World Trade Center probably could not have been destroyed by planes

Sliding off? Are you under the impression there are frictionless surfaces involved?

Are you under the impression there's no mass?
Any surviving beams would buckle and break under that massive weight once the moment had passed.
Whilst the towers remained vertical, equilibrium means only vertical fall is possible, but such a large mass falling at an angle would create a moment, negating any possibility of that.

Try it on any structure you like, logo if that's all you have around.
If you partially unlock the top 15% and force it to fall at an angle (Simulating the weight and gravitational forces on the tower), the rest will never fall vertically, if it falls at all.
Imagine that.....

Imagine what? A completely different design and a completely different fire acting completely differently?

Dude, if you buy the official story and you stick with it after all this time? What can I doesn't pass my sniff test any longer and there wasn't a bigger denier than me for 11 years. I have invested thousands upon thousands of hours delving into what is really going on and what the global elite have planned for us and how they see as "worthless eaters" and for 100 years they have been putting in place the means to phase us out after we no longer serve a useful purpose. What I have learned and connected the dots to is a future that means a 90 percent reduction in global population and they are very intent on reaching that goal. Trans-humanism along with the robotic age that will make humans less of a resource. You don't actually believe that the powers that be are going to allow lower forms to survive and squirt out other non-productive humans that will take up resources that the elites believe are theirs by divine right, do you? A depopulation plan has been in effect since the late 40's but us pesky humans have been resilient even in spite of the vaccines and other sterilization programs....and trust me on this, they have been stepping up their efforts to bring this about. The Tavistock Institute, The Brookings Institute and other "gubermint" think tanks have used us as human lab rats trying to figure out ways to keep us from reproducing and keep us "dumbed down" as to what is happening to us...things are not what you think they are.
Maybe...Just maybe the contractor used inferior quality materials (steel, etc...).
Imagine that.....

Imagine what? A completely different design and a completely different fire acting completely differently?

Dude, if you buy the official story and you stick with it after all this time? What can I doesn't pass my sniff test any longer and there wasn't a bigger denier than me for 11 years. I have invested thousands upon thousands of hours delving into what is really going on and what the global elite have planned for us and how they see as "worthless eaters" and for 100 years they have been putting in place the means to phase us out after we no longer serve a useful purpose. What I have learned and connected the dots to is a future that means a 90 percent reduction in global population and they are very intent on reaching that goal. Trans-humanism along with the robotic age that will make humans less of a resource. You don't actually believe that the powers that be are going to allow lower forms to survive and squirt out other non-productive humans that will take up resources that the elites believe are theirs by divine right, do you? A depopulation plan has been in effect since the late 40's but us pesky humans have been resilient even in spite of the vaccines and other sterilization programs....and trust me on this, they have been stepping up their efforts to bring this about. The Tavistock Institute, The Brookings Institute and other "gubermint" think tanks have used us as human lab rats trying to figure out ways to keep us from reproducing and keep us "dumbed down" as to what is happening to us...things are not what you think they are.

I have invested thousands upon thousands of hours delving into what is really going on

And you found how many demo devices?

You don't actually believe that the powers that be are going to allow lower forms to survive and squirt out other non-productive humans that will take up resources

The elites here keep letting in low skilled illegals.

think tanks have used us as human lab rats trying to figure out ways to keep us from reproducing and keep us "dumbed down"

They dumbed you down. Congrats!
Imagine that.....

Imagine what? A completely different design and a completely different fire acting completely differently?

Dude, if you buy the official story and you stick with it after all this time? What can I doesn't pass my sniff test any longer and there wasn't a bigger denier than me for 11 years. I have invested thousands upon thousands of hours delving into what is really going on and what the global elite have planned for us and how they see as "worthless eaters" and for 100 years they have been putting in place the means to phase us out after we no longer serve a useful purpose. What I have learned and connected the dots to is a future that means a 90 percent reduction in global population and they are very intent on reaching that goal. Trans-humanism along with the robotic age that will make humans less of a resource. You don't actually believe that the powers that be are going to allow lower forms to survive and squirt out other non-productive humans that will take up resources that the elites believe are theirs by divine right, do you? A depopulation plan has been in effect since the late 40's but us pesky humans have been resilient even in spite of the vaccines and other sterilization programs....and trust me on this, they have been stepping up their efforts to bring this about. The Tavistock Institute, The Brookings Institute and other "gubermint" think tanks have used us as human lab rats trying to figure out ways to keep us from reproducing and keep us "dumbed down" as to what is happening to us...things are not what you think they are.

