World Trade Center probably could not have been destroyed by planes

Anyone really know who Jules and Gedeon Naudet are?? The Naudet brothers. I do not believe in many coincidences and to say the one was just there filming a gas leak and actually got a pic of the first plane hitting the building is beyond me. Anyone hear of them and your opinion.

They were sent there to get fake footage of the non-plane that hit the tower?
Anyone really know who Jules and Gedeon Naudet are?? The Naudet brothers. I do not believe in many coincidences and to say the one was just there filming a gas leak and actually got a pic of the first plane hitting the building is beyond me. Anyone hear of them and your opinion.

thats why I dont think there ever were any planes.For several years i thought yes there were planes,but they and the fires did not cause the collapse.Now I dont think there ever were any planes.the reason i came to that conclusion is because when you watch that video,new yorkers are just walking about like any other day when allegedly there is an airliner crashing into the tower.
If there was a plane flying in that low,everyone would be looking up saying in that video-why is that plane flying so low,oh my god its going to hit the hear NONE of that in the video,they dont look up and start screaming and reacting till the explosions happen.

plus more importantly its impossible for an aluminum jet to pass through in and out steel girders like swiss cheese like they do in one of the videos.

its on par with the JFK assassination where abraham zapruder,he wasnt just the innocent bystander the media portrayed him to be and just happened to be the one person to film it was all by design,the elite WANTED america to see his head blown off and same here,only they needed them there to film that so everyone would be sold that an airliner hit the towers.

Plus the ONLY people I have seen come out and say over the years -I live in new york,i was there,i saw it all,there were planes are trolls like predfan who toot the governments version of events.

I have never seen an honest truther come out and say there were planes over the years.
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Anyone really know who Jules and Gedeon Naudet are?? The Naudet brothers. I do not believe in many coincidences and to say the one was just there filming a gas leak and actually got a pic of the first plane hitting the building is beyond me. Anyone hear of them and your opinion.

thats why I dont think there ever were any planes.For several years i thought yes there were planes,but they and the fires did not cause the collapse.Now I dont think there ever were any planes.the reason i came to that conclusion is because when you watch that video,new yorkers are just walking about like any other day when allegedly there is an airliner crashing into the tower.
If there was a plane flying in that low,everyone would be looking up saying in that video-why is that plane flying so low,oh my god its going to hit the hear NONE of that in the video,they dont look up and start screaming and reacting till the explosions happen.

plus its impossible for an aluminum jet to pass three steel girders like swiss cheese like they do in one of the videos.

its on par with the JFK assassination where abraham zapruder,he wasnt just the innocent bystander the media portrayed him to be and just happened to be the one person to film it was all by design,the elite WANTED america to see his head blown off and same here,only they needed them there to film that so everyone would be sold that an airliner hit the towers.

new yorkers are just walking about like any other day when allegedly there is an airliner crashing into the tower.

What should they have done in the seconds before the plane hit?

they needed them there to film that so everyone would be sold that an airliner hit the towers.

And that explains the airliner that everyone else saw hitting the second tower?

plus its impossible for an aluminum jet to pass three steel girders like swiss cheese like they do in one of the videos.

It should have bounced off the glass windows?
In fact, play a tall game of Jenga, if you break the Jenga puzzle near the top, the rest of the puzzle remains standing, the whole damn puzzle doesn't come apart.

Yeah because the towers are completely solid, like Jenga blocks. Right.
Anyone really know who Jules and Gedeon Naudet are?? The Naudet brothers. I do not believe in many coincidences and to say the one was just there filming a gas leak and actually got a pic of the first plane hitting the building is beyond me. Anyone hear of them and your opinion.

There are a lot of people in NYC, I'd be surprised if no one got a picture of it.
Ah yes, because buildings are just like trees. Well done, your logic is bulletproof.
Please pull your head out of your ass on this one.

I'm not saying it's exactly like trees, what I am saying is that the weight supported by an UNDAMAGED 84% of a building, is likely to just BOUNCE off the rest of the structure.

Explain how it ends up PULVERIZING that entire structure in both cases the SAME way.

The only people around here with their heads up their as, as far as I can tell, are you and Dale.

Fucking losers.
Anyone really know who Jules and Gedeon Naudet are?? The Naudet brothers. I do not believe in many coincidences and to say the one was just there filming a gas leak and actually got a pic of the first plane hitting the building is beyond me. Anyone hear of them and your opinion.
You know, I read an independant analysis of their project, and I was reserving judgement on the whole thing.

I wondered whether they were part of the intelligence establishment paradigm.

I found this article some years ago, it made me think a little bit.


We must be careful though, a lot of what can be found on the internet is disinfo. misinfo, and just plain cointel.

However, recently, this came out, pretty much confirming that much of what was speculated about in the previous article was probably true. How else would these knuckle heads be pushing the establishment paradigm? Obviously they are part of the intelligence community. We would probably have those answers via FOIA if building WTC 7 hadn't been demolished.

