World Trade Center probably could not have been destroyed by planes

uhh thats because its been exposed for being an inside

There is so much smoke being thrown up, it's very hard to separate fact from lies, nut jobs with really daft theories, and what actually happened.
It's very clear some are deliberately pushing extremely silly theories, perhaps because they're stupid, or perhaps because they're working for interested parties, so want crazy ideas on the market to make all who are unconvinced about the official story look crazy.

Some things are solid facts - here's two.


As we see in the picture, the majority of the damage to both towers is to one side, one being quite a way off centre, the other being almost all on one side.
Whilst I fully understand the spread of aviation fuel and other combustible material would have spread the heat out fairly evenly over the floor, the most damaged side of the building would have been weakest and hottest, so most prone to collapse first, leading to the top of at least one building falling to one side, and likely the other.
The vertical fall just doesn't ring true.

The other thing, and the killer for me is the pentagon.
They can't produce a single photo of an aircraft, even with all the security cameras that were available on that day.
Agents removed footage from every building in the area, but not a one showed an aircraft. Then add the total lack of any damage (pre collapse) that was big enough for an airliner hit, and the official story stinks.
Had an aircraft really hit that building, there would be a thousand pictures, but there isn't a single one.

That's easily enough to question the official version of the story.
thats why the explanation that a plane hit the pentagon is as much of a joke of an explanation as the fires causing the collapse the fact they cant produce ONE SINGLE PHOTO of the airliner coming into the pentagon despite all the hundreds of cameras there which is why we have all these infiltraters of the government trolling this thread in their desperation.

they cant produce ONE SINGLE PHOTO of the airliner coming into the pentagon

How fast was it traveling before impact?

And why would they have a picture of the airliner coming into the pentagon? Who has security cameras pointed up to the sky?

Because according to the hole that was made, the plane was flying mere feet off of the ground for at least a hundred yards when that in of it's self would be impossible to do with an amateur pilot that failed even the basics of flying a Cessna plane.

dude these infiitraters are here to just tie up your time-:trolls:
There were 83 camera confiscated from surrounding businesses alone by the FBI which was the same M.O concerning the OKC bombing and of course no footage of what was on those cameras were ever released...why is that?
that dale is why the infiltraters here can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.:biggrin:
btw Dale,I notice you live in Dallas Texas.As you have seen me talk about on this thread quite a few times,I have done a lot of research into the JFK assassination as well.even far more than in 9/11.

Because of the fact that our corrupt school system has lied to us all these years about JFK and the government still to this day endorces the warren commission,tell me if you had the same thoughts in your head that day i had when 9/11 happened.

Because of the JFK assassination and their lies they have spun since then and over the decades i thought to myself back then on 9/11 i said to myself-I dont believe a fucking word of this what they are saying,that Bin Laden was behind these attacks.I think our government is behind this whole thing just to get us into another fake and phony war same as they did with vietnam "as you know,that was one of the main reasons the CIA killed JFK was he was going to pull us out of vietnam.they knew johnson would reverse kennedys policy on it as he did."

while I never had any facts or proof about it at the time which is why i accepted the possibility back then that the media might be correct,deep down because of the JFK assassination and being lied to about that event,I had a gut feeling back then because of that,9/11 was a lie.It just wasnt till three years later when I started talking to a friend of mine who started telling me the facts of the case,that I woke up about it and knew my initial hunch was correct. How about you,at the time 9/11 happened,did YOU have your doubts about it like I did?

also tell me if you ever run into these kind of people.Its not uncommon for me to run into these kind of people.I have run into quite a few of them over the years,they will acknowledge the CIA killed JFK but anytime you try to get them to look at the facts of 9/11,they refuse to and ignore the evidence and ignore the facts.

see they can handle it that the CIA killed JFK and they were lied to about that but they cant accept it that they were also behind 9/11 as well because 9/11 being an inside job hits too close to home for them and is much harder to deal with since it is so much more recent and they dont want to face reality that our government murdered 3000 of its own of the mods here at this site is one of do YOU ever come across people like that as well by chance?

I find that just INCREDIBLE how they can accept it that the CIA killed JFK yet they refuse to look at the facts that they were behind 9/11 as well dont you?

they can accept it that the CIA is an evil organization acknowledging the fact they killed JFK,yet despite that,they cant accept it that they were behind 9/11 as well even though it was for the same reason,to get us into another fake and phony war.:rolleyes:

btw dale you never answered the question i posed here.
There is so much smoke being thrown up, it's very hard to separate fact from lies, nut jobs with really daft theories, and what actually happened.
It's very clear some are deliberately pushing extremely silly theories, perhaps because they're stupid, or perhaps because they're working for interested parties, so want crazy ideas on the market to make all who are unconvinced about the official story look crazy.

Some things are solid facts - here's two.


As we see in the picture, the majority of the damage to both towers is to one side, one being quite a way off centre, the other being almost all on one side.
Whilst I fully understand the spread of aviation fuel and other combustible material would have spread the heat out fairly evenly over the floor, the most damaged side of the building would have been weakest and hottest, so most prone to collapse first, leading to the top of at least one building falling to one side, and likely the other.
The vertical fall just doesn't ring true.

The other thing, and the killer for me is the pentagon.
They can't produce a single photo of an aircraft, even with all the security cameras that were available on that day.
Agents removed footage from every building in the area, but not a one showed an aircraft. Then add the total lack of any damage (pre collapse) that was big enough for an airliner hit, and the official story stinks.
Had an aircraft really hit that building, there would be a thousand pictures, but there isn't a single one.

That's easily enough to question the official version of the story.
thats why the explanation that a plane hit the pentagon is as much of a joke of an explanation as the fires causing the collapse the fact they cant produce ONE SINGLE PHOTO of the airliner coming into the pentagon despite all the hundreds of cameras there which is why we have all these infiltraters of the government trolling this thread in their desperation.

they cant produce ONE SINGLE PHOTO of the airliner coming into the pentagon

How fast was it traveling before impact?

