World Trade Center probably could not have been destroyed by planes

The titanic was an inside job too. Take a piece of ice. Hit it with a metal hammer. What breaks. The ice? Or the Hammer? The Titanic was made of should have broken the ice the same way.....


. . . And to this day, the powerful men that did not want the Federal Reserve, the ones that could have prevented the booms and the busts, the ones that could have prevented the bubbles and the currency wars, the dollar devaluation and all the endless senseless wars in the name of the global banking cabal, went down on that ship.

Now, tax day is the same day that the ship went down.

Remember that next time you have to file your tax forms.

"Necessary to their plans, the Federal Reserve did have some opposition; those who saw what the future would become if banking was outside of the government’s hands, the rates set by a private company such as the Fed. All the wealthy and powerful men the Jesuits wanted to get rid of were invited to take the cruise. Three of the richest and most important of these were Benjamin Guggenheim, Isador Strauss, the head of Macy’s Department Stores, and John Jacob Astor, probably the wealthiest man in the world. Their total wealth, at that time, using dollar values of their day was more than 500 million dollars. Today that amount of money would be worth nearly eleven billion dollars. These three men were coaxed and encouraged to board the floating palace. They had to be destroyed because the Jesuits knew they would use their wealth and influence to oppose a Federal Reserve Bank as well as the various wars that were being planned.

It can also be mentioned that J.P. Morgan, the individual contracted to build the Titanic was scheduled to be on the maiden voyage, but canceled.

Supporters of the idea that the Titanic shipwreck was orchestrated carefully, a Jesuit tempore co-adjutor was picked to captain the ship, a man that would do anything for the order and God’s will; Captain Edward Smith. Quite possibly the most experienced captain of the time, Smith had navigated the waters of the Atlantic for 26 years, a master of the icy waters that the Titanic would be sailing. He was a Jesuit and worked for J.P. Morgan. As National Geographic stated in their 1986 documentary entitilted ‘The Secrets of the Titanic,’ “Anyone could be a Jesuit and their identity not be known.”"
Titanic Conspiracy and The Jesuits - RMS Titanic Article

The only time reality is stranger than fiction is when the minds of men are acting and reacting to make it so.

Insane Coincidences – The “Titanic” Disaster Story

5 Titanic Coincidences That Prove Reality is Stranger than Fiction

I find it unbelievable how malleable the minds of people are today. The government schools have made them so willing to accept what ever paradigm the establishment media cartels will whore out to them.

I suppose that is easier than the horror of facing the truth. That they have done this to us before is a good predictor that folks will love falling for the drama again. I'm sure when they aren't paying attention, or are bored, or aren't willing to do the elites bidding, they will sell us more drama. Just look at San Bernardino or Paris.

No one is saying the Titanic didn't sink or that it wasn't an Iceberg.

Don't be so simple minded. Get off your knees and stop accepting the narratives you are told w/o question.

I thought it was pretty obvious that what I wrote was in gest. Sorry you were not developed enough to realize it.

There was no conspiracy involved in the Titanic any more than there was one with the 9/11 attacks. The looney birds that sponsor such a fantasy have the same IQ as pea soup and any investigation of the subject matter would return any sober observer to the same conclusion.

Just a few pages back one of them was saying that there were no planes involved. It doesn't get any more batshit crazy than that.

Your case and your position is not made any stronger by your ad hominem. Folks like you say, "nope, there are no conspiracies," but educated people know there are. So stop being obtuse and grow up. 9 huge government conspiracies that actually happened

Now, as far as there not being any planes? I don't really know about that. I for one don't believe in that particular position, but I am not willing to condemn those who hold that position. Experts have said otherwise.

The following interview is of a fellow that is a known government disinfo agent. He worked with the government, and was instructed to go get the Iranian hostages, not releasing them a moment before Reagan was sworn in.

So can what he says be trusted? I don't know. I think he's pretty shady to say the least. He talks of little green men, E.T.'s and the like (not that those aren't real), so you sort of take it for what it's worth. OTH, he comes from an elite family that knows the inner workings of the SG, so there does seem to be a lot of info mixed in with disinfo. . . .

Who the hell are we to say there were planes? I don't simply know. Until they release to the public the black boxes, neither of us has any proof either way, do we? So any discussion of planes vs. no planes seems academic to me.

Why does the government not release to the public the flight data recorders if there were planes? What exactly are they hiding? In every other crash, they always release that data or at least the destroyed recorders. So what is the deal here? The government claims those recorders were destroyed, but no wreckage? Does it WANT to fuel such conspiracies?

Seems like it to me.:tinfoil:

The main reason I don't believe in the "no planes" theory is that the flight data recording devices WERE found, then the FBI took them, and told the folks that found them to shut up about finding them.

But why?

9/11: Missing Black Boxes in World Trade Center Attacks Found by Firefighters, Analyzed by NTSB, Concealed by FBI
9/11: Missing Black Boxes in World Trade Center Attacks Found by Firefighters, Analyzed by NTSB, Concealed by FBI
But the FBI states, and also reported to the 9-11 Commission, that none of the recording devices from the two planes that hit the World Trade Center were ever recovered.

There has always been some skepticism about this assertion, particularly as two N.Y. City firefighters, Mike Bellone and Nicholas De Masi, claimed in 2004 that they had found three of the four boxes, and that Federal agents took them and told the two men not to mention having found them. (The FBI denies the whole story.) Moreover, these devices are almost always located after crashes, even if not in useable condition (and the cleanup of the World Trade Center was meticulous, with even tiny bone fragments and bits of human tissue being discovered so that almost all the victims were ultimately identified). As Ted Lopatkiewicz, director of public affairs at the National Transportation Safety Agency which has the job of analyzing the boxes’ data, says, “It’s very unusual not to find a recorder after a crash, although it’s also very unusual to have jets flying into buildings.”


What the apparent existence of the black boxes in government hands means is unclear.

If the information in those boxes is recoverable, or if, as is likely, it has been recovered already, it could give crucial evidence regarding the skill of the hijacker/pilots, perhaps of their strategy, of whether they were getting outside help in guiding them to their targets, of how fast they were flying and a host of other things.

Why would the main intelligence and law enforcement arm of the U.S. government want to hide from the public not just the available information about the two hijacked flights that provided the motivation and justification for the nation’s “War on Terror” and for its two wars against Afghanistan and Iraq, but even the fact that it has the devices which could contain that information? Conspiracy theories abound, with some claiming the planes were actually pilotless military aircraft, or that they had little or nothing to do with the building collapses. The easiest way to quash such rumors and such fevered thinking would be openness.

Instead we have the opposite: a dark secrecy that invites many questions regarding the potentially embarrassing or perhaps even sinister information that might be on those tapes.

The following interview is of a fellow that is a known government disinfo agent

That's what he wants you to think.
The titanic was an inside job too. Take a piece of ice. Hit it with a metal hammer. What breaks. The ice? Or the Hammer? The Titanic was made of should have broken the ice the same way.....


. . . And to this day, the powerful men that did not want the Federal Reserve, the ones that could have prevented the booms and the busts, the ones that could have prevented the bubbles and the currency wars, the dollar devaluation and all the endless senseless wars in the name of the global banking cabal, went down on that ship.

Now, tax day is the same day that the ship went down.

Remember that next time you have to file your tax forms.

"Necessary to their plans, the Federal Reserve did have some opposition; those who saw what the future would become if banking was outside of the government’s hands, the rates set by a private company such as the Fed. All the wealthy and powerful men the Jesuits wanted to get rid of were invited to take the cruise. Three of the richest and most important of these were Benjamin Guggenheim, Isador Strauss, the head of Macy’s Department Stores, and John Jacob Astor, probably the wealthiest man in the world. Their total wealth, at that time, using dollar values of their day was more than 500 million dollars. Today that amount of money would be worth nearly eleven billion dollars. These three men were coaxed and encouraged to board the floating palace. They had to be destroyed because the Jesuits knew they would use their wealth and influence to oppose a Federal Reserve Bank as well as the various wars that were being planned.

It can also be mentioned that J.P. Morgan, the individual contracted to build the Titanic was scheduled to be on the maiden voyage, but canceled.

Supporters of the idea that the Titanic shipwreck was orchestrated carefully, a Jesuit tempore co-adjutor was picked to captain the ship, a man that would do anything for the order and God’s will; Captain Edward Smith. Quite possibly the most experienced captain of the time, Smith had navigated the waters of the Atlantic for 26 years, a master of the icy waters that the Titanic would be sailing. He was a Jesuit and worked for J.P. Morgan. As National Geographic stated in their 1986 documentary entitilted ‘The Secrets of the Titanic,’ “Anyone could be a Jesuit and their identity not be known.”"
Titanic Conspiracy and The Jesuits - RMS Titanic Article

The only time reality is stranger than fiction is when the minds of men are acting and reacting to make it so.

Insane Coincidences – The “Titanic” Disaster Story

5 Titanic Coincidences That Prove Reality is Stranger than Fiction

I find it unbelievable how malleable the minds of people are today. The government schools have made them so willing to accept what ever paradigm the establishment media cartels will whore out to them.

I suppose that is easier than the horror of facing the truth. That they have done this to us before is a good predictor that folks will love falling for the drama again. I'm sure when they aren't paying attention, or are bored, or aren't willing to do the elites bidding, they will sell us more drama. Just look at San Bernardino or Paris.

No one is saying the Titanic didn't sink or that it wasn't an Iceberg.

Don't be so simple minded. Get off your knees and stop accepting the narratives you are told w/o question.

I thought it was pretty obvious that what I wrote was in gest. Sorry you were not developed enough to realize it.

There was no conspiracy involved in the Titanic any more than there was one with the 9/11 attacks. The looney birds that sponsor such a fantasy have the same IQ as pea soup and any investigation of the subject matter would return any sober observer to the same conclusion.

Just a few pages back one of them was saying that there were no planes involved. It doesn't get any more batshit crazy than that.

Your case and your position is not made any stronger by your ad hominem. Folks like you say, "nope, there are no conspiracies," but educated people know there are. So stop being obtuse and grow up. 9 huge government conspiracies that actually happened

Now, as far as there not being any planes? I don't really know about that. I for one don't believe in that particular position, but I am not willing to condemn those who hold that position. Experts have said otherwise.

