Worst way to die???

Saw this one in a movie.

Man's head was fitted with a large cage. 4 starving large rats were put in with him. They ate away like mad men.
I have to say being burned to death scares the hell out of me the most

Being roasted in flames I can’t even imagine
Burned alive is to my mind the worst. We all know how excruciating it feels when you burn yourself say with a match for a fraction of a second, and its hard to imagine how not being able to pull your hand away and every part of your body experiencing that same torment would be.

It was the standard execution for heresy throughout Europe during the middle ages.
Joan of Ark was placed about fifteen feet above the ground as they wanted the huge crowd to be able to get a good view. We know that the hottest part is not the flame itself but the invisible part directly above the flame. Just imaging what she must have felt as that degree of heat reached the grate she was perched on, and that chained to it she couldn't pull away. Did she still think God had sent her?
It makes me wonder why executions had to be so cruel. Hung. Drawn & Quartered for example - what tortured and demented mind/s thought that up?

Of course, the Roman Catholic Church always insisted that they never executed anybody.
This is true but they did know their findings would result in that person being either executed or not. Very good then for such a huge institution to admit they got it all wrong with Joan back in the 15th century, and now in the 20th century it was found that she was not only not guilty of 'Heresy', but was in fact a saint which not even she claimed she would be.
Saw this one in a movie.

Man's head was fitted with a large cage. 4 starving large rats were put in with him. They ate away like mad men.
Yea that doesn't really count as I assume the man would have been dead by the time they fitted the large cage?
Ok, it just twigged - so they fitted the cage around his head - not in it?
Well it is 2.30pm in the morning here!
I have to say being burned to death scares the hell out of me the most

Being roasted in flames I can’t even imagine
Burned alive is to my mind the worst. We all know how excruciating it feels when you burn yourself say with a match for a fraction of a second, and its hard to imagine how not being able to pull your hand away and every part of your body experiencing that same torment would be.

It was the standard execution for heresy throughout Europe during the middle ages.
Joan of Ark was placed about fifteen feet above the ground as they wanted the huge crowd to be able to get a good view. We know that the hottest part is not the flame itself but the invisible part directly above the flame. Just imaging what she must have felt as that degree of heat reached the grate she was perched on, and that chained to it she couldn't pull away. Did she still think God had sent her?
It makes me wonder why executions had to be so cruel. Hung. Drawn & Quartered for example - what tortured and demented mind/s thought that up?

Of course, the Roman Catholic Church always insisted that they never executed anybody.
This is true but they did know their findings would result in that person being either executed or not. Very good then for such a huge institution to admit they got it all wrong with Joan back in the 15th century, and now in the 20th century it was found that she was not only not guilty of 'Heresy', but was in fact a saint which not even she claimed she would be.
You would die much quicker if the flames into your mouth or by asphyxiation
I have to say being burned to death scares the hell out of me the most

Being roasted in flames I can’t even imagine
Being a liberal and doing shit with my life except whining, bitching, and bothering everyone. What a horrific way to die.
Lol, hillarious! I never hear liberals crying in their beer "What happened to my country." I hear it from today's so called Conservatives. You fucks have become as irritating as the man hating lesbians of the 80's. Nothing but fear hate and tears out of the lot of ya.
Hilarious it is. I lived my best years when people never woke up wondering if they were male, female, or it.

A world where my mom is forced to shower with a short hairy backed man named Gertrude.

A world where my sister could lose a track meet to a girl whose balls are dragging to the finish line

LOLOL....................I laugh at you fukterds constantly bitch boy.
Lol yep what I hear is more complaints. This could happen, that could happen. Bla, bla bla. My best days are behind me bla,bla,bla. My nephew could decide to become a tyranny bla, bla, bla. I listen to fear and hate propaganda all day long and feel like shit bla, bla , bla. So did your sister lose a track meet to a guy? Probably not but you will cry like it did. Yall sit around and wonder what the worst way to die is and feel sorry for yourself bla,bla,bla. Mean while I walk through life kicking g the cobble stones and feeling groovy with a smile on my face. I fish, I hunt, I drink , I gamble, I ride my motorcycle, check out hot women, hang with friends, golf, camp travel. All while going through a bloody fucking divorce where I lost most my money, my kids are pissed off at me, that peice of trash soon to be ex trying to cause issues, telling lies and many other shity things going on but it stops me from doing nothing. I am weeks away from freedom. I will make the money again,the kids will get the fuck over it sooner or later and I am having a ball . Fuck the pissed off sad people they stop me from doing nothing. You cry in your beer I just walk away and find someone with a smile on their face.
I am going a major PT on my back
I am just not you !
I only find sadness
That's because it is what you look for. Why choose to be miserable? I do not understand. I can not walk between the rain drops but I can choose to embrace them. Believe and achieve! I have beaten impossible odds over and over with half the fucking world against me. I expect success and get it. Fuck the world it can not stop you if you decide to do what it takes. Risk your life and come out on top it is a fucking buzz and a half. Be the hand up Monalisa skirt. Every one thought I was down for the count after my wife did some crazy shit made crazy accusations. I came out unscathed stronger than before. Strength is a state of mind. You can be like me all ya have to do is decide.
I am weak !!
You lost all your $$$$
Fuck that money. I will make it again. I already have a half share in a fishing charters business and my divorce is not over. I have it in some one else's name. 6 months from now I will convert it over to my name. That bitch can't stop me. All she can do is point fingers. I am the man that can period. I find loyal people with things going g for them and give them absolute loyalty. They take care of me in times of need and I return the favor. My life style did not change for the worse after being kicked out my house it got better. I lived in friends properties used friends boats and planes. Learned a new profession. Worked for the best in that field. Ate the hours learned everything there was to know. Freinds came out the wood work willing to invest in me. By November my business on the lake will be set up and rolling. Next I will go south learn deep sea fishing . 2 more years I will have at least three boats running blue fin charters be able to travel between the businesses and right off every penny. Believe and achieve!
I am a Trump guy and all Jews are whiny as F—
I can’t help it
I have to say being burned to death scares the hell out of me the most