And why would they have a picture of the airliner coming into the pentagon? Who has security cameras pointed up to the sky?

Because according to the hole that was made, the plane was flying mere feet off of the ground for at least a hundred yards when that in of it's self would be impossible to do with an amateur pilot that failed even the basics of flying a Cessna plane.

dude these infiitraters are here to just tie up your time-:trolls:

'Infiltrators' now, is it? The old conspiracy maxim 'anyone who doesn't ape the conspiracy becomes part of it' must be in full effect.
Like this?

That tower fell to the side first, but the rest of the building collapsed evenly, allowing a vertical fall.
As was shown in the video, one side of the tower was far weaker, so it should have fallen to one side, leaving much of that tower intact.
The other tower top went vertical, producing reasonably equal stress on the structure below it, but that tower's fall started to one side, so there was no reason for the rest to fall in the manner it did.

Oh? You mean the part that had been physically compromised collapsed at an angle and then gravity pulled it down into the section that hadn't been compromised by the fire so collapsed straight down like a stack of cards...which is how the building was designed?
There were 83 camera confiscated from surrounding businesses alone by the FBI which was the same M.O concerning the OKC bombing and of course no footage of what was on those cameras were ever released...why is that?
that dale is why the infiltraters here can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.:biggrin:
btw Dale,I notice you live in Dallas Texas.As you have seen me talk about on this thread quite a few times,I have done a lot of research into the JFK assassination as well.even far more than in 9/11.

Because of the fact that our corrupt school system has lied to us all these years about JFK and the government still to this day endorces the warren commission,tell me if you had the same thoughts in your head that day i had when 9/11 happened.

Because of the JFK assassination and their lies they have spun since then and over the decades i thought to myself back then on 9/11 i said to myself-I dont believe a fucking word of this what they are saying,that Bin Laden was behind these attacks.I think our government is behind this whole thing just to get us into another fake and phony war same as they did with vietnam "as you know,that was one of the main reasons the CIA killed JFK was he was going to pull us out of vietnam.they knew johnson would reverse kennedys policy on it as he did."

while I never had any facts or proof about it at the time which is why i accepted the possibility back then that the media might be correct,deep down because of the JFK assassination and being lied to about that event,I had a gut feeling back then because of that,9/11 was a lie.It just wasnt till three years later when I started talking to a friend of mine who started telling me the facts of the case,that I woke up about it and knew my initial hunch was correct. How about you,at the time 9/11 happened,did YOU have your doubts about it like I did?

also tell me if you ever run into these kind of people.Its not uncommon for me to run into these kind of people.I have run into quite a few of them over the years,they will acknowledge the CIA killed JFK but anytime you try to get them to look at the facts of 9/11,they refuse to and ignore the evidence and ignore the facts.

see they can handle it that the CIA killed JFK and they were lied to about that but they cant accept it that they were also behind 9/11 as well because 9/11 being an inside job hits too close to home for them and is much harder to deal with since it is so much more recent and they dont want to face reality that our government murdered 3000 of its own of the mods here at this site is one of do YOU ever come across people like that as well by chance?

I find that just INCREDIBLE how they can accept it that the CIA killed JFK yet they refuse to look at the facts that they were behind 9/11 as well dont you?

they can accept it that the CIA is an evil organization acknowledging the fact they killed JFK,yet despite that,they cant accept it that they were behind 9/11 as well even though it was for the same reason,to get us into another fake and phony war.:rolleyes:

btw dale you never answered the question i posed here.

Sorry, I have been doing my weekly cleaning and listening to documentaries while doing so and wanted to write you a detailed post. Debunking the cynics takes just a few sentences. I knew back in 2003 that OKC was not what we were told and I kept looking for a cover-up that it had a Middle Eastern connection but in the last three years I have found that it was a black-ops done by rogue elements of the FBI and CIA.. The FBI was also behind the first WTC bombing in 1993 and had tried to set up an Egyptian muslim as the fall guy but he beat them at their own game by wearing a wire. Snowden's revelations that the Patriot Act was written before 9/11/01 and the apparatus for this survellience grid was also set-up in advance of 9/11 caused me take a hard look at the events of that my 17 year old son at the time that insisted that it was an inside job and he dared me to watch "Loose Change" and if he said if I could watch it and have no doubts, he would leave me alone. I eagerly took the challenge but I got about 45 minutes into it when my blood went cold and that was the start of over 12,000 plus hours into the way things really work.

I knew that Oswald never acted alone but I never really delved into it until three years ago. I believe the best documentary ever done on JFK, the banking oligarchs and the events leading up to 9/11/01 is "JFK To 9/11...Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick". It covers a lot of the things that I had learned in my research for the truth but compiled it in a way that anyone could understand. If I was a teacher, I would make this documentary a "must watch". JFK had managed to piss off every power structure like the CIA, the oil companies, the military industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about, the FBI head J Edgar Hoover as well as the banking oligarchs and anti Fidel Castro Cubans and every single one played their part in the public murder of JFK. People would be stunned to know that Watergate and the JFK assassination are intimately connected. Nixon's "plumbers" were involved in the JFK assassination as was George Herbert Walker Bush and LBJ. Operation Paperclip brought in thousands of Nazis that were allowed to be apart of the OSS that later became the CIA and as it turns out, America had their share of Nazis and Nazis sympathizers. Nazism could never have gained a foothold in Germany without industrialists and the banking oligarchs financing it. The coup de e'tat that took place when JFK was killed has only entrenched itself to the point of 52 years later, I have serious doubts that nothing less than a mass awakening will change our fate.