The following interview is of a fellow that is a known government disinfo agent. He worked with the government, and was instructed to go get the Iranian hostages, not releasing them a moment before Reagan was sworn in.

So can what he says be trusted? I don't know. I think he's pretty shady to say the least. He talks of little green men, E.T.'s and the like (not that those aren't real), so you sort of take it for what it's worth. OTH, he comes from an elite family that knows the inner workings of the SG, so there does seem to be a lot of info mixed in with disinfo. . . .

Who the hell are we to say there were planes? I don't simply know. Until they release to the public the black boxes, neither of us has any proof either way, do we? So any discussion of planes vs. no planes seems academic to me.

Why does the government not release to the public the flight data recorders if there were planes? What exactly are they hiding? In every other crash, they always release that data or at least the destroyed recorders. So what is the deal here? The government claims those recorders were destroyed, but no wreckage? Does it WANT to fuel such conspiracies?

Seems like it to me.:tinfoil:

The main reason I don't believe in the "no planes" theory is that the flight data recording devices WERE found, then the FBI took them, and told the folks that found them to shut up about finding them.

But why?

9/11: Missing Black Boxes in World Trade Center Attacks Found by Firefighters, Analyzed by NTSB, Concealed by FBI
9/11: Missing Black Boxes in World Trade Center Attacks Found by Firefighters, Analyzed by NTSB, Concealed by FBI
But the FBI states, and also reported to the 9-11 Commission, that none of the recording devices from the two planes that hit the World Trade Center were ever recovered.

There has always been some skepticism about this assertion, particularly as two N.Y. City firefighters, Mike Bellone and Nicholas De Masi, claimed in 2004 that they had found three of the four boxes, and that Federal agents took them and told the two men not to mention having found them. (The FBI denies the whole story.) Moreover, these devices are almost always located after crashes, even if not in useable condition (and the cleanup of the World Trade Center was meticulous, with even tiny bone fragments and bits of human tissue being discovered so that almost all the victims were ultimately identified). As Ted Lopatkiewicz, director of public affairs at the National Transportation Safety Agency which has the job of analyzing the boxes’ data, says, “It’s very unusual not to find a recorder after a crash, although it’s also very unusual to have jets flying into buildings.”


What the apparent existence of the black boxes in government hands means is unclear.

If the information in those boxes is recoverable, or if, as is likely, it has been recovered already, it could give crucial evidence regarding the skill of the hijacker/pilots, perhaps of their strategy, of whether they were getting outside help in guiding them to their targets, of how fast they were flying and a host of other things.

Why would the main intelligence and law enforcement arm of the U.S. government want to hide from the public not just the available information about the two hijacked flights that provided the motivation and justification for the nation’s “War on Terror” and for its two wars against Afghanistan and Iraq, but even the fact that it has the devices which could contain that information? Conspiracy theories abound, with some claiming the planes were actually pilotless military aircraft, or that they had little or nothing to do with the building collapses. The easiest way to quash such rumors and such fevered thinking would be openness.

Instead we have the opposite: a dark secrecy that invites many questions regarding the potentially embarrassing or perhaps even sinister information that might be on those tapes.

9/11/01 happened for a litany of reasons and some of it has to do with some of the proceeds from the Black Eagle Trust (which was gold stolen from the Japanese that had buried it in the Philippines) some of this was used to buy up gas and oil futures when the Ruble collapsed in September of 1991. The Carlyle group piggybacked off of the currency swaps by Leo Wanta, who was commissioned by Ronald Reagan to take down the USSR's currency back in 1988. These were ten year securities that were to expire in September of 2001...only problem was that in order to authenticate the owners of these securities would require the Securities and Exchange Commission to process it and that posed a real problem. It was solved when the Federal Reserve bankers shut down the SEC due to 9/11 for two weeks thus allowing all trades to go through with no scrutiny. 240 billion dollars were able to fall into the hands of those that had used the stolen gold that made up of some of the Black Eagle Trust of gold stolen from the Japanese that they themselves had stolen.....just one of many reasons for 9/11/01. Cantor Fitzgerald was one of the groups that was used to authenticate ownership of said securities and were targeted on 9/11/01. They resided on the 82nd floor of WTC 1. Oddly enough, Edward Lansdale, one of the principles in getting the gold for the Black Eagle Trust was intimately involved in Kennedy's murder....truth is much stranger than fiction sometimes.

Last edited:
The titanic was an inside job too. Take a piece of ice. Hit it with a metal hammer. What breaks. The ice? Or the Hammer? The Titanic was made of should have broken the ice the same way.....


. . . And to this day, the powerful men that did not want the Federal Reserve, the ones that could have prevented the booms and the busts, the ones that could have prevented the bubbles and the currency wars, the dollar devaluation and all the endless senseless wars in the name of the global banking cabal, went down on that ship.

Now, tax day is the same day that the ship went down.

Remember that next time you have to file your tax forms.

"Necessary to their plans, the Federal Reserve did have some opposition; those who saw what the future would become if banking was outside of the government’s hands, the rates set by a private company such as the Fed. All the wealthy and powerful men the Jesuits wanted to get rid of were invited to take the cruise. Three of the richest and most important of these were Benjamin Guggenheim, Isador Strauss, the head of Macy’s Department Stores, and John Jacob Astor, probably the wealthiest man in the world. Their total wealth, at that time, using dollar values of their day was more than 500 million dollars. Today that amount of money would be worth nearly eleven billion dollars. These three men were coaxed and encouraged to board the floating palace. They had to be destroyed because the Jesuits knew they would use their wealth and influence to oppose a Federal Reserve Bank as well as the various wars that were being planned.

It can also be mentioned that J.P. Morgan, the individual contracted to build the Titanic was scheduled to be on the maiden voyage, but canceled.

Supporters of the idea that the Titanic shipwreck was orchestrated carefully, a Jesuit tempore co-adjutor was picked to captain the ship, a man that would do anything for the order and God’s will; Captain Edward Smith. Quite possibly the most experienced captain of the time, Smith had navigated the waters of the Atlantic for 26 years, a master of the icy waters that the Titanic would be sailing. He was a Jesuit and worked for J.P. Morgan. As National Geographic stated in their 1986 documentary entitilted ‘The Secrets of the Titanic,’ “Anyone could be a Jesuit and their identity not be known.”"
Titanic Conspiracy and The Jesuits - RMS Titanic Article

The only time reality is stranger than fiction is when the minds of men are acting and reacting to make it so.

Insane Coincidences – The “Titanic” Disaster Story

5 Titanic Coincidences That Prove Reality is Stranger than Fiction

I find it unbelievable how malleable the minds of people are today. The government schools have made them so willing to accept what ever paradigm the establishment media cartels will whore out to them.

I suppose that is easier than the horror of facing the truth. That they have done this to us before is a good predictor that folks will love falling for the drama again. I'm sure when they aren't paying attention, or are bored, or aren't willing to do the elites bidding, they will sell us more drama. Just look at San Bernardino or Paris.

No one is saying the Titanic didn't sink or that it wasn't an Iceberg.

Don't be so simple minded. Get off your knees and stop accepting the narratives you are told w/o question.

I thought it was pretty obvious that what I wrote was in gest. Sorry you were not developed enough to realize it.

There was no conspiracy involved in the Titanic any more than there was one with the 9/11 attacks. The looney birds that sponsor such a fantasy have the same IQ as pea soup and any investigation of the subject matter would return any sober observer to the same conclusion.

Just a few pages back one of them was saying that there were no planes involved. It doesn't get any more batshit crazy than that.

Your case and your position is not made any stronger by your ad hominem. Folks like you say, "nope, there are no conspiracies," but educated people know there are. So stop being obtuse and grow up. 9 huge government conspiracies that actually happened

Now, as far as there not being any planes? I don't really know about that. I for one don't believe in that particular position, but I am not willing to condemn those who hold that position. Experts have said otherwise.

The following interview is of a fellow that is a known government disinfo agent. He worked with the government, and was instructed to go get the Iranian hostages, not releasing them a moment before Reagan was sworn in.

So can what he says be trusted? I don't know. I think he's pretty shady to say the least. He talks of little green men, E.T.'s and the like (not that those aren't real), so you sort of take it for what it's worth. OTH, he comes from an elite family that knows the inner workings of the SG, so there does seem to be a lot of info mixed in with disinfo. . . .

Who the hell are we to say there were planes? I don't simply know. Until they release to the public the black boxes, neither of us has any proof either way, do we? So any discussion of planes vs. no planes seems academic to me.

Why does the government not release to the public the flight data recorders if there were planes? What exactly are they hiding? In every other crash, they always release that data or at least the destroyed recorders. So what is the deal here? The government claims those recorders were destroyed, but no wreckage? Does it WANT to fuel such conspiracies?

Seems like it to me.:tinfoil:

The main reason I don't believe in the "no planes" theory is that the flight data recording devices WERE found, then the FBI took them, and told the folks that found them to shut up about finding them.

But why?

9/11: Missing Black Boxes in World Trade Center Attacks Found by Firefighters, Analyzed by NTSB, Concealed by FBI
9/11: Missing Black Boxes in World Trade Center Attacks Found by Firefighters, Analyzed by NTSB, Concealed by FBI
But the FBI states, and also reported to the 9-11 Commission, that none of the recording devices from the two planes that hit the World Trade Center were ever recovered.

There has always been some skepticism about this assertion, particularly as two N.Y. City firefighters, Mike Bellone and Nicholas De Masi, claimed in 2004 that they had found three of the four boxes, and that Federal agents took them and told the two men not to mention having found them. (The FBI denies the whole story.) Moreover, these devices are almost always located after crashes, even if not in useable condition (and the cleanup of the World Trade Center was meticulous, with even tiny bone fragments and bits of human tissue being discovered so that almost all the victims were ultimately identified). As Ted Lopatkiewicz, director of public affairs at the National Transportation Safety Agency which has the job of analyzing the boxes’ data, says, “It’s very unusual not to find a recorder after a crash, although it’s also very unusual to have jets flying into buildings.”