Being roasted in flames I can’t even imagine
Being a liberal and doing shit with my life except whining, bitching, and bothering everyone. What a horrific way to die.
Lol, hillarious! I never hear liberals crying in their beer "What happened to my country." I hear it from today's so called Conservatives. You fucks have become as irritating as the man hating lesbians of the 80's. Nothing but fear hate and tears out of the lot of ya.
Hilarious it is. I lived my best years when people never woke up wondering if they were male, female, or it.

A world where my mom is forced to shower with a short hairy backed man named Gertrude.

A world where my sister could lose a track meet to a girl whose balls are dragging to the finish line

LOLOL....................I laugh at you fukterds constantly bitch boy.
Lol yep what I hear is more complaints. This could happen, that could happen. Bla, bla bla. My best days are behind me bla,bla,bla. My nephew could decide to become a tyranny bla, bla, bla. I listen to fear and hate propaganda all day long and feel like shit bla, bla , bla. So did your sister lose a track meet to a guy? Probably not but you will cry like it did. Yall sit around and wonder what the worst way to die is and feel sorry for yourself bla,bla,bla. Mean while I walk through life kicking g the cobble stones and feeling groovy with a smile on my face. I fish, I hunt, I drink , I gamble, I ride my motorcycle, check out hot women, hang with friends, golf, camp travel. All while going through a bloody fucking divorce where I lost most my money, my kids are pissed off at me, that peice of trash soon to be ex trying to cause issues, telling lies and many other shity things going on but it stops me from doing nothing. I am weeks away from freedom. I will make the money again,the kids will get the fuck over it sooner or later and I am having a ball . Fuck the pissed off sad people they stop me from doing nothing. You cry in your beer I just walk away and find someone with a smile on their face.
I am going a major PT on my back
I am just not you !
I only find sadness
That's because it is what you look for. Why choose to be miserable? I do not understand. I can not walk between the rain drops but I can choose to embrace them. Believe and achieve! I have beaten impossible odds over and over with half the fucking world against me. I expect success and get it. Fuck the world it can not stop you if you decide to do what it takes. Risk your life and come out on top it is a fucking buzz and a half. Be the hand up Monalisa skirt. Every one thought I was down for the count after my wife did some crazy shit made crazy accusations. I came out unscathed stronger than before. Strength is a state of mind. You can be like me all ya have to do is decide.
I am weak !!
You lost all your $$$$
Fuck that money. I will make it again. I already have a half share in a fishing charters business and my divorce is not over. I have it in some one else's name. 6 months from now I will convert it over to my name. That bitch can't stop me. All she can do is point fingers. I am the man that can period. I find loyal people with things going g for them and give them absolute loyalty. They take care of me in times of need and I return the favor. My life style did not change for the worse after being kicked out my house it got better. I lived in friends properties used friends boats and planes. Learned a new profession. Worked for the best in that field. Ate the hours learned everything there was to know. Freinds came out the wood work willing to invest in me. By November my business on the lake will be set up and rolling. Next I will go south learn deep sea fishing . 2 more years I will have at least three boats running blue fin charters be able to travel between the businesses and right off every penny. Believe and achieve!
Dude you're fucked she will haunt you forever
Saw this one in a movie.

Man's head was fitted with a large cage. 4 starving large rats were put in with him. They ate away like mad men.
Yea that doesn't really count as I assume the man would have been dead by the time they fitted the large cage?
I kind of prefer the gas chamber
Some Z B seemed to work
Quasar that is a complete no-no.
Try to envisage standing naked squashed in with thousands of others into a room with a low ceiling. Already finding it difficult to breathe so hot and humid water is running down the walls. The overpowering smell of unwashed folk who have spent over a week in a boxcar. The thirst for water is the only thing you want and you can't wait for the accursed showers to come on and quench yours, your mother, father, wife, and children's thirst. who are all huddled together with you. Off go the lights. You see a flicker of light coming through a small opening as something appears to be poured in, then darkness, and you then realise as the gas reaches you what is really happening. I'll leave the next 15 - 30 odd minutes to your own imagination.
I don't know why you think the Z B ref, would only offend Jews and why it seems a big thing with you to offend other Jews? - Still don't understand!

