Worshiping A New God

:) And Damaged Eagle stumbles on.

You are right: you clearly are not an English major.

Only you talk about science, not me.

How the universe started is immaterial.

If you are a Christian or an atheist, at least you realize that both rely on 'faith.'

And I see no evidence of anyone worshiping a new god as the OP insists. Where is this god's church or synagogue or whatever?

Unless it's Ann Coulter or Donald Trump.
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:) And Damaged Eagle stumbles on.

You keep saying that and I haven't tripped yet.

You are right: you clearly are not an English major.

I never planned to be. I hire people like you for that.

Only you talk about science, not me.

Why is that????? You don't like the subject?

How the universe started is immaterial.

Well that's a good thing to know... Then it won't bother you when people express their beliefs on how it started.

If you are a Christian or an atheist, at least you realize that both rely on 'faith.'

I didn't say what my belief system is so you're assuming much in placing me in such a small categorical listing.

However I do realize that either way it relies on faith... I'm surprised you do though.

And I see no evidence of anyone worshiping a new god as the OP insists. Where is this god's church or synagogue or whatever?

Then you make assumptions again... Does it take a church or synagogue to worship God? I don't think so. Aren't there more names for places of religious significance there fella?

Unless it's Ann Coulter or Donald Trump.

More assumptions on your part I take it... Now what was that about stumbling and being ignorant? Sounds like it aptly describes you...



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Damaged Eagle continues to stumble. ::lol:

You hired no one.

Talk about science all you want.

How the universe started is not the OP.

I said "if" you believe either way, so it's immaterial what is your belief system. You need to read more carefully and stop assuming. For instance, only you said "Does it take a church or synagogue to worship God? I don't think so. Aren't there more names for places of religious significance there fella?" Worship is most often centered in a place of worship, a church or synagogue. They stand as relevant examples.

You keep assuming, stumbling, and bumbling, refusing to address the OP.
Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Payne, all atheists. Thomas Payne, who's writings inspired the common people into the revolution also wrote that Christianity was nothing more than a new face for pagan sun worship. Thomas Jefferson said that America was in no way a Christian nation.
No, they were not. That is as silly as saying they were all Christians.
I just read a post demanding "freedom FROM religion"....and noted the terminal misunderstanding therein of both religion, and of the nation.
It requires a closer examination.

The Founders envisioned a God-fearing nation, but one built on the Judeo-Christian tradition. We find references to it in the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution.

At no time did they intend hostility, or even indifference, to religion.

1. "The Founding Fathers did not want the federal government to impose a national religion. They feared replicating in America an institution like the Church of England, which would set at the federal level an official religious denomination for the United States. They wanted not only to protect individual conscience, but also to protect the religious freedom of the states. Six states, in fact, refused to accept the US Constitution until it was made clear that the First Amendment prevented the federal government from imposing a national church on them....those six states that finally signed the Constitution ran established churches."
Schlafly, "No Higher Power," p.15-16

2. As for the famous “separation of church and state,” the phrase appears in no federal document. In fact, at the time of ratification of the Constitution, ten of the thirteen colonies had some provision recognizing Christianity as either the official, or the recommended religion in their state constitutions.

a. From the 1790 Massachusetts Constitution, written by John Adams, includes: [the] good order and preservation of civil government essentially depend(s) upon piety, religion, and morality…by the institution of public worship of God and of the public instruction in piety, religion, and morality…
Constitution of Massachusetts - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

b. North Carolina Constitution, article 32, 1776: “That no person who shall deny the being of God, or the truth of the Protestant religion, or the divine authority of either the Old or New Testaments, or who shall hold religious principles incompatible with the freedom and safety of the State, shall b e capable of holding any office, or place of trust or profit, in the civil department, within this State.” Constitution of North Carolina 1776

c. So, the Founders intention was to be sure that the federal government didn’t do the same, and mandate a national religion. And when Jefferson wrote to the Danbury Baptists in 1802, it was to reassure them the federal government could not interfere in their religious observations, i.e., there is “a wall of separation between church and state.” He wasn’t speaking of religion contaminating the government, but of the government contaminating religious observance.