I have invested thousands upon thousands of hours delving into what is really going on

And you found how many demo devices?

You don't actually believe that the powers that be are going to allow lower forms to survive and squirt out other non-productive humans that will take up resources

The elites here keep letting in low skilled illegals.

think tanks have used us as human lab rats trying to figure out ways to keep us from reproducing and keep us "dumbed down"

They dumbed you down. Congrats!

I know and understand more than you could possibly wrap your teeny tiny mind around and it doesn't bode well for those like you. Keep having faith in your beloved "gubermint" and trust that they have your best interest at heart. Honestly, there is a sorry part of me that is looking forward to the time when it all blows up in the face of idiots like you that have believed in a benevolent "gubermint"...because when the shit hits the fan (and it will) and idiots like you are going to be sitting on the curb of your humble abode waiting for "da gubermint" to come to your that will never come. You don't mean shit to the power elite that have been calling the shots for decades. Enjoy the "sheeple life" deserve nothing less.
Sliding off? Are you under the impression there are frictionless surfaces involved?

Are you under the impression there's no mass?
Any surviving beams would buckle and break under that massive weight once the moment had passed.
Whilst the towers remained vertical, equilibrium means only vertical fall is possible, but such a large mass falling at an angle would create a moment, negating any possibility of that.

Ordinarily about 250 outer panels and 47 core columns hold each floor up. Each row of 62 outer panels that make up each side of the tower is designed to carry about 12% of the load of the floors above it. In your scenario, only 62 outer panels would sustain the *entire* weight of 16 stories as they acted as a fulcrum. 100% of the weight of those 16 stories while being designed to carry only 12%.

That's nonsense. Those 62 outer panels would collapse almost immediately after the initial collapse began. Nor is there any structure within the building that can 'catch' 16 stories of collapsing steel and concrete accelerated by gravity. The floor below the initial collapse certainly couldn't do it. It would collapse as the floors above, accelerated by gravity, impacted it.

And the floor below that. And the floor below that. And the floor below that. With the debris field getting larger (meaning more energy) and moving at greater speed (meaning more energy). If the first floor beneath the impact zone couldn't 'catch' the initial collapse, then there is no structure in the entire building that could. And none did. With each floor collapsing, one at a time, all the way to the ground.

Which is exactly what we saw.
Imagine that.....

Imagine what? A completely different design and a completely different fire acting completely differently?

Dude, if you buy the official story and you stick with it after all this time? What can I doesn't pass my sniff test any longer and there wasn't a bigger denier than me for 11 years. I have invested thousands upon thousands of hours delving into what is really going on and what the global elite have planned for us and how they see as "worthless eaters" and for 100 years they have been putting in place the means to phase us out after we no longer serve a useful purpose. What I have learned and connected the dots to is a future that means a 90 percent reduction in global population and they are very intent on reaching that goal. Trans-humanism along with the robotic age that will make humans less of a resource. You don't actually believe that the powers that be are going to allow lower forms to survive and squirt out other non-productive humans that will take up resources that the elites believe are theirs by divine right, do you? A depopulation plan has been in effect since the late 40's but us pesky humans have been resilient even in spite of the vaccines and other sterilization programs....and trust me on this, they have been stepping up their efforts to bring this about. The Tavistock Institute, The Brookings Institute and other "gubermint" think tanks have used us as human lab rats trying to figure out ways to keep us from reproducing and keep us "dumbed down" as to what is happening to us...things are not what you think they are.

I have invested thousands upon thousands of hours delving into what is really going on

And you found how many demo devices?

You don't actually believe that the powers that be are going to allow lower forms to survive and squirt out other non-productive humans that will take up resources

The elites here keep letting in low skilled illegals.

think tanks have used us as human lab rats trying to figure out ways to keep us from reproducing and keep us "dumbed down"

They dumbed you down. Congrats!

I know and understand more than you could possibly wrap your teeny tiny mind around and it doesn't bode well for those like you. Keep having faith in your beloved "gubermint" and trust that they have your best interest at heart.

Your story is ludicrously complicated. Where somehow tens of thousands of explosives were set throughout the building with no one noticing. This despite the buildings being regularly maintained, inspected and cleaned. And yet...nothing. This despite bomb sniffing dogs sweeping the WTC plaza only ONE WEEK before 911, and nothing. That's absurdly unlikely. And it gets worse.