There were 83 camera confiscated from surrounding businesses alone by the FBI which was the same M.O concerning the OKC bombing and of course no footage of what was on those cameras were ever released...why is that?
that dale is why the infiltraters here can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.:biggrin:
btw Dale,I notice you live in Dallas Texas.As you have seen me talk about on this thread quite a few times,I have done a lot of research into the JFK assassination as well.even far more than in 9/11.

Because of the fact that our corrupt school system has lied to us all these years about JFK and the government still to this day endorces the warren commission,tell me if you had the same thoughts in your head that day i had when 9/11 happened.

Because of the JFK assassination and their lies they have spun since then and over the decades i thought to myself back then on 9/11 i said to myself-I dont believe a fucking word of this what they are saying,that Bin Laden was behind these attacks.I think our government is behind this whole thing just to get us into another fake and phony war same as they did with vietnam "as you know,that was one of the main reasons the CIA killed JFK was he was going to pull us out of vietnam.they knew johnson would reverse kennedys policy on it as he did."

while I never had any facts or proof about it at the time which is why i accepted the possibility back then that the media might be correct,deep down because of the JFK assassination and being lied to about that event,I had a gut feeling back then because of that,9/11 was a lie.It just wasnt till three years later when I started talking to a friend of mine who started telling me the facts of the case,that I woke up about it and knew my initial hunch was correct. How about you,at the time 9/11 happened,did YOU have your doubts about it like I did?

also tell me if you ever run into these kind of people.Its not uncommon for me to run into these kind of people.I have run into quite a few of them over the years,they will acknowledge the CIA killed JFK but anytime you try to get them to look at the facts of 9/11,they refuse to and ignore the evidence and ignore the facts.

see they can handle it that the CIA killed JFK and they were lied to about that but they cant accept it that they were also behind 9/11 as well because 9/11 being an inside job hits too close to home for them and is much harder to deal with since it is so much more recent and they dont want to face reality that our government murdered 3000 of its own of the mods here at this site is one of do YOU ever come across people like that as well by chance?

I find that just INCREDIBLE how they can accept it that the CIA killed JFK yet they refuse to look at the facts that they were behind 9/11 as well dont you?

they can accept it that the CIA is an evil organization acknowledging the fact they killed JFK,yet despite that,they cant accept it that they were behind 9/11 as well even though it was for the same reason,to get us into another fake and phony war.:rolleyes:

btw dale you never answered the question i posed here.

Sorry, I have been doing my weekly cleaning and listening to documentaries while doing so and wanted to write you a detailed post. Debunking the cynics takes just a few sentences. I knew back in 2003 that OKC was not what we were told and I kept looking for a cover-up that it had a Middle Eastern connection but in the last three years I have found that it was a black-ops done by rogue elements of the FBI and CIA.. The FBI was also behind the first WTC bombing in 1993 and had tried to set up an Egyptian muslim as the fall guy but he beat them at their own game by wearing a wire. Snowden's revelations that the Patriot Act was written before 9/11/01 and the apparatus for this survellience grid was also set-up in advance of 9/11 caused me take a hard look at the events of that my 17 year old son at the time that insisted that it was an inside job and he dared me to watch "Loose Change" and if he said if I could watch it and have no doubts, he would leave me alone. I eagerly took the challenge but I got about 45 minutes into it when my blood went cold and that was the start of over 12,000 plus hours into the way things really work.

I knew that Oswald never acted alone but I never really delved into it until three years ago. I believe the best documentary ever done on JFK, the banking oligarchs and the events leading up to 9/11/01 is "JFK To 9/11...Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick". It covers a lot of the things that I had learned in my research for the truth but compiled it in a way that anyone could understand. If I was a teacher, I would make this documentary a "must watch". JFK had managed to piss off every power structure like the CIA, the oil companies, the military industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about, the FBI head J Edgar Hoover as well as the banking oligarchs and anti Fidel Castro Cubans and every single one played their part in the public murder of JFK. People would be stunned to know that Watergate and the JFK assassination are intimately connected. Nixon's "plumbers" were involved in the JFK assassination as was George Herbert Walker Bush and LBJ. Operation Paperclip brought in thousands of Nazis that were allowed to be apart of the OSS that later became the CIA and as it turns out, America had their share of Nazis and Nazis sympathizers. Nazism could never have gained a foothold in Germany without industrialists and the banking oligarchs financing it. The coup de e'tat that took place when JFK was killed has only entrenched itself to the point of 52 years later, I have serious doubts that nothing less than a mass awakening will change our fate.

You ended any purpose in discussion when you informed us that 'nothing is going to convince you'. Which precludes your assimilation of evidence. You're done. Your mind is closed.

My posts are for those who have interest in the evidence. The physical impossibility of silent explosive demolition, for example. Or how the towers came down exactly opposite of controlled demolition.
The planes impacted about the 92nd floor, which means that only 18 floors were above the impact.

So 18/110 means approximately 16% of the total building's weight was affected.

Now ask yourselves, if you cut the support between 84% of something, and 16% of something, how does that change the relationship that 84% of something can still HOLD THE FUCKING WEIGHT of 16% of something?
You're missing three factors.

First, the load energy of the building was transmitted *around* floors via perfectly aligned vertical columns to bedrock. When the floors above impacted each floor below the load energy wasn't transmitted around that floor below. The floors were impacted directly. The floor would collapse virtually instantaneously. And did.

Second, the acceleration of gravity. As the floors above weren't gently placed onto the floors below during the collapse. They were accelerated by gravity and impacting the floors below. If you want a demonstration of the difference, gently balance a cinder block on your head. Now, drop that same cinder block onto your head from about12 feet, the average distance between floors on the WTC.

Though I warn you, you'll probably only do this experiment once. As the impact energy is far, far greater when accelerated by gravity.

