"World War Trump" or "World War Putin"? on Full Send Podcast watched by 3 million: President Trump sounds off on WW3, Talking to Putin & Joe Rogan!

Trump says his favorite song is YMCA, "the gay national anthem"

Actually he said it always gets a big response from the audience

there are probably a lot of popular songs sung by sexual perverts

some we know, and some we dont
So were the 60 judges, international observers, GOP election officials....

So everyone is a sicko left winger but you...

At that rate so were the 81million people who voted for Biden, i suppose there votes don't count, being sickos and all
Clearly reading comprehension isn't your strength.
in choosing to co-operate with North Korea and Russia to avoid war, Trump made a huge gamble, but a smart one

in choosing to invade Ukraine, Putin made a huge gamble, but a dumb one

there's your difference right there. both men make gambles, but Trump is smart, Putin is dumb
"Afghanistan was the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country, the way we got out" - Trump

"i spoke to Putin and told him not to go into Ukraine when i was president" - Trump
Shouldn't you be watching the last segment of Tucker as he gives Putin a virtual on air blowjob?
Trump can communicate with the American people far better than biden can

With biden’s record of failure the contrast with trump is stark
Yea being a pathalogical liar like Trump is one way to communicate to dupes who fall for his bullshit.

That cocksucker should shut his fat mouth instead of trying to undermine the POTUS in a time of crisis, considering the fact that he's a fucking halfwit with no solutions to offer.
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Politifraud are fucking liars.

Trump never held 5000 prisoners, you can't release prisoners you don't have.

You fucking Nazis are just doing your Big Lie shit - as always.

At the time, Ghani — whose government wasn’t a party to the U.S.-Taliban deal — told reporters he’d made “no commitment” to release Taliban prisoners, arguing prisoner swaps should be part of a wider peace settlement between the Taliban and the Afghan government instead of a precondition, the New York Times and Reuters reported.
Despite this skepticism, Ghani’s government freed thousands of Taliban members, and government officials agreed to release a final set of prisoners in August 2020.

At the time, Ghani — whose government wasn’t a party to the U.S.-Taliban deal — told reporters he’d made “no commitment” to release Taliban prisoners, arguing prisoner swaps should be part of a wider peace settlement between the Taliban and the Afghan government instead of a precondition, the New York Times and Reuters reported.
Despite this skepticism, Ghani’s government freed thousands of Taliban members, and government officials agreed to release a final set of prisoners in August 2020.}

Wait, you fucking liar, Ghani's government?


That must hurt... You are in the middle getting owned like a bitch...

This was the quote
"i spoke to Putin and told him not to go into Ukraine when i was president" - Trump

I just took what was said and repeated back... How is that a lie... Are you saying he told Putin to continue on invading?

How am I a 'NAZI'? please explain that... Your default answer is to call everyone who disagrees with you a NAZI... You don't know my view on white supremacy? could you please tell me them...

Let's see, you're a collectivist totalitarian opposed to individual liberty who supports a movement that bases their power on a scapegoat, Der Juden - the hated whites, and who send violent Brown Shirts out to rape and pillage, murder and burn, while the Gestapo rounds up those who dissent against the rule of the party.

He could do fuck all about it at the time... Russia in the early noughties was much weaker than today... Putin wasn't the dictator control like he has today back then...

Honestly you aren't really interested in truth but trying to make Trump look good... Trump was shit and should be in the rear view mirror, he fucking lost and if he had any honor would have gone gracefully... He doesn’t, he will be a shit stain on American history... Only thing good about him was he was too incompetent to do too much damage..

Truth? What the fuck would you Nazi vermin know about "Truth?"

You started your post blatantly lying and posting Nazi hate sites repeating the same easily debunked lie. You don't give a fuck, Uber Alles Democrat. Rule by the Reich is your only objective.

Fucking Nazi pig.
So can you explain how GOP election officials sided said Biden won. These are people voted for Trump.

How could Trump amass a $250m legal fund but couldn't win any significant court cases... Even Trump's lawyers admitted in court they had no evidence of mass election fraud...

BTW the RW mideia is very large and they had nothing either, no real evidence that could stand up in court... This was the con, they went on TV and told you it was fraud and then went into court and said they had no evidence of it..

Herr Goebbels; Here Is The Evidence

Trump's own lawyers admitted the no evidence of fraud in court:

One of his top lawyers said not reasonable person would believe her election lies

She is calling you unreasonable, a person without reasponse...

Think about it, who got paid, Well we know who was paying hard cash... Trump supporters... This is a shakedown...

Ah, lying as always, Herr Goebbels.

Sydney Powell is not, nor ever was Trump's lawyer.

Now, the United States Marshalls followed a ballot box stuffer;

A PAID DNC fraud.

Notice how he fans them out to get paid.

Ah, lying as always, Herr Goebbels.

Sydney Powell is not, nor ever was Trump's lawyer.

Now, the United States Marshalls followed a ballot box stuffer;

A PAID DNC fraud.

Notice how he fans them out to get paid.

Your brain is fanned out.

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