World respect for the US drops sharply under Trump

We elected a literal fucking moron who was born on third base and brags about hitting triples, lies literally every single day about absolutely everything and treats people like utter dog shit. We are a laughing stock. And the next president will have a hell of a job cleaning up his mess.
Treating people like dog shit and lying is something new?
"Hello, RDD meet american politics"

No president in the history of this country has lied to the level that Trump has taken it. No president has been ever spoken to and about people publicly like this president has.

Our politicians have been getting worse and more corrupt with time, but Trump has only added lighter fluid to the fire. We needed to make drastic changes in this country. Trump is change in the wrong direction.

talk about the most retarded post ever. in this thread.:haha:

Trump is MILES behind all the ones we have had dating back to 1981 son.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::itsok: unlike them,Trump has actually done a lot of what he said he would do.:cuckoo:
And the next president will have a hell of a job cleaning up his mess.
What we said about Obama.

This is Obama's mess.

Obama cleaned up a big mess. Anyone with an ounce of intelligence can see that.
thanks for proving you have been on a deserted Island the last several decades.Obama expanded the mess that Bush got started making it even far worse than it ever was.thanks to those two assholes,Trump has major disaster in the middle east that is going to take decades to clean up cause of those fucking mass murderers son.:cuckoo:
No president in the history of this country has lied to the level that Trump has taken it. No president has been ever spoken to and about people publicly like this president has.

Our politicians have been getting worse and more corrupt with time, but Trump has only added lighter fluid to the fire. We needed to make drastic changes in this country. Trump is change in the wrong direction.
You must have forgotten one William Jefferson Clinton. Not only was he a bigger liar, but he was a better liar.

Hell, I have said it before, but Bill Clinton's lies were works of art. Dude could lie about ANYTHING and get away with it.

He could be giving a speech and say:


am not.


and everybody would be like, "where'd he go."

You know it's true. When it comes to whoppers, Bill Clinton was a master. He may have been Sicilian, for all we know.
my how they forget indeed.:lmao::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
And the next president will have a hell of a job cleaning up his mess.
What we said about Obama.

This is Obama's mess.

Obama cleaned up a big mess. Anyone with an ounce of intelligence can see that.
thanks for proving you have been on a deserted Island the last several decades.Obama expanded the mess that Bush got started making it even far worse than it ever was.thanks to those two assholes,Trump has major disaster in the middle east that is going to take decades to clean up cause of those fucking mass murderers son.:cuckoo:

As usual a "poll" is cited by an Obama apologist as proof that Donald Trump is a bad President! What this particular poll proves is that much of the world liked having Barry "leading from behind" better than they liked Trump once again being the leader of the free world. Barack Obama put the interests of the worldwide community before the interests of Americans...should it really be "shocking" that the rest of the world liked that?

Too bad for Democrats that the rest of the world doesn't get to vote in our elections...

Actually it's just more of the never ending butt hurt from the's been constant since Nov 9, 2016

the two best posts on this thread bar none.This one and the one below I quoted could not have said it better myself.:up:
what else do you expect from the butthurt OP and the other hellery whiners?:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:

The rest of the fucking world has been "me first" for FUCKING DECADES at our expense.


dating back to the clown that got elected in 1981 EVERY CLOWN since him,they all expanded what that bastard got started. thank god for a fresh change and the hellery loves such as the OP are all butthrt that she lost.LOL
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Looks like making America great is not working as the world rejects us

World Respect for U.S. Drops Sharply Under Trump: Poll

America’s global image has dropped to an all-time low the first year of the Trump administration, falling below where it stood during the presidencies of Barack Obama and George W. Bush, according to a new Gallup poll.

The perception of U.S. leadership abroad since President Donald Trump took office has fallen 18 percentage points from the median 48 percent approval rating it held when Obama left office.

Only in La La Land you stupid Moon Bat.

Laughing.....and by 'La La Land' you mean the rest of the world?

I mean the part of the world that lost respect when we had that Kenyan President that increased poverty, tremendously increased our debt, had dismal economic growth while at the same time destroying health care, enabling ISIS and pretty much having a foreign policy that was the laughing stock of the world.

