‘Worse than Solyndra’


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
‘Worse than Solyndra’:
Republicans Press for Information on Biden Admin’s Favorite Electric Battery Company
Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm has up to $5 million invested in company Biden promoted
29 Apr 2021 ~~ By Matthew Foldi

Republican senators are working to make the electric battery company President Joe Biden toured to promote his $1.9 trillion infrastructure plan this administration's Solyndra.
Biden's promotion of electric battery and bus manufacturer Proterra has struck a nerve on Capitol Hill after the Washington Free Beacon reported that Biden's energy secretary, Jennifer Granholm, still has up to $5 million invested in the company. The administration's $1.9 trillion infrastructure plan includes a $174 billion investment in electric vehicles, as well as plans to replace diesel-powered buses with electric-powered buses—the very product Proterra specializes in.
Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas) says the conflict of interest created by Biden's visit has the potential to be "even worse than Solyndra," the solar panel company that went bankrupt after receiving hundreds of millions of dollars in government-backed loans from the Obama administration.
Granholm said she will sell the Proterra stock within the 180-day window she agreed to when she took the position.
"I've signed an ethics agreement that requires me to divest of all of my individually owned stocks, like all federal appointees, within 180 days, and I certainly will do that," Granholm told Politico on Monday.

Remember when the FBI raided Solyndra the day after it was exposed and took all the files?
Whatever happened to them?
Someone should make one of those White House Petitions asking for Solyndra investigation results. (If there were any. If not, then why did the FBI grab their files?)

Hey FBI when your are done harassing Trump's friends maybe you can take a look at this.....I won't hold my breath....

I'll divest myself of the stock I hold right after the government, who I work for, gives them billions of dollars and the stock skyrockets in price because I don't want to have a conflict of interest.


The Executives of Solyndra were all Campaign Bundlers for the Democrat Party and they made out very well with the government Environmental Wacko subsidies even when the company went belly up.

Looks like Joe Dufus is pulling the same sorry corrupt shit again.

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