As per your narrative, while the building was on fire, the building was explosively demolished in a manner exactly opposite of controlled demolition. With not a single girder ever found cut in a manner consistent with explosive demolition, despite 10s of thousands of them in your scenario.

Not a single charge. Not a single inch of blasting wire. Not a singe kicker charge, transceiver, nothing. No apparatus of explosives ever found before, during or after the collapse.

Your narrative is stupidly complicated, ludicrously complex and pointlessly elaborate. And you're still not done with pointless layers of baseless elaboration. As you insist this is all some part of a vast plot of 'global elites' enacting their own stupidly complicated super secret plan. Which, for no particular reason, you happen to know.

Or....the building fell due to fire and structural damage. Done.

Occam's Razor cuts your narrative to ribbons.
Last edited:
Sitting on the curb nah these idiots will be led into the fema camps like sheep to slaughter.
Imagine that.....

Imagine what? A completely different design and a completely different fire acting completely differently?

Dude, if you buy the official story and you stick with it after all this time? What can I doesn't pass my sniff test any longer and there wasn't a bigger denier than me for 11 years. I have invested thousands upon thousands of hours delving into what is really going on and what the global elite have planned for us and how they see as "worthless eaters" and for 100 years they have been putting in place the means to phase us out after we no longer serve a useful purpose. What I have learned and connected the dots to is a future that means a 90 percent reduction in global population and they are very intent on reaching that goal. Trans-humanism along with the robotic age that will make humans less of a resource. You don't actually believe that the powers that be are going to allow lower forms to survive and squirt out other non-productive humans that will take up resources that the elites believe are theirs by divine right, do you? A depopulation plan has been in effect since the late 40's but us pesky humans have been resilient even in spite of the vaccines and other sterilization programs....and trust me on this, they have been stepping up their efforts to bring this about. The Tavistock Institute, The Brookings Institute and other "gubermint" think tanks have used us as human lab rats trying to figure out ways to keep us from reproducing and keep us "dumbed down" as to what is happening to us...things are not what you think they are.

I have invested thousands upon thousands of hours delving into what is really going on

And you found how many demo devices?

You don't actually believe that the powers that be are going to allow lower forms to survive and squirt out other non-productive humans that will take up resources

The elites here keep letting in low skilled illegals.

think tanks have used us as human lab rats trying to figure out ways to keep us from reproducing and keep us "dumbed down"

They dumbed you down. Congrats!

I know and understand more than you could possibly wrap your teeny tiny mind around and it doesn't bode well for those like you. Keep having faith in your beloved "gubermint" and trust that they have your best interest at heart. Honestly, there is a sorry part of me that is looking forward to the time when it all blows up in the face of idiots like you that have believed in a benevolent "gubermint"...because when the shit hits the fan (and it will) and idiots like you are going to be sitting on the curb of your humble abode waiting for "da gubermint" to come to your that will never come. You don't mean shit to the power elite that have been calling the shots for decades. Enjoy the "sheeple life" deserve nothing less.

Keep having faith in your beloved "gubermint"

Faith or lack of faith in gubermint has nothing to do with seeing a fully loaded jet crash into the WTC leading to its collapse.

You don't mean shit to the power elite that have been calling the shots for decades.

Conspiracy nut jobs like you don't mean anything either, so you've got that going for you.
Sitting on the curb nah these idiots will be led into the fema camps like sheep to slaughter.
yeah these government paid infiltraters are so stupid they think that by working for the government posting their lies,they are going to be protected from them but they will be in for a rude awakening when they turn on them as well and find out they have the same plan for them they have for us.they will then go into panic mode because they figured they were going to leave them along all this time for trolling these boards.:biggrin:
The titanic was an inside job too. Take a piece of ice. Hit it with a metal hammer. What breaks. The ice? Or the Hammer? The Titanic was made of should have broken the ice the same way.....

There were 83 camera confiscated from surrounding businesses alone by the FBI which was the same M.O concerning the OKC bombing and of course no footage of what was on those cameras were ever released...why is that?
that dale is why the infiltraters here can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.:biggrin:
btw Dale,I notice you live in Dallas Texas.As you have seen me talk about on this thread quite a few times,I have done a lot of research into the JFK assassination as well.even far more than in 9/11.

