World War One Through Arab Eyes

Episode 2 is on tonight in the UK at 20:00 for those that can watch it and are interested, hopefully it'll get on to YouTube for those who can't, fairly soon. This one deals with, "The decline of the Ottoman Empire, its war alliance with Germany, the suffering of the people of Greater Syria and the birth of three nationalist movements" according to the blurb.
Episode 2 is on tonight in the UK at 20:00 for those that can watch it and are interested, hopefully it'll get on to YouTube for those who can't, fairly soon. This one deals with, "The decline of the Ottoman Empire, its war alliance with Germany, the suffering of the people of Greater Syria and the birth of three nationalist movements" according to the blurb.

oh gee----another attempt at glorification of meccaist shit
Episode 2 is on tonight in the UK at 20:00 for those that can watch it and are interested, hopefully it'll get on to YouTube for those who can't, fairly soon. This one deals with, "The decline of the Ottoman Empire, its war alliance with Germany, the suffering of the people of Greater Syria and the birth of three nationalist movements" according to the blurb.

oh gee----another attempt at glorification of meccaist shit
It's OK, relax, you don't have to watch it. I wouldn't want you to crack those rosey-tinted glasses of yours- you go play with your "My little pony" instead and don't trouble your little mind about it any more.. :)
Episode 2 is on tonight in the UK at 20:00 for those that can watch it and are interested, hopefully it'll get on to YouTube for those who can't, fairly soon. This one deals with, "The decline of the Ottoman Empire, its war alliance with Germany, the suffering of the people of Greater Syria and the birth of three nationalist movements" according to the blurb.

oh gee----another attempt at glorification of meccaist shit
It's OK, relax, you don't have to watch it. I wouldn't want you to crack those rosey-tinted glasses of yours- you go play with your "My little pony" instead and don't trouble your little mind about it any more.. :)

I would imagine that Mr. Rodent likes everything that comes out by Al Jazeera, especially if it is against Israel. One thing I doubt we will ever see is an article by Al Jazeera (which is owned by the government of Qatar) that there are rich men in Qatar funding ISIS. Anyhow, it probably is par for the course to see an Op-Ed by Al Jazeera praising the massacre of those four Rabbis while they were praying. I don't think anyone who is civilized would be praising the murders of any four innocent clergymen whatever their faiths.

Al Jazeera op-ed praises synagogue massacre

Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News Al Jazeera op-ed praises synagogue massacre
Episode 2 is on tonight in the UK at 20:00 for those that can watch it and are interested, hopefully it'll get on to YouTube for those who can't, fairly soon. This one deals with, "The decline of the Ottoman Empire, its war alliance with Germany, the suffering of the people of Greater Syria and the birth of three nationalist movements" according to the blurb.

oh gee----another attempt at glorification of meccaist shit
It's OK, relax, you don't have to watch it. I wouldn't want you to crack those rosey-tinted glasses of yours- you go play with your "My little pony" instead and don't trouble your little mind about it any more.. :)

I would imagine that Mr. Rodent likes everything that comes out by Al Jazeera, especially if it is against Israel. One thing I doubt we will ever see is an article by Al Jazeera (which is owned by the government of Qatar) that there are rich men in Qatar funding ISIS. Anyhow, it probably is par for the course to see an Op-Ed by Al Jazeera praising the massacre of those four Rabbis while they were praying. I don't think anyone who is civilized would be praising the murders of any four innocent clergymen whatever their faiths.

Al Jazeera op-ed praises synagogue massacre

Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News Al Jazeera op-ed praises synagogue massacre

And this has what to do with the First World War exactly? Have you actually read the Op-ed or just the spin about it in Elder of Zion, a rabid pro-Zionist blogger who publshes anonymously and even wears a disguise on the rare occasions he's seen in public. Gosh, wonder what he's got to hide?
your post makes no sense-----the poster simply and CORRECTLY pointed out their your sluts celebrate the murder by meat cleaver and gun of a few elderly and middle aged men in synagogue------
I would describe the issue as one of ANTHROPOLIGICAL FIELD STUDY-----the culture of the meccaist pigs------the slutty women shake their stinking asses and get all excited when their
"men" murder --------it is like "foreplay" for scum
your post makes no sense-----the poster simply and CORRECTLY pointed out their your sluts celebrate the murder by meat cleaver and gun of a few elderly and middle aged men in synagogue------
I would describe the issue as one of ANTHROPOLIGICAL FIELD STUDY-----the culture of the meccaist pigs------the slutty women shake their stinking asses and get all excited when their
"men" murder --------it is like "foreplay" for scum
My post made absolute sense given that the Pro-Zionist blogger paraphrased in 238 words an atricle of 1,820 words. Are you related to wannabe "Rhodes Scholar" by any chance? He's got a potty mouth too. In any event, this has nothing to do with the OP
your post makes no sense-----the poster simply and CORRECTLY pointed out their your sluts celebrate the murder by meat cleaver and gun of a few elderly and middle aged men in synagogue------
I would describe the issue as one of ANTHROPOLIGICAL FIELD STUDY-----the culture of the meccaist pigs------the slutty women shake their stinking asses and get all excited when their
"men" murder --------it is like "foreplay" for scum
My post made absolute sense given that the Pro-Zionist blogger paraphrased in 238 words an atricle of 1,820 words. Are you related to wannabe "Rhodes Scholar" by any chance? He's got a potty mouth too. In any event, this has nothing to do with the OP