I don't know why you would even think that that is an easier way to die?
Less physically painful perhaps than burning but at least with that you wouldn't expect to see your entire family, friends, and neighbours burn with you.

I can understand that you get a buzz from seeing how much you can wind people up and are curious to get their reaction, but remember eventually curiosity killed the cat!
Saw this one in a movie.

Man's head was fitted with a large cage. 4 starving large rats were put in with him. They ate away like mad men.
Yea that doesn't really count as I assume the man would have been dead by the time they fitted the large cage?
I kind of prefer the gas chamber
Some Z B seemed to work
Quasar that is a complete no-no.
Try to envisage standing naked squashed in with thousands of others into a room with a low ceiling. Already finding it difficult to breathe so hot and humid water is running down the walls. The overpowering smell of unwashed folk who have spent over a week in a boxcar. The thirst for water is the only thing you want and you can't wait for the accursed showers to come on and quench yours, your mother, father, wife, and children's thirst. who are all huddled together with you. Off go the lights. You see a flicker of light coming through a small opening as something appears to be poured in, then darkness, and you then realise as the gas reaches you what is really happening. I'll leave the next 15 - 30 odd minutes to your own imagination.
I don't know why you think the Z B ref, would only offend Jews and why it seems a big thing with you to offend other Jews? - Still don't understand!

I don't know why you would even think that that is an easier way to die?
Less physically painful perhaps than burning but at least with that you wouldn't expect to see your entire family, friends, and neighbours burn with you.

I can understand that you get a buzz from seeing how much you can wind people up and are curious to get their reaction, but remember eventually curiosity killed the cat!
I mean it would be an easy way to die alone !!
I never meant with hundreds of other naked Jews
I have to say being burned to death scares the hell out of me the most

Being roasted in flames I can’t even imagine
Being a liberal and doing shit with my life except whining, bitching, and bothering everyone. What a horrific way to die.

yet your reply was doing exactly that.

lol ... typical.
Alright I'll be serial.

Worst way to die is to wake up to an alarm clock every fucking day and have to work for someone who has their thumb up my ass rotating it until I want to murder them. Then dealing with obnoxious coworkers making me twice as miserable for 50 yrs. On the last day of slavery as I clock out, I drop dead in front of my bosses feet.
Maybe you should consider a career change?
I have to say being burned to death scares the hell out of me the most

Being roasted in flames I can’t even imagine
Being a liberal and doing shit with my life except whining, bitching, and bothering everyone. What a horrific way to die.
Lol, hillarious! I never hear liberals crying in their beer "What happened to my country." I hear it from today's so called Conservatives. You fucks have become as irritating as the man hating lesbians of the 80's. Nothing but fear hate and tears out of the lot of ya.
Hilarious it is. I lived my best years when people never woke up wondering if they were male, female, or it.

A world where my mom is forced to shower with a short hairy backed man named Gertrude.

A world where my sister could lose a track meet to a girl whose balls are dragging to the finish line

LOLOL....................I laugh at you fukterds constantly bitch boy.
More whining and bitching...
Saw this one in a movie.

Man's head was fitted with a large cage. 4 starving large rats were put in with him. They ate away like mad men.
Yea that doesn't really count as I assume the man would have been dead by the time they fitted the large cage?
I kind of prefer the gas chamber
Some Z B seemed to work
Quasar that is a complete no-no.
Try to envisage standing naked squashed in with thousands of others into a room with a low ceiling. Already finding it difficult to breathe so hot and humid water is running down the walls. The overpowering smell of unwashed folk who have spent over a week in a boxcar. The thirst for water is the only thing you want and you can't wait for the accursed showers to come on and quench yours, your mother, father, wife, and children's thirst. who are all huddled together with you. Off go the lights. You see a flicker of light coming through a small opening as something appears to be poured in, then darkness, and you then realise as the gas reaches you what is really happening. I'll leave the next 15 - 30 odd minutes to your own imagination.
I don't know why you think the Z B ref, would only offend Jews and why it seems a big thing with you to offend other Jews? - Still don't understand!

I don't know why you would even think that that is an easier way to die?
Less physically painful perhaps than burning but at least with that you wouldn't expect to see your entire family, friends, and neighbours burn with you.

I can understand that you get a buzz from seeing how much you can wind people up and are curious to get their reaction, but remember eventually curiosity killed the cat!
I mean it would be an easy way to die alone !!
I never meant with hundreds of other naked Jews
Yes you mentioned 'Gas' before and I didn't know to what you were referring but knowing you had a distinct feeling it may be associated with the mass killing of Jews who you make no pretense about disliking. No, he wouldn't have meant what I think he means?

Z B. Zyklon b. a pesticide was of course only ever used to murder Jews in Auschwitz in huge gas chambers that housed up to 4000 Jews Gypsies Gays etc. Even Death camps at Treblinka and Sobibor didn't use the expensive pesticide.
It was never used to kill individuals.


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