World's largest Coal company files for bankruptcy...President Trump will bring it back

Bail out a coal company?

Not even Trumpery is that dense and he'll never be elected anyway.

Hopefully other coal companies also go under.
Hope your energy costs go up 1000% and you have to choose between lights or food.
Don't you just hate getting your butt kicked because you are such an ignorant fuck.

In Texas, Austin Energy signed a deal this spring for 20 years of output from a solar farm at less than 5 cents a kilowatt-hour. In September, the Grand River Dam Authority in Oklahoma announced its approval of a new agreement to buy power from a new wind farm expected to be completed next year. Grand River estimated the deal would save its customers roughly $50 million from the project.

And, also in Oklahoma, American Electric Power ended up tripling the amount of wind power it had originally sought after seeing how low the bids came in last year.

“Wind was on sale — it was a Blue Light Special,” said Jay Godfrey, managing director of renewable energy for the company. He noted that Oklahoma, unlike many states, did not require utilities to buy power from renewable sources.

“We were doing it because it made sense for our ratepayers,” he said.

According to a study by the investment banking firm Lazard, the cost of utility-scale solar energy is as low as 5.6 cents a kilowatt-hour, and wind is as low as 1.4 cents. In comparison, natural gas comes at 6.1 cents a kilowatt-hour on the low end and coal at 6.6 cents. Without subsidies, the firm’s analysis shows, solar costs about 7.2 cents a kilowatt-hour at the low end, with wind at 3.7 cents.

Now this was written over a year ago, and both wind and solar have come down in price since the article was written. So, even solar is now delivering electricity at less cost than coal. And far less cost than 'clean' coal. In the meantime, at least two big factories are starting to deliver grid scale batteries, which are also declining in price.
Bird murderer!
The coal industry can't cut it in a modern world they deserve to be extinct
The demand for coal was been sluggish world-wide and natural gas is becoming a major source of power in this nation. Unless Trump has a time machine or plans on shutting down the Shale Boom there is very little that can be down about saving these jobs.
The demand for coal was been sluggish world-wide and natural gas is becoming a major source of power in this nation. Unless Trump has a time machine or plans on shutting down the Shale Boom there is very little that can be down about saving these jobs.

We could always convert Trump Tower to coal
The demand for coal was been sluggish world-wide and natural gas is becoming a major source of power in this nation. Unless Trump has a time machine or plans on shutting down the Shale Boom there is very little that can be down about saving these jobs.

We could always convert Trump Tower to coal
Trump uses it to fill the stockings of his workers..
The demand for coal was been sluggish world-wide and natural gas is becoming a major source of power in this nation. Unless Trump has a time machine or plans on shutting down the Shale Boom there is very little that can be down about saving these jobs.

We could always convert Trump Tower to coal

They can use Melania's scarfs as fuel. I hear those fuckers light up like a Roman Candel. lol
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The coal industry can't cut it in a modern world they deserve to be extinct

The biggest difference between China and the nations of Africa, is that China has no problem building coal powers plants, and African countries enticed by conditional foreign aid, have been prevented from getting coal power plants.

As a result, business is stymied. And even more ironic, the few successful firms in Africa are running their business on diesel generators, which are more polluting and less efficient, than coal power plants.

In short, your position is what holds the people in the poorest countries in the world, in continual poverty. Aren't you a good little leftist.
The coal industry can't cut it in a modern world they deserve to be extinct

The biggest difference between China and the nations of Africa, is that China has no problem building coal powers plants, and African countries enticed by conditional foreign aid, have been prevented from getting coal power plants.

As a result, business is stymied. And even more ironic, the few successful firms in Africa are running their business on diesel generators, which are more polluting and less efficient, than coal power plants.

In short, your position is what holds the people in the poorest countries in the world, in continual poverty. Aren't you a good little leftist.
China's coal is killing its people

The coal industry can't cut it in a modern world they deserve to be extinct

The biggest difference between China and the nations of Africa, is that China has no problem building coal powers plants, and African countries enticed by conditional foreign aid, have been prevented from getting coal power plants.

As a result, business is stymied. And even more ironic, the few successful firms in Africa are running their business on diesel generators, which are more polluting and less efficient, than coal power plants.