Third, the dynamic amplification factor. Basically, the way a material responds when force is applied to it quickly compared to slowly.. Virtually all materials have less resistance to forces applied quickly than to the same forces applied slowly. The sudden impact of 16% of the building's mass would be dramatically amplified via the DAF. In the case of the WTC, by about double for that initial collapse.

Once the collapse began there was no structure within the building capable of 'catching' the falling floors and stopping them. The collapse would have continued, one floor at a time, all the way to the ground.

Which, in fact, it did.

The inner core of WTC 1 and 2 was concrete and encased rebar and there was no resistance as every floor collapses essentially at the same time and in free fall manner.

No they didn't. The debris falling outside the WTC 1 and 2 from the impact hit the ground at essentially free fall speeds. As one would expect of falling debris. The towers themselves came down at significantly lower than free fall speeds.

Building 7 collapsed the same way. There is even video showing charges going off when Building 7 collapsed.

No it didn't. The penthouse imploded roughly 10 seconds before the rest of WTC 7 came down. Demonstrating that the internal structure of the WTC 7 was already collapsing before the facade came down.

And explosive charges are ridiculously loud. The collapse of WTC 7 initiated in virtual silence. A physical impossibility with explosive demolition. Especially one where you could see the charge going off.

In fact there was no charge or apparatus of explosives ever found in any of the collapsed buildings. Not one charge, not one inch of blasting wire, not one detonator, blasting cap, timer, transceiver, anything. Despite the need for tens of thousands of them. Not one girder cut in a manner consistent with explosive demolition was ever found. Despite 10s of thousands of such cuts had the building been explosively demolished.

Plus, WTC 7 was on fire. Explosives and fire don't play well together.Explosives would have exploded, blasting wire, timers or transceivers would have been reduced to bubbling pools of plastic.

Rendering the 'explosive demolition' theory among the poorest explanations for the collapse.
There is nothing that can convince me that there were not explosives planted because I have seen enough implosions since I woke that proves this was indeed planned and for a litany of reasons.

Then your mind is closed and the presentation of evidence is irrelevant. As nothing can convince you.

I, however, remain open to evidence. The evidence simply doesn't match your narrative.

I mean, you can see the charges going off before it collapses.....I mean seriously, how do you explain that?
The planes impacted about the 92nd floor, which means that only 18 floors were above the impact.

So 18/110 means approximately 16% of the total building's weight was affected.

Now ask yourselves, if you cut the support between 84% of something, and 16% of something, how does that change the relationship that 84% of something can still HOLD THE FUCKING WEIGHT of 16% of something?
You're missing three factors.

First, the load energy of the building was transmitted *around* floors via perfectly aligned vertical columns to bedrock. When the floors above impacted each floor below the load energy wasn't transmitted around that floor below. The floors were impacted directly. The floor would collapse virtually instantaneously. And did.

Second, the acceleration of gravity. As the floors above weren't gently placed onto the floors below during the collapse. They were accelerated by gravity and impacting the floors below. If you want a demonstration of the difference, gently balance a cinder block on your head. Now, drop that same cinder block onto your head from about12 feet, the average distance between floors on the WTC.

Though I warn you, you'll probably only do this experiment once. As the impact energy is far, far greater when accelerated by gravity.

Third, the dynamic amplification factor. Basically, the way a material responds when force is applied to it quickly compared to slowly.. Virtually all materials have less resistance to forces applied quickly than to the same forces applied slowly. The sudden impact of 16% of the building's mass would be dramatically amplified via the DAF. In the case of the WTC, by about double for that initial collapse.

Once the collapse began there was no structure within the building capable of 'catching' the falling floors and stopping them. The collapse would have continued, one floor at a time, all the way to the ground.

Which, in fact, it did.

The inner core of WTC 1 and 2 was concrete and encased rebar and there was no resistance as every floor collapses essentially at the same time and in free fall manner.

No they didn't. The debris falling outside the WTC 1 and 2 from the impact hit the ground at essentially free fall speeds. As one would expect of falling debris. The towers themselves came down at significantly lower than free fall speeds.

Building 7 collapsed the same way. There is even video showing charges going off when Building 7 collapsed.

No it didn't. The penthouse imploded roughly 10 seconds before the rest of WTC 7 came down. Demonstrating that the internal structure of the WTC 7 was already collapsing before the facade came down.

And explosive charges are ridiculously loud. The collapse of WTC 7 initiated in virtual silence. A physical impossibility with explosive demolition. Especially one where you could see the charge going off.

In fact there was no charge or apparatus of explosives ever found in any of the collapsed buildings. Not one charge, not one inch of blasting wire, not one detonator, blasting cap, timer, transceiver, anything. Despite the need for tens of thousands of them. Not one girder cut in a manner consistent with explosive demolition was ever found. Despite 10s of thousands of such cuts had the building been explosively demolished.

Plus, WTC 7 was on fire. Explosives and fire don't play well together.Explosives would have exploded, blasting wire, timers or transceivers would have been reduced to bubbling pools of plastic.

Rendering the 'explosive demolition' theory among the poorest explanations for the collapse.
There is nothing that can convince me that there were not explosives planted because I have seen enough implosions since I woke that proves this was indeed planned and for a litany of reasons.

Then your mind is closed and the presentation of evidence is irrelevant. As nothing can convince you.

I, however, remain open to evidence. The evidence simply doesn't match your narrative.

I mean, you can see the charges going off before it collapses.....I mean seriously, how do you explain that?

There are several other views of the same side of the building. Why would none of them show any these 'charges' while this one video would? Or record any of the audio?

A 'new' video posted in 2013.....contradicted by every other video to come before it. A video with no explanation save it was on an 'old cell phone video'. Showing a level of resolution far higher than cell phones in 2001.