Because of the fact that our corrupt school system has lied to us all these years about JFK and the government still to this day endorces the warren commission,tell me if you had the same thoughts in your head that day i had when 9/11 happened.

Because of the JFK assassination and their lies they have spun since then and over the decades i thought to myself back then on 9/11 i said to myself-I dont believe a fucking word of this what they are saying,that Bin Laden was behind these attacks.I think our government is behind this whole thing just to get us into another fake and phony war same as they did with vietnam "as you know,that was one of the main reasons the CIA killed JFK was he was going to pull us out of vietnam.they knew johnson would reverse kennedys policy on it as he did."

while I never had any facts or proof about it at the time which is why i accepted the possibility back then that the media might be correct,deep down because of the JFK assassination and being lied to about that event,I had a gut feeling back then because of that,9/11 was a lie.It just wasnt till three years later when I started talking to a friend of mine who started telling me the facts of the case,that I woke up about it and knew my initial hunch was correct. How about you,at the time 9/11 happened,did YOU have your doubts about it like I did?

also tell me if you ever run into these kind of people.Its not uncommon for me to run into these kind of people.I have run into quite a few of them over the years,they will acknowledge the CIA killed JFK but anytime you try to get them to look at the facts of 9/11,they refuse to and ignore the evidence and ignore the facts.

see they can handle it that the CIA killed JFK and they were lied to about that but they cant accept it that they were also behind 9/11 as well because 9/11 being an inside job hits too close to home for them and is much harder to deal with since it is so much more recent and they dont want to face reality that our government murdered 3000 of its own of the mods here at this site is one of do YOU ever come across people like that as well by chance?

I find that just INCREDIBLE how they can accept it that the CIA killed JFK yet they refuse to look at the facts that they were behind 9/11 as well dont you?

they can accept it that the CIA is an evil organization acknowledging the fact they killed JFK,yet despite that,they cant accept it that they were behind 9/11 as well even though it was for the same reason,to get us into another fake and phony war.:rolleyes:

btw dale you never answered the question i posed here.

Sorry, I have been doing my weekly cleaning and listening to documentaries while doing so and wanted to write you a detailed post. Debunking the cynics takes just a few sentences. I knew back in 2003 that OKC was not what we were told and I kept looking for a cover-up that it had a Middle Eastern connection but in the last three years I have found that it was a black-ops done by rogue elements of the FBI and CIA.. The FBI was also behind the first WTC bombing in 1993 and had tried to set up an Egyptian muslim as the fall guy but he beat them at their own game by wearing a wire. Snowden's revelations that the Patriot Act was written before 9/11/01 and the apparatus for this survellience grid was also set-up in advance of 9/11 caused me take a hard look at the events of that my 17 year old son at the time that insisted that it was an inside job and he dared me to watch "Loose Change" and if he said if I could watch it and have no doubts, he would leave me alone. I eagerly took the challenge but I got about 45 minutes into it when my blood went cold and that was the start of over 12,000 plus hours into the way things really work.

I knew that Oswald never acted alone but I never really delved into it until three years ago. I believe the best documentary ever done on JFK, the banking oligarchs and the events leading up to 9/11/01 is "JFK To 9/11...Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick". It covers a lot of the things that I had learned in my research for the truth but compiled it in a way that anyone could understand. If I was a teacher, I would make this documentary a "must watch". JFK had managed to piss off every power structure like the CIA, the oil companies, the military industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about, the FBI head J Edgar Hoover as well as the banking oligarchs and anti Fidel Castro Cubans and every single one played their part in the public murder of JFK. People would be stunned to know that Watergate and the JFK assassination are intimately connected. Nixon's "plumbers" were involved in the JFK assassination as was George Herbert Walker Bush and LBJ. Operation Paperclip brought in thousands of Nazis that were allowed to be apart of the OSS that later became the CIA and as it turns out, America had their share of Nazis and Nazis sympathizers. Nazism could never have gained a foothold in Germany without industrialists and the banking oligarchs financing it. The coup de e'tat that took place when JFK was killed has only entrenched itself to the point of 52 years later, I have serious doubts that nothing less than a mass awakening will change our fate.

they never will watch this video,they never watch any videos that shread to pieces the governments version.

two minutes ago before my last of the paid shills farted in here.:9::biggrin:

It's been many years since you began spewing your silliness here and still you assiduously avoid the obvious ... rational adults find semiliterate morons who post sophomoric comments like "videos that shread [sic] to pieces the governments [sic] version" or "two minutes ago before my last of the paid shills farted in here" impossible to take seriously.