what is wrong with providing a synopsis of an article?------ir
you believe that the article was misrepresented---the honest thing
to do would be to state your objections
your post makes no sense-----the poster simply and CORRECTLY pointed out their your sluts celebrate the murder by meat cleaver and gun of a few elderly and middle aged men in synagogue------
I would describe the issue as one of ANTHROPOLIGICAL FIELD STUDY-----the culture of the meccaist pigs------the slutty women shake their stinking asses and get all excited when their
"men" murder --------it is like "foreplay" for scum
My post made absolute sense given that the Pro-Zionist blogger paraphrased in 238 words an atricle of 1,820 words. Are you related to wannabe "Rhodes Scholar" by any chance? He's got a potty mouth too. In any event, this has nothing to do with the OP

what is wrong with providing a synopsis of an article?------ir
you believe that the article was misrepresented---the honest thing
to do would be to state your objections

I reserve the right to invoke Challenger's Law as this has nothing to do with the thread.

"The amount of energy necessary to refute Zionist bullshit is an order of magnitude larger that the energy required to produce it."--Challenger's law
you have said nothing------you might just as well have said----
"yer mama wears combat boots"
you have said nothing------you might just as well have said----
"yer mama wears combat boots"

Mr. Rodent forgot to add something else to some law he made up. He forgets to say that he will waste no energy refuting what his anti-Semitic friends glean from the hate sites. Meanwhile, I am wondering why Mr. Rodent felt it was so important to bring up some documentary about World War I. After all, women are being kidnapped and raped, children are killed, wounded and tortured, and tens of thousands have been left dead and millions homeless as refugees. However, he comes to this forum and has nothing to say about what is happening to these people, both Christians and Muslims in Iraq and Syria, because apparently what is happening in the present has no interest to him unless he too can drag in those "evil" Zionists for something or other. Does he think we close our eyes to what he writes on another forum?
you have said nothing------you might just as well have said----
"yer mama wears combat boots"

Mr. Rodent forgot to add something else to some law he made up. He forgets to say that he will waste no energy refuting what his anti-Semitic friends glean from the hate sites. Meanwhile, I am wondering why Mr. Rodent felt it was so important to bring up some documentary about World War I. After all, women are being kidnapped and raped, children are killed, wounded and tortured, and tens of thousands have been left dead and millions homeless as refugees. However, he comes to this forum and has nothing to say about what is happening to these people, both Christians and Muslims in Iraq and Syria, because apparently what is happening in the present has no interest to him unless he too can drag in those "evil" Zionists for something or other. Does he think we close our eyes to what he writes on another forum?

I'd go get yourself checked out for Alzheimer's or some other form of Dementia; seems you have might be suffering from memory loss. See posts #14 and #17, we've had this conversation before.
you have said nothing------you might just as well have said----
"yer mama wears combat boots"

Mr. Rodent forgot to add something else to some law he made up. He forgets to say that he will waste no energy refuting what his anti-Semitic friends glean from the hate sites. Meanwhile, I am wondering why Mr. Rodent felt it was so important to bring up some documentary about World War I. After all, women are being kidnapped and raped, children are killed, wounded and tortured, and tens of thousands have been left dead and millions homeless as refugees. However, he comes to this forum and has nothing to say about what is happening to these people, both Christians and Muslims in Iraq and Syria, because apparently what is happening in the present has no interest to him unless he too can drag in those "evil" Zionists for something or other. Does he think we close our eyes to what he writes on another forum?