What the apparent existence of the black boxes in government hands means is unclear.

If the information in those boxes is recoverable, or if, as is likely, it has been recovered already, it could give crucial evidence regarding the skill of the hijacker/pilots, perhaps of their strategy, of whether they were getting outside help in guiding them to their targets, of how fast they were flying and a host of other things.

Why would the main intelligence and law enforcement arm of the U.S. government want to hide from the public not just the available information about the two hijacked flights that provided the motivation and justification for the nation’s “War on Terror” and for its two wars against Afghanistan and Iraq, but even the fact that it has the devices which could contain that information? Conspiracy theories abound, with some claiming the planes were actually pilotless military aircraft, or that they had little or nothing to do with the building collapses. The easiest way to quash such rumors and such fevered thinking would be openness.

Instead we have the opposite: a dark secrecy that invites many questions regarding the potentially embarrassing or perhaps even sinister information that might be on those tapes.

9/11/01 happened for a litany of reasons and some of it has to do with some of the proceeds from the Black Eagle Trust (which was gold stolen from the Japanese that had buried it in the Philippines) some of this was used to buy up gas and oil futures when the Ruble collapsed in September of 1991. The Carlyle group piggybacked off of the currency swaps by Leo Wanta, who was commissioned by Ronald Reagan to take down the USSR's currency back in 1988. These were ten year securities that were to expire in September of 2001...only problem was that in order to authenticate the owners of these securities would require the Securities and Exchange Commission to process it and that posed a real problem. It was solved when the Federal Reserve bankers shut down the SEC due to 9/11 for two weeks thus allowing all trades to go through with no scrutiny. 240 billion dollars were able to fall into the hands of those that had used the stolen gold that made up of some of the Black Eagle Trust of gold stolen from the Japanese that they themselves had stolen.....just one of many reasons for 9/11/01. Cantor Fitzgerald was one of the groups that was used to authenticate ownership of said securities and were targeted on 9/11/01. They resided on the 82nd floor of WTC 1. Oddly enough, Edward Lansdale, one of the principles in getting the gold for the Black Eagle Trust was intimately involved in Kennedy's murder....truth is much stranger than fiction sometimes.

Wow! What a complete load of crap.
I really loved this.

Leo Wanta, who was commissioned by Ronald Reagan to take down the USSR's currency back in 1988.

The ruble in the USSR was not convertible, you stupid git.
Wow! What a complete load of crap.
I really loved this.

Leo Wanta, who was commissioned by Ronald Reagan to take down the USSR's currency back in 1988.

The ruble in the USSR was not convertible, you stupid git.[/QUOTE]

Exactly and thus leading to the downfall of the Ruble. The USSR had over-valued it's currency and using currency swaps, Wanta was able to buy up Rubles from countries holding Russian debt for pennies on the dollar to accrue an ungodly amount of Rubles that he and his Asian partner cashed in like poker chips at a casino. It crashed the Russian economy and the vultures swooped in to take advantage of it. I may be missing some minute details because I research and try and learn as much as I can about a myriad of things but I pretty much have the gist of it. I am "dead on" about the Black Eagle Trust" and I have barely scratched the surface on that one. I don't mind being lamely flamed by a troll that can't stand having his preconceived notions challenged...... because it's what I do day in and day out. I have no political agenda.....simply want people to wake up and think for themselves.
The titanic was an inside job too. Take a piece of ice. Hit it with a metal hammer. What breaks. The ice? Or the Hammer? The Titanic was made of should have broken the ice the same way.....


. . . And to this day, the powerful men that did not want the Federal Reserve, the ones that could have prevented the booms and the busts, the ones that could have prevented the bubbles and the currency wars, the dollar devaluation and all the endless senseless wars in the name of the global banking cabal, went down on that ship.

Now, tax day is the same day that the ship went down.

Remember that next time you have to file your tax forms.

"Necessary to their plans, the Federal Reserve did have some opposition; those who saw what the future would become if banking was outside of the government’s hands, the rates set by a private company such as the Fed. All the wealthy and powerful men the Jesuits wanted to get rid of were invited to take the cruise. Three of the richest and most important of these were Benjamin Guggenheim, Isador Strauss, the head of Macy’s Department Stores, and John Jacob Astor, probably the wealthiest man in the world. Their total wealth, at that time, using dollar values of their day was more than 500 million dollars. Today that amount of money would be worth nearly eleven billion dollars. These three men were coaxed and encouraged to board the floating palace. They had to be destroyed because the Jesuits knew they would use their wealth and influence to oppose a Federal Reserve Bank as well as the various wars that were being planned.

It can also be mentioned that J.P. Morgan, the individual contracted to build the Titanic was scheduled to be on the maiden voyage, but canceled.

Supporters of the idea that the Titanic shipwreck was orchestrated carefully, a Jesuit tempore co-adjutor was picked to captain the ship, a man that would do anything for the order and God’s will; Captain Edward Smith. Quite possibly the most experienced captain of the time, Smith had navigated the waters of the Atlantic for 26 years, a master of the icy waters that the Titanic would be sailing. He was a Jesuit and worked for J.P. Morgan. As National Geographic stated in their 1986 documentary entitilted ‘The Secrets of the Titanic,’ “Anyone could be a Jesuit and their identity not be known.”"
Titanic Conspiracy and The Jesuits - RMS Titanic Article

The only time reality is stranger than fiction is when the minds of men are acting and reacting to make it so.

Insane Coincidences – The “Titanic” Disaster Story

5 Titanic Coincidences That Prove Reality is Stranger than Fiction

I find it unbelievable how malleable the minds of people are today. The government schools have made them so willing to accept what ever paradigm the establishment media cartels will whore out to them.

I suppose that is easier than the horror of facing the truth. That they have done this to us before is a good predictor that folks will love falling for the drama again. I'm sure when they aren't paying attention, or are bored, or aren't willing to do the elites bidding, they will sell us more drama. Just look at San Bernardino or Paris.

No one is saying the Titanic didn't sink or that it wasn't an Iceberg.

Don't be so simple minded. Get off your knees and stop accepting the narratives you are told w/o question.

I thought it was pretty obvious that what I wrote was in gest. Sorry you were not developed enough to realize it.

There was no conspiracy involved in the Titanic any more than there was one with the 9/11 attacks. The looney birds that sponsor such a fantasy have the same IQ as pea soup and any investigation of the subject matter would return any sober observer to the same conclusion.

Just a few pages back one of them was saying that there were no planes involved. It doesn't get any more batshit crazy than that.

Your case and your position is not made any stronger by your ad hominem. Folks like you say, "nope, there are no conspiracies," but educated people know there are. So stop being obtuse and grow up. 9 huge government conspiracies that actually happened

Now, as far as there not being any planes? I don't really know about that. I for one don't believe in that particular position, but I am not willing to condemn those who hold that position. Experts have said otherwise.

The following interview is of a fellow that is a known government disinfo agent. He worked with the government, and was instructed to go get the Iranian hostages, not releasing them a moment before Reagan was sworn in.

So can what he says be trusted? I don't know. I think he's pretty shady to say the least. He talks of little green men, E.T.'s and the like (not that those aren't real), so you sort of take it for what it's worth. OTH, he comes from an elite family that knows the inner workings of the SG, so there does seem to be a lot of info mixed in with disinfo. . . .

Who the hell are we to say there were planes? I don't simply know. Until they release to the public the black boxes, neither of us has any proof either way, do we? So any discussion of planes vs. no planes seems academic to me.

Why does the government not release to the public the flight data recorders if there were planes? What exactly are they hiding? In every other crash, they always release that data or at least the destroyed recorders. So what is the deal here? The government claims those recorders were destroyed, but no wreckage? Does it WANT to fuel such conspiracies?

Seems like it to me.:tinfoil:

The main reason I don't believe in the "no planes" theory is that the flight data recording devices WERE found, then the FBI took them, and told the folks that found them to shut up about finding them.

But why?

9/11: Missing Black Boxes in World Trade Center Attacks Found by Firefighters, Analyzed by NTSB, Concealed by FBI
9/11: Missing Black Boxes in World Trade Center Attacks Found by Firefighters, Analyzed by NTSB, Concealed by FBI
But the FBI states, and also reported to the 9-11 Commission, that none of the recording devices from the two planes that hit the World Trade Center were ever recovered.

There has always been some skepticism about this assertion, particularly as two N.Y. City firefighters, Mike Bellone and Nicholas De Masi, claimed in 2004 that they had found three of the four boxes, and that Federal agents took them and told the two men not to mention having found them. (The FBI denies the whole story.) Moreover, these devices are almost always located after crashes, even if not in useable condition (and the cleanup of the World Trade Center was meticulous, with even tiny bone fragments and bits of human tissue being discovered so that almost all the victims were ultimately identified). As Ted Lopatkiewicz, director of public affairs at the National Transportation Safety Agency which has the job of analyzing the boxes’ data, says, “It’s very unusual not to find a recorder after a crash, although it’s also very unusual to have jets flying into buildings.”


What the apparent existence of the black boxes in government hands means is unclear.

If the information in those boxes is recoverable, or if, as is likely, it has been recovered already, it could give crucial evidence regarding the skill of the hijacker/pilots, perhaps of their strategy, of whether they were getting outside help in guiding them to their targets, of how fast they were flying and a host of other things.

Why would the main intelligence and law enforcement arm of the U.S. government want to hide from the public not just the available information about the two hijacked flights that provided the motivation and justification for the nation’s “War on Terror” and for its two wars against Afghanistan and Iraq, but even the fact that it has the devices which could contain that information? Conspiracy theories abound, with some claiming the planes were actually pilotless military aircraft, or that they had little or nothing to do with the building collapses. The easiest way to quash such rumors and such fevered thinking would be openness.

Instead we have the opposite: a dark secrecy that invites many questions regarding the potentially embarrassing or perhaps even sinister information that might be on those tapes.

