the old fashioned white supremacist types.

Do you have a point to this?
Where have I heard this before :Argentina: The Jewish population of Argentina, the largest in Latin America and the sixth largest in the world. The population peaked in the early 1960’s when the Jewish population was estimated at 310,000. Most Jews lived in the Greater Buenos Aires, with about 25,000-50,000 left in provincial cities, mainly Cordova, Tucuman and Rosario. There are approximately 190,000 Jews left in Buenos Aires, with local community leaders putting the figure much higher.
Where can I find him to ask him?
You have to look for yourself. He's not hard to find.
Is it like hide-and-seek?

And if you know where god is, can you ask it about Hitler?
No. It's not like hide and seek for you. You would have to actually seek him for it to be like that.
I seek yet I do not find. Why is that?

try cleaning under the sink
I figured you and Taz would be besties.
The same thing can be said for Catholic haters.
speaking of catholics, how come they never excommunicated their hitler?
Probably for the same reason Herod was allowed to rule.
Sound like you have bowing to much to your religious status and are getting light in the head

This is how much we Jews think about or care about your yoshka ... ZERO
Bless your heart :smile:

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