Worst Presidents of all Time:

Worst President of all time:

  • Total voters
This poll leaves much to be desired.

No FDR, Lincoln, wtf, are you even American, motherfucker? WTF?!

And GFY for including Truman, because he was straight up.

You need to include Bush Sr. and Lincoln.
I liken Trump to Truman. He came in with what he had, he ain't trying to have the presidency make him a fortune, and he's going to do what he thinks is right, and I appreciate that.
I voted for:
John Adams (Sedition Act and XYZ Affair)
Pierce (civil war)
Bush Jr.

It's ironic that our last two president both make this list.

John Adams? No.

John Adams had a man arrested for calling him fat "His rotundancy" under the Sedition Acts. John Adams nearly succeeded in destroying the United States Constitution while the nation was still in its infancy.

ANd Truman wont get many votes, if any, except from people who didn't like Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

And it's nearly impossible to judge Lincoln and Andrew Johnson due to the Civil War. Those were periods of martial law and habeus corpus suspended and Reconstruction after.

Our Federalist system remained intact after the Civil War as well. It was the 16th and 17th Amendments under Wilson that destroyed State power (17th amendment) and grossly inflated federal power (16th amendment).

Bush Sr. was pretty average and wont be remembered a 100 years from now.
I voted for:
John Adams (Sedition Act and XYZ Affair)
Pierce (civil war)
Bush Jr.

It's ironic that our last two president both make this list.

John Adams? No.

John Adams had a man arrested for calling him fat "His rotundancy" under the Sedition Acts. John Adams nearly succeeded in destroying the United States Constitution while the nation was still in its infancy.
Proof? I've always read pretty good things from him. Hope this isn't some revisionist history bullshit.
That list is worthless. fdr is by far the worst and the scumbag's name doesn't even appear as an option.
Where's Jimmy Carter? Any list of failed Presidents has to include him.
I voted for:
John Adams (Sedition Act and XYZ Affair)
Pierce (civil war)
Bush Jr.

It's ironic that our last two president both make this list.

John Adams? No.

John Adams had a man arrested for calling him fat "His rotundancy" under the Sedition Acts. John Adams nearly succeeded in destroying the United States Constitution while the nation was still in its infancy.
Proof? I've always read pretty good things from him. Hope this isn't some revisionist history bullshit.


If you want to dive further, you can get the transcripts. All of them were prosecuted for criticizing John Adams.

The Lyon, Cooper, and Callender trials were the most publicized of the Sedition Act proceedings, all of which heightened Republican distrust of the federal judiciary. Many Republicans were convinced that the federal courts were dominated by Federalist partisans. Federal judges, particularly the Supreme Court justices serving in the circuit courts, had ardently defended the constitutionality of the Sedition Act and had urged grand juries to dismiss Republican arguments for a broader defi nition of freedom of speech. Justice William Cushing warned one grand jury that if “licentiousness” went unpunished it would enable “the worst men in a community, to overturn the freest government in the world.” Justice James Iredell told another grand jury that the First Amendment was not intended to protect seditious libel from punishment. The judges’ support of the Sedition Act helped to win convictions of some of the most outspoken Republicans, but the Federalists soon paid a heavy price. The number of Republican newspapers grew sharply during the time the Sedition Act was in effect, and these newspapers helped to mobilize support for Jefferson’s election as President. The sedition trials fed Republican suspicion of the judiciary, and when the Republicans came to power, they repealed the Federalist expansion of the federal courts. Chase’s conduct in the Callender trial became one of the foundations of the articles of impeachment voted against him by the House of Representatives in 1804. Although the Senate acquitted Chase, his impeachment marked the end of the kind of broad-ranging jury instructions that had occasionally politicized the courts in the late 1790s. Freedom of speech and political opposition in the early republic The expiration of the Sedition Act on March 3, 1801, failed to settle questions about the legal limits of political speech and the right of the political opposition to criticize offi ceholders and the government. When Republicans became the object of strident newspaper attacks during the following decade, some of them were willing to prosecute Federalist editors for seditious libel. President Thomas Jefferson, stung by relentless personal criticism, suggested that selected prosecutions in the state courts would help to temper the partisan press. The state prosecutions, however, remained relatively infrequent and largely ineffective in slowing the development of a partisan press. Although seditious libel prosecutions of partisan newspapers would not entirely disappear until the 1830s, more and more Americans accepted the right of the political opposition to criticize the government.

True freedom of the Press was hampered, impaired and ultimately delayed til the mid 19th century because of what Adams did in at the start of the century.

Adams would have had a monarchy instead of an elected executive if given the chance, something he did not shy from or conceal.
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I voted for:
John Adams (Sedition Act and XYZ Affair)
Pierce (civil war)
Bush Jr.

It's ironic that our last two president both make this list.

John Adams? No.

John Adams had a man arrested for calling him fat "His rotundancy" under the Sedition Acts. John Adams nearly succeeded in destroying the United States Constitution while the nation was still in its infancy.
Proof? I've always read pretty good things from him. Hope this isn't some revisionist history bullshit.


With no personal input from you, wtf am I looking for?
I voted for:
John Adams (Sedition Act and XYZ Affair)
Pierce (civil war)
Bush Jr.

It's ironic that our last two president both make this list.

John Adams? No.

John Adams had a man arrested for calling him fat "His rotundancy" under the Sedition Acts. John Adams nearly succeeded in destroying the United States Constitution while the nation was still in its infancy.
Proof? I've always read pretty good things from him. Hope this isn't some revisionist history bullshit.


With no personal input from you, wtf am I looking for?

Nice partial quote. The input in is that post. I wrote an entire paragraph supplemented by an extended quote from the article.
If Franklin Delano Roosevelt was offered as a choice, that's who I would have indicated.

He did more than any other President to undermine this nation's Constitution, and to set the stage for further violations. Clinton or Obama may have done more direct damage, but it was FDR that established the precedents that made it possible.
If Franklin Delano Roosevelt was offered as a choice, that's who I would have indicated.

He did more than any other President to undermine this nation's Constitution, and to set the stage for further violations. Clinton or Obama may have done more direct damage, but it was FDR that established the precedents that made it possible.

If you do not mind me asking, what damage did Bill Clinton do?
That list is worthless. fdr is by far the worst and the scumbag's name doesn't even appear as an option.

I don't include Lincoln and FDR because they presided during incredible times, which required incredible actions, whether or not they were and weren't constitutional.

The Civil War was coming, whether or not Lincoln was elected, it was a crazy fucking time.

FDR presided over a time of global turmoil, the the forces of communism, national socialism, new technologies and weapons of war, economic depression and WWII. It was also a crazy fucking time.

Most Presidents would have done the same as they did during the time, maybe a little worse, maybe a little better. Ultimately the Union remained intact and the United States won WWII, the long term consequences of which benefit us today.
If Franklin Delano Roosevelt was offered as a choice, that's who I would have indicated.

He did more than any other President to undermine this nation's Constitution, and to set the stage for further violations. Clinton or Obama may have done more direct damage, but it was FDR that established the precedents that made it possible.

If you do not mind me asking, what damage did Bill Clinton do?

No idea. It's why I don't include Bush Sr or Clinton. Neither will be remembered in 100 years.

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