Explain it to me. There are a lot of inconsistencies here.
There were 83 camera confiscated from surrounding businesses alone by the FBI which was the same M.O concerning the OKC bombing and of course no footage of what was on those cameras were ever released...why is that?
that dale is why the infiltraters here can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.:biggrin:
btw Dale,I notice you live in Dallas Texas.As you have seen me talk about on this thread quite a few times,I have done a lot of research into the JFK assassination as well.even far more than in 9/11.

Because of the fact that our corrupt school system has lied to us all these years about JFK and the government still to this day endorces the warren commission,tell me if you had the same thoughts in your head that day i had when 9/11 happened.

Because of the JFK assassination and their lies they have spun since then and over the decades i thought to myself back then on 9/11 i said to myself-I dont believe a fucking word of this what they are saying,that Bin Laden was behind these attacks.I think our government is behind this whole thing just to get us into another fake and phony war same as they did with vietnam "as you know,that was one of the main reasons the CIA killed JFK was he was going to pull us out of vietnam.they knew johnson would reverse kennedys policy on it as he did."

while I never had any facts or proof about it at the time which is why i accepted the possibility back then that the media might be correct,deep down because of the JFK assassination and being lied to about that event,I had a gut feeling back then because of that,9/11 was a lie.It just wasnt till three years later when I started talking to a friend of mine who started telling me the facts of the case,that I woke up about it and knew my initial hunch was correct. How about you,at the time 9/11 happened,did YOU have your doubts about it like I did?

also tell me if you ever run into these kind of people.Its not uncommon for me to run into these kind of people.I have run into quite a few of them over the years,they will acknowledge the CIA killed JFK but anytime you try to get them to look at the facts of 9/11,they refuse to and ignore the evidence and ignore the facts.

see they can handle it that the CIA killed JFK and they were lied to about that but they cant accept it that they were also behind 9/11 as well because 9/11 being an inside job hits too close to home for them and is much harder to deal with since it is so much more recent and they dont want to face reality that our government murdered 3000 of its own of the mods here at this site is one of do YOU ever come across people like that as well by chance?

I find that just INCREDIBLE how they can accept it that the CIA killed JFK yet they refuse to look at the facts that they were behind 9/11 as well dont you?

they can accept it that the CIA is an evil organization acknowledging the fact they killed JFK,yet despite that,they cant accept it that they were behind 9/11 as well even though it was for the same reason,to get us into another fake and phony war.:rolleyes:

btw dale you never answered the question i posed here.

Sorry, I have been doing my weekly cleaning and listening to documentaries while doing so and wanted to write you a detailed post. Debunking the cynics takes just a few sentences. I knew back in 2003 that OKC was not what we were told and I kept looking for a cover-up that it had a Middle Eastern connection but in the last three years I have found that it was a black-ops done by rogue elements of the FBI and CIA.. The FBI was also behind the first WTC bombing in 1993 and had tried to set up an Egyptian muslim as the fall guy but he beat them at their own game by wearing a wire. Snowden's revelations that the Patriot Act was written before 9/11/01 and the apparatus for this survellience grid was also set-up in advance of 9/11 caused me take a hard look at the events of that my 17 year old son at the time that insisted that it was an inside job and he dared me to watch "Loose Change" and if he said if I could watch it and have no doubts, he would leave me alone. I eagerly took the challenge but I got about 45 minutes into it when my blood went cold and that was the start of over 12,000 plus hours into the way things really work.

I knew that Oswald never acted alone but I never really delved into it until three years ago. I believe the best documentary ever done on JFK, the banking oligarchs and the events leading up to 9/11/01 is "JFK To 9/11...Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick". It covers a lot of the things that I had learned in my research for the truth but compiled it in a way that anyone could understand. If I was a teacher, I would make this documentary a "must watch". JFK had managed to piss off every power structure like the CIA, the oil companies, the military industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about, the FBI head J Edgar Hoover as well as the banking oligarchs and anti Fidel Castro Cubans and every single one played their part in the public murder of JFK. People would be stunned to know that Watergate and the JFK assassination are intimately connected. Nixon's "plumbers" were involved in the JFK assassination as was George Herbert Walker Bush and LBJ. Operation Paperclip brought in thousands of Nazis that were allowed to be apart of the OSS that later became the CIA and as it turns out, America had their share of Nazis and Nazis sympathizers. Nazism could never have gained a foothold in Germany without industrialists and the banking oligarchs financing it. The coup de e'tat that took place when JFK was killed has only entrenched itself to the point of 52 years later, I have serious doubts that nothing less than a mass awakening will change our fate.

they never will watch this video,they never watch any videos that shread to pieces the governments version.

two minutes ago before my last of the paid shills farted in here.:9::biggrin:
Last edited:
The planes impacted about the 92nd floor, which means that only 18 floors were above the impact.

So 18/110 means approximately 16% of the total building's weight was affected.

Now ask yourselves, if you cut the support between 84% of something, and 16% of something, how does that change the relationship that 84% of something can still HOLD THE FUCKING WEIGHT of 16% of something?
You're missing three factors.

First, the load energy of the building was transmitted *around* floors via perfectly aligned vertical columns to bedrock. When the floors above impacted each floor below the load energy wasn't transmitted around that floor below. The floors were impacted directly. The floor would collapse virtually instantaneously. And did.

Second, the acceleration of gravity. As the floors above weren't gently placed onto the floors below during the collapse. They were accelerated by gravity and impacting the floors below. If you want a demonstration of the difference, gently balance a cinder block on your head. Now, drop that same cinder block onto your head from about12 feet, the average distance between floors on the WTC.

Though I warn you, you'll probably only do this experiment once. As the impact energy is far, far greater when accelerated by gravity.

