World respect for the US drops sharply under Trump

We elected a literal fucking moron who was born on third base and brags about hitting triples, lies literally every single day about absolutely everything and treats people like utter dog shit. We are a laughing stock. And the next president will have a hell of a job cleaning up his mess.

A literal moron? Trump took a million dollars and turned it into a multi-billion dollar empire employing tens of thousands of people along the way. He also managed to defeat arguably the most well known woman in the world who was a deadlock to be the next president. If he's a moron, what does that make you?

I think Trump is arrogant, crass, and a bully, quite frankly, but a moron? Hardly. Neither you nor most people could ever achieve what he did even if starting out with the same advantages he had.

So your bar to prove that he's not a moron is me? Because according to you, he's smarter than me, that absolves him from being a moron.

Hell of an argument you made there. Well done!

But you're right, if I started on 3rd base and was handed everything in life, I don't think I would declare bankruptcy 7 times and pretend to be an amazing business man. But hey, what do I know!

When you operate hundreds of business over decades...declaring bankruptcy 7 times for some of those businesses simply means you're intelligent enough to know WHEN to declare bankruptcy under our system of bankruptcy laws...something you'd understand if you knew anything about running businesses!
bankruptcy 7 times out of how many companies? Wonder what the success rate is?

My favorite was 'Trump Mortgage'. In 2006.
Do you know what his success rate is? 98% or so? JW
It must annoy the shit out of you that our 401K’s skyrocketed while Obama was president. :lol:

It must REALLY annoy the shit out of you that the stock market is skyrocketing while Trump is President even though it's no longer propped up with quantitative easing and a near zero Fed interest rate! Every time the Fed even hinted at raising the rate during Barry's two terms the market started to free fall and they had to back off! The rate has been raised 3 times...with another on the way the time since Trump was elected and yet the stock market is setting record highs!
No, it doesn’t annoy me. Why would it since my 401K is doing great. My 401K quadrupled under Obama and I hope it does again under trump.
Really, Faun? You do realize that if the economy thrives under Trump (which it is!) that you on the left aren't going to get the "wave" that you think you're going to get in the mid term elections? If everyone's 401K quadruples under Trump he's here for eight years. Hope you're on board with that! :itsok:
Of course we can still get that wave. The same way Republicans got their wave despite the economy improving every year under Obama after Bush's Great Recession ended. Not to mention, about half the people credit Obama for the economy continuing its trend of growth into Trump’s term.

Heck...the Republicans got their wave in 2010 because the electorate didn't want ObamaCare and could already see where Pelosi, Reid and Obama were taking us with their proposed Cap & Trade legislation! They sent a wave of Republicans to Washington to stop them before they really ruined the economy!

I know you hate to hear it, Faun but Barry oversaw the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history! He's the only US president to never see 3% growth in a single year of his Presidency and he had eight years to make that happen and spent trillions of dollars in stimulus!
Coming from a lying con tool, that’s pretty meaningless. In reality, Obama took Bush’s Great Recession and turned 10% unemployment to 4.8%. Took the Dow from 6600 to almost 20000. And it’s a lie to claim Obama never saw a year without 3% GDP growth. From Q2-2014 through Q1-2015, GDP increased over 5%.
What Obama policy do you credit for creating economic expansion, Skylar?

We're in our 9th year of economic expansion. Are you *honestly* arguing that the previous 8 years had nothing to do with the 9th?

If so, say it. I want you on record.
You want me on record saying that the Obama record on the economy was awful?

I want you on record saying that the first 8 years of economic growth in this country had nothing to do with the 9th year of economic growth.

Which is what you'd have to do to dismiss the Obama in the current economy.

On the record, please.

8 years of 1.5% growth had nothing to do with the 9th year having 3+% growth. Fact

We didn't have 3% growth in 2017. Try again.

Are you really that obtuse?
We had eight years of tepid economic growth. Trump has already achieved what Obama couldn't in eight years...he's got 3% growth in his first year and that's BEFORE the affects of his tax cuts kick in!

US GDP increased 2.2% in 2017. 2015 in comparison....was 2.6%. And Obama hit 3% growth rates per quarter twice in 2016.

But again, don't let the math interfere with a good rant, eh?

Hitting 3% for a quarter twice doesn't mean you hit it for the year...does it! What were his numbers for those OTHER two quarters? Care to do the "math" on that?

Exactly. We hit 3% twice in 2017. That doesn't mean we hit for the year, does it.'re literally making my argument for me.

So you admit that Obama never had 3% growth in any year he was in office?