The joke in the world was the Democrats running Crooked Hillary for President who everybody in the world knew was corrupt as hell.

You realize that the *only* places where confident in the judgment of the US president has Russia and Israel, right?

So everywhere by those two places, Comrade?

You are confused Moon Bat.

The world is mostly made up of shithole countries.

Many of these countries have been on some kind of American welfare since the end of WWII.

What you confuse with a lack of respect is nothing more than them being butt hurt because the American people elected a President that put the interest of the US ahead of their interest and they don't like it.

Making American Great Again is a good thing for Americans. Just go look at our 401Ks, a strengthening military and low unemployment and and an expanding economy.

It may not be great for a filthy ass Haitian trying to get to this country to sign up for welfare.

If somebody else in the world doesn't like it that we are stopping Muslims and Mexicans and Haitians and all that other world trash from coming into this country then they can just kiss my ass.

Trump is undoing a lot of the damage that the Kenyan did to this country and other countries don't like it because they benefited from Oba,ma's weak ass anti American policie That is not a lack of respect. That is welfare butt hurt.s
It must annoy the shit out of you that our 401K’s skyrocketed while Obama was president. :lol:
The world ALWAYS has and ALWAYS will hate us regardless of what we do or who we elect. While using America for every advantage they can like the parasites that non-Americans are. You liberals are such self-loathing Americans, that's why you're obsessed with the rest of the world's opinion.

Guess what, the world was still spewing paranoid xenophobia at us the ENTIRE 8 years of Obama's presidency. Fuck non-Americans with every quantum of my yankee-doodle-soul.
Looks like making America great is not working as the world rejects us

World Respect for U.S. Drops Sharply Under Trump: Poll

America’s global image has dropped to an all-time low the first year of the Trump administration, falling below where it stood during the presidencies of Barack Obama and George W. Bush, according to a new Gallup poll.

The perception of U.S. leadership abroad since President Donald Trump took office has fallen 18 percentage points from the median 48 percent approval rating it held when Obama left office.
I truly don't care what the world thinks. I think the world is crazy for half the shit it does so
I mean the part of the world that lost respect when we had that Kenyan President that increased poverty, tremendously increased our debt, had dismal economic growth while at the same time destroying health care, enabling ISIS and pretty much having a foreign policy that was the laughing stock of the world.

The joke in the world was the Democrats running Crooked Hillary for President who everybody in the world knew was corrupt as hell.

You realize that the *only* places where confident in the judgment of the US president has Russia and Israel, right?

So everywhere by those two places, Comrade?

You are confused Moon Bat.

The world is mostly made up of shithole countries.

So our allies are shitholes? S. Korea...where confidence in the US president has plummeted from 88% under Obama to 17% under Trump?

Shitholes like....Germany? Where for the first time *ever* Germany has counseled NATO that the US may no longer be a reliable ally?

Shit holes like....Canada? Where we've seen drops in confidence in the US president have followed much of S. Koreas?

And of course we don't live in a vacuum. As we abdicate our role as a leader in the world, China and Russia rush in to fill the void. As our influence diminishes, theirs increases. The Chinese call the Trump presidency the 'Era of Strategic Opportunity' as they push a far more aggressive foreign policy than they ever have before. And one they never would have dared under Obama, Bush or Clinton.

But Trump is a push over, a paper tiger. He talks big. But folds when challenged. China studied the man for months and came to the conclusion that he was ludicrously susceptible to flattery. So when he came for a State visit they shined him on with hundreds of children praising 'Uncle Trump' and fire works and pretty lights.

And Trump completely rolled over. All of his punish China rhetoric from the campaign trail evaporated into empty noise. Its gotten far worse since. Trump has called for China to cut off oil supplies to N. Korea. China delayed, they hemmed, they gave excuses. But after the Paper Tiger rolled over for China during his State visit......they got bolder.

3 weeks ago they sent an envoy to the White House to tell Trump to his face.....'No'. They wouldn't do it.