3. "It is indisputable that the First Amendment was written not to suppress those state churches but to protect them from the fedral government. Leaders of those six states would never have signed the Constitution otherwise. They insisted on the language, 'Congress shall make no laws respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," to make clear that the federal government ha no right to establish its own religion and disestablish theirs."
Schlafly, Op. Cit, p. 16

BTW.....Leftism....Liberalism....has all the requirements that hallmark a "religion,"...

...and like the Islamofascism roiling the world today,,,,

....it demands the dismantling of every other religion.

That's what "freedom from religion" actually means.

The founders did it all for the white man--they didn't know Jesus whatsoever--- first they killed their own former countrymen( british) then they murdered over 100 million native americans for gold and land. then enslaved black men and treated yellow men like dogs--they didn't know Jesus whatsoever.
its as John Lennon said about(especially theirs) words----- Words are flying out like endless rain into a paper cup, they slither while they pass and slip away across the universe.

Not all is as appears in this world. its corrupt to the core.

"-they didn't know Jesus whatsoever"

OK, moron....then, why was Jesus mentioned in the Constitution.
Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Payne, all atheists. Thomas Payne, who's writings inspired the common people into the revolution also wrote that Christianity was nothing more than a new face for pagan sun worship. Thomas Jefferson said that America was in no way a Christian nation.
Of course it's not a Christian nation. It's a nation full of Christians.
Oh and Btw...

John Adams
"The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity. I will avow that I then believed, and now believe, that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God."
- In a letter from John Adams to Thomas Jefferson on June 28, 1813.

"The Christian religion is, above all the religions that ever prevailed or existed in ancient or modern times, the religion of wisdom, virtue, equity and humanity."
- John Adams, Works, Vol. III, p. 421, diary entry for July 26, 1796.

Samuel Adams

"The name of the Lord (says the Scripture) is a strong tower; thither the righteous flee and are safe [Proverbs 18:10]. Let us secure His favor and He will lead us through the journey of this life and at length receive us to a better."
- Letters of Delegates to Congress: August 16, 1776-December 31, 1776, and Samuel Adams to Elizabeth Adams on December 26, 1776.

"I conceive we cannot better express ourselves than by humbly supplicating the Supreme Ruler of the world . . . that the confusions that are and have been among the nations may be overruled by the promoting and speedily bringing in the holy and happy period when the kingdoms of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ may be everywhere established, and the people willingly bow to the scepter of Him who is the Prince of Peace."
- Samuel Adams, A Proclamation For a Day of Public Fasting, Humiliation and Prayer, given as the Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Charles Carroll
"Grateful to Almighty God for the blessings which, through Jesus Christ Our Lord, He had conferred on my beloved country in her emancipation and on myself in permitting me, under circumstances of mercy, to live to the age of 89 years, and to survive the fiftieth year of independence, adopted by Congress on the 4th of July 1776, which I originally subscribed on the 2d day of August of the same year and of which I am now the last surviving signer."
- 22. Lewis A. Leonard, Life of Charles Carroll of Carrollton (New York: Moffit, Yard & Co, 1918), pp. 256-257.

Congress, 1854
"The great, vital, and conservative element in our system is the belief of our people in the pure doctrines and the divine truths of the Gospel of Jesus Christ."

Benjamin Franklin
"As to Jesus of Nazareth, my opinion of whom you particularly desire, I think the system of morals and His religion as He left them to us, the best the world ever saw or is likely to see."
- Benjamin Franklin, Works of Benjamin Franklin, John Bigelow, editor (New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1904), p. 185, to Ezra Stiles, March 9, 1790.

John Hancock
He called on the entire state to pray “that universal happiness may be established in the world [and] that all may bow to the scepter of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the whole earth be filled with His glory.”
- John Hancock, A Proclamation For a Day of Public Thanksgiving 1791, given as Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, from an original broadside in our possession.

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I never claimed to be an English major... Is that what you are?