You are the destroyer of the long defunct 9/11 CT Movement.
The titanic was an inside job too. Take a piece of ice. Hit it with a metal hammer. What breaks. The ice? Or the Hammer? The Titanic was made of should have broken the ice the same way.....


. . . And to this day, the powerful men that did not want the Federal Reserve, the ones that could have prevented the booms and the busts, the ones that could have prevented the bubbles and the currency wars, the dollar devaluation and all the endless senseless wars in the name of the global banking cabal, went down on that ship.

Now, tax day is the same day that the ship went down.

Remember that next time you have to file your tax forms.

"Necessary to their plans, the Federal Reserve did have some opposition; those who saw what the future would become if banking was outside of the government’s hands, the rates set by a private company such as the Fed. All the wealthy and powerful men the Jesuits wanted to get rid of were invited to take the cruise. Three of the richest and most important of these were Benjamin Guggenheim, Isador Strauss, the head of Macy’s Department Stores, and John Jacob Astor, probably the wealthiest man in the world. Their total wealth, at that time, using dollar values of their day was more than 500 million dollars. Today that amount of money would be worth nearly eleven billion dollars. These three men were coaxed and encouraged to board the floating palace. They had to be destroyed because the Jesuits knew they would use their wealth and influence to oppose a Federal Reserve Bank as well as the various wars that were being planned.

It can also be mentioned that J.P. Morgan, the individual contracted to build the Titanic was scheduled to be on the maiden voyage, but canceled.

Supporters of the idea that the Titanic shipwreck was orchestrated carefully, a Jesuit tempore co-adjutor was picked to captain the ship, a man that would do anything for the order and God’s will; Captain Edward Smith. Quite possibly the most experienced captain of the time, Smith had navigated the waters of the Atlantic for 26 years, a master of the icy waters that the Titanic would be sailing. He was a Jesuit and worked for J.P. Morgan. As National Geographic stated in their 1986 documentary entitilted ‘The Secrets of the Titanic,’ “Anyone could be a Jesuit and their identity not be known.”"
Titanic Conspiracy and The Jesuits - RMS Titanic Article

The only time reality is stranger than fiction is when the minds of men are acting and reacting to make it so.

Insane Coincidences – The “Titanic” Disaster Story

5 Titanic Coincidences That Prove Reality is Stranger than Fiction

I find it unbelievable how malleable the minds of people are today. The government schools have made them so willing to accept what ever paradigm the establishment media cartels will whore out to them.

I suppose that is easier than the horror of facing the truth. That they have done this to us before is a good predictor that folks will love falling for the drama again. I'm sure when they aren't paying attention, or are bored, or aren't willing to do the elites bidding, they will sell us more drama. Just look at San Bernardino or Paris.

No one is saying the Titanic didn't sink or that it wasn't an Iceberg.

Don't be so simple minded. Get off your knees and stop accepting the narratives you are told w/o question.

The titanic was an inside job too. Take a piece of ice. Hit it with a metal hammer. What breaks. The ice? Or the Hammer? The Titanic was made of should have broken the ice the same way.....


. . . And to this day, the powerful men that did not want the Federal Reserve, the ones that could have prevented the booms and the busts, the ones that could have prevented the bubbles and the currency wars, the dollar devaluation and all the endless senseless wars in the name of the global banking cabal, went down on that ship.

Now, tax day is the same day that the ship went down.

Remember that next time you have to file your tax forms.

"Necessary to their plans, the Federal Reserve did have some opposition; those who saw what the future would become if banking was outside of the government’s hands, the rates set by a private company such as the Fed. All the wealthy and powerful men the Jesuits wanted to get rid of were invited to take the cruise. Three of the richest and most important of these were Benjamin Guggenheim, Isador Strauss, the head of Macy’s Department Stores, and John Jacob Astor, probably the wealthiest man in the world. Their total wealth, at that time, using dollar values of their day was more than 500 million dollars. Today that amount of money would be worth nearly eleven billion dollars. These three men were coaxed and encouraged to board the floating palace. They had to be destroyed because the Jesuits knew they would use their wealth and influence to oppose a Federal Reserve Bank as well as the various wars that were being planned.