And Trump did nothing. The Paper Tiger folded again. This is why you don't elect game show hosts to be president. As the man is in *totally* over his head.

What's laughable, that after eight years of Barry "Leading From Behind"'re actually attempting to portray Donald Trump as a "Paper Tiger"! Trump has shown so much more spine than Obama at this point in his Presidency that it's farce to pretend otherwise!

China's foreign policy has gotten *starkly* more aggressive since Trump took office. Where under Obama, Bush and Clinton they had a policy of avoiding direct conflict with the US, their foreign policy today is more akin to 'Manifest Destiny', with China openly offering their governing model as an alternative to the US. They are expanding their influence in East Asia, Africa, even the Middle east.

With Trump's inexplicable and fucking stupid recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, he's pointlessly enraged key strategic allies that offer us significant resources, troops or access to military bases. Like Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Turkey. He's destroyed our credibility in the Middle East. The Palestinians will no longer accept the US as a neutral arbitrator....a role that the US has held in the middle east since the 1970s. Anti-US propaganda from Iran was validated and Iran's influence increased.

And in exchange for absolutely nothing.

And stepping in to fill the void left by a lack of US leadership or competence? Russia. They're positioning themselves to be the negotiator the US obliterating its own credibility can no longer be. Its trying to set up middle east peace talks and is gaining influence in the region.

How is this 'American First'? How is this making America 'Great Again'?

There's a reason Trump is *far* more popular in Russia than he is in the US. And it isn't because Trump is 'making American great again'.
And in exchange for absolutely nothing.

It wasn’t for nothing...

Sheldon Adelson to give $25m boost to Trump Super Pac

Among the myriad of trump lies.... that he’s so wealthy, he can’t be bought.
Only in La La Land you stupid Moon Bat.

Laughing.....and by 'La La Land' you mean the rest of the world?

I mean the part of the world that lost respect when we had that Kenyan President that increased poverty, tremendously increased our debt, had dismal economic growth while at the same time destroying health care, enabling ISIS and pretty much having a foreign policy that was the laughing stock of the world.

The joke in the world was the Democrats running Crooked Hillary for President who everybody in the world knew was corrupt as hell.

You realize that the *only* places where confident in the judgment of the US president has Russia and Israel, right?

So everywhere by those two places, Comrade?

You are confused Moon Bat.

The world is mostly made up of shithole countries.

Many of these countries have been on some kind of American welfare since the end of WWII.

What you confuse with a lack of respect is nothing more than them being butt hurt because the American people elected a President that put the interest of the US ahead of their interest and they don't like it.

Making American Great Again is a good thing for Americans. Just go look at our 401Ks, a strengthening military and low unemployment and and an expanding economy.

It may not be great for a filthy ass Haitian trying to get to this country to sign up for welfare.

If somebody else in the world doesn't like it that we are stopping Muslims and Mexicans and Haitians and all that other world trash from coming into this country then they can just kiss my ass.

Trump is undoing a lot of the damage that the Kenyan did to this country and other countries don't like it because they benefited from Oba,ma's weak ass anti American policie That is not a lack of respect. That is welfare butt hurt.s
It must annoy the shit out of you that our 401K’s skyrocketed while Obama was president. :lol:

It must REALLY annoy the shit out of you that the stock market is skyrocketing while Trump is President even though it's no longer propped up with quantitative easing and a near zero Fed interest rate! Every time the Fed even hinted at raising the rate during Barry's two terms the market started to free fall and they had to back off! The rate has been raised 3 times...with another on the way the time since Trump was elected and yet the stock market is setting record highs!
Looks like making America great is not working as the world rejects us

World Respect for U.S. Drops Sharply Under Trump: Poll

America’s global image has dropped to an all-time low the first year of the Trump administration, falling below where it stood during the presidencies of Barack Obama and George W. Bush, according to a new Gallup poll.

The perception of U.S. leadership abroad since President Donald Trump took office has fallen 18 percentage points from the median 48 percent approval rating it held when Obama left office.