How the makers of 'The Spymasters' got former CIA directors to open up
How the makers of 'The Spymasters' got former CIA directors to open up
The momentum gained by falling would explain why the lower sections of the buildings were badly damaged.
My concern is why they fell from the top instead of the area of most damage and why was the fall vertical, not to the side of greatest damage?

Freddie actually imagines that he said something UNIQUE ----"the momentum gained by falling......."--------LOL watta genius. So true----lots of momentum is gained by
falling--------the LD/50 of a human free fall is 4 stories----which is something like
45-50 feet------based on Freddie's magical MOMENTUM OF FALLING (he learned
a word from his high school physics text) I am also impressed with Penelope's
Ah yes, because buildings are just like trees. Well done, your logic is bulletproof.
Please pull your head out of your ass on this one.

I'm not saying it's exactly like trees, what I am saying is that the weight supported by an UNDAMAGED 84% of a building, is likely to just BOUNCE off the rest of the structure.

Explain how it ends up PULVERIZING that entire structure in both cases the SAME way.

The only people around here with their heads up their as, as far as I can tell, are you and Dale.

Fucking losers.
ah the truth hurts that you have your head up your ass.poor baby. Dale admitted he had his head up his ass for 11 years.unlike you,he got his head out his still have yours in it.:lmao::rofl::rolleyes-41:
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The planes impacted about the 92nd floor, which means that only 18 floors were above the impact.

So 18/110 means approximately 16% of the total building's weight was affected.

The problem with this is the distribution of mass of the building. The percentage is correct for height but not mass.

Some box columns at the bottom of the building were made of plate steel FIVE INCHES THICK and the columns were 40+ inches wide. Steel at the top was about 3/4th inches thick and 12 inches wide. Skyscraper must be bottom heavy but I cannot find the Center of Gravity on a single building over 300 meters tall.

The data on the CN Tower in Toronto is interesting though.

It is more than 500 meters tall and the CoG is 61 meters above the ground. But because it gets thinner toward the top it would have less of a wind problem than the WTC.

The 9/11 Affair is entirely unscientific because so many "experts" are not demanding and distributing critical information.

Neil de Grasse Tyson lived less than a mile from the Twin Towers and was at home on 9/11. But he has not said anything about the physics of the building's destruction though he talks about flaws in the movies, Gravity, Titanic, Interstellar and The Martian. Like science only matters when it is fiction.

The planes impacted about the 92nd floor, which means that only 18 floors were above the impact.

So 18/110 means approximately 16% of the total building's weight was affected.

The problem with this is the distribution of mass of the building. The percentage is correct for height but not mass.

Some box columns at the bottom of the building were made of plate steel FIVE INCHES THICK and the columns were 40+ inches wide. Steel at the top was about 3/4th inches thick and 12 inches wide. Skyscraper must be bottom heavy but I cannot find the Center of Gravity on a single building over 300 meters tall.

The data on the CN Tower in Toronto is interesting though.

It is more than 500 meters tall and the CoG is 61 meters above the ground. But because it gets thinner toward the top it would have less of a wind problem than the WTC.

The 9/11 Affair is entirely unscientific because so many "experts" are not demanding and distributing critical information.

Neil de Grasse Tyson lived less than a mile from the Twin Towers and was at home on 9/11. But he has not said anything about the physics of the building's destruction though he talks about flaws in the movies, Gravity, Titanic, Interstellar and The Martian. Like science only matters when it is fiction.


"The 9/11 Affair is entirely unscientific because so many "experts" are not demanding and distributing critical information."

That's because to do so would be a threat to public safety. The establishment has stated so explicitly.

IOW, if you do so, you are a terrorist.
The planes impacted about the 92nd floor, which means that only 18 floors were above the impact.

So 18/110 means approximately 16% of the total building's weight was affected.

The problem with this is the distribution of mass of the building. The percentage is correct for height but not mass.

Some box columns at the bottom of the building were made of plate steel FIVE INCHES THICK and the columns were 40+ inches wide. Steel at the top was about 3/4th inches thick and 12 inches wide. Skyscraper must be bottom heavy but I cannot find the Center of Gravity on a single building over 300 meters tall.

The data on the CN Tower in Toronto is interesting though.

It is more than 500 meters tall and the CoG is 61 meters above the ground. But because it gets thinner toward the top it would have less of a wind problem than the WTC.

The 9/11 Affair is entirely unscientific because so many "experts" are not demanding and distributing critical information.

Neil de Grasse Tyson lived less than a mile from the Twin Towers and was at home on 9/11. But he has not said anything about the physics of the building's destruction though he talks about flaws in the movies, Gravity, Titanic, Interstellar and The Martian. Like science only matters when it is fiction.


Tyson is a government stooge paid to make the uneducated believe what the government wants them to.
"The 9/11 Affair is entirely unscientific because so many "experts" are not demanding and distributing critical information."

That's because to do so would be a threat to public safety. The establishment has stated so explicitly.

IOW, if you do so, you are a terrorist.

That is such an idiotic excuse it is ridiculous. How is the distribution of mass in buildings that no longer exist a threat to public safety?


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