In short, your position is what holds the people in the poorest countries in the world, in continual poverty. Aren't you a good little leftist.
China's coal is killing its people



Yes, I will admit that the coal power boom in China went way overboard, and needs some proper environmental regulations.

However.... if you are trying to tell me that more people have died due to coal, than due to impoverishment and socialism in China.... you are wrong sir. Very wrong. MILLIONS died from impoverishment and starvation. You don't see many Chinese anywhere, saying it was better in the 1970s and prior.

By the way... there is an amount of irony in that claim itself, since it's the government regulations that have caused the problem to begin with.

The Chinese government created specific economic 'zones' that allowed business to grow.... but only in those limited economic zones.

The result is that tons and tons of factories, and power plants, were all built in a small confined area, super concentrating the pollution.

In that case, some de-regulation would likely be helpful.
Solar, wind, and natural gas all cost less than coal, and create fewer external problems. Economics are killing coal. Gone in a decade. And you 'Conservatives' can cry about all the black lung and asthma we are missing out on.

Let them be the judge of the risks. Maybe a future for their children and a home and normal lifestyle is more important to the coal miner than what you demand it be.

Nuclear power is cheaper than coal or possibly natural gas, too. Wind and solar are extremely expensive. So why not go nuclear? Because Obama and much of congress are slaves to environmentalists who do not have the best interests of this nation at heart. The same fanatics who put 10,000 farmers and 40,000 others out of work in the California valley to save the habitat for some rare minnow. (So Christian of them.) And if nuclear is so risky then why are these same people allowing the other plants to continue providing power?
The coal industry can't cut it in a modern world they deserve to be extinct

The biggest difference between China and the nations of Africa, is that China has no problem building coal powers plants, and African countries enticed by conditional foreign aid, have been prevented from getting coal power plants.

As a result, business is stymied. And even more ironic, the few successful firms in Africa are running their business on diesel generators, which are more polluting and less efficient, than coal power plants.

In short, your position is what holds the people in the poorest countries in the world, in continual poverty. Aren't you a good little leftist.
China's coal is killing its people



Yes, I will admit that the coal power boom in China went way overboard, and needs some proper environmental regulations.

However.... if you are trying to tell me that more people have died due to coal, than due to impoverishment and socialism in China.... you are wrong sir. Very wrong. MILLIONS died from impoverishment and starvation. You don't see many Chinese anywhere, saying it was better in the 1970s and prior.

By the way... there is an amount of irony in that claim itself, since it's the government regulations that have caused the problem to begin with.

The Chinese government created specific economic 'zones' that allowed business to grow.... but only in those limited economic zones.

The result is that tons and tons of factories, and power plants, were all built in a small confined area, super concentrating the pollution.

In that case, some de-regulation would likely be helpful.
Where did I ever say more died due to coal?

Starvation is less of a problem today than a generation ago. Unchecked industrial development has led to some of the worst pollution on the planet

What Trump wants for our country
The coal industry can't cut it in a modern world they deserve to be extinct

The biggest difference between China and the nations of Africa, is that China has no problem building coal powers plants, and African countries enticed by conditional foreign aid, have been prevented from getting coal power plants.

As a result, business is stymied. And even more ironic, the few successful firms in Africa are running their business on diesel generators, which are more polluting and less efficient, than coal power plants.

In short, your position is what holds the people in the poorest countries in the world, in continual poverty. Aren't you a good little leftist.
China's coal is killing its people


Oh, so it's China levels or nothing when it comes to coal?

What is so maddening is that there are copper and nickel deposits in Minnesota that the state will not allow the companies to go ahead and mine because there is some risk it may contribute to ground water issues. This is in remote forest areas. So even though the technology to mine those minerals is extremely more efficient and pollutant free, not good enough for the environmentalist zealots. So the governor caves and vetoes against it. To hell with the hundreds or thousands of families that could benefit from the employment.

So what happens? Instead of Minnesota doing the mining at a very efficient means, the environmentalists would rather it goes to Africa where it is far more toxic way of doing things. Let those people suffer instead. Yes, so honorable ---- no, it is blatant hypocrisy.

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