The rest of the world would prefer Obama back as well.
Looks like making America great is not working as the world rejects us

World Respect for U.S. Drops Sharply Under Trump: Poll

America’s global image has dropped to an all-time low the first year of the Trump administration, falling below where it stood during the presidencies of Barack Obama and George W. Bush, according to a new Gallup poll.

The perception of U.S. leadership abroad since President Donald Trump took office has fallen 18 percentage points from the median 48 percent approval rating it held when Obama left office.

The rest of the world would prefer Obama back as well.

Especially ISIS!
Laughing.....and by 'La La Land' you mean the rest of the world?

I mean the part of the world that lost respect when we had that Kenyan President that increased poverty, tremendously increased our debt, had dismal economic growth while at the same time destroying health care, enabling ISIS and pretty much having a foreign policy that was the laughing stock of the world.

The joke in the world was the Democrats running Crooked Hillary for President who everybody in the world knew was corrupt as hell.

You realize that the *only* places where confident in the judgment of the US president has Russia and Israel, right?

So everywhere by those two places, Comrade?

You are confused Moon Bat.

The world is mostly made up of shithole countries.

Many of these countries have been on some kind of American welfare since the end of WWII.

What you confuse with a lack of respect is nothing more than them being butt hurt because the American people elected a President that put the interest of the US ahead of their interest and they don't like it.

Making American Great Again is a good thing for Americans. Just go look at our 401Ks, a strengthening military and low unemployment and and an expanding economy.

It may not be great for a filthy ass Haitian trying to get to this country to sign up for welfare.

If somebody else in the world doesn't like it that we are stopping Muslims and Mexicans and Haitians and all that other world trash from coming into this country then they can just kiss my ass.

Trump is undoing a lot of the damage that the Kenyan did to this country and other countries don't like it because they benefited from Oba,ma's weak ass anti American policie That is not a lack of respect. That is welfare butt hurt.s
It must annoy the shit out of you that our 401K’s skyrocketed while Obama was president. :lol:

It must REALLY annoy the shit out of you that the stock market is skyrocketing while Trump is President even though it's no longer propped up with quantitative easing and a near zero Fed interest rate! Every time the Fed even hinted at raising the rate during Barry's two terms the market started to free fall and they had to back off! The rate has been raised 3 times...with another on the way the time since Trump was elected and yet the stock market is setting record highs!
No, it doesn’t annoy me. Why would it since my 401K is doing great. My 401K quadrupled under Obama and I hope it does again under trump.
Looks like making America great is not working as the world rejects us

World Respect for U.S. Drops Sharply Under Trump: Poll

America’s global image has dropped to an all-time low the first year of the Trump administration, falling below where it stood during the presidencies of Barack Obama and George W. Bush, according to a new Gallup poll.

The perception of U.S. leadership abroad since President Donald Trump took office has fallen 18 percentage points from the median 48 percent approval rating it held when Obama left office.
We don't care....these polls aren't accurate and people aren't honest in public......they love Trump....because he has their back.....
The world ALWAYS has and ALWAYS will hate us regardless of what we do or who we elect. While using America for every advantage they can like the parasites that non-Americans are. You liberals are such self-loathing Americans, that's why you're obsessed with the rest of the world's opinion.

Guess what, the world was still spewing paranoid xenophobia at us the ENTIRE 8 years of Obama's presidency. Fuck non-Americans with every quantum of my yankee-doodle-soul.

The thing is though for the first time since Carter,we have a president who is actually willing to sit down and work with other countries to try and establish peaceful relations instead of serving the establishment and staring wars for them,something the last 5 administrations are all guilty of is the difference.thats why the world rightly so hates us.

I swear i have never seen so much childish whining by the OP and the other Hellery lovers because their mass murderer hero did not get elected.How pathetic.:rolleyes:

I hated it when Obama got reelected and same as Bush but I did not make thread after thread about it like all these crybaby butthurt whiners do and whine about it everyday year after year,i accepted it and moved on.too bad they cant do the same.:rolleyes:
I mean the part of the world that lost respect when we had that Kenyan President that increased poverty, tremendously increased our debt, had dismal economic growth while at the same time destroying health care, enabling ISIS and pretty much having a foreign policy that was the laughing stock of the world.