Now that we've established THAT...why don't you tell me what economic policy of Barack Obama's is now driving the economy?
It must REALLY annoy the shit out of you that the stock market is skyrocketing while Trump is President even though it's no longer propped up with quantitative easing and a near zero Fed interest rate! Every time the Fed even hinted at raising the rate during Barry's two terms the market started to free fall and they had to back off! The rate has been raised 3 times...with another on the way the time since Trump was elected and yet the stock market is setting record highs!
No, it doesn’t annoy me. Why would it since my 401K is doing great. My 401K quadrupled under Obama and I hope it does again under trump.
Really, Faun? You do realize that if the economy thrives under Trump (which it is!) that you on the left aren't going to get the "wave" that you think you're going to get in the mid term elections? If everyone's 401K quadruples under Trump he's here for eight years. Hope you're on board with that! :itsok:
Of course we can still get that wave. The same way Republicans got their wave despite the economy improving every year under Obama after Bush's Great Recession ended. Not to mention, about half the people credit Obama for the economy continuing its trend of growth into Trump’s term.

Of course they do. We're in our 9th year of economic expansion. Only a complete idiot (or a Trumpie) would conclude that the previous 8 years of expansion had nothing to do with the 9th.

What Obama policy do you credit for creating economic expansion, Skylar?
We’ve been over this many times on multiple threads with you living in denial each and every time.
We're in our 9th year of economic expansion. Are you *honestly* arguing that the previous 8 years had nothing to do with the 9th?

If so, say it. I want you on record.
You want me on record saying that the Obama record on the economy was awful?

I want you on record saying that the first 8 years of economic growth in this country had nothing to do with the 9th year of economic growth.

Which is what you'd have to do to dismiss the Obama in the current economy.

On the record, please.

8 years of 1.5% growth had nothing to do with the 9th year having 3+% growth. Fact

We didn't have 3% growth in 2017. Try again.

Are you really that obtuse?

Unlike you, I've actually looked that the numbers. Trump only hit 3% in Q3 and Q4. He didn't didn't break 2% in Q1 and Q2.

But hey, its not like you give a shit what the *actual* economic
We had eight years of tepid economic growth. Trump has already achieved what Obama couldn't in eight years...he's got 3% growth in his first year and that's BEFORE the affects of his tax cuts kick in!

US GDP increased 2.2% in 2017. 2015 in comparison....was 2.6%. And Obama hit 3% growth rates per quarter twice in 2016.

But again, don't let the math interfere with a good rant, eh?

Hitting 3% for a quarter twice doesn't mean you hit it for the year...does it! What were his numbers for those OTHER two quarters? Care to do the "math" on that?

Exactly. We hit 3% twice in 2017. That doesn't mean we hit for the year, does it.'re literally making my argument for me.

So you admit that Obama never had 3% growth in any year he was in office?

In a year? Nope. In individual quarters, oh definitely.

Trump has never had a 3% year either. He's had 3% quarters though. Just like Obama.

Now that we've established THAT...why don't you tell me what economic policy of Barack Obama's is now driving the economy now?

Right after you show me the data on Trump's '3% year'. Or when you admit it never happened.
The truth is...after the Obama Stimulus cratered so badly and both Larry Summers and Christina Romer jumped ship and ran back to the safety of their tenured jobs at Harvard and Berkeley...Obama didn't seem to even try to improve the economy. People can't tell you who his chief economic advisors were following that point in his Presidency because they didn't do anything with the economy past that point. It was like they'd gotten burned playing with something hot and didn't want to risk picking it up again!
A literal moron? Trump took a million dollars and turned it into a multi-billion dollar empire employing tens of thousands of people along the way. He also managed to defeat arguably the most well known woman in the world who was a deadlock to be the next president. If he's a moron, what does that make you?

I think Trump is arrogant, crass, and a bully, quite frankly, but a moron? Hardly. Neither you nor most people could ever achieve what he did even if starting out with the same advantages he had.

So your bar to prove that he's not a moron is me? Because according to you, he's smarter than me, that absolves him from being a moron.

Hell of an argument you made there. Well done!

But you're right, if I started on 3rd base and was handed everything in life, I don't think I would declare bankruptcy 7 times and pretend to be an amazing business man. But hey, what do I know!

When you operate hundreds of business over decades...declaring bankruptcy 7 times for some of those businesses simply means you're intelligent enough to know WHEN to declare bankruptcy under our system of bankruptcy laws...something you'd understand if you knew anything about running businesses!
bankruptcy 7 times out of how many companies? Wonder what the success rate is?

My favorite was 'Trump Mortgage'. In 2006.
Do you know what his success rate is? 98% or so? JW

It seems his failure rate has been about 40% in this century.