Third, the dynamic amplification factor. Basically, the way a material responds when force is applied to it quickly compared to slowly.. Virtually all materials have less resistance to forces applied quickly than to the same forces applied slowly. The sudden impact of 16% of the building's mass would be dramatically amplified via the DAF. In the case of the WTC, by about double for that initial collapse.

Once the collapse began there was no structure within the building capable of 'catching' the falling floors and stopping them. The collapse would have continued, one floor at a time, all the way to the ground.

Which, in fact, it did.

The inner core of WTC 1 and 2 was concrete and encased rebar and there was no resistance as every floor collapses essentially at the same time and in free fall manner.

No they didn't. The debris falling outside the WTC 1 and 2 from the impact hit the ground at essentially free fall speeds. As one would expect of falling debris. The towers themselves came down at significantly lower than free fall speeds.

Building 7 collapsed the same way. There is even video showing charges going off when Building 7 collapsed.

No it didn't. The penthouse imploded roughly 10 seconds before the rest of WTC 7 came down. Demonstrating that the internal structure of the WTC 7 was already collapsing before the facade came down.

And explosive charges are ridiculously loud. The collapse of WTC 7 initiated in virtual silence. A physical impossibility with explosive demolition. Especially one where you could see the charge going off.

In fact there was no charge or apparatus of explosives ever found in any of the collapsed buildings. Not one charge, not one inch of blasting wire, not one detonator, blasting cap, timer, transceiver, anything. Despite the need for tens of thousands of them. Not one girder cut in a manner consistent with explosive demolition was ever found. Despite 10s of thousands of such cuts had the building been explosively demolished.

Plus, WTC 7 was on fire. Explosives and fire don't play well together.Explosives would have exploded, blasting wire, timers or transceivers would have been reduced to bubbling pools of plastic.

Rendering the 'explosive demolition' theory among the poorest explanations for the collapse.
There is nothing that can convince me that there were not explosives planted because I have seen enough implosions since I woke that proves this was indeed planned and for a litany of reasons.

Then your mind is closed and the presentation of evidence is irrelevant. As nothing can convince you.

I, however, remain open to evidence. The evidence simply doesn't match your narrative.

I mean, you can see the charges going off before it collapses.....I mean seriously, how do you explain that?

the bush dupes like to fool themselves into thinking it is the pressure of the floors or what not,what demolition EXPERTS as well as architects and engineers or the witnesses say means nothing only what the CIA media tells them.:rolleyes::lmao::haha:
There were 83 camera confiscated from surrounding businesses alone by the FBI which was the same M.O concerning the OKC bombing and of course no footage of what was on those cameras were ever released...why is that?
that dale is why the infiltraters here can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.:biggrin:
btw Dale,I notice you live in Dallas Texas.As you have seen me talk about on this thread quite a few times,I have done a lot of research into the JFK assassination as well.even far more than in 9/11.

Because of the fact that our corrupt school system has lied to us all these years about JFK and the government still to this day endorces the warren commission,tell me if you had the same thoughts in your head that day i had when 9/11 happened.

Because of the JFK assassination and their lies they have spun since then and over the decades i thought to myself back then on 9/11 i said to myself-I dont believe a fucking word of this what they are saying,that Bin Laden was behind these attacks.I think our government is behind this whole thing just to get us into another fake and phony war same as they did with vietnam "as you know,that was one of the main reasons the CIA killed JFK was he was going to pull us out of vietnam.they knew johnson would reverse kennedys policy on it as he did."

while I never had any facts or proof about it at the time which is why i accepted the possibility back then that the media might be correct,deep down because of the JFK assassination and being lied to about that event,I had a gut feeling back then because of that,9/11 was a lie.It just wasnt till three years later when I started talking to a friend of mine who started telling me the facts of the case,that I woke up about it and knew my initial hunch was correct. How about you,at the time 9/11 happened,did YOU have your doubts about it like I did?

also tell me if you ever run into these kind of people.Its not uncommon for me to run into these kind of people.I have run into quite a few of them over the years,they will acknowledge the CIA killed JFK but anytime you try to get them to look at the facts of 9/11,they refuse to and ignore the evidence and ignore the facts.

see they can handle it that the CIA killed JFK and they were lied to about that but they cant accept it that they were also behind 9/11 as well because 9/11 being an inside job hits too close to home for them and is much harder to deal with since it is so much more recent and they dont want to face reality that our government murdered 3000 of its own of the mods here at this site is one of do YOU ever come across people like that as well by chance?

I find that just INCREDIBLE how they can accept it that the CIA killed JFK yet they refuse to look at the facts that they were behind 9/11 as well dont you?

they can accept it that the CIA is an evil organization acknowledging the fact they killed JFK,yet despite that,they cant accept it that they were behind 9/11 as well even though it was for the same reason,to get us into another fake and phony war.:rolleyes:

btw dale you never answered the question i posed here.

Sorry, I have been doing my weekly cleaning and listening to documentaries while doing so and wanted to write you a detailed post. Debunking the cynics takes just a few sentences. I knew back in 2003 that OKC was not what we were told and I kept looking for a cover-up that it had a Middle Eastern connection but in the last three years I have found that it was a black-ops done by rogue elements of the FBI and CIA.. The FBI was also behind the first WTC bombing in 1993 and had tried to set up an Egyptian muslim as the fall guy but he beat them at their own game by wearing a wire. Snowden's revelations that the Patriot Act was written before 9/11/01 and the apparatus for this survellience grid was also set-up in advance of 9/11 caused me take a hard look at the events of that my 17 year old son at the time that insisted that it was an inside job and he dared me to watch "Loose Change" and if he said if I could watch it and have no doubts, he would leave me alone. I eagerly took the challenge but I got about 45 minutes into it when my blood went cold and that was the start of over 12,000 plus hours into the way things really work.