The joke in the world was the Democrats running Crooked Hillary for President who everybody in the world knew was corrupt as hell.

You realize that the *only* places where confident in the judgment of the US president has Russia and Israel, right?

So everywhere by those two places, Comrade?

You are confused Moon Bat.

The world is mostly made up of shithole countries.

Many of these countries have been on some kind of American welfare since the end of WWII.

What you confuse with a lack of respect is nothing more than them being butt hurt because the American people elected a President that put the interest of the US ahead of their interest and they don't like it.

Making American Great Again is a good thing for Americans. Just go look at our 401Ks, a strengthening military and low unemployment and and an expanding economy.

It may not be great for a filthy ass Haitian trying to get to this country to sign up for welfare.

If somebody else in the world doesn't like it that we are stopping Muslims and Mexicans and Haitians and all that other world trash from coming into this country then they can just kiss my ass.

Trump is undoing a lot of the damage that the Kenyan did to this country and other countries don't like it because they benefited from Oba,ma's weak ass anti American policie That is not a lack of respect. That is welfare butt hurt.s
It must annoy the shit out of you that our 401K’s skyrocketed while Obama was president. :lol:

It must REALLY annoy the shit out of you that the stock market is skyrocketing while Trump is President even though it's no longer propped up with quantitative easing and a near zero Fed interest rate! Every time the Fed even hinted at raising the rate during Barry's two terms the market started to free fall and they had to back off! The rate has been raised 3 times...with another on the way the time since Trump was elected and yet the stock market is setting record highs!
No, it doesn’t annoy me. Why would it since my 401K is doing great. My 401K quadrupled under Obama and I hope it does again under trump.
Really, Faun? You do realize that if the economy thrives under Trump (which it is!) that you on the left aren't going to get the "wave" that you think you're going to get in the mid term elections? If everyone's 401K quadruples under Trump he's here for eight years. Hope you're on board with that! :itsok:
You realize that the *only* places where confident in the judgment of the US president has Russia and Israel, right?

So everywhere by those two places, Comrade?

You are confused Moon Bat.

The world is mostly made up of shithole countries.

Many of these countries have been on some kind of American welfare since the end of WWII.

What you confuse with a lack of respect is nothing more than them being butt hurt because the American people elected a President that put the interest of the US ahead of their interest and they don't like it.

Making American Great Again is a good thing for Americans. Just go look at our 401Ks, a strengthening military and low unemployment and and an expanding economy.

It may not be great for a filthy ass Haitian trying to get to this country to sign up for welfare.

If somebody else in the world doesn't like it that we are stopping Muslims and Mexicans and Haitians and all that other world trash from coming into this country then they can just kiss my ass.

Trump is undoing a lot of the damage that the Kenyan did to this country and other countries don't like it because they benefited from Oba,ma's weak ass anti American policie That is not a lack of respect. That is welfare butt hurt.s
It must annoy the shit out of you that our 401K’s skyrocketed while Obama was president. :lol:

It must REALLY annoy the shit out of you that the stock market is skyrocketing while Trump is President even though it's no longer propped up with quantitative easing and a near zero Fed interest rate! Every time the Fed even hinted at raising the rate during Barry's two terms the market started to free fall and they had to back off! The rate has been raised 3 times...with another on the way the time since Trump was elected and yet the stock market is setting record highs!
No, it doesn’t annoy me. Why would it since my 401K is doing great. My 401K quadrupled under Obama and I hope it does again under trump.
Really, Faun? You do realize that if the economy thrives under Trump (which it is!) that you on the left aren't going to get the "wave" that you think you're going to get in the mid term elections? If everyone's 401K quadruples under Trump he's here for eight years. Hope you're on board with that! :itsok:
Of course we can still get that wave. The same way Republicans got their wave despite the economy improving every year under Obama after Bush's Great Recession ended. Not to mention, about half the people credit Obama for the economy continuing its trend of growth into Trump’s term.

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