I'd go get yourself checked out for Alzheimer's or some other form of Dementia; seems you have might be suffering from memory loss. See posts #14 and #17, we've had this conversation before.

rat---not only do you know nothing about Alzheimer's type dementia------you do not even understand the word
"dementia" Try not to use words that you do not understand
you have said nothing------you might just as well have said----
"yer mama wears combat boots"

Mr. Rodent forgot to add something else to some law he made up. He forgets to say that he will waste no energy refuting what his anti-Semitic friends glean from the hate sites. Meanwhile, I am wondering why Mr. Rodent felt it was so important to bring up some documentary about World War I. After all, women are being kidnapped and raped, children are killed, wounded and tortured, and tens of thousands have been left dead and millions homeless as refugees. However, he comes to this forum and has nothing to say about what is happening to these people, both Christians and Muslims in Iraq and Syria, because apparently what is happening in the present has no interest to him unless he too can drag in those "evil" Zionists for something or other. Does he think we close our eyes to what he writes on another forum?

I'd go get yourself checked out for Alzheimer's or some other form of Dementia; seems you have might be suffering from memory loss. See posts #14 and #17, we've had this conversation before.

rat---not only do you know nothing about Alzheimer's type dementia------you do not even understand the word
"dementia" Try not to use words that you do not understand
Whatever. You can stay out of threads you don't understand and we'll both be happy.
you will never be happy, rat
I'm always happy, it's my default position. I don't carry round a burden of ignorant hatred and myopic, narrow minded, bigoted, intolerant stupidity, like you and yours do.
"The Anglo-Saxon’s tactic of using ‘jihadists’ to serve the interests of its policy dates back to the time of Laurence of Arabia and to the even earlier period of the Caucasian wars of the 19th century, when the British, having started the ‘Great Game’ with the Russian Empire, fuelled the ‘holy fire of jihad’ among the mountain dwellers of the Caucasus and the peoples of Central Asia.

"After the Second World War, London took great pains to create the Muslim Brotherhood Movement in the Middle East to counterbalance the Arab socialism that was gaining momentum there.

"It is also known that this experience was used by Israel, which, as Jacob Kedmi acknowledges, helped or «did not prevent» the creation of Hamas as a rival to Fatah, which was more influential at that time."

The "holy fire of jihad" has worked for western colonialists from Northern Ireland to Pakistan/India to Palestine.

Today its flames are licking at Syria and Iraq, and tomorrow the homelands of those who get rich from the mass murder/ maiming/ and displacement of millions of innocent Muslims?

The Islamic State America s Double-Edged Sword SYRIA 360
The contention of islamo-Nazi pigs ------that arabs are so stupid
that they DEVOTE their lives to the agendae of Christians and
Jews and even tie bombs to the asses of their own daughters
for the purposes of the "Christians and jews"-------has to be an
example of the MOST NEFARIOUS RACISM of history. I would never so demean arabs.
you have said nothing------you might just as well have said----
"yer mama wears combat boots"

Mr. Rodent forgot to add something else to some law he made up. He forgets to say that he will waste no energy refuting what his anti-Semitic friends glean from the hate sites. Meanwhile, I am wondering why Mr. Rodent felt it was so important to bring up some documentary about World War I. After all, women are being kidnapped and raped, children are killed, wounded and tortured, and tens of thousands have been left dead and millions homeless as refugees. However, he comes to this forum and has nothing to say about what is happening to these people, both Christians and Muslims in Iraq and Syria, because apparently what is happening in the present has no interest to him unless he too can drag in those "evil" Zionists for something or other. Does he think we close our eyes to what he writes on another forum?

I'd go get yourself checked out for Alzheimer's or some other form of Dementia; seems you have might be suffering from memory loss. See posts #14 and #17, we've had this conversation before.

rat---not only do you know nothing about Alzheimer's type dementia------you do not even understand the word
"dementia" Try not to use words that you do not understand

It's amusing how El Senor Raton brings up different posts under this thread of his as if his blabbering means anything to many of us and, consequently, we should all remember the nonsense that he wrote. However, he must think that so many of us are really stupid that we don't realize that he and his other two-bit anti-Semitic cohorts are constantly dissing Israel, but have nothing to say about what is happening in the rest of the Middle East where the blood of so many innocent people is running when they slither onto this forum. I am willing to bet that he and they had had nothing to say about what went on just recently in a short period -- suicide bombings in Nigeria with many killed, a bus stopped in Kenya where the non Muslim passengers were taken off and murdered, suicide bombings in Iraq and Afghanistan, etc. etc. Perhaps he can get the Qatar government owned Al Jazeera to make a documentary about how their fellow Muslims are busy murdering all these innocents. If they don't want to do that, how about something about World War II, such as ........


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