It can also be mentioned that J.P. Morgan, the individual contracted to build the Titanic was scheduled to be on the maiden voyage, but canceled.

Supporters of the idea that the Titanic shipwreck was orchestrated carefully, a Jesuit tempore co-adjutor was picked to captain the ship, a man that would do anything for the order and God’s will; Captain Edward Smith. Quite possibly the most experienced captain of the time, Smith had navigated the waters of the Atlantic for 26 years, a master of the icy waters that the Titanic would be sailing. He was a Jesuit and worked for J.P. Morgan. As National Geographic stated in their 1986 documentary entitilted ‘The Secrets of the Titanic,’ “Anyone could be a Jesuit and their identity not be known.”"
Titanic Conspiracy and The Jesuits - RMS Titanic Article

The only time reality is stranger than fiction is when the minds of men are acting and reacting to make it so.

Insane Coincidences – The “Titanic” Disaster Story

5 Titanic Coincidences That Prove Reality is Stranger than Fiction

I find it unbelievable how malleable the minds of people are today. The government schools have made them so willing to accept what ever paradigm the establishment media cartels will whore out to them.

I suppose that is easier than the horror of facing the truth. That they have done this to us before is a good predictor that folks will love falling for the drama again. I'm sure when they aren't paying attention, or are bored, or aren't willing to do the elites bidding, they will sell us more drama. Just look at San Bernardino or Paris.

No one is saying the Titanic didn't sink or that it wasn't an Iceberg.

Don't be so simple minded. Get off your knees and stop accepting the narratives you are told w/o question.

I thought it was pretty obvious that what I wrote was in gest. Sorry you were not developed enough to realize it.

There was no conspiracy involved in the Titanic any more than there was one with the 9/11 attacks. The looney birds that sponsor such a fantasy have the same IQ as pea soup and any investigation of the subject matter would return any sober observer to the same conclusion.

Just a few pages back one of them was saying that there were no planes involved. It doesn't get any more batshit crazy than that.
The titanic was an inside job too. Take a piece of ice. Hit it with a metal hammer. What breaks. The ice? Or the Hammer? The Titanic was made of should have broken the ice the same way.....


. . . And to this day, the powerful men that did not want the Federal Reserve, the ones that could have prevented the booms and the busts, the ones that could have prevented the bubbles and the currency wars, the dollar devaluation and all the endless senseless wars in the name of the global banking cabal, went down on that ship.

Now, tax day is the same day that the ship went down.

Remember that next time you have to file your tax forms.

"Necessary to their plans, the Federal Reserve did have some opposition; those who saw what the future would become if banking was outside of the government’s hands, the rates set by a private company such as the Fed. All the wealthy and powerful men the Jesuits wanted to get rid of were invited to take the cruise. Three of the richest and most important of these were Benjamin Guggenheim, Isador Strauss, the head of Macy’s Department Stores, and John Jacob Astor, probably the wealthiest man in the world. Their total wealth, at that time, using dollar values of their day was more than 500 million dollars. Today that amount of money would be worth nearly eleven billion dollars. These three men were coaxed and encouraged to board the floating palace. They had to be destroyed because the Jesuits knew they would use their wealth and influence to oppose a Federal Reserve Bank as well as the various wars that were being planned.

It can also be mentioned that J.P. Morgan, the individual contracted to build the Titanic was scheduled to be on the maiden voyage, but canceled.

Supporters of the idea that the Titanic shipwreck was orchestrated carefully, a Jesuit tempore co-adjutor was picked to captain the ship, a man that would do anything for the order and God’s will; Captain Edward Smith. Quite possibly the most experienced captain of the time, Smith had navigated the waters of the Atlantic for 26 years, a master of the icy waters that the Titanic would be sailing. He was a Jesuit and worked for J.P. Morgan. As National Geographic stated in their 1986 documentary entitilted ‘The Secrets of the Titanic,’ “Anyone could be a Jesuit and their identity not be known.”"
Titanic Conspiracy and The Jesuits - RMS Titanic Article

The only time reality is stranger than fiction is when the minds of men are acting and reacting to make it so.

Insane Coincidences – The “Titanic” Disaster Story

5 Titanic Coincidences That Prove Reality is Stranger than Fiction

I find it unbelievable how malleable the minds of people are today. The government schools have made them so willing to accept what ever paradigm the establishment media cartels will whore out to them.