9/11/01 happened for a litany of reasons and some of it has to do with some of the proceeds from the Black Eagle Trust (which was gold stolen from the Japanese that had buried it in the Philippines) some of this was used to buy up gas and oil futures when the Ruble collapsed in September of 1991. The Carlyle group piggybacked off of the currency swaps by Leo Wanta, who was commissioned by Ronald Reagan to take down the USSR's currency back in 1988. These were ten year securities that were to expire in September of 2001...only problem was that in order to authenticate the owners of these securities would require the Securities and Exchange Commission to process it and that posed a real problem. It was solved when the Federal Reserve bankers shut down the SEC due to 9/11 for two weeks thus allowing all trades to go through with no scrutiny. 240 billion dollars were able to fall into the hands of those that had used the stolen gold that made up of some of the Black Eagle Trust of gold stolen from the Japanese that they themselves had stolen.....just one of many reasons for 9/11/01. Cantor Fitzgerald was one of the groups that was used to authenticate ownership of said securities and were targeted on 9/11/01. They resided on the 82nd floor of WTC 1. Oddly enough, Edward Lansdale, one of the principles in getting the gold for the Black Eagle Trust was intimately involved in Kennedy's murder....truth is much stranger than fiction sometimes.

Yes, I'd heard many of the nefarious other plots associated with 9/11.

We need to focus on the fact that the military/industrial complex needed a new enemy for the fiat currency/debt merry-go-round to keep the game going.

Up till that point, the Clinton administration had cut the defense spending to historical lows not seen since the end of WWII. This was an untenable situation for the private banking cabal.

I was aware of the nefarious currency swaps involving Leo Wanta. I've never really clearly understood that scandal, and it continued on past 9/11. It was one of the main drivers in the world wide economic collapse that involved the derivative bundles. The MSM has everyone believing that it was only toxic assets and bad mortgages, but it also had something to do with the Wanta scandal. I'm not sure how, it is extremely complex and above my pay-grade. I was following it for several years from a intelligence analyst at a site called Global Analysis. It went down for several years.

Recently I found that someone paid to archive it. I knew the whole economic crash was coming years before it did. Christopher Edward Harle Story pointed out the problems with Fannie and Freddie and how they were connected to Wanta.
You'll see from some of this archived intel, the Wanta stuff goes right up to Story's assassination. It's been hard finding solid stuff about the SG since he has been gone.
Index of /news/

There are lot of other anomalies. Like the gold that was stolen from the WTC complex, how Enron was involved, the missing trillions of dollars from the defense budget, etc.

But this is really about keeping the government and the banking cabal in power. It is about hiding their corruption. Those towers hid not only the corruption you have written about, but much more as well. The bodies that were buried in that rubble, were buried with a lot of government and corporate skeletons as well.

This nation has two choices. We exhume all the skeletons that the destruction was meant to cover up, and right the ship, or the rest of the world will right it for us.

I can see the world elites are already giving us more and more insane politicians, setting the nation up for idiotic masses to vote in a megalomaniac that will make it easier for the global elites to justify an invasion.

The plebes are given a clown or a liar to vote for, and they are actually arguing over which is better. Both the clown and the liar will go to the international bankers with hat in hand asking for money to start WWIII. The rest of the world would love to come and take all the land and make us all slaves.
It is a real blessing to come across someone like you and some others here that know the things that I do and have taken the time to read and research. It is people like you that keeps me going even when I am being dogpiled on in other forums. I have a close knit group of truthers that are a part of my inner circle and we lean on each other and pass on information to each other. I look forward to learning what I can from you and I hope I am able to return the favor and that you might be able to take some of the things I have garnered and be of use to you as well. We are all in this together and it seems that the powers that be are doubling down on their efforts to bring about their totalitarian, feudalistic two class system of elites and serfs. I want you to know that there are "white hats" working on our behalf and there are inner- agency wars going on that the media never speaks of and what will help them is people waking up...that is the thankless job that you and a few others have here.
The titanic was an inside job too. Take a piece of ice. Hit it with a metal hammer. What breaks. The ice? Or the Hammer? The Titanic was made of should have broken the ice the same way.....


. . . And to this day, the powerful men that did not want the Federal Reserve, the ones that could have prevented the booms and the busts, the ones that could have prevented the bubbles and the currency wars, the dollar devaluation and all the endless senseless wars in the name of the global banking cabal, went down on that ship.

Now, tax day is the same day that the ship went down.

Remember that next time you have to file your tax forms.

"Necessary to their plans, the Federal Reserve did have some opposition; those who saw what the future would become if banking was outside of the government’s hands, the rates set by a private company such as the Fed. All the wealthy and powerful men the Jesuits wanted to get rid of were invited to take the cruise. Three of the richest and most important of these were Benjamin Guggenheim, Isador Strauss, the head of Macy’s Department Stores, and John Jacob Astor, probably the wealthiest man in the world. Their total wealth, at that time, using dollar values of their day was more than 500 million dollars. Today that amount of money would be worth nearly eleven billion dollars. These three men were coaxed and encouraged to board the floating palace. They had to be destroyed because the Jesuits knew they would use their wealth and influence to oppose a Federal Reserve Bank as well as the various wars that were being planned.

It can also be mentioned that J.P. Morgan, the individual contracted to build the Titanic was scheduled to be on the maiden voyage, but canceled.

Supporters of the idea that the Titanic shipwreck was orchestrated carefully, a Jesuit tempore co-adjutor was picked to captain the ship, a man that would do anything for the order and God’s will; Captain Edward Smith. Quite possibly the most experienced captain of the time, Smith had navigated the waters of the Atlantic for 26 years, a master of the icy waters that the Titanic would be sailing. He was a Jesuit and worked for J.P. Morgan. As National Geographic stated in their 1986 documentary entitilted ‘The Secrets of the Titanic,’ “Anyone could be a Jesuit and their identity not be known.”"
Titanic Conspiracy and The Jesuits - RMS Titanic Article

The only time reality is stranger than fiction is when the minds of men are acting and reacting to make it so.

Insane Coincidences – The “Titanic” Disaster Story

5 Titanic Coincidences That Prove Reality is Stranger than Fiction

I find it unbelievable how malleable the minds of people are today. The government schools have made them so willing to accept what ever paradigm the establishment media cartels will whore out to them.

I suppose that is easier than the horror of facing the truth. That they have done this to us before is a good predictor that folks will love falling for the drama again. I'm sure when they aren't paying attention, or are bored, or aren't willing to do the elites bidding, they will sell us more drama. Just look at San Bernardino or Paris.

No one is saying the Titanic didn't sink or that it wasn't an Iceberg.

Don't be so simple minded. Get off your knees and stop accepting the narratives you are told w/o question.

I thought it was pretty obvious that what I wrote was in gest. Sorry you were not developed enough to realize it.

There was no conspiracy involved in the Titanic any more than there was one with the 9/11 attacks. The looney birds that sponsor such a fantasy have the same IQ as pea soup and any investigation of the subject matter would return any sober observer to the same conclusion.

Just a few pages back one of them was saying that there were no planes involved. It doesn't get any more batshit crazy than that.

Your case and your position is not made any stronger by your ad hominem. Folks like you say, "nope, there are no conspiracies," but educated people know there are. So stop being obtuse and grow up. 9 huge government conspiracies that actually happened

Now, as far as there not being any planes? I don't really know about that. I for one don't believe in that particular position, but I am not willing to condemn those who hold that position. Experts have said otherwise.

The following interview is of a fellow that is a known government disinfo agent. He worked with the government, and was instructed to go get the Iranian hostages, not releasing them a moment before Reagan was sworn in.

So can what he says be trusted? I don't know. I think he's pretty shady to say the least. He talks of little green men, E.T.'s and the like (not that those aren't real), so you sort of take it for what it's worth. OTH, he comes from an elite family that knows the inner workings of the SG, so there does seem to be a lot of info mixed in with disinfo. . . .

Who the hell are we to say there were planes? I don't simply know. Until they release to the public the black boxes, neither of us has any proof either way, do we? So any discussion of planes vs. no planes seems academic to me.

Why does the government not release to the public the flight data recorders if there were planes? What exactly are they hiding? In every other crash, they always release that data or at least the destroyed recorders. So what is the deal here? The government claims those recorders were destroyed, but no wreckage? Does it WANT to fuel such conspiracies?

Seems like it to me.:tinfoil:

The main reason I don't believe in the "no planes" theory is that the flight data recording devices WERE found, then the FBI took them, and told the folks that found them to shut up about finding them.

But why?

9/11: Missing Black Boxes in World Trade Center Attacks Found by Firefighters, Analyzed by NTSB, Concealed by FBI
9/11: Missing Black Boxes in World Trade Center Attacks Found by Firefighters, Analyzed by NTSB, Concealed by FBI
But the FBI states, and also reported to the 9-11 Commission, that none of the recording devices from the two planes that hit the World Trade Center were ever recovered.

There has always been some skepticism about this assertion, particularly as two N.Y. City firefighters, Mike Bellone and Nicholas De Masi, claimed in 2004 that they had found three of the four boxes, and that Federal agents took them and told the two men not to mention having found them. (The FBI denies the whole story.) Moreover, these devices are almost always located after crashes, even if not in useable condition (and the cleanup of the World Trade Center was meticulous, with even tiny bone fragments and bits of human tissue being discovered so that almost all the victims were ultimately identified). As Ted Lopatkiewicz, director of public affairs at the National Transportation Safety Agency which has the job of analyzing the boxes’ data, says, “It’s very unusual not to find a recorder after a crash, although it’s also very unusual to have jets flying into buildings.”


What the apparent existence of the black boxes in government hands means is unclear.

If the information in those boxes is recoverable, or if, as is likely, it has been recovered already, it could give crucial evidence regarding the skill of the hijacker/pilots, perhaps of their strategy, of whether they were getting outside help in guiding them to their targets, of how fast they were flying and a host of other things.

Why would the main intelligence and law enforcement arm of the U.S. government want to hide from the public not just the available information about the two hijacked flights that provided the motivation and justification for the nation’s “War on Terror” and for its two wars against Afghanistan and Iraq, but even the fact that it has the devices which could contain that information? Conspiracy theories abound, with some claiming the planes were actually pilotless military aircraft, or that they had little or nothing to do with the building collapses. The easiest way to quash such rumors and such fevered thinking would be openness.