I knew that Oswald never acted alone but I never really delved into it until three years ago. I believe the best documentary ever done on JFK, the banking oligarchs and the events leading up to 9/11/01 is "JFK To 9/11...Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick". It covers a lot of the things that I had learned in my research for the truth but compiled it in a way that anyone could understand. If I was a teacher, I would make this documentary a "must watch". JFK had managed to piss off every power structure like the CIA, the oil companies, the military industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about, the FBI head J Edgar Hoover as well as the banking oligarchs and anti Fidel Castro Cubans and every single one played their part in the public murder of JFK. People would be stunned to know that Watergate and the JFK assassination are intimately connected. Nixon's "plumbers" were involved in the JFK assassination as was George Herbert Walker Bush and LBJ. Operation Paperclip brought in thousands of Nazis that were allowed to be apart of the OSS that later became the CIA and as it turns out, America had their share of Nazis and Nazis sympathizers. Nazism could never have gained a foothold in Germany without industrialists and the banking oligarchs financing it. The coup de e'tat that took place when JFK was killed has only entrenched itself to the point of 52 years later, I have serious doubts that nothing less than a mass awakening will change our fate.

You ended any purpose in discussion when you informed us that 'nothing is going to convince you'. Which precludes your assimilation of evidence. You're done. Your mind is closed.

My posts are for those who have interest in the evidence. The physical impossibility of silent explosive demolition, for example. Or how the towers came down exactly opposite of controlled demolition.

Dude, I was just like you for 11 years...I demonized, marginalized and berated anyone that tried to tell me that the official story was bullshit. You are going to have to have your own epiphany like I did. I have researched this to ad naseum and the reasons as to why it happened and why it had to happen for the global elites. The Black Eagle Trust that bought ten year securities in 1991 when the USSR ruble collapsed and how some of these globalists piggy backed off of the currency swaps of Leo Wanta, that was commissioned by Ronald Reagan to bring about the collapse of the USSR. The ongoing investigation of the insider trading ad Securities fraud that was being investigated by the SEC that would have put some very powerful movers and shakers on trial that was nixed because just so happens that the plane that hit WTC 1 hit the floors where the SEC had stored the evidence and were meeting on how to proceed. Then there was the fact that WTCs had been a losing money proposition from the start and to add to the misery, the inner core was coated with asbestos and had been given waiver after waiver to correct this problem which would have cost over a billion dollars. What better way to rid yourself of this problem by engineering a terrorist attack and collapse them and then collect the insurance money. Like any event...all you have to do is follow the money and how stands to gain. This event ignited the military industrial complex because now we are in a war that will basically never end.
Oh? You mean the part that had been physically compromised collapsed at an angle and then gravity pulled it down into the section that hadn't been compromised by the fire so collapsed straight down like a stack of cards...which is how the building was designed?

Not likely.
All the weight of the falling section is on one side of the building, so you'd expect that section to slide to one side, badly damaging the floors below on that side, then sliding off.
Even accounting for steel supports holding for a while, it wouldn't have gone down vertically, nor would it have taken the whole building with it.
If there was a total collapse, it would have leaned well over to one side as the weight from the top section would have dragged it over.
Oh? You mean the part that had been physically compromised collapsed at an angle and then gravity pulled it down into the section that hadn't been compromised by the fire so collapsed straight down like a stack of cards...which is how the building was designed?

Not likely.
All the weight of the falling section is on one side of the building, so you'd expect that section to slide to one side, badly damaging the floors below on that side, then sliding off.
Even accounting for steel supports holding for a while, it wouldn't have gone down vertically, nor would it have taken the whole building with it.
If there was a total collapse, it would have leaned well over to one side as the weight from the top section would have dragged it over.

Nope. Physics will direct it to the center. The construction of the WTC was such that the walls acted like a funnel and kept the cascade of floors centered within the tube.
There were 83 camera confiscated from surrounding businesses alone by the FBI which was the same M.O concerning the OKC bombing and of course no footage of what was on those cameras were ever released...why is that?
that dale is why the infiltraters here can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.:biggrin:
btw Dale,I notice you live in Dallas Texas.As you have seen me talk about on this thread quite a few times,I have done a lot of research into the JFK assassination as well.even far more than in 9/11.

Because of the fact that our corrupt school system has lied to us all these years about JFK and the government still to this day endorces the warren commission,tell me if you had the same thoughts in your head that day i had when 9/11 happened.

Because of the JFK assassination and their lies they have spun since then and over the decades i thought to myself back then on 9/11 i said to myself-I dont believe a fucking word of this what they are saying,that Bin Laden was behind these attacks.I think our government is behind this whole thing just to get us into another fake and phony war same as they did with vietnam "as you know,that was one of the main reasons the CIA killed JFK was he was going to pull us out of vietnam.they knew johnson would reverse kennedys policy on it as he did."

while I never had any facts or proof about it at the time which is why i accepted the possibility back then that the media might be correct,deep down because of the JFK assassination and being lied to about that event,I had a gut feeling back then because of that,9/11 was a lie.It just wasnt till three years later when I started talking to a friend of mine who started telling me the facts of the case,that I woke up about it and knew my initial hunch was correct. How about you,at the time 9/11 happened,did YOU have your doubts about it like I did?

also tell me if you ever run into these kind of people.Its not uncommon for me to run into these kind of people.I have run into quite a few of them over the years,they will acknowledge the CIA killed JFK but anytime you try to get them to look at the facts of 9/11,they refuse to and ignore the evidence and ignore the facts.

see they can handle it that the CIA killed JFK and they were lied to about that but they cant accept it that they were also behind 9/11 as well because 9/11 being an inside job hits too close to home for them and is much harder to deal with since it is so much more recent and they dont want to face reality that our government murdered 3000 of its own of the mods here at this site is one of do YOU ever come across people like that as well by chance?