The New York Times rates 61 of Donald Trump's business deals, concludes 40% failed
The truth is...after the Obama Stimulus cratered so badly and both Larry Summers and Christina Romer jumped ship and ran back to the safety of their tenured jobs at Harvard and Berkeley...Obama didn't seem to even try to improve the economy. People can't tell you who his chief economic advisors were following that point in his Presidency because they didn't do anything with the economy past that point. It was like they'd gotten burned playing with something hot and didn't want to risk picking it up again!

The truth is....Trump's never had a 3% year. You made that up. Or worse, believe it because Trump told you to.
The truth is...after the Obama Stimulus cratered so badly and both Larry Summers and Christina Romer jumped ship and ran back to the safety of their tenured jobs at Harvard and Berkeley...Obama didn't seem to even try to improve the economy. People can't tell you who his chief economic advisors were following that point in his Presidency because they didn't do anything with the economy past that point. It was like they'd gotten burned playing with something hot and didn't want to risk picking it up again!

What do you consider to be a good metric to measure a healthy and improving economy?

This will be funny to watch you avoid answering because you know it will only invalidate your drivel.
So your bar to prove that he's not a moron is me? Because according to you, he's smarter than me, that absolves him from being a moron.

Hell of an argument you made there. Well done!

But you're right, if I started on 3rd base and was handed everything in life, I don't think I would declare bankruptcy 7 times and pretend to be an amazing business man. But hey, what do I know!

When you operate hundreds of business over decades...declaring bankruptcy 7 times for some of those businesses simply means you're intelligent enough to know WHEN to declare bankruptcy under our system of bankruptcy laws...something you'd understand if you knew anything about running businesses!
bankruptcy 7 times out of how many companies? Wonder what the success rate is?

My favorite was 'Trump Mortgage'. In 2006.
Do you know what his success rate is? 98% or so? JW

It seems his failure rate has been about 40% in this century.

The New York Times rates 61 of Donald Trump's business deals, concludes 40% failed

So slightly better than the odds of a coin flip!

Sounds like a 'stable genius' to me
Looks like making America great is not working as the world rejects us

World Respect for U.S. Drops Sharply Under Trump: Poll

America’s global image has dropped to an all-time low the first year of the Trump administration, falling below where it stood during the presidencies of Barack Obama and George W. Bush, according to a new Gallup poll.

The perception of U.S. leadership abroad since President Donald Trump took office has fallen 18 percentage points from the median 48 percent approval rating it held when Obama left office.

The world loves fluff and no substance. This is what O offered and secretly he was laughed at by the world, publicly, they were loving him.
Looks like making America great is not working as the world rejects us

World Respect for U.S. Drops Sharply Under Trump: Poll

America’s global image has dropped to an all-time low the first year of the Trump administration, falling below where it stood during the presidencies of Barack Obama and George W. Bush, according to a new Gallup poll.

The perception of U.S. leadership abroad since President Donald Trump took office has fallen 18 percentage points from the median 48 percent approval rating it held when Obama left office.

The world loves fluff and no substance. This is what O offered and secretly he was laughed at by the world, publicly, they were loving him.

So a lack of respect for the US and a lack of confidence in evidence of his skill and prowess?

Laughing! Holy shit..... really?
Im ok with it.
hat reasons would they have for thinking that? Policy? Thinking of us? Cutting off funding to other people? Calling peoples bullshit out?

electing a fucking moron to the presidency probably did it

thanks, bobo
Yeah, we were better represented by the Kenyan village idiot who never had a good thing to say about us and had the wrong number of US states even rounded to the nearest 10
Im ok with it.
hat reasons would they have for thinking that? Policy? Thinking of us? Cutting off funding to other people? Calling peoples bullshit out?

electing a fucking moron to the presidency probably did it

thanks, bobo
Yeah, we were better represented by the Kenyan village idiot who never had a good thing to say about us and had the wrong number of US states even rounded to the nearest 10
Lol nice wordplay bro. I love the way you made it sound even worse :rofl:
We had eight years of tepid economic growth. Trump has already achieved what Obama couldn't in eight years...he's got 3% growth in his first year and that's BEFORE the affects of his tax cuts kick in!
Why do you lie? The numbers aren’t in yet for Trump’s first year. Only 3 quarters are in and the average is under 3%.
Im ok with it.
hat reasons would they have for thinking that? Policy? Thinking of us? Cutting off funding to other people? Calling peoples bullshit out?

electing a fucking moron to the presidency probably did it

thanks, bobo
Yeah, we were better represented by the Kenyan village idiot who never had a good thing to say about us and had the wrong number of US states even rounded to the nearest 10

Laughing....oh, never.