The difference between pronouns and nouns is covered in Grammar School. In fact, that's why they call it Grammar School.

that's the place the short bus picked you up to go to.

Maybe we should call him "Brain Damaged Eagle"

Yet you rely on science for your answers from what you've posted so far without ever questioning it.

Have you figured out what kick started the universe yet?

I'm still going with a miracle happened.

I'm sure you think that when you turn on the TV, too. And your caregiver says, "Sure, Corky, it's a miracle. Now stop banging your head against the wall."

Is that why you use the standard progressive liberal phraseology?

It must be comforting to have a 'Faith' to rely on that provides all your answers for you.

Guy, the funny thing is, up until 8 years ago, I was probably more right wing than you are. Then I realized that all the bible shit is how the Rich get stupid people like you to obey.

And you've been proving that your progressive magic sky fairy does that with every word you post.

DId someone on the short bus tell you , "No, you are" is a valid argument style, Corky?
JFish123 recognizes that the Father appreciated the better values of Jesus.

No where do they say the church or any special organization.

If our far right Christians lived as Jesus counseled, we would be the happiest nation in the world and its history. But they don't and won't.
-they didn't know Jesus whatsoever"

OK, moron....then, why was Jesus mentioned in the Constitution.

He wasn't.

Things That Are Not In the U.S. Constitution - The U.S. Constitution Online - USConstitution.net

But let's pretend for a moment that he was.

The founders also believed in Slavery and Bleeding as a medical treatment. Today we know both of these things are kind of bad ideas.

So why should we keep pretending that faith in a Bronze Age Sky Pixie is a good idea because some slave rapists 250 years ago thought it was?
-they didn't know Jesus whatsoever"

OK, moron....then, why was Jesus mentioned in the Constitution.

He wasn't.

Things That Are Not In the U.S. Constitution - The U.S. Constitution Online - USConstitution.net

But let's pretend for a moment that he was.

The founders also believed in Slavery and Bleeding as a medical treatment. Today we know both of these things are kind of bad ideas.

So why should we keep pretending that faith in a Bronze Age Sky Pixie is a good idea because some slave rapists 250 years ago thought it was?

From your link: "It has often been seen on the Internet that to find God in the Constitution, all one has to do is read it, and see how often the Framers used the words "God," or "Creator," "Jesus," or "Lord." Except for one notable instance, ..."

I love it when you do my job...and prove you're a moron all by your lonesome.
Looks like you got a hold of some bad
-they didn't know Jesus whatsoever"

OK, moron....then, why was Jesus mentioned in the Constitution.

He wasn't.

Things That Are Not In the U.S. Constitution - The U.S. Constitution Online - USConstitution.net

But let's pretend for a moment that he was.

The founders also believed in Slavery and Bleeding as a medical treatment. Today we know both of these things are kind of bad ideas.

So why should we keep pretending that faith in a Bronze Age Sky Pixie is a good idea because some slave rapists 250 years ago thought it was?

From your link: "It has often been seen on the Internet that to find God in the Constitution, all one has to do is read it, and see how often the Framers used the words "God," or "Creator," "Jesus," or "Lord." Except for one notable instance, ..."

I love it when you do my job...and prove you're a moron all by your lonesome.
Looks like once again you have gotten a hold of some bad kimchi , the founding fathers were deists not christers oh one of very low IQ san
Damaged Eagle continues to stumble. ::lol:

You hired no one.

Talk about science all you want.

How the universe started is not the OP.

I said "if" you believe either way, so it's immaterial what is your belief system. You need to read more carefully and stop assuming. For instance, only you said "Does it take a church or synagogue to worship God? I don't think so. Aren't there more names for places of religious significance there fella?" Worship is most often centered in a place of worship, a church or synagogue. They stand as relevant examples.

You keep assuming, stumbling, and bumbling, refusing to address the OP.


The OP is addressed every time you attack someone about their religious beliefs.


I never claimed to be an English major... Is that what you are?

The difference between pronouns and nouns is covered in Grammar School. In fact, that's why they call it Grammar School.

that's the place the short bus picked you up to go to.

Maybe we should call him "Brain Damaged Eagle"

Yet you rely on science for your answers from what you've posted so far without ever questioning it.

Have you figured out what kick started the universe yet?

I'm still going with a miracle happened.

I'm sure you think that when you turn on the TV, too. And your caregiver says, "Sure, Corky, it's a miracle. Now stop banging your head against the wall."

Is that why you use the standard progressive liberal phraseology?

It must be comforting to have a 'Faith' to rely on that provides all your answers for you.

Guy, the funny thing is, up until 8 years ago, I was probably more right wing than you are. Then I realized that all the bible shit is how the Rich get stupid people like you to obey.

And you've been proving that your progressive magic sky fairy does that with every word you post.

DId someone on the short bus tell you , "No, you are" is a valid argument style, Corky?


So all you have left is personal attacks?

That's very enlightened of you. Perhaps when you grow up and wish to discuss life, the universe, and everything, would be a better time for you to continue posting. Until then you only confirm the OP.


Damaged Eagle continues to stumble. ::lol:

You hired no one.

Talk about science all you want.

How the universe started is not the OP.

I said "if" you believe either way, so it's immaterial what is your belief system. You need to read more carefully and stop assuming. For instance, only you said "Does it take a church or synagogue to worship God? I don't think so. Aren't there more names for places of religious significance there fella?" Worship is most often centered in a place of worship, a church or synagogue. They stand as relevant examples.

You keep assuming, stumbling, and bumbling, refusing to address the OP.


The OP is addressed every time you attack someone about their religious beliefs.
:lol: The man who personally attacks, Damaged Eagle, keeps on stumbling.
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PC has failed in the OP and Damaged Eagle lumbers along with her

Context includes that:

1. Jesus is not written in either DOI or Constitution.

2. Overwhelmingly the great majority of delegates at the Constitution were Christians, from in name only to vigorous practitioners like Patrick Henry and John Jay. Many had issues with their denominations and practices. One example: Washington, when challenged to take communion by his priest, walked in the church gardens thereafter on communion Sundays. Yet the were sure to separate state from organized church.

3. Several prominent founders were clearly non-Christian: Franklin was a poly-deist, Jefferson a deist (most of the time) and in his words a Christian in a sect of one; Paine was a deist; and Ethan Allan just was not sure whether any deity existed.

From your link: "It has often been seen on the Internet that to find God in the Constitution, all one has to do is read it, and see how often the Framers used the words "God," or "Creator," "Jesus," or "Lord." Except for one notable instance, ..."

I love it when you do my job...and prove you're a moron all by your lonesome.

YOu left out the part the only mention of "Lord" was as a DATING SYSTEM!!!

That's your best argument, that the Founding Slave Rapists were totally into the Jesus because they used AD as a dating system.

Sweetie, I use AD as a dating system, and I don't think Jesus even existed. (AD would either be 4 years late or 6 years early, depending on which contradicting gospel you believe on Jesus' Birth.)

Sweet C'thulhu, you are stupid.

From your link: "It has often been seen on the Internet that to find God in the Constitution, all one has to do is read it, and see how often the Framers used the words "God," or "Creator," "Jesus," or "Lord." Except for one notable instance, ..."

I love it when you do my job...and prove you're a moron all by your lonesome.

YOu left out the part the only mention of "Lord" was as a DATING SYSTEM!!!

That's your best argument, that the Founding Slave Rapists were totally into the Jesus because they used AD as a dating system.

Sweetie, I use AD as a dating system, and I don't think Jesus even existed. (AD would either be 4 years late or 6 years early, depending on which contradicting gospel you believe on Jesus' Birth.)

Sweet C'thulhu, you are stupid.

I provided the operative portion.

I said there was a reference to Jesus, your link proved it.

Now you'd like to spin 'why' it was there.

Point: I was correct....it is there, and you proved it.

Forrest Gump would have speak loud and slow to you…
The point is, PC, that you live in a fantasy land.

Show me "Jesus" in either the DOI or the Constitution.

You can't. And what new God are you worshiping?

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