I find that just INCREDIBLE how they can accept it that the CIA killed JFK yet they refuse to look at the facts that they were behind 9/11 as well dont you?

they can accept it that the CIA is an evil organization acknowledging the fact they killed JFK,yet despite that,they cant accept it that they were behind 9/11 as well even though it was for the same reason,to get us into another fake and phony war.:rolleyes:

btw dale you never answered the question i posed here.

Sorry, I have been doing my weekly cleaning and listening to documentaries while doing so and wanted to write you a detailed post. Debunking the cynics takes just a few sentences. I knew back in 2003 that OKC was not what we were told and I kept looking for a cover-up that it had a Middle Eastern connection but in the last three years I have found that it was a black-ops done by rogue elements of the FBI and CIA.. The FBI was also behind the first WTC bombing in 1993 and had tried to set up an Egyptian muslim as the fall guy but he beat them at their own game by wearing a wire. Snowden's revelations that the Patriot Act was written before 9/11/01 and the apparatus for this survellience grid was also set-up in advance of 9/11 caused me take a hard look at the events of that my 17 year old son at the time that insisted that it was an inside job and he dared me to watch "Loose Change" and if he said if I could watch it and have no doubts, he would leave me alone. I eagerly took the challenge but I got about 45 minutes into it when my blood went cold and that was the start of over 12,000 plus hours into the way things really work.

I knew that Oswald never acted alone but I never really delved into it until three years ago. I believe the best documentary ever done on JFK, the banking oligarchs and the events leading up to 9/11/01 is "JFK To 9/11...Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick". It covers a lot of the things that I had learned in my research for the truth but compiled it in a way that anyone could understand. If I was a teacher, I would make this documentary a "must watch". JFK had managed to piss off every power structure like the CIA, the oil companies, the military industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about, the FBI head J Edgar Hoover as well as the banking oligarchs and anti Fidel Castro Cubans and every single one played their part in the public murder of JFK. People would be stunned to know that Watergate and the JFK assassination are intimately connected. Nixon's "plumbers" were involved in the JFK assassination as was George Herbert Walker Bush and LBJ. Operation Paperclip brought in thousands of Nazis that were allowed to be apart of the OSS that later became the CIA and as it turns out, America had their share of Nazis and Nazis sympathizers. Nazism could never have gained a foothold in Germany without industrialists and the banking oligarchs financing it. The coup de e'tat that took place when JFK was killed has only entrenched itself to the point of 52 years later, I have serious doubts that nothing less than a mass awakening will change our fate.

You ended any purpose in discussion when you informed us that 'nothing is going to convince you'. Which precludes your assimilation of evidence. You're done. Your mind is closed.

My posts are for those who have interest in the evidence. The physical impossibility of silent explosive demolition, for example. Or how the towers came down exactly opposite of controlled demolition.

Dude, I was just like you for 11 years...I demonized, marginalized and berated anyone that tried to tell me that the official story was bullshit. You are going to have to have your own epiphany like I did. I have researched this to ad naseum and the reasons as to why it happened and why it had to happen for the global elites. The Black Eagle Trust that bought ten year securities in 1991 when the USSR ruble collapsed and how some of these globalists piggy backed off of the currency swaps of Leo Wanta, that was commissioned by Ronald Reagan to bring about the collapse of the USSR. The ongoing investigation of the insider trading ad Securities fraud that was being investigated by the SEC that would have put some very powerful movers and shakers on trial that was nixed because just so happens that the plane that hit WTC 1 hit the floors where the SEC had stored the evidence and were meeting on how to proceed. Then there was the fact that WTCs had been a losing money proposition from the start and to add to the misery, the inner core was coated with asbestos and had been given waiver after waiver to correct this problem which would have cost over a billion dollars. What better way to rid yourself of this problem by engineering a terrorist attack and collapse them and then collect the insurance money. Like any event...all you have to do is follow the money and how stands to gain. This event ignited the military industrial complex because now we are in a war that will basically never end.

I'm a big believer in Occam's Razor. And the conspiracy explanation is just fantastically, even ludicrously complicated. While collapse due to fire and structural damage matches the evidence and is far, far simpler.
not,what demolition EXPERTS as well as architects and engineers or the witnesses say means nothing only

Professional know their future is going to be a problem if they say things that don't fit the norm, especially when it comes to a major event such as this.

That means these experts in their field must have a valid or strong argument on their side.

1,000 top end professionals just don't do that

Oh? You mean the part that had been physically compromised collapsed at an angle and then gravity pulled it down into the section that hadn't been compromised by the fire so collapsed straight down like a stack of cards...which is how the building was designed?

Not likely.
All the weight of the falling section is on one side of the building, so you'd expect that section to slide to one side, badly damaging the floors below on that side, then sliding off.
Even accounting for steel supports holding for a while, it wouldn't have gone down vertically, nor would it have taken the whole building with it.
If there was a total collapse, it would have leaned well over to one side as the weight from the top section would have dragged it over.

No you wouldn't. The building was mostly empty space. Your scenario would have the entirety of more than a dozen floors using one row of outer panels as a fulcrum. There's no way that the side would be able to hold all that weight. It would collapse almost instantly. And did.
Oh? You mean the part that had been physically compromised collapsed at an angle and then gravity pulled it down into the section that hadn't been compromised by the fire so collapsed straight down like a stack of cards...which is how the building was designed?

Not likely.
All the weight of the falling section is on one side of the building, so you'd expect that section to slide to one side, badly damaging the floors below on that side, then sliding off.
Even accounting for steel supports holding for a while, it wouldn't have gone down vertically, nor would it have taken the whole building with it.
If there was a total collapse, it would have leaned well over to one side as the weight from the top section would have dragged it over.

you'd expect that section to slide to one side, badly damaging the floors below on that side, then sliding off.

Sliding off? Are you under the impression there are frictionless surfaces involved?

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