"What makes us special — a lot of times we talk about American exceptionalism and how much we love this country, and there are so many wonderful things about our country. But what makes us the envy of the world has not just been our ability to generate incredible wealth for a few people; it’s the fact that we’ve given everybody a chance to pursue their own true measure of happiness. (Applause.) That’s who we are."

Barack Obama

Never, ever....

So the bottom line is, is that America continues to lead. … at the G20 [summit in Australia], what was striking was the degree of optimism that the world felt about the American economy — an optimism that in some ways is greater than how Americans sometimes feel about the American economy. I think what you saw among world leaders was consistent with what we know from global surveys, which is when you ask people now, what is the number-one place to invest, it’s the United States of America….

And a lot of that has to do with the fact that we’ve got the best workers in the world, we’ve got the best university system, and research and development and innovation in the world, and we’ve got the best businesses in the world.

Barack Obama

Sigh.....give us your excuse for ignoring what you insist never existed.
Of course they do. We're in our 9th year of economic expansion. Only a complete idiot (or a Trumpie) would conclude that the previous 8 years of expansion had nothing to do with the 9th.

What Obama policy do you credit for creating economic expansion, Skylar?

We're in our 9th year of economic expansion. Are you *honestly* arguing that the previous 8 years had nothing to do with the 9th?

If so, say it. I want you on record.
You want me on record saying that the Obama record on the economy was awful?

I want you on record saying that the first 8 years of economic growth in this country had nothing to do with the 9th year of economic growth.

Which is what you'd have to do to dismiss the Obama in the current economy.

On the record, please.

8 years of 1.5% growth had nothing to do with the 9th year having 3+% growth. Fact
The year so far is 1.2%, 3.1% and 3.2%. Q4 numbers have not yet been released. So from where are you getting 3+% growth for Trump’s first year?
What Obama policy do you credit for creating economic expansion, Skylar?

We're in our 9th year of economic expansion. Are you *honestly* arguing that the previous 8 years had nothing to do with the 9th?

If so, say it. I want you on record.
You want me on record saying that the Obama record on the economy was awful?

I want you on record saying that the first 8 years of economic growth in this country had nothing to do with the 9th year of economic growth.

Which is what you'd have to do to dismiss the Obama in the current economy.

On the record, please.

8 years of 1.5% growth had nothing to do with the 9th year having 3+% growth. Fact
The year so far is 1.2%, 3.1% and 3.2%. Q4 numbers have not yet been released. So from where are you getting 3+% growth for Trump’s first year?

Why Trump's twitter feed, of course.
Looks like making America great is not working as the world rejects us

World Respect for U.S. Drops Sharply Under Trump: Poll

America’s global image has dropped to an all-time low the first year of the Trump administration, falling below where it stood during the presidencies of Barack Obama and George W. Bush, according to a new Gallup poll.

The perception of U.S. leadership abroad since President Donald Trump took office has fallen 18 percentage points from the median 48 percent approval rating it held when Obama left office.

The world loves fluff and no substance. This is what O offered and secretly he was laughed at by the world, publicly, they were loving him.

So a lack of respect for the US and a lack of confidence in evidence of his skill and prowess?

Laughing! Holy shit..... really?

Evidently, yes. Then compare/contrast O's turmoil, never ending wars in the ME, failed foreign policies in nk, iran, and the world loved him for it because he looked good doing it. No substance.
Looks like making America great is not working as the world rejects us

World Respect for U.S. Drops Sharply Under Trump: Poll

America’s global image has dropped to an all-time low the first year of the Trump administration, falling below where it stood during the presidencies of Barack Obama and George W. Bush, according to a new Gallup poll.

The perception of U.S. leadership abroad since President Donald Trump took office has fallen 18 percentage points from the median 48 percent approval rating it held when Obama left office.

The world loves fluff and no substance. This is what O offered and secretly he was laughed at by the world, publicly, they were loving him.

So a lack of respect for the US and a lack of confidence in evidence of his skill and prowess?

Laughing! Holy shit..... really?

Evidently, yes. Then compare/contrast O's turmoil, never ending wars in the ME, failed foreign policies in nk, iran, and the world loved him for it because he looked good doing it. No substance.

Laughing.....holy shit. So the more the world despises us, the less influence we have, the lower the confidence in Trump....the better he's doing?

Yeah, if I had to polish that orange turd, I'd try to invert expectations too. Where hatred is love, loathing is success, and a lack of confidence demonstrates competence!

Again.....holy shit

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