I suppose that is easier than the horror of facing the truth. That they have done this to us before is a good predictor that folks will love falling for the drama again. I'm sure when they aren't paying attention, or are bored, or aren't willing to do the elites bidding, they will sell us more drama. Just look at San Bernardino or Paris.

No one is saying the Titanic didn't sink or that it wasn't an Iceberg.

Don't be so simple minded. Get off your knees and stop accepting the narratives you are told w/o question.

I thought it was pretty obvious that what I wrote was in gest. Sorry you were not developed enough to realize it.

There was no conspiracy involved in the Titanic any more than there was one with the 9/11 attacks. The looney birds that sponsor such a fantasy have the same IQ as pea soup and any investigation of the subject matter would return any sober observer to the same conclusion.

Just a few pages back one of them was saying that there were no planes involved. It doesn't get any more batshit crazy than that.

Your case and your position is not made any stronger by your ad hominem. Folks like you say, "nope, there are no conspiracies," but educated people know there are. So stop being obtuse and grow up. 9 huge government conspiracies that actually happened

Now, as far as there not being any planes? I don't really know about that. I for one don't believe in that particular position, but I am not willing to condemn those who hold that position. Experts have said otherwise.

The following interview is of a fellow that is a known government disinfo agent. He worked with the government, and was instructed to go get the Iranian hostages, not releasing them a moment before Reagan was sworn in.

So can what he says be trusted? I don't know. I think he's pretty shady to say the least. He talks of little green men, E.T.'s and the like (not that those aren't real), so you sort of take it for what it's worth. OTH, he comes from an elite family that knows the inner workings of the SG, so there does seem to be a lot of info mixed in with disinfo. . . .

Who the hell are we to say there were planes? I don't simply know. Until they release to the public the black boxes, neither of us has any proof either way, do we? So any discussion of planes vs. no planes seems academic to me.

Why does the government not release to the public the flight data recorders if there were planes? What exactly are they hiding? In every other crash, they always release that data or at least the destroyed recorders. So what is the deal here? The government claims those recorders were destroyed, but no wreckage? Does it WANT to fuel such conspiracies?

Seems like it to me.:tinfoil:

The main reason I don't believe in the "no planes" theory is that the flight data recording devices WERE found, then the FBI took them, and told the folks that found them to shut up about finding them.

But why?

9/11: Missing Black Boxes in World Trade Center Attacks Found by Firefighters, Analyzed by NTSB, Concealed by FBI
9/11: Missing Black Boxes in World Trade Center Attacks Found by Firefighters, Analyzed by NTSB, Concealed by FBI
But the FBI states, and also reported to the 9-11 Commission, that none of the recording devices from the two planes that hit the World Trade Center were ever recovered.

There has always been some skepticism about this assertion, particularly as two N.Y. City firefighters, Mike Bellone and Nicholas De Masi, claimed in 2004 that they had found three of the four boxes, and that Federal agents took them and told the two men not to mention having found them. (The FBI denies the whole story.) Moreover, these devices are almost always located after crashes, even if not in useable condition (and the cleanup of the World Trade Center was meticulous, with even tiny bone fragments and bits of human tissue being discovered so that almost all the victims were ultimately identified). As Ted Lopatkiewicz, director of public affairs at the National Transportation Safety Agency which has the job of analyzing the boxes’ data, says, “It’s very unusual not to find a recorder after a crash, although it’s also very unusual to have jets flying into buildings.”


What the apparent existence of the black boxes in government hands means is unclear.

If the information in those boxes is recoverable, or if, as is likely, it has been recovered already, it could give crucial evidence regarding the skill of the hijacker/pilots, perhaps of their strategy, of whether they were getting outside help in guiding them to their targets, of how fast they were flying and a host of other things.

Why would the main intelligence and law enforcement arm of the U.S. government want to hide from the public not just the available information about the two hijacked flights that provided the motivation and justification for the nation’s “War on Terror” and for its two wars against Afghanistan and Iraq, but even the fact that it has the devices which could contain that information? Conspiracy theories abound, with some claiming the planes were actually pilotless military aircraft, or that they had little or nothing to do with the building collapses. The easiest way to quash such rumors and such fevered thinking would be openness.

Instead we have the opposite: a dark secrecy that invites many questions regarding the potentially embarrassing or perhaps even sinister information that might be on those tapes.

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