Worst Presidents of all Time:

Worst President of all time:

  • Total voters
You need to list them all for an accurate poll.

As you can see, half the thread is calling for Lincoln and FDR to be added, even though rendering judgement on them is virtually impossible due to the circumstances of their times. I think the list is appropriate.
They created the circumstances of their times....That's why they suck.
I'm not surprised that Obama and Wilson are the two top vote getters. Both were supremely confident jackasses who thought they knew everything from their ivory towers.

I voted for Wilson because he set the stage for WW2 by entering WW1 on a pretext so that he could promote his feckless 14 Point Plan, which Great Britain and France ignored while punishing Germany with the Versailles Treaty.

Similarly, Obama was setting the stage for a nuclear Iran. Fortunately, most of his foreign policy blunders have been reversed by his successor.

Special mention to LBJ, who squandered 50,000 American lives while he played with toy soldiers at home.
You need to list them all for an accurate poll.

As you can see, half the thread is calling for Lincoln and FDR to be added, even though rendering judgement on them is virtually impossible due to the circumstances of their times. I think the list is appropriate.
They created the circumstances of their times....That's why they suck.
Pierce created Lincoln's circumstances.

Wilson created FDR's circumstances, Wilson also presided over the 16th and 17th Amendments, giving the federal government the power to enact FDR's New Deal. Everything people blame FDR for was made possible by Wilson.
You need to list them all for an accurate poll.

As you can see, half the thread is calling for Lincoln and FDR to be added, even though rendering judgement on them is virtually impossible due to the circumstances of their times. I think the list is appropriate.
They created the circumstances of their times....That's why they suck.
Pierce created Lincoln's circumstances.

Wilson created FDR's circumstances, Wilson also presided over the 16th and 17th Amendments, giving the federal government the power to enact FDR's New Deal. Everything people blame FDR for was made possible by Wilson.
Lincoln didn't have to act.

FDR made the depression last at least five years longer than it had to...And he wanted the U.S. involved in the war to distract from his economic incompetence.
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You need to list them all for an accurate poll.

As you can see, half the thread is calling for Lincoln and FDR to be added, even though rendering judgement on them is virtually impossible due to the circumstances of their times. I think the list is appropriate.
They created the circumstances of their times....That's why they suck.
Pierce created Lincoln's circumstances.

Wilson created FDR's circumstances, Wilson also presided over the 16th and 17th Amendments, giving the federal government the power to enact FDR's New Deal. Everything people blame FDR for was made possible by Wilson.
Lincoln didn't have to act.

FDR made the depression last at least five years longer than it had to...And he wanted the U.S. involved in the war to distract from his economic incompetence.

If Lincoln didn't act the United States wouldn't be here. It would be five or six distinct confederations by now, and at the very least two (North and South).

The Great Depression was intentionally caused and maintained by the Federal Reserve, also created under Wilson.
You need to list them all for an accurate poll.

As you can see, half the thread is calling for Lincoln and FDR to be added, even though rendering judgement on them is virtually impossible due to the circumstances of their times. I think the list is appropriate.
They created the circumstances of their times....That's why they suck.
Pierce created Lincoln's circumstances.

Wilson created FDR's circumstances, Wilson also presided over the 16th and 17th Amendments, giving the federal government the power to enact FDR's New Deal. Everything people blame FDR for was made possible by Wilson.
Lincoln didn't have to act.

FDR made the depression last at least five years longer than it had to...And he wanted the U.S. involved in the war to distract from his economic incompetence.

What do you mean "Lincoln didn't have to act". Under Buchanan the US had already called the states seceding an illegal rebellion (though he stopped short of his constitutional duty to put it down, letting that fall on Lincoln). Sure Lincoln I guess could have ripped up the Constitution which called for him to act, but outside of that he was already in a fight where hundreds of federal forts, ships, ports, banks, weapons caches, mints, and depositories had been overrun.

FDR actually pushed neutrality even though allies of the US were fighting. Took an attack against the US to get us into war. FDR faces the 2nd biggest internal crisis and the biggest external crisis in US history and the US came out as a superpower with a dominating economy. GDP growth was -13% the year before he took office and +11% his 2nd year in office and 13% his 4th year. Those marked the two highest peacetime GDP growths in us history. Only 3 other years the GDP grew faster (all under FDR), next highest peacetime GDP growth? FDR in his 3rd year as president... All with 3% or less inflation. lso had the largest peacetime decrease in unemployment in his first term (2nd biggest drop in recorded us history over a term... only behind FDR in his 3rd term).

And honestly if you are upset he wanted to stop the Nazis from overrunning Europe... Well, I guess they sure didn't like that about him.

It's interesting that some people think the worst two presidents just happen to be the two which ended slavery and the Holocaust. Hmmm...
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Where's Jimmy Carter? Any list of failed Presidents has to include him.
Jimmy Carter is another no-name that wont be remember 100 years from now.

I guess to me while that puts him lower on the list, it's better to be not memorable than remembered for being a bad president.

For me it's someone between Buchanan, Johnson, Harding, Fillmore and Pierce. Not sure on all of them, but some were so bad they didn't run or get their party's nomination for a 2nd term.
Where's Jimmy Carter? Any list of failed Presidents has to include him.
Jimmy Carter is another no-name that wont be remember 100 years from now.

I guess to me while that puts him lower on the list, it's better to be not memorable than remembered for being a bad president.

For me it's someone between Buchanan, Johnson, Harding, Fillmore and Pierce. Not sure on all of them, but some were so bad they didn't run or get their party's nomination for a 2nd term.

Harding would have had a hard time securing the nomination after he died of a heart attack.
The post belongs in the history forum but here goes: the worst president in history was the guy who let the freaking Union fall apart under his watch. That's right, Old Honest Abe. Generations of "historians" credit Lincoln for preserving the Union but the Union fell apart under his watch. Lincoln is credited with being the "great emancipator" among other preposterous things ordinary Americans would have laughed at during the time. The best you can say for the president was that Lincoln may have had bad advice from stupid sycophantic sources at the time. Instead of trying to preserve what was left of the political mess he created, he doubled down and challenged the nut cases who advocated secession while believing that any conflict would last for a single summer of polite military engagement instead of four years of carnage.. Lincoln should have lied and cajoled and offered to kiss every Southern asshole on the White House lawn if that's what it took to avoid bloodshed but it seems that he invited it. The Civil War was Lincoln's fault and if he hadn't been assassinated he would have gone down as the worst president in history but the media writes the history books and everything we have learned in two hundred years is clouded by skewed opinions by fawning idiots in the media at the time.
It's interesting that some people think the worst two presidents just happen to be the two which ended slavery and the Holocaust. Hmmm...

To me it transcends even that.

Shit was so crazy in both of those eras that I do not believe anyone can pass judgement. There's no way of being "sure" that things would have turned out better in the long run for the United States had Lincoln and FDR not done what they did.

Whereas the other Presidents on the list we can be quite certain of how things would have turned out better had they not done what they did.
If Franklin Delano Roosevelt was offered as a choice, that's who I would have indicated.

He did more than any other President to undermine this nation's Constitution, and to set the stage for further violations. Clinton or Obama may have done more direct damage, but it was FDR that established the precedents that made it possible.

If you do not mind me asking, what damage did Bill Clinton do?
Nothing good... that’s the point

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