Instead we have the opposite: a dark secrecy that invites many questions regarding the potentially embarrassing or perhaps even sinister information that might be on those tapes.

9/11/01 happened for a litany of reasons and some of it has to do with some of the proceeds from the Black Eagle Trust (which was gold stolen from the Japanese that had buried it in the Philippines) some of this was used to buy up gas and oil futures when the Ruble collapsed in September of 1991. The Carlyle group piggybacked off of the currency swaps by Leo Wanta, who was commissioned by Ronald Reagan to take down the USSR's currency back in 1988. These were ten year securities that were to expire in September of 2001...only problem was that in order to authenticate the owners of these securities would require the Securities and Exchange Commission to process it and that posed a real problem. It was solved when the Federal Reserve bankers shut down the SEC due to 9/11 for two weeks thus allowing all trades to go through with no scrutiny. 240 billion dollars were able to fall into the hands of those that had used the stolen gold that made up of some of the Black Eagle Trust of gold stolen from the Japanese that they themselves had stolen.....just one of many reasons for 9/11/01. Cantor Fitzgerald was one of the groups that was used to authenticate ownership of said securities and were targeted on 9/11/01. They resided on the 82nd floor of WTC 1. Oddly enough, Edward Lansdale, one of the principles in getting the gold for the Black Eagle Trust was intimately involved in Kennedy's murder....truth is much stranger than fiction sometimes.

Wow! What a complete load of crap.
I really loved this.

Leo Wanta, who was commissioned by Ronald Reagan to take down the USSR's currency back in 1988.

The ruble in the USSR was not convertible, you stupid git.

My guess is you have no idea that the Leo Wanta scandal is the largest scandal in US history.

Unfortunately, I think 240 billion dollars is a pretty large underestimate of the amounts we're talking about. Reliable updates about the scandal largely disappear after Story was assassinated. But the amounts we're talking about exceed four trillion, some put it at over 25 trillion. Is it any wonder the world economy is a basket case?

As far as being a "stupid git?"

Who's the "stupid git?"
Soviet ruble - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The titanic was an inside job too. Take a piece of ice. Hit it with a metal hammer. What breaks. The ice? Or the Hammer? The Titanic was made of should have broken the ice the same way.....


. . . And to this day, the powerful men that did not want the Federal Reserve, the ones that could have prevented the booms and the busts, the ones that could have prevented the bubbles and the currency wars, the dollar devaluation and all the endless senseless wars in the name of the global banking cabal, went down on that ship.

Now, tax day is the same day that the ship went down.

Remember that next time you have to file your tax forms.

"Necessary to their plans, the Federal Reserve did have some opposition; those who saw what the future would become if banking was outside of the government’s hands, the rates set by a private company such as the Fed. All the wealthy and powerful men the Jesuits wanted to get rid of were invited to take the cruise. Three of the richest and most important of these were Benjamin Guggenheim, Isador Strauss, the head of Macy’s Department Stores, and John Jacob Astor, probably the wealthiest man in the world. Their total wealth, at that time, using dollar values of their day was more than 500 million dollars. Today that amount of money would be worth nearly eleven billion dollars. These three men were coaxed and encouraged to board the floating palace. They had to be destroyed because the Jesuits knew they would use their wealth and influence to oppose a Federal Reserve Bank as well as the various wars that were being planned.

It can also be mentioned that J.P. Morgan, the individual contracted to build the Titanic was scheduled to be on the maiden voyage, but canceled.

Supporters of the idea that the Titanic shipwreck was orchestrated carefully, a Jesuit tempore co-adjutor was picked to captain the ship, a man that would do anything for the order and God’s will; Captain Edward Smith. Quite possibly the most experienced captain of the time, Smith had navigated the waters of the Atlantic for 26 years, a master of the icy waters that the Titanic would be sailing. He was a Jesuit and worked for J.P. Morgan. As National Geographic stated in their 1986 documentary entitilted ‘The Secrets of the Titanic,’ “Anyone could be a Jesuit and their identity not be known.”"
Titanic Conspiracy and The Jesuits - RMS Titanic Article

The only time reality is stranger than fiction is when the minds of men are acting and reacting to make it so.

Insane Coincidences – The “Titanic” Disaster Story

5 Titanic Coincidences That Prove Reality is Stranger than Fiction

I find it unbelievable how malleable the minds of people are today. The government schools have made them so willing to accept what ever paradigm the establishment media cartels will whore out to them.

I suppose that is easier than the horror of facing the truth. That they have done this to us before is a good predictor that folks will love falling for the drama again. I'm sure when they aren't paying attention, or are bored, or aren't willing to do the elites bidding, they will sell us more drama. Just look at San Bernardino or Paris.

No one is saying the Titanic didn't sink or that it wasn't an Iceberg.

Don't be so simple minded. Get off your knees and stop accepting the narratives you are told w/o question.

I thought it was pretty obvious that what I wrote was in gest. Sorry you were not developed enough to realize it.

There was no conspiracy involved in the Titanic any more than there was one with the 9/11 attacks. The looney birds that sponsor such a fantasy have the same IQ as pea soup and any investigation of the subject matter would return any sober observer to the same conclusion.

Just a few pages back one of them was saying that there were no planes involved. It doesn't get any more batshit crazy than that.

Your case and your position is not made any stronger by your ad hominem. Folks like you say, "nope, there are no conspiracies," but educated people know there are. So stop being obtuse and grow up. 9 huge government conspiracies that actually happened

Now, as far as there not being any planes? I don't really know about that. I for one don't believe in that particular position, but I am not willing to condemn those who hold that position. Experts have said otherwise.

The following interview is of a fellow that is a known government disinfo agent. He worked with the government, and was instructed to go get the Iranian hostages, not releasing them a moment before Reagan was sworn in.

So can what he says be trusted? I don't know. I think he's pretty shady to say the least. He talks of little green men, E.T.'s and the like (not that those aren't real), so you sort of take it for what it's worth. OTH, he comes from an elite family that knows the inner workings of the SG, so there does seem to be a lot of info mixed in with disinfo. . . .

Who the hell are we to say there were planes? I don't simply know. Until they release to the public the black boxes, neither of us has any proof either way, do we? So any discussion of planes vs. no planes seems academic to me.

Why does the government not release to the public the flight data recorders if there were planes? What exactly are they hiding? In every other crash, they always release that data or at least the destroyed recorders. So what is the deal here? The government claims those recorders were destroyed, but no wreckage? Does it WANT to fuel such conspiracies?

Seems like it to me.:tinfoil:

The main reason I don't believe in the "no planes" theory is that the flight data recording devices WERE found, then the FBI took them, and told the folks that found them to shut up about finding them.

But why?

9/11: Missing Black Boxes in World Trade Center Attacks Found by Firefighters, Analyzed by NTSB, Concealed by FBI
9/11: Missing Black Boxes in World Trade Center Attacks Found by Firefighters, Analyzed by NTSB, Concealed by FBI
But the FBI states, and also reported to the 9-11 Commission, that none of the recording devices from the two planes that hit the World Trade Center were ever recovered.

There has always been some skepticism about this assertion, particularly as two N.Y. City firefighters, Mike Bellone and Nicholas De Masi, claimed in 2004 that they had found three of the four boxes, and that Federal agents took them and told the two men not to mention having found them. (The FBI denies the whole story.) Moreover, these devices are almost always located after crashes, even if not in useable condition (and the cleanup of the World Trade Center was meticulous, with even tiny bone fragments and bits of human tissue being discovered so that almost all the victims were ultimately identified). As Ted Lopatkiewicz, director of public affairs at the National Transportation Safety Agency which has the job of analyzing the boxes’ data, says, “It’s very unusual not to find a recorder after a crash, although it’s also very unusual to have jets flying into buildings.”


What the apparent existence of the black boxes in government hands means is unclear.

If the information in those boxes is recoverable, or if, as is likely, it has been recovered already, it could give crucial evidence regarding the skill of the hijacker/pilots, perhaps of their strategy, of whether they were getting outside help in guiding them to their targets, of how fast they were flying and a host of other things.

Why would the main intelligence and law enforcement arm of the U.S. government want to hide from the public not just the available information about the two hijacked flights that provided the motivation and justification for the nation’s “War on Terror” and for its two wars against Afghanistan and Iraq, but even the fact that it has the devices which could contain that information? Conspiracy theories abound, with some claiming the planes were actually pilotless military aircraft, or that they had little or nothing to do with the building collapses. The easiest way to quash such rumors and such fevered thinking would be openness.

Instead we have the opposite: a dark secrecy that invites many questions regarding the potentially embarrassing or perhaps even sinister information that might be on those tapes.

The only questions about whether or not a plane hit the buildings and the Pentagon lay in the questionable sanity of those who harbor such indecision.... Mountains of video evidence, physical evidence, eye witness evidence, data evidence exists showing each plane's path to demise and is born out by wreckage on the ground.

The only thing the government is hiding from you is their laughter.
. . . And to this day, the powerful men that did not want the Federal Reserve, the ones that could have prevented the booms and the busts, the ones that could have prevented the bubbles and the currency wars, the dollar devaluation and all the endless senseless wars in the name of the global banking cabal, went down on that ship.

Now, tax day is the same day that the ship went down.

Remember that next time you have to file your tax forms.

"Necessary to their plans, the Federal Reserve did have some opposition; those who saw what the future would become if banking was outside of the government’s hands, the rates set by a private company such as the Fed. All the wealthy and powerful men the Jesuits wanted to get rid of were invited to take the cruise. Three of the richest and most important of these were Benjamin Guggenheim, Isador Strauss, the head of Macy’s Department Stores, and John Jacob Astor, probably the wealthiest man in the world. Their total wealth, at that time, using dollar values of their day was more than 500 million dollars. Today that amount of money would be worth nearly eleven billion dollars. These three men were coaxed and encouraged to board the floating palace. They had to be destroyed because the Jesuits knew they would use their wealth and influence to oppose a Federal Reserve Bank as well as the various wars that were being planned.

It can also be mentioned that J.P. Morgan, the individual contracted to build the Titanic was scheduled to be on the maiden voyage, but canceled.

Supporters of the idea that the Titanic shipwreck was orchestrated carefully, a Jesuit tempore co-adjutor was picked to captain the ship, a man that would do anything for the order and God’s will; Captain Edward Smith. Quite possibly the most experienced captain of the time, Smith had navigated the waters of the Atlantic for 26 years, a master of the icy waters that the Titanic would be sailing. He was a Jesuit and worked for J.P. Morgan. As National Geographic stated in their 1986 documentary entitilted ‘The Secrets of the Titanic,’ “Anyone could be a Jesuit and their identity not be known.”"
Titanic Conspiracy and The Jesuits - RMS Titanic Article

The only time reality is stranger than fiction is when the minds of men are acting and reacting to make it so.

Insane Coincidences – The “Titanic” Disaster Story

5 Titanic Coincidences That Prove Reality is Stranger than Fiction

I find it unbelievable how malleable the minds of people are today. The government schools have made them so willing to accept what ever paradigm the establishment media cartels will whore out to them.

I suppose that is easier than the horror of facing the truth. That they have done this to us before is a good predictor that folks will love falling for the drama again. I'm sure when they aren't paying attention, or are bored, or aren't willing to do the elites bidding, they will sell us more drama. Just look at San Bernardino or Paris.

No one is saying the Titanic didn't sink or that it wasn't an Iceberg.

Don't be so simple minded. Get off your knees and stop accepting the narratives you are told w/o question.

I thought it was pretty obvious that what I wrote was in gest. Sorry you were not developed enough to realize it.

There was no conspiracy involved in the Titanic any more than there was one with the 9/11 attacks. The looney birds that sponsor such a fantasy have the same IQ as pea soup and any investigation of the subject matter would return any sober observer to the same conclusion.

Just a few pages back one of them was saying that there were no planes involved. It doesn't get any more batshit crazy than that.

Your case and your position is not made any stronger by your ad hominem. Folks like you say, "nope, there are no conspiracies," but educated people know there are. So stop being obtuse and grow up. 9 huge government conspiracies that actually happened

Now, as far as there not being any planes? I don't really know about that. I for one don't believe in that particular position, but I am not willing to condemn those who hold that position. Experts have said otherwise.

The following interview is of a fellow that is a known government disinfo agent. He worked with the government, and was instructed to go get the Iranian hostages, not releasing them a moment before Reagan was sworn in.

So can what he says be trusted? I don't know. I think he's pretty shady to say the least. He talks of little green men, E.T.'s and the like (not that those aren't real), so you sort of take it for what it's worth. OTH, he comes from an elite family that knows the inner workings of the SG, so there does seem to be a lot of info mixed in with disinfo. . . .

Who the hell are we to say there were planes? I don't simply know. Until they release to the public the black boxes, neither of us has any proof either way, do we? So any discussion of planes vs. no planes seems academic to me.

Why does the government not release to the public the flight data recorders if there were planes? What exactly are they hiding? In every other crash, they always release that data or at least the destroyed recorders. So what is the deal here? The government claims those recorders were destroyed, but no wreckage? Does it WANT to fuel such conspiracies?

Seems like it to me.:tinfoil:

The main reason I don't believe in the "no planes" theory is that the flight data recording devices WERE found, then the FBI took them, and told the folks that found them to shut up about finding them.

But why?

9/11: Missing Black Boxes in World Trade Center Attacks Found by Firefighters, Analyzed by NTSB, Concealed by FBI
9/11: Missing Black Boxes in World Trade Center Attacks Found by Firefighters, Analyzed by NTSB, Concealed by FBI
But the FBI states, and also reported to the 9-11 Commission, that none of the recording devices from the two planes that hit the World Trade Center were ever recovered.

There has always been some skepticism about this assertion, particularly as two N.Y. City firefighters, Mike Bellone and Nicholas De Masi, claimed in 2004 that they had found three of the four boxes, and that Federal agents took them and told the two men not to mention having found them. (The FBI denies the whole story.) Moreover, these devices are almost always located after crashes, even if not in useable condition (and the cleanup of the World Trade Center was meticulous, with even tiny bone fragments and bits of human tissue being discovered so that almost all the victims were ultimately identified). As Ted Lopatkiewicz, director of public affairs at the National Transportation Safety Agency which has the job of analyzing the boxes’ data, says, “It’s very unusual not to find a recorder after a crash, although it’s also very unusual to have jets flying into buildings.”


What the apparent existence of the black boxes in government hands means is unclear.

If the information in those boxes is recoverable, or if, as is likely, it has been recovered already, it could give crucial evidence regarding the skill of the hijacker/pilots, perhaps of their strategy, of whether they were getting outside help in guiding them to their targets, of how fast they were flying and a host of other things.

Why would the main intelligence and law enforcement arm of the U.S. government want to hide from the public not just the available information about the two hijacked flights that provided the motivation and justification for the nation’s “War on Terror” and for its two wars against Afghanistan and Iraq, but even the fact that it has the devices which could contain that information? Conspiracy theories abound, with some claiming the planes were actually pilotless military aircraft, or that they had little or nothing to do with the building collapses. The easiest way to quash such rumors and such fevered thinking would be openness.

Instead we have the opposite: a dark secrecy that invites many questions regarding the potentially embarrassing or perhaps even sinister information that might be on those tapes.

9/11/01 happened for a litany of reasons and some of it has to do with some of the proceeds from the Black Eagle Trust (which was gold stolen from the Japanese that had buried it in the Philippines) some of this was used to buy up gas and oil futures when the Ruble collapsed in September of 1991. The Carlyle group piggybacked off of the currency swaps by Leo Wanta, who was commissioned by Ronald Reagan to take down the USSR's currency back in 1988. These were ten year securities that were to expire in September of 2001...only problem was that in order to authenticate the owners of these securities would require the Securities and Exchange Commission to process it and that posed a real problem. It was solved when the Federal Reserve bankers shut down the SEC due to 9/11 for two weeks thus allowing all trades to go through with no scrutiny. 240 billion dollars were able to fall into the hands of those that had used the stolen gold that made up of some of the Black Eagle Trust of gold stolen from the Japanese that they themselves had stolen.....just one of many reasons for 9/11/01. Cantor Fitzgerald was one of the groups that was used to authenticate ownership of said securities and were targeted on 9/11/01. They resided on the 82nd floor of WTC 1. Oddly enough, Edward Lansdale, one of the principles in getting the gold for the Black Eagle Trust was intimately involved in Kennedy's murder....truth is much stranger than fiction sometimes.

Wow! What a complete load of crap.
I really loved this.

Leo Wanta, who was commissioned by Ronald Reagan to take down the USSR's currency back in 1988.

The ruble in the USSR was not convertible, you stupid git.

My guess is you have no idea that the Leo Wanta scandal is the largest scandal in US history.

Unfortunately, I think 240 billion dollars is a pretty large underestimate of the amounts we're talking about. Reliable updates about the scandal largely disappear after Story was assassinated. But the amounts we're talking about exceed four trillion, some put it at over 25 trillion. Is it any wonder the world economy is a basket case?

As far as being a "stupid git?"

Who's the "stupid git?"
Soviet ruble - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Only a limited set of products could be freely bought, thus the ruble had a role similar to trading stamps or food stamps. The currency was not internationally exchangeable and its export was illegal.

Thanks. I love it when you idiots post proof of my claim.
Stupid git.
Okay...if the planes didn't hit the buildings; what happened to them? What happened to the Passengers? How did the conspirators plant the airplane parts without being seen? How did the light poles get knocked over near the Pentagon if it were not a plane hitting them?
Wow! What a complete load of crap.
I really loved this.

Leo Wanta, who was commissioned by Ronald Reagan to take down the USSR's currency back in 1988.

The ruble in the USSR was not convertible, you stupid git.

Exactly and thus leading to the downfall of the Ruble. The USSR had over-valued it's currency and using currency swaps, Wanta was able to buy up Rubles from countries holding Russian debt for pennies on the dollar to accrue an ungodly amount of Rubles that he and his Asian partner cashed in like poker chips at a casino. It crashed the Russian economy and the vultures swooped in to take advantage of it. I may be missing some minute details because I research and try and learn as much as I can about a myriad of things but I pretty much have the gist of it. I am "dead on" about the Black Eagle Trust" and I have barely scratched the surface on that one. I don't mind being lamely flamed by a troll that can't stand having his preconceived notions challenged...... because it's what I do day in and day out. I have no political agenda.....simply want people to wake up and think for themselves.

The USSR had over-valued it's currency

For sure. But being non-convertible, it didn't matter.

and using currency swaps,

There were no currency swaps for rubles.

Wanta was able to buy up Rubles from countries holding Russian debt

You think Russia borrowed rubles from other countries? Shit, you're stupid.

for pennies on the dollar to accrue an ungodly amount of Rubles that he and his Asian partner cashed in like poker chips at a casino.

Ummmmm......cashed the imaginary rubles in how? For what?

I may be missing some minute details


I research and try and learn as much as I can

Garbage in, garbage out.
Last edited:
Wow! What a complete load of crap.
I really loved this.

Leo Wanta, who was commissioned by Ronald Reagan to take down the USSR's currency back in 1988.

The ruble in the USSR was not convertible, you stupid git.

Exactly and thus leading to the downfall of the Ruble. The USSR had over-valued it's currency and using currency swaps, Wanta was able to buy up Rubles from countries holding Russian debt for pennies on the dollar to accrue an ungodly amount of Rubles that he and his Asian partner cashed in like poker chips at a casino. It crashed the Russian economy and the vultures swooped in to take advantage of it. I may be missing some minute details because I research and try and learn as much as I can about a myriad of things but I pretty much have the gist of it. I am "dead on" about the Black Eagle Trust" and I have barely scratched the surface on that one. I don't mind being lamely flamed by a troll that can't stand having his preconceived notions challenged...... because it's what I do day in and day out. I have no political agenda.....simply want people to wake up and think for themselves.

The USSR had over-valued it's currency

For sure. But being non-convertible, it didn't matter.

and using currency swaps,

There were no currency swaps for rubles.

Wanta was able to buy up Rubles from countries holding Russian debt

You think Russia borrowed rubles from other countries? Shit, you're stupid.

for pennies on the dollar to accrue an ungodly amount of Rubles that he and his Asian partner cashed in like poker chips at a casino.

Ummmmm......cashed the imaginary rubles in how? For what?

I may be missing some minute details


I research and try and learn as much as I can

Garbage in, garbage out.

No, foreign countries had acquired Rubles due to transactions with the USSR....the only one that is stupid is you because you haven't done any research about what happened almost 15 years ago....all you have are aspersions because that is all you have and tis a pity. I post about things that challenge people's preconceived notions because we have been living under an illusion. You, I and everyone here is an indentured debt slave to the international bankers that control our fiat currency that loses value by the day because it is a perpetual debt machine and the only way to keep up with the debt is to print more debt notes that debases the fiat currency that is already in existence. The fiat dollar has lost 99 percent of it's value since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and that central bank has never been fully audited in it's 102 years of being....don't you find that odd? The Crash of 1929 was orchestrated by the same banking oligarchs that claimed that a central bank would keep that from happening...they used the market crash to buy up unaffiliated banks and corporations that they coveted for pennies on the dollar. 7 Million Americans died from malnutrition and starvation due to the acts of the Warburgs, Morgans, Rockefellers, Kennedys, Schiffs, Rothschilds etc, etc.....and then pushed USA.INC into Chapter 11 bankruptcy and that is where the birth certificate comes into play...up until that time? There was no birth certificate but everyone born after 1933 became collateral on the debt and the birth certificate (printed on bond paper) made you an indentured debt slave and your income tax goes to pay interest on the credit extended to USA.INC due to a crisis that they themselves caused. I estimate that I have worked ten years of my life for free.......welcome to indentured servitude. (snicker)
Wow! What a complete load of crap.
I really loved this.

Leo Wanta, who was commissioned by Ronald Reagan to take down the USSR's currency back in 1988.

The ruble in the USSR was not convertible, you stupid git.

Exactly and thus leading to the downfall of the Ruble. The USSR had over-valued it's currency and using currency swaps, Wanta was able to buy up Rubles from countries holding Russian debt for pennies on the dollar to accrue an ungodly amount of Rubles that he and his Asian partner cashed in like poker chips at a casino. It crashed the Russian economy and the vultures swooped in to take advantage of it. I may be missing some minute details because I research and try and learn as much as I can about a myriad of things but I pretty much have the gist of it. I am "dead on" about the Black Eagle Trust" and I have barely scratched the surface on that one. I don't mind being lamely flamed by a troll that can't stand having his preconceived notions challenged...... because it's what I do day in and day out. I have no political agenda.....simply want people to wake up and think for themselves.

The USSR had over-valued it's currency

For sure. But being non-convertible, it didn't matter.

and using currency swaps,

There were no currency swaps for rubles.

Wanta was able to buy up Rubles from countries holding Russian debt

You think Russia borrowed rubles from other countries? Shit, you're stupid.

for pennies on the dollar to accrue an ungodly amount of Rubles that he and his Asian partner cashed in like poker chips at a casino.

Ummmmm......cashed the imaginary rubles in how? For what?

I may be missing some minute details


I research and try and learn as much as I can

Garbage in, garbage out.

No, foreign countries had acquired Rubles due to transactions with the USSR....the only one that is stupid is you because you haven't done any research about what happened almost 15 years ago....all you have are aspersions because that is all you have and tis a pity. I post about things that challenge people's preconceived notions because we have been living under an illusion. You, I and everyone here is an indentured debt slave to the international bankers that control our fiat currency that loses value by the day because it is a perpetual debt machine and the only way to keep up with the debt is to print more debt notes that debases the fiat currency that is already in existence. The fiat dollar has lost 99 percent of it's value since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and that central bank has never been fully audited in it's 102 years of being....don't you find that odd? The Crash of 1929 was orchestrated by the same banking oligarchs that claimed that a central bank would keep that from happening...they used the market crash to buy up unaffiliated banks and corporations that they coveted for pennies on the dollar. 7 Million Americans died from malnutrition and starvation due to the acts of the Warburgs, Morgans, Rockefellers, Kennedys, Schiffs, Rothschilds etc, etc.....and then pushed USA.INC into Chapter 11 bankruptcy and that is where the birth certificate comes into play...up until that time? There was no birth certificate but everyone born after 1933 became collateral on the debt and the birth certificate (printed on bond paper) made you an indentured debt slave and your income tax goes to pay interest on the credit extended to USA.INC due to a crisis that they themselves caused. I estimate that I have worked ten years of my life for free.......welcome to indentured servitude. (snicker)

No, foreign countries had acquired Rubles due to transactions with the USSR

Which foreign countries accepted non-convertible rubles from the USSR? Why would they?

I post about things that challenge people's preconceived notions

Yes, you post things that challenge reality.

that central bank has never been fully audited in it's 102 years of being

They're audited by Deloitte.
FRB: Annual Report 2013 - Federal Reserve System Audits

There was no birth certificate but everyone born after 1933 became collateral on the debt

You're being seen by an entire team of doctors, aren't you?
There was no conspiracy involved in the Titanic any more than there was one with the 9/11 attacks...
Just a few pages back one of them was saying that there were no planes involved.
Folks like you say, "nope, there are no conspiracies," but educated people know there are. So stop being obtuse and grow up. Now, as far as there not being any planes? I don't really know about that..

Candy never claimed "nope, there are no conspiracies" nor have I ever heard anyone say such a silly thing (except CT loons trying to explain their lunacy).

What she is trying to tell you is that not everything is a conspiracy ... that like most normal people, gov't officials and employees are far too busy living their lives - you know ... mowing the lawn, chasing sex, watching football - to create and perpetrate the elaborate schemes of your vivid imagination.

That after your years of "research" you still are not sure whether or not there were planes involved on 9/11 says all that anyone needs to know about the loons that pervaded your now defunct 9/11 CT Movement.

It is a real blessing to come across someone like you and some others here that know the things that I do and have taken the time to read and research. It is people like you that keeps me going even when I am being dogpiled on in other forums. I have a close knit group of truthers that are a part of my inner circle and we lean on each other and pass on information to each other. I look forward to learning what I can from you and I hope I am able to return the favor and that you might be able to take some of the things I have garnered and be of use to you as well. We are all in this together and it seems that the powers that be are doubling down on their efforts to bring about their totalitarian, feudalistic two class system of elites and serfs. I want you to know that there are "white hats" working on our behalf and there are inner- agency wars going on that the media never speaks of and what will help them is people waking up...that is the thankless job that you and a few others have here.

Indeed most CT loons are forced to seek out and "lean on" their "close knit group of truthers" because normal people ignore or ridicule the CT silliness.

Paranoia is treatable but you first must want to rejoin the rational.

I do find it amusing (but not surprising) that you think yourself some sort of superhero trying to save the world from evil.

"Which foreign countries accepted non-convertible rubles from the USSR? Why would they?"
Seriously, if you are that fucking stupid as to even ask that question? Then my conversation with you has been a total waste of re just a time waster....seriously, how could someone as stupid as you are even be able to work a computer? You must be an idiot savant.
There was no conspiracy involved in the Titanic any more than there was one with the 9/11 attacks...
Just a few pages back one of them was saying that there were no planes involved.
Folks like you say, "nope, there are no conspiracies," but educated people know there are. So stop being obtuse and grow up. Now, as far as there not being any planes? I don't really know about that..

Candy never claimed "nope, there are no conspiracies" nor have I ever heard anyone say such a silly thing (except CT loons trying to explain their lunacy).

What she is trying to tell you is that not everything is a conspiracy ... that like most normal people, gov't officials and employees are far too busy living their lives - you know ... mowing the lawn, chasing sex, watching football - to create and perpetrate the elaborate schemes of your vivid imagination.

That after your years of "research" you still are not sure whether or not there were planes involved on 9/11 says all that anyone needs to know about the loons that pervaded your now defunct 9/11 CT Movement.

It is a real blessing to come across someone like you and some others here that know the things that I do and have taken the time to read and research. It is people like you that keeps me going even when I am being dogpiled on in other forums. I have a close knit group of truthers that are a part of my inner circle and we lean on each other and pass on information to each other. I look forward to learning what I can from you and I hope I am able to return the favor and that you might be able to take some of the things I have garnered and be of use to you as well. We are all in this together and it seems that the powers that be are doubling down on their efforts to bring about their totalitarian, feudalistic two class system of elites and serfs. I want you to know that there are "white hats" working on our behalf and there are inner- agency wars going on that the media never speaks of and what will help them is people waking up...that is the thankless job that you and a few others have here.

Indeed most CT loons are forced to seek out and "lean on" their "close knit group of truthers" because normal people ignore or ridicule the CT silliness.

Paranoia is treatable but you first must want to rejoin the rational.

I do find it amusing (but not surprising) that you think yourself some sort of superhero trying to save the world from evil.

Sayit sez???? "Listen to me you flammer of our gubermint...our gubermint loves us and has never lied to us due you here me due you? You due not love this republik for witches stands you traytor of this dare you acurse our gubermint of laying to us...a curce upon you!!!!"

Seriously, are nothing but a bug on the windshield of life .....should we not be able to turn the tide and those that are left end up serving the collective? I will spare you a thought as you scratch your sloped skull when your little world is turned up on it's axis and you are sitting on the curb wonderin' "Where's da gubermint?" Don't fret, little man...there are millions of "I believe in Santa Claus" dumbfucks like will have plenty of company to commiserate with....
"Which foreign countries accepted non-convertible rubles from the USSR? Why would they?"
Seriously, if you are that fucking stupid as to even ask that question? Then my conversation with you has been a total waste of re just a time waster....seriously, how could someone as stupid as you are even be able to work a computer? You must be an idiot savant.

Seriously, if you are that fucking stupid as to even ask that question?

I've noticed when I point out your idiocy, that you can't answer my questions.
Would you accept non-convertible currency from North Korea? Why/why not?

Then my conversation with you has been a total waste of time....

Well, obviously, because you're a fucking loon. As well as an idiot.
"Which foreign countries accepted non-convertible rubles from the USSR? Why would they?"
Seriously, if you are that fucking stupid as to even ask that question? Then my conversation with you has been a total waste of re just a time waster....seriously, how could someone as stupid as you are even be able to work a computer? You must be an idiot savant.

Seriously, if you are that fucking stupid as to even ask that question?

I've noticed when I point out your idiocy, that you can't answer my questions.
Would you accept non-convertible currency from North Korea? Why/why not?

Then my conversation with you has been a total waste of time....

Well, obviously, because you're a fucking loon. As well as an idiot.
"Which foreign countries accepted non-convertible rubles from the USSR? Why would they?"
Seriously, if you are that fucking stupid as to even ask that question? Then my conversation with you has been a total waste of re just a time waster....seriously, how could someone as stupid as you are even be able to work a computer? You must be an idiot savant.

Seriously, if you are that fucking stupid as to even ask that question?

I've noticed when I point out your idiocy, that you can't answer my questions.
Would you accept non-convertible currency from North Korea? Why/why not?

Then my conversation with you has been a total waste of time....

Well, obviously, because you're a fucking loon. As well as an idiot.

The only thing that you pointed out was your own stupidity....congrats and nicely done. Any idiot that would compare the manufacturing ability of the USSR, their trading abilities with that of North Korea obviously has no grasp on anything. I lean more to the right of the political spectrum than I do the left...but if you classify yourself as a "rightwinger"? You are the reason that people declare themselves as "independent"....I sure as fuck wouldn't want to identify myself as being in the same camp as you.......not ever. ....sheeesh.
"Which foreign countries accepted non-convertible rubles from the USSR? Why would they?"
Seriously, if you are that fucking stupid as to even ask that question? Then my conversation with you has been a total waste of re just a time waster....seriously, how could someone as stupid as you are even be able to work a computer? You must be an idiot savant.

Seriously, if you are that fucking stupid as to even ask that question?

I've noticed when I point out your idiocy, that you can't answer my questions.
Would you accept non-convertible currency from North Korea? Why/why not?

Then my conversation with you has been a total waste of time....

Well, obviously, because you're a fucking loon. As well as an idiot.
"Which foreign countries accepted non-convertible rubles from the USSR? Why would they?"
Seriously, if you are that fucking stupid as to even ask that question? Then my conversation with you has been a total waste of re just a time waster....seriously, how could someone as stupid as you are even be able to work a computer? You must be an idiot savant.

Seriously, if you are that fucking stupid as to even ask that question?

I've noticed when I point out your idiocy, that you can't answer my questions.
Would you accept non-convertible currency from North Korea? Why/why not?

Then my conversation with you has been a total waste of time....

Well, obviously, because you're a fucking loon. As well as an idiot.

The only thing that you pointed out was your own stupidity....congrats and nicely done. Any idiot that would compare the manufacturing ability of the USSR, their trading abilities with that of North Korea obviously has no grasp on anything. I lean more to the right of the political spectrum than I do the left...but if you classify yourself as a "rightwinger"? You are the reason that people declare themselves as "independent"....I sure as fuck wouldn't want to identify myself as being in the same camp as you.......not ever. ....sheeesh.

Manufacturing? We're talking about currency, moron.

I agree, don't identify yourself as in my camp, fuckin' loon.
The titanic was an inside job too. Take a piece of ice. Hit it with a metal hammer. What breaks. The ice? Or the Hammer? The Titanic was made of should have broken the ice the same way.....


. . . And to this day, the powerful men that did not want the Federal Reserve, the ones that could have prevented the booms and the busts, the ones that could have prevented the bubbles and the currency wars, the dollar devaluation and all the endless senseless wars in the name of the global banking cabal, went down on that ship.

Now, tax day is the same day that the ship went down.

Remember that next time you have to file your tax forms.

"Necessary to their plans, the Federal Reserve did have some opposition; those who saw what the future would become if banking was outside of the government’s hands, the rates set by a private company such as the Fed. All the wealthy and powerful men the Jesuits wanted to get rid of were invited to take the cruise. Three of the richest and most important of these were Benjamin Guggenheim, Isador Strauss, the head of Macy’s Department Stores, and John Jacob Astor, probably the wealthiest man in the world. Their total wealth, at that time, using dollar values of their day was more than 500 million dollars. Today that amount of money would be worth nearly eleven billion dollars. These three men were coaxed and encouraged to board the floating palace. They had to be destroyed because the Jesuits knew they would use their wealth and influence to oppose a Federal Reserve Bank as well as the various wars that were being planned.

It can also be mentioned that J.P. Morgan, the individual contracted to build the Titanic was scheduled to be on the maiden voyage, but canceled.

Supporters of the idea that the Titanic shipwreck was orchestrated carefully, a Jesuit tempore co-adjutor was picked to captain the ship, a man that would do anything for the order and God’s will; Captain Edward Smith. Quite possibly the most experienced captain of the time, Smith had navigated the waters of the Atlantic for 26 years, a master of the icy waters that the Titanic would be sailing. He was a Jesuit and worked for J.P. Morgan. As National Geographic stated in their 1986 documentary entitilted ‘The Secrets of the Titanic,’ “Anyone could be a Jesuit and their identity not be known.”"
Titanic Conspiracy and The Jesuits - RMS Titanic Article

The only time reality is stranger than fiction is when the minds of men are acting and reacting to make it so.

Insane Coincidences – The “Titanic” Disaster Story

5 Titanic Coincidences That Prove Reality is Stranger than Fiction

I find it unbelievable how malleable the minds of people are today. The government schools have made them so willing to accept what ever paradigm the establishment media cartels will whore out to them.

I suppose that is easier than the horror of facing the truth. That they have done this to us before is a good predictor that folks will love falling for the drama again. I'm sure when they aren't paying attention, or are bored, or aren't willing to do the elites bidding, they will sell us more drama. Just look at San Bernardino or Paris.

No one is saying the Titanic didn't sink or that it wasn't an Iceberg.

Don't be so simple minded. Get off your knees and stop accepting the narratives you are told w/o question.

I thought it was pretty obvious that what I wrote was in gest. Sorry you were not developed enough to realize it.

There was no conspiracy involved in the Titanic any more than there was one with the 9/11 attacks. The looney birds that sponsor such a fantasy have the same IQ as pea soup and any investigation of the subject matter would return any sober observer to the same conclusion.

Just a few pages back one of them was saying that there were no planes involved. It doesn't get any more batshit crazy than that.

Your case and your position is not made any stronger by your ad hominem. Folks like you say, "nope, there are no conspiracies," but educated people know there are. So stop being obtuse and grow up. 9 huge government conspiracies that actually happened

Now, as far as there not being any planes? I don't really know about that. I for one don't believe in that particular position, but I am not willing to condemn those who hold that position. Experts have said otherwise.

The following interview is of a fellow that is a known government disinfo agent. He worked with the government, and was instructed to go get the Iranian hostages, not releasing them a moment before Reagan was sworn in.

So can what he says be trusted? I don't know. I think he's pretty shady to say the least. He talks of little green men, E.T.'s and the like (not that those aren't real), so you sort of take it for what it's worth. OTH, he comes from an elite family that knows the inner workings of the SG, so there does seem to be a lot of info mixed in with disinfo. . . .

Who the hell are we to say there were planes? I don't simply know. Until they release to the public the black boxes, neither of us has any proof either way, do we? So any discussion of planes vs. no planes seems academic to me.

Why does the government not release to the public the flight data recorders if there were planes? What exactly are they hiding? In every other crash, they always release that data or at least the destroyed recorders. So what is the deal here? The government claims those recorders were destroyed, but no wreckage? Does it WANT to fuel such conspiracies?

Seems like it to me.:tinfoil:

The main reason I don't believe in the "no planes" theory is that the flight data recording devices WERE found, then the FBI took them, and told the folks that found them to shut up about finding them.

But why?

9/11: Missing Black Boxes in World Trade Center Attacks Found by Firefighters, Analyzed by NTSB, Concealed by FBI
9/11: Missing Black Boxes in World Trade Center Attacks Found by Firefighters, Analyzed by NTSB, Concealed by FBI
But the FBI states, and also reported to the 9-11 Commission, that none of the recording devices from the two planes that hit the World Trade Center were ever recovered.

There has always been some skepticism about this assertion, particularly as two N.Y. City firefighters, Mike Bellone and Nicholas De Masi, claimed in 2004 that they had found three of the four boxes, and that Federal agents took them and told the two men not to mention having found them. (The FBI denies the whole story.) Moreover, these devices are almost always located after crashes, even if not in useable condition (and the cleanup of the World Trade Center was meticulous, with even tiny bone fragments and bits of human tissue being discovered so that almost all the victims were ultimately identified). As Ted Lopatkiewicz, director of public affairs at the National Transportation Safety Agency which has the job of analyzing the boxes’ data, says, “It’s very unusual not to find a recorder after a crash, although it’s also very unusual to have jets flying into buildings.”


What the apparent existence of the black boxes in government hands means is unclear.

If the information in those boxes is recoverable, or if, as is likely, it has been recovered already, it could give crucial evidence regarding the skill of the hijacker/pilots, perhaps of their strategy, of whether they were getting outside help in guiding them to their targets, of how fast they were flying and a host of other things.

Why would the main intelligence and law enforcement arm of the U.S. government want to hide from the public not just the available information about the two hijacked flights that provided the motivation and justification for the nation’s “War on Terror” and for its two wars against Afghanistan and Iraq, but even the fact that it has the devices which could contain that information? Conspiracy theories abound, with some claiming the planes were actually pilotless military aircraft, or that they had little or nothing to do with the building collapses. The easiest way to quash such rumors and such fevered thinking would be openness.

Instead we have the opposite: a dark secrecy that invites many questions regarding the potentially embarrassing or perhaps even sinister information that might be on those tapes.

So......the current truther conspiracy is that there were no planes at all?

Holy shit. That takes 'batshit